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A very powerful episode today. I loved the scenes between Charlie and Ruby. Incidentally, some people have been wondering why Grant has needed to rape women when he is so goodlooking and can be so charming. I would suggest that it is because he enjoys it - he likes the power of having a woman helpless and enjoys making them cry, as he admitted at the end. He does also have relationships where he uses his charm, such as the one with his wife. In any case hopefully he's now out of Ruby and Charlie's life. I'm only sorry they couldn't do it in a way that woul se him go to jail for a very long time so he can't attack any other women.

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Oh yes, fulfilling my function as pedantic so-and-so, I forgot to point out that Bernard Curry mispronounced fracas(it should be "frak-ah", not "frak-ass").

I disagree there! Why do you think it should be frak-ah?

I agree with Red Ranger. There is a difference between US and UK pronunciation of fracas. Certainly UK pronunciation should be "frak-ah". I'm not sure about Australian pronunciation, but you seem to be based in the UK so surely you would expect to hear "frak-ah".

I'm sure I've never heard it pronounced "frak-ah" although using one of those weird IPA pronunciation charts you appear to be right. Americanisation (notice the s and not the z there) I guess!

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A very powerful episode today. I loved the scenes between Charlie and Ruby. Incidentally, some people have been wondering why Grant has needed to rape women when he is so goodlooking and can be so charming. I would suggest that it is because he enjoys it - he likes the power of having a woman helpless and enjoys making them cry, as he admitted at the end.

Possibly also because using your charm and looks takes time and effort to get your woman (in most cases), whereas his disgusting way is quick.

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Not sure what to make of that.My sole comfort is from the fact that Charlie didn't go particularly far with the so-called torture, it basically amounted to tying him up and throwing some water in his face. She did seem to be enjoying it a bit too much and I'm really not comfortable with the implication that Grant got what he deserved.While he's undoubtedly a thoroughly repugnant individual, Charlie's actions don't really show her up as particularly stable, however well-intentioned, even though she was only doing it to protect Ruby.In the end, she got what she wanted and Ruby now knows what a dangerous man Grant is but he's still gone unpunished by legal methods and is free(and indeed likely) to re-offend.Plus side, it seems to have brought Charlie and Ruby to a new understanding. Hoping Ruby's move home is permanent even though it sounds as though it won't be.Morag was perhaps a bit too brusque in her scene with Ruby although it was nice that she pulled back when she realised she was about to criticise Ruby for not wanting to be a product of rape.How did Ruby know where Charlie was?From the outside it looked like that place where Jane hid Harry but I'm not sure whether it was meant to be or not.Slight point of continuity:In the past we've been told Charlie was fourteen when she had Ruby.Here she says that when Grant raped her they were both fifteen.

Nice that they're not trying to pretend Geoff and Aden are best mates, loved Geoff's comment about Aden always being angry.And Annie steps up and kicks bottom, telling Aden a few home truths.Geoff is perhaps a bit more sympathetic towards Aden by the end though, after finding out that he's still into breaking and entering.Nice touch that Irene already knew what Aden was up to but was letting him keep his dignity.

After my mini-fracas over fracas, I've doublechecked my dictionary which usually gives alternate colonial pronunciations and it's just got the one.I've got to say I've never heard it pronounced like that before.

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I think its pronounced 'frakah', that's how I've always said it as my Dad was French and told me it is a French word, hence why the last 's' is silent, [or could be Italian in which case I don't know]. On the online dictionary, Americans pronounce it 'fray kus'. Just one of those words no one knows how to pronounce I suppose, like genre and homage.

Yes, that was a powerful episode yesterday. I KNEW Grant was a maniac! No doubt he'll be back to stalk everyone in Summer Bay in the future.... I don't think Charlie went far enough with him. If it was me, I'd have tasered him somewhere nasty and left him to wake up alone in the middle of nowhere :angry: :whistle:

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Amazing episode! I think Charlie knew all along that the confession she wanted from Grant would be unadmissbale in court, she just wanted to hear it for herself. She did appear to enjoy taunting him just as I imagine he taunted her all those years ago. Loved the slap Ruby gave him, well deserved! Glad she finally has all doubts removed. Not sure that we have in fact seen the last of him. He could try blackmail though it would hard to prove as it would be his word against Charlie's and Ruby's. It would be against his macho thinking to admit being kidnapped by a woman. Although it was astute of Ruby to work out what Charlie had done to Grant, it did raise two questions, (1) how did she know where they would be and (2) how did she get there? :unsure: I spotted that continuity slip as well Red, so far Charlie was 14 and Grant 15 when the rape happened. So Angelo did notice the taser was gone but asumed it was the other officer that took it. Slight problem concerning Charlie saying to Ruby that what had happened was between the two of them, Charlie doesn't know that Ruby asked the cop to pass on a message for Angelo to ring her, how she will get out of that one? With Charlie's rape now in the open it explains why she was so understanding when Joey was so reluctant to admit she had been raped.

As for what the woman said (the other one wouldn't say anything and walked off) as I mentioned in a previous post Charlie actually mentioned the word rape and the other woman just agreed.

What Annie said to Aden certainly did seem to make him think about what he is doing (or rather not doing). I think her remark about Belle not wanting him to waste his life hit home.

If I may add my voice to the fracas debate, I have always pronounced it frakah, as Miranda said it is a French word and like a lot of French words the s is silent. Americans do sometimes pronounce words differently and I suppose so do Aussies.

Not sure if this will solve the matter -

Main Entry: fra·cas

Pronunciation: \ˈfrā-kəs, ˈfra-, British ˈfra-ˌkä\

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural fra·cas·es \-kə-səz\ or British frac·as \-ˌkäz\

Etymology: French, din, row, from Italian fracasso, from fracassare to shatter

Date: 1716

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Charlie was in the wrong yes Grant wa in the wrong for doing what he did but she is a serving police officer and she should have taken him in to custody or gone to one of her Superieors and told them about what had happened and let them deal with it if we went round Tazaring every one who had done wrong to us we would soon be up in court.

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Quite funny about Geoff and Aden on the trawler, and definitely an episode for people who like homoeroticism, or whatever a good name for it is :whistle:. I think I'd have punched Geoff too, he was being SO annoying. Why didn't he just let Aden get on with mending the engine and stop fussing? When Aden said he was a skirt and not up to it, I chuckled for ages afterwards- that just sums Geoff up :lol: And Geoff had his shirt off AGAIN. I'm going to start an episode count for when he wears a shirt- it might be quicker.

Not sure what I think of Romeo. Yet another Noah/ Kim type, I presume the producers thought there was a lack in that department! Couldn't stand the cheesiness of him. What on earth is Jai going to say when he finds out his brother is chatting up Annie?

Felt sorry for Tony for once. I think he is suffering from 'spare part syndrome' :lol: i.e. when a baby is tiny, the father doesn't want to step on the fussy new mother's toes and is also a bit nervous of playing with such a tiny delicate baby. When baby Harry gets older and is up to being thrown around and wrestling, I bet Tony will feel much less superfluous. If of course he and Rachel are still together....!

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I spent quite a bit of that episode really disliking Aden at first. It was just his general attitude and the way he taunted Geoff that reminded me of how he behaved towards him in the past. When they came to blows I was hoping that Geoff would knock the stuffing out of him and when toppled Aden into the water, realised he wasn’t breathing and brought him back into the boat part of me didn’t want Geoff to resuscitate him. Anyway afterwards Aden seemed a lot better towards him and I quite liked the dialogue the between them. I loved the subtle references when they were back at Irene’s such as him looking pale, Annie saying they were going to kill each other and Aden’s “kissed and made up” line. When Irene invited him to stay the night I thought he was going to go into defensive mode but I’m glad he followed Geoff’s acknowledgment. I think it will be quite interesting to see how they work together now.

Not sure what to make of this Romeo dude either. First impressions are yet another person who looks good with his top off. Thought he was quite full of himself but I did like the way he tried to charm Martha and I really liked the way she seemed to quite enjoy the attention or at least see the funny side of it. Not sure what to make with the flirting with Annie and the claim that he’s Jai’s brother. I’ll reserve judgment for now.

Today reiterates how Rachel really doesn’t want to be around Tony at the moment. I felt sorry for him because yet again he tried to make an effort to please her but to no avail. Honestly, what is he supposed to do? I’m glad they showed Sophia again. Can’t stress how cute she is. I found it so funny where Rachel described a little girl who has temper tantrums but she has yet to utter a single word. I also noticed a smile on her face. Not really characteristic of a child behaving like that. It reminded me of when Ollie hurt his arm and had to go to hospital and I think it was in a sling and he had a smile on his face. Not really a child that is supposed to be in pain.

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After a string of dramatic episodes, it was great to have one that was more light-hearted.On first impressions...I really love Romeo!He seems like a fun and sparky character, confident perhaps rather than cocky, and I loved the way he played off all the characters, chatting up Martha yet still being able to laugh at himself, ribbing Colleen and Annie...oh boy, I loved those scenes, the way she stumbled when she saw him(twice!)and looked behind her to check he wasn't looking at someone else.I'm surprised to say as a massive Jannie fan that I would actually love to see something happen between these two.They've certainly got better chemistry than her and Dexter.(Although...how old's he meant to be?)Liam's return basically amounted to a cameo but he seemed more together.

Aden and Geoff have probably been wanting to do that for a while, they really know how to push each other's buttons and these days Geoff isn't going to take it lying down if Aden has a go.While Geoff's comments to him perhaps seemed harsh, I think someone refusing to treat him with kid gloves and telling him a few home truths was just what he needed.Aden might act as though Belle being his wife somehow makes his grief special but as Geoff points out other people were close to her for a lot longer than him and don't feel the need to wallow in self-indulgent self-pity.Ironic that Aden thanked Geoff for pulling him out of the water when he was the one that pushed him in in the first place.Nice touch that Aden acknowledged that everyone knew he'd been hanging out in Belle's old room when Irene invited him to stay at the end.

Rachel really does seem to be shutting Tony out completely and while he's showing an incredible amount of patience he's obviously hurt by it.Maybe Rachel was beginning to realise how she's been behaving at the end, when she saw the table set for dinner and saw Tony's message.

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