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I think Rachel is wrong with what shes doing to Tony he is the Father after all but by keeping him at arms length all the while thinking she nows best and now with helping Andy as well she seems to be rubbing his nose in it I hope that at the end of the ep she realised whast shes doing especially when the phone rung and it was Tony on the answer machine telling her he was at the surf club

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Romeo seems to be living up to his name (if that really is his name). Is that his natural attitude or a cover up for being a lot less confident? Wondered who that was who dropped him off, how did he get involved? Was it just me or did any one else notice that when he was in the diner and he ordered the coffee and Colleen came out he called her by her first name and as far as I know noone had mentioned it? :unsure: I didn't know Annie had seen Romeo on the beach the first time. As for being Jai's brother I'm pretty sure that should have inverted commas.

The Geoff and Aden scenes were great, it was the old story though of two guys who normally don't like each other that much have a fight then become buddies. Yes I did notice Geoff had his shirt off again, perhaps it is written into his contract Miranda! :wink: Aden probably thought taking Geoff on would be a push over, but Geoff is no weed. Aden did seemd surprised when he realised Geoff and Irene knew he was sleeping in Belle's room. Im guessing he is still at Roman's (well Nicole's now), and that Morag doesn't know he doesn't sleep there.

Poor Tony he certainly isn't getting a look in with looking after Harry is he? Rachel did look guilty when she came home and saw the way he had laid the table out for their aborted dinner, hopefully she will let him in more (but I'm not holding my breath) this is soapland after all.

No Charlie and Ruby last night so will we know if Angelo followed up on Ruby's request to phone her?

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Does that mean we’ll be graced with the classic one-liners Ryan?

Ok still not sure what to make of Romeo but I do like his interaction with other characters. Really enjoyed the stuff with Jai, it reminded me of the Jai/Axel partnership where it actually felt we got to see more of the real Jai. I do like Xavier and Jai but already the stuff with Romeo was better. Liked Miles’s comment about Romeo saving dinner so that entitled him to join them and the “Axe murderer” remark when Kirsty was reluctant about him then Romeo worked the charm on her and she sort of changed her mind. There was only a brief moment with Nicole but I look forward to seeing how he is around her.

If Romeo’s any kind of mate or “brother” then he won’t pursue Annie. I know she doesn’t want to get back with Jai but it’s not as if Romeo has a problem getting girls or at least that’s the impression he gives. I really think Jai would be devastated if Romeo tried it on with her. I wonder how long it’s going to take Jai to figure out Annie was the girl Romeo said was “special”. Although I did like the line about Jai admiring girls from a distance which is what I guess he’s doing now.

For some reason Rachel didn’t annoy me as much and once again we saw the two sides. The one with Tony where she was seemed to be getting agitated quite easily and for no good reason IMO. I found the remark about things not being the same when having a baby extremely patronising. Tony’s raised two kids of his own hasn’t he? But then again she went out of her way to help Andy and could really empathise with his situation. I thought it was good job when Leah dropped the plates of food and she realised that because there was no reaction from Sophia whatsoever there was possibility she could be deaf. I don’t think Andy should be too dependent on her because Rachel’s not going to be around forever. I’m glad she apologised to Tony afterwards because I’m not sure what else they can do with this storyline.

I knew when Annie mentioned to Irene she was going to talk to Sid about Dexter she was going to find Nicole there. I wonder if from her vantage point whether when Sid said he was going to get Nicole a towel she couldn’t see her any visible clothing (i.e. a swimsuit) so she put two and two together and came up with five and thought she was naked and hence something must have been going on.

Kirsty was back in my good books after the way she handled the Trey/John Palmer thing but I didn’t really like the way she came across, although I accept she’s in an extremely difficult situation. She’s pregnant, doesn’t want the baby, under pressure from Miles to break the good news to people, having to cope with Uni, has desires to become a teacher and now someone else is moving in which will only intensify things overall.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.Someone went crazy and gave Irene and Annie four, while Liam is listed as main cast for the first time, alongside Romeo, but still only got one episode.(By the way, for anyone who doesn't have a magnifying glass, the end credits are giving Romeo's real name as Todd Smith.)

I hope that after everything that happened there Tony and Rachel are on the same page.Tony's been very patient so far but I could understand him being hurt that Rachel would let Andy look after Harry and not him, you could see it on his face when he saw them together.Unfortunately he didn't seem to express himself very well when he confronted her but I was glad that he put his foot down and insisted on spending time with Harry.I also think that Andy was becoming a bit too dependent on Rachel as she seemed to realise.Not sure what to make of Rachel's expression when she let Tony go to Harry at the end:Was that just exhaustion or was she finding it hard to let him do it?

Again, the scenes seemed to have been edited together rather randomly in the middle.There was a very jarring cut from Jai, Romeo and Annie at the Diner to Rachel, Andy and Sophia at the Diner(when they didn't seem to be there a moment previous)and Miles suddenly appeared at the Diner for one two second shot when the scenes either side suggested he was at the caravan park fixing a pipe at the time.I'm guessing Romeo's meant to be about eighteen from what they've said.Liked the interaction between him and Jai and loved the way he charmed Kirsty moments after she was objecting to him being there.The caravan park house is looking quite full again.I suspect he's going to keep his word and help Jai win Annie over but I also suspect they're going to have a hard time keeping away from each other:there's a definite spark between them and I suspect it was him and not Dexter that Annie was thinking about when Irene caught her daydreaming.

Sid's still trying to do the right thing with Nicole, not giving her any encouragement and he did seem about to tell Miles at one point.So, we get the follow-up to Annie seeing them together on Tuesday;it didn't really look that incriminating but I suppose her being there at all is going to invite questions.(Got to say Annie's excuse for being there was a bit flimsy:Doesn't she know Sid didn't want Dexter to leave?)Also have to say that Nicole's swimsuit was a bit strange:We've seen her in far more revealing outfits than that and she wasn't even trying to entice anyone at the time.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.(By the way, for anyone who doesn't have a magnifying glass, the end credits are giving Romeo's real name as Todd Smith.)

I noticed that (see you have got me at it now)!! Thanks for the nod as to Romeo's real name (at least we know why he is called Romeo). I agree with you Red it was more than likely she was thinking of Romeo rather than Dexter (now who's being flighty)! :blush: Nice that he (Romeo) kept quite when he saw Jai's Annie was the girl he fancied and very unAnnie like to keep it quite that she already knew Romeo. :wink:

If I had been Tony and saw Andy holding Harry I would have been real pissed off after all the times he has tried to help Rachel and she has refused to let him hold him. Maybe he could have been more reasonable when she came home, but he has tried that and it hasn't worked. As Slade said of course he knows how hard it it for a first time mum - he has been a first time dad after all. Glad he put his foot down and said she could off to see Andy again(!) but to leave Harry with him. Although it is good that Rachel had realised why Spohia has been playing up I did wonder why it was never picked up before, she is two and you would have thought maybe her parents would have spotted it before. Also do they not have health checks in Austraila like they do here?

I think Sid was going to tell Miles about what Nic has been up to but then of course Miles got called away, so somehow what Annie saw is going to find its way back to Miles who of course is going to jump to the wrong conclusion so Sid will then have a hard time trying to convince Miles that is what he was going to tell him.

The Grant saga finally comes to a grisly end next week, though of course the aftermath will rumble on for a while.

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Another episode where I found it very hard to like a lot of the characters.Last week Ruby seemed to finally be sympathetic towards Charlie and protective of her but here she was back to annoying me for most of the episode.What exactly does she want to happen?She knows if they tell anyone what happened Charlie will be in trouble so why is she keen for them to do just that?She seems to have gone from wanting revenge on Grant to wanting to believe he's innocent to wanting revenge again and it seemed like once again she was making it all about her and not caring how Charlie felt, while Charlie seemed to be trying to make things right for her.What possible good could come of telling Ross what happened?He believed Charlie all along so he doesn't need to know that Grant confessed, knowing that Charlie and Ruby got involved with him again would only upset him.Thank goodness Morag stopped her.And then she goes and accuses Charlie of knowing she would when Charlie told her not to tell Morag in the first place!I really thought she'd got past doing stupid things to make herself feel better, that's how all this started.And I hate that she went running back to Irene's.If they really are moving her in there permanently then I don't know what they're playing at, she doesn't belong there and it's an even worse decision than moving Nicole out of her home.She's got a family that love her and she keeps turning her back on them.

I started the episode sympathising with Miles and being annoyed with Kirsty and ended up the other way round.Kirsty not telling Miles about the ultrasound because she didn't think he'd be interested was monumentally self-centred and I liked his reaction to the photo.But then Kirsty was the one who pointed out to him that Annie hadn't actually seen Nicole and Sid doing anything only for him to pay no attention.Sid deserved a fair hairing and I don't think Miles gave him one:Even though it was an accident, he almost looked glad Sid went in the pool.Don't really blame Annie:I thought at one point that it might have looked to her like they were kissing but in the end she just said what she saw.Irene felt Miles had a right to know and fair enough but gossiping to Leah about it when she doesn't have any of the facts was completely out of line even if she did wait until Colleen was out of earshot.Glad Leah told Colleen to shut up when she started talking about Sid, at one point she'd have been the first one to cast stones.And I had to laugh at Miles' repeated outraged shouts that Nicole was "in his pool, half-naked!"What, does he expect her to be in there fully clothed?!

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I agree that Ruby's actions are unbelievable. Why does telling everyone what happened change anything? And telling Ross would be particularly stupid - the man has a serious mental illness. Extra stress and worry is the last thing he needs. It was really mean of Ruby to move back to Irenes, especially after the lovely speech Charlie gave about her being the best thing that ever happened to her.

I think Kirsty not telling Miles about the ultrasound is all part of her being determined not be excited about the pregnancy and resenting anyone who is. Most dads love getting a glimpse of their unborn child, especially in the early stages of pregnancy when it's hard to really beleive that the baby is real. But Miles' actions later were OTT. He should have waited and had a sensible chat to Nicole, rather than taking advice from Alf and going mad at Sid. Although I do think that Sid should have told Miles ages ago about what was going on, if he really wanted to stop Nicole.

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I dont think Ruby is rational enough to be ordering Charlie to tell the police. She has been getting on my nerves & I seriously think that Xavier should dump her now because he deserves better and I never thought I would say that ever!

Sid did the right thing nearly everytime. He shouldnt have kissed Nicole but he has tried to keep her away and I geninuely think that Nicole needs mental help because she is being very irrational.

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