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God I don’t know who was worse or completely and utterly annoying - Annie or Ruby. Surprise, surprise Annie jumps to the wrong conclusion, tells Irene about what she thought she saw happen with Sid and Nicole and she’s now probably going to turn the whole town against him. Stupid, absolutely STUPID little girl! Miles acting like a twerp handled that really badly too. The way he psyched himself up after Alf disagreed with what Kirsty said and went round to confront Sid was impulsive. It was almost as if he’s been harbouring the frustration of Kirsty not wanting to tell everyone about the pregnancy and her initial reluctance for him to come with her to the ultrasound so he took it out on him. Surprising Kirsty came up with good advice. Perhaps thinking of her experience with Kane when she was younger. She’s right though, Nicole’s eighteen so surely they don’t have leg to stand on. I actually ended up feeling really sorry for Nicole. She was so convinced that Sid wanted her she went and forked out for a weekend away all for nothing. I think the way she was crying suggests that she just wants to be wanted (and she’s still probably cut up about Belle and missing Roman). I think she needs help too and I think Miles is out of his depth with her now.

I absolutely hated Ruby in that episode. What a selfish little madam. I genuinely thought she turned a corner when she finally believed Charlie’s story about being raped by Grant but I agree she had to make it all about her. Firstly (very immaturely I might add) ignoring Charlie just because she didn’t get her way when Charlie didn’t want to tell anyone what happened with Grant. And yes I’m not even sure if she actually wanted to stop Grant from hurting other women or she just wanted to punish him for playing her like a fool and tormenting her and Charlie. Then when she finally got what she wanted she had to open her big mouth and tell Morag everything without Charlie’s say so (even though I found Morag’s reaction funny especially when Charlie could tell by her expression that she knew). Charlie should have been the one to tell Morag, not Ruby. If Morag hadn’t put her foot down about being Ross’s wife and looking out for her husband Ruby probably would have woken him up and told him too. Although she has felt sympathetic towards Charlie I still don’t think Ruby’s shown enough empathy and she’s more bothered about the realisation that she is a by-product of rape, has clearly shown a complete disregard for Charlie’s wishes and moving out like that was just the icing on the cake. I don’t agree with what Charlie did last week and still think it was pretty bad but I totally agree, what good can come from telling anyone let alone Ross? It’s not as if they are going to be able to arrest Grant for anything. He’s just too smart.

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Glad to see that at last, people are realising that Nicole Needs Help. She has been struggling for so long without anyone to turn to, no wonder she is completely losing it. I think she has had the realisation that being nice and mature just ends up with her being hurt, so why not go back to being a selfish, nasty person and get what SHE wants for a change? I certainly have known people do that, and sometimes thought that myself- why bother being nice and kind when all people do is take advantage? Time to take care of Number One for a change.

I laughed myself silly when Miles confronted Sid. I knew one of them would end up in the pool! :lol:

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I think Sid was going to tell Miles about what Nic has been up to but then of course Miles got called away, so somehow what Annie saw is going to find its way back to Miles who of course is going to jump to the wrong conclusion so Sid will then have a hard time trying to convince Miles that is what he was going to tell him.

God, was I psychic or what!! I know Nicole is eighteen and therefore an adult but she is living under Mile's roof and he feels responsible for her, Roman would probably have acted in exactly the same way. Don't think Miles was right about the fact that because Sid is a doctor that he breached a position of trust, he is not Nicole's doctor or her teacher. Kirsty was spot on she does know what it is to be a teenage girl (it wasn't that long after all) in fact she was younger than Nicole when she got involved with Kane and her parents put their feet down and looked what happened! Yes, I know it was a completely different situation because of ehat happened between Kane and Danni. I can't really blame Annie from jumping to the wrong conclusion anyone watching from where she was standing and not hearing what was being said would have thought the same. She did try to talk to Nic about it but as she wouldn't she probably thought she should speak to an adult (Irene). She was reluctant at first to give any names until Irene got her to. I think Martin was going to say something to Miles after he saw Nic and Sid talking in the Diner but Irene and Annie arrived and beat him to it.

As for Ruby how much convincing did she need that Charlie didn't regret having her after she got over the initial shock. Though none of us (hopefully) have been born as a product of rape so should we really condemn her that much? As she said she must be a constant reminder of Grant and what happened. What she isn't considering is she is also half Charlie's child. Morag has been put in a tricky situation with Ruby telling her what happened and she was right that telling Ross would not be a good idea although he may be comforted that at last Grant had admitted what he had done he could in his condition easily blurt it out to the wrong person. BTW good move Charlie by disposing of the taser so it wouldn't be traced back to Angelo - how is he going to explain it's disappearance to his superiors? :rolleyes:

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I'm glad that Miles and Sid parted on good terms but I would have liked an apology from Miles.Instead his attitude seemed to be "You did the right thing in the end but you still handled it wrong."Fair enough, maybe Sid should have told him what Nicole was up to sooner but he didn't exactly cover himself with glory either.He should have spoken to Nicole straightaway, not gone storming round to Sid's and certainly not stayed out all evening until she'd gone to bed and then not make much of an attempt to look for her the next morning.I had a feeling Sid set it up so Nicole would see him with another woman and I suspect that it was him that Miles called for help when he told Kirsty that Nicole wasn't going to listen to them.I think Nicole was absolutely right when she told Miles he hadn't fixed anything but not in the way she meant:She might have accepted nothing's going to happen with Sid but she's still convinced she was in love with him when it was really just an infatuation and unless they get to the root cause of her behaviour she's probably going to do something similar again.I really hope Miles talks to her again rather than just forgetting about it.Hopefully Sid will be able to rebuild his relationship with his children.Seemed like there were some scenes missing, notably us just being told Nicole had an argument with Annie.(By the way, I don't think it was Annie's fault at all:She saw something that didn't look right and went to an adult for advice.It was Irene who insisted on going to Miles with what she'd seen when she could perhaps have spoken to Sid and got his side of the story first.)

In typical Aussie soap style, redecorating Belle's room has caused it to double in size.Bit annoyed that Ruby got it, I've been hoping for about two years that Annie would get it when Belle moved out to cement their big sister relationship, in the same way Nick got it when Will moved out.Bit contrived that, given the next occupant is usually in there straightaway, they left it empty so Belle could die in there and Aden could keep sneaking back in.(I know Claudia and/or Geoff was sleeping there when Belle first moved out but it's been empty for weeks.)She's back to running between Geoff and Xavier, who seems to have the rough end of the deal, getting pushed away and being on the receiving end of her bad moods all the time.Ruby's basically admitted she's attracted to Geoff and is pretty flirty around him here yet she claims Xavier's being paranoid.I'm guessing she told Geoff what happened with Grant and then told Xavier.I think Xav should probably follow Romeo's advice and just cut his losses.Like Jai telling Romeo to deal with Xavier's problems while he goes talk to Nicole.(By the way...what's happened to Xavier's court appearance?!It was delayed while Hugo was in hospital and I don't think it's been mentioned since!Did the charges get dropped, did he get let off with a slap on the wrist or is it still pending?Or have the writers forgotten about it and expect us to do the same?)

So, Grant's dead and I'm guessing it's not natural causes.Assuming it's not another case where it's accidental and/or self-inflicted, we can probably rule out someone important like Charlie, Angelo or Ruby.Could Ross have got out of the nursing home?One of his past victims?Tracey?Or is there something going on we know nothing about?He did seem oddly flustered at the Diner and when he ran into Angelo.Did he somehow know he was going to die and that's why he let everyone know Charlie and Angelo threatened him or was that just a power trip?Angelo really has got to learn a better police technique, he relies on bullying confessions out of people a bit much.He might be able to get away with acting macho if it's someone like Hugo but not if it's someone who's genuinely dangerous.

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Have to admot its too obvious the Charlie Angelo or Ruby had a hand in killing of Grant but in saying that Xavier dids try to get to know him before Ruby told him she wanted nothing to do with him but i think its going to be a shock to us all when we do find out and i hope they dont draw it out to long had enough of both Charlie and Angelo going round thinking there little Hitlers.

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Of interest, especially with regards the scene counting that takes place in this thread is that the record could be 70-odd episodes held by Sophie in 1992. Now, it's likely that Alf is on the only person who is going to beat this, but I wonder if he has ever achieved it.

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So all the Walker family have now left? What was the point of them then? A potentially interesting family of characters introduced then whisked away again? :huh:

I agree with Miles. Sid handled it all wrong- he was saying all the right things but his body language and actions were contradicting them. He was saying 'no, no Nicole' but his body language was saying 'come on then!' Tut tut tut. And who was that woman at his house he arranged to put Nicole off? Some friend or an escort he had hired? What a tacky situation all round. I wonder what will happen to Nicole now? :(

Yes, I think we can safely say that Grant didn't shoot or stab himself in the stomach by accident or on purpose. Charlie, Angelo and Ruby would be too obvious, but I bet a man like Grant had a long list of enemies if he had a split personality like that.

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