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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Not sure why Nicole was just standing outside Sid’s house like that when she wasn’t going to talk to him. I’m glad she tore strips off of Annie though. Shame it had to have been off screen as I would have liked to have seen that. I felt sorry for her again when Sid called her round and he saw her with that lady. Not sure if anything happened but I wouldn’t imagine Sid using someone like that so I’m guessing she was just playing along. Miles thought what he did was effective but I still don’t see any reason why Nicole would have given up like that. Miles was a lot better in that episode. I liked the way he showed nothing but sympathy towards Nicole, especially when she was being honest about how she felt about Sid. I’m glad he patched things up with Sid. It’s a shame Sid’s gone because I actually quite liked him.

Ruby wasn’t as bad a she was yesterday but she was still quite annoying. I actually find I agree with the previous remark regarding Xavier. I think he does deserve better and I know Romeo suggested that he finish her to save face but why should she get off that easily. Let her be the one to break the bad news. I found it interesting how Romeo thought Ruby and Geoff were a couple. To me that speaks volumes. At least she was speaking to Charlie but that was only because of Grant threatening to go to court. I really hope she didn’t tell Geoff and Xavier what happened with Charlie and Grant.

I thought it was a bad move Angelo threatening Grant like that but I found it funny when Charlie gave him a ticking off and told him he was out of his mind. Grant almost seemed smug at one point when he was in the police station. Interesting how he was then and what he was like with Xavier and Coleen. I was half expecting Ruby to give him a serve at the Diner. Charlie still looked quite scared even when she was at the police station (even though she’s the head of the police station).

Apart from the obvious suspects I did wonder that maybe a former victim could have tracked Grant down and killed him or perhaps he was into stuff that wasn’t entirely legal.

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Yes, I think Ruby has treated Xavier really badly. First she gets obsessed with him and insists that she is the only girl for him, then tells him that he is 'the one' and sleeps with him. Now she suddenly loses interest and can't be bothered with him. If I was him I'd say 'well its not working out is it? Lets just be friends, I'll always be here if you want to talk. See you around' and make a dignified exit.

That is what I mean about Ruby being suitable for Geoff. He is exactly the same as her- he insisted Nicole, then Claudia were the one for him, then suddenly lost interest in them. He and Ruby will get on very well.

Much as I think Sid Walker was a plonker, he was a very realistic character :blink:

I bet Grant had all sorts of dodgy deals going down: probably involved with Gibbsy, Hugo and co for all we know! Or worse.

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I do think Miles arranged with Sid for Nicole to go round to his place and just happen to 'find' him with a woman. We all know it was probably a crush but to Nicole it felt like love. She said she felt humiliated but as there was only Sid, the woman and her who else saw them?

It wasn't Xavier's fault that he spoke to Grant he thoughrt Ruby was on his side, because she hadn't told him anything he didn't know the latest update, at least she apologised to him later. So Ruby has now told both Geoff and Xavier what went on which was meant to be just between her and Charlie, but seeing as Morag and Angelo know as well it's not much of a secret is it?

It would be way too obvious for it to be either Angelo or Charlie, but naturally they are both going to be in the frame. I wondered when I heard he was going to be killed what the method would be because that may determine if the killer was male or female. It seems like he has been shot and from the looks of the wound prettty close up (watching too much CSI again). That would mean it would have to be someone he knew and trusted. Did I remember seeing him having an argument on the phone before Angelo spoke to him? BTW why did he want Leah to have his business card (what business is/was) he in? He did seem very insistant.

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BTW why did he want Leah to have his business card (what business is/was) he in? He did seem very insistant.

I thought that he wanted to do business with her initially but later on in the episode Charlie told Ruby that Leah called her and Grant wanted Leah to be a witness presumably when Charlie threatened to kill him the week before last. The other people were Jai who he didn’t really know, Xavier who is Ruby’s boyfriend and Coleen who I’m not sure would make a very reliable witness.

I really enjoyed today’s episode. I was really hoping that Ruby didn’t tell Geoff and Xavier about Charlie/Grant and the cabin but I was wrong. Surprisingly Geoff didn’t judge her, although he seems to have mellowed out quite a bit over the last few months. I still don’t like the way Ruby’s opened her big mouth. Because of her selfishness we could potentially have six people perverting the course of justice instead of two, although admittedly Morag could claim she was acting as Charlie’s lawyer if this comes out. I think Charlie’s done the right thing keeping quiet though. She stands to lose everything so I think it’s a risk worth taking. In saying that I didn’t mind Ruby’s chat with Martha. Whilst she blamed herself for Grant’s death, felt sorry for his family, she admitted that she hated him and was glad he was dead but she was just being honest.

I really didn’t know what to make of Detective Robertson. He seemed rather odd and his methods unorthodox. He’s the sort of person where if you didn’t know what he did for a living there is no way you would guess he works for the police force.

I enjoyed the way he went to the Caravan Park at the start told Alf his very similar forename/surname and refused to stay at caravans thirteen and nineteen because he was superstitious. Like the way he told Irene the story behind his names, offered to buy Coleen tea and then the way he casually strolled onto the beach went to the cordoned off area, Charlie tried to exert her authority but he identified himself and was having none of it.

In a funny sort of way some of his behaviour reminded me of Columbo. Getting Angelo to hold his coffee because he was a lower rank (like a subordinate), when he was questioning Charlie changed the subject and started talking about something completely irrelevant, when Watson brought him some more coffee later, complained about it having chocolate and when Ruby came in he made her act like a performing seal before sending on her way. It was like he was playing mind games. I have to say it was quite funny the way he was speaking to Charlie and Angelo throughout that episode and his line to Angelo about shooting someone other than a police officer really made me laugh. I think we all know Angelo is involved in investigating something big but it must be pretty major to have his superiors prevent Robertson from suspending or questioning him further for now. Robertson seemed like a different person on the phone to Grant’s wife. He was deadly serious.

More good stuff with Aden and Geoff. An attempt at a light-hearted scene with Aden trying to teach Geoff how to operate a boat but once again they clashed. I wasn’t sure what to make of them but I think they could actually work as friends given time. Liked Aden’s - why didn’t I think of that - line when Alf used the analogy of driving a car to teach Geoff. Also smiled when Aden picked up on the fact that Geoff liked Ruby and kind of teased him about it.

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For the benefit of anyone who didn't recognise her(like me), the woman with Sid was Therese, his friend from work that Nicole saw him with before and the kids thought he was seeing on the sly.I'm guessing he just persuaded her to put on a show for Nicole.

So...multiple stab wounds.Guess we can rule out suicide.I'm now wondering, if Grant was involved in something dodgy like every other guest character seems to be these days, the killer tricked him into making a statement against Charlie and Angelo so they'd be blamed.Did he leave Leah his number because he wanted her to make a statement, as Charlie sort of implied, or for some other reason? Nice to see Charlie and Angelo back on the same page after a string of episodes where they've been at odds and supporting each other and glad that neither of them seemed to mind being asked if they were the killer.The little scene of Ruby telling Martha how she felt about Grant's death was nice as well. (Guess Charlie came round pretty quietly if Irene didn't realise she was there.)

Robertson...A bit smug and a bit eccentric, could be an interesting character.His ridiculous story to Irene about how he got his name was a brilliant "ask a stupid question" moment.Wonder how much of his information he got from Colleen.I got the feeling Watson was pleased to have a decent boss at last then he started rabbiting on about the exact way to make coffee.Dragging Ruby into the station just so he could pull her strings had me smiling slightly, I'd have thought the seal comment would have tipped her off.Seems whatever else Angelo is involved in means he's answering to a higher authority than Robertson but Charlie isn't so lucky...although as Robertson said, she should have seen that coming. Once again Angelo seems to be involved in a case outside his jurisdiction.

Geoff and Aden once more snipe at each other like a couple of kids.I hope they keep their interaction at that level, not exactly enemies but not exactly best mates either, instead of making it too cosy.Nice that Alf stepped in to bang their heads together a bit.Interesting too that Aden clocked that Geoff's attracted to Ruby.It's very telling that he's comfortable enough with her to just walk into her room in the middle of the night without knocking and that she didn't seem to find anything unusual about it.

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I am in love with Robertson. I think it's great that he has come in with some intriguing character traits and eccentricities. I love the way he is turining the town upside down - not taking any crap from any one. Every scene he is in has me hooked.

I'm also liking Romeo as well although he's a bit more predictable - nickname, hot surfer, chick magnet - but at least he's lightened Jai up a bit.

All in all I think 2 successful introductions - added to a murder - making things more interesting!

The murder - I don't know what to make of it - either it was Ross although that seems a little too "wrapped up in a neat little package" coz the only way to get rid of Ross and have Morag back was for him to die or go to jail - having in a home still means Morag is absent from our screens too much! I think the murder may be related to the whole year long mystery thing and just be a coincidence that it was Grant - maybe he stumbled on something he shouldn't accidentally... Can't wait to find out tho!

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So all the Walker family have now left? What was the point of them then? A potentially interesting family of characters introduced then whisked away again? :huh:

I was thinking exactly the same thing, what was the point of bringing in a whole new family and having them make friends, just for them to leave a few weeks later :unsure: surely they could have thought up a decent storyline for them :rolleyes:

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Not exactly about these episodes, but did anyone else read the article in today's Times that "Australia's fabled beachside life of sea, surf and sundowners is under threat from rising sea levels". Especially resorts on New South Wales coast. Urgent action is needed to protect the coastline and maintain an Australian way of life! Maybe we should enjoy H&A while we can. I wonder if this will feature in future episodes.

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I have to admit last night ep was the funniest bye far that we have seen in ages and it made a welcom break from all the drudge that we have been seing from Detective Robert Robetson and his bright and breazy way he goes about things to seing Aden and Geoff trying to drive a boat using Irenes living toom as the sea plus the way Geoff had to switch on the engine with Adens ear by far the best ep in ages.

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