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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Yes its nice to see a bit of light heartedness in an episode!

I'm also not sure what to make of Robert Robertson. He's annoying but also reminds me of me: that 'what the hell you talking about' look on Irene's face when he was talking was exactly the look everyone gives me all the time :rolleyes: He was certainly winding Irene up when talking about his name, because he told Miles a completely different story about it. I bet he just gets sick of all the stupid questions. I hope he becomes a popular character rather than a bit part: it would make a change to have someone like him around rather than the usual blond surfers like Romeo [yawn].

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He (Detective Robertson) is cetainly an off the wall character!! :cool: He probably gives different reasons for his name to different people. What were his parents thinking! He is also kind of like Monk who has OCD as regards the unlucky number thing and how he likes his coffee. He is definitely not to be underestimated though. There must be a logical explanation to the reason he dismissed Ruby after getting her to clap her hands like that. I'm sure though he won't be influenced by idle gossip because there will be plenty of that flying around.

I'm not too sure that Charlie should keep quiet about kidnapping Grant it just needs one slip of the tongue from someone and we don't know that Grant didn't mention it to anyone or left an unsealed letter only to be opened in the invent of his death. Otherwise good to know they are both being sensible and deciding to tell everything. You can bet your life the townsfolk are automatically going to think it was Angelo going on the mistaken(?) reasoning once a killer always a killer. So glad that Charlie went straight to Ruby rather than leaving it till the morning when someone got have got to her with the news and that would have been another upset between them.

Did love those scenes between Geoff and Aden (good to see him laughing again), must have been tempting for Geoff to really give Aden's ear a real painful tweak. :lol: Irene saying they were both acting like kids, shame she didn't threaten to send to bed without any supper. When she took away her capsiums and they both said hey they're the controls.

I suppose Geoff must have ben going to or coming from the loo otherwise how would he have heard Ruby crying as his bedroom is in the front of the house.

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More quirky stuff from Robertson, I'm not sure if he's a genuine eccentric or if it's just an act, his babbling to Leah about the painting didn't really make any sense and his parable didn't really seem to have anything to do with anything.(After several hours thinking about it, I think he was saying that he's the old man and Grant's the scorpion.Maybe.)I got the impression he was reading Angelo's file out in the station rather than in the office just to get a reaction.Telling Leah to put chocolate dust on his cappucino when yesterday he told Georgie never to put chocolate on it is either a continuity error or a sign that he just makes this stuff up on the spot, I suspect the latter.Loved Morag's irritated expression when he sat there chatting with Ross.Given Morag's comment about it being more about Charlie than Ross, I wonder if that's why he was messing Ruby about, to see how Charlie would react to someone jerking her daughter around.Morag was pretty brusque with Angelo again which kind of underlined his point to Robertson that not everything's been forgiven.

A proper return for Liam after his brief appearance last week.Megan's reaction to him was one of the most realistic we've had so far, I think it's going to be very hard for them to keep up the famous rock star angle.Seems to be a bit of hostility, Alf was typically surly but will probably get over it if Liam behaves himself for a while, Aden proved he can still be a jerk when he wants to.Liam earns a lot of brownie points by checking it was all right with him before moving in.If this is to do with Belle's funeral, like I said at the time Geoff caused a lot more of a scene than he did.On the other hand, Aden's never liked Liam so I suspect he'd react like that anyway, he was much the same when he turned up at the house.Could be the beginnings of a friendship between him and Romeo, who they seem to be doing a pretty good job of giving scenes with as many characters as possible unlike their usual botched introductions.Have we seen Aden working at the gym before?I vaguely remember he ended up there after the trawler sank.

Tony and Rachel weren't in it much but they might have turned a corner with their troubles, Rachel asking Tony for help with Harry was a good sign.Brendan's reaction to John was a good moment:He's quite prepared to trade barbs with Hugo but someone like Brendan calling him a bad man is a bit harder to handle.

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I,m not sure but if i read the Dretective right with his Parable to Leah abpout the old man and the Scorpian Leah is the old man beings that she believes and is friendly with every one and Charlie is the Scorpian you dont know when you can really trust her, well thats how i interpreate it,

Have to admit Robert Robison has been running ringd around them since he csme to the bay I think he can read Angelo more thatAngelo thinks thats why he was reading his file and is very suss of him,

Liam now what is he up to thats is the big question.

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I,m not sure but if i read the Dretective right with his Parable to Leah abpout the old man and the Scorpian Leah is the old man beings that she believes and is friendly with every one and Charlie is the Scorpian you dont know when you can really trust her, well thats how i interpreate it,

Yeah, that kind of makes sense.It just felt like he was saying the old man was the hero for trying to save someone regardless of who they were and what they did.Frankly it came across as at best barely relevant and at worst completely meaningless and I was surprised Leah didn't go "And what's that supposed to mean?"

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I thought it was interesting what Robertson said about Picnic at Hanging Rock, I wonder if it is true that there was originally an explaining chapter? Or is it just something he made up? :unsure:

Definitely an interesting character who will throw HAA into turmoil, its nice to see someone different to the others, who get a bit samey over the years.

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Again I found Robertson quite funny. When he was reading Angelo’s file and made a remark about him never being let back into the police force I had to agree with him (even though I quite like Angelo). If someone else had said that it might have irritated me. Why was he even bothering to read his file? (even if it was to get some sort of reaction) He knows he’s not going to be able get the approval to question him anyway. Interesting bringing his teddy bear into the equation though.

I thought Morag was spot-on with her analysis. I think Robertson already knew it was improbable that Ross killed Grant (how would he have even known he was in the bay and how would he have got there, committed the murder and escaped without being caught) but that was all just for Charlie’s benefit. A couple of times when he asked Ross something he looked over at her. I wonder if Robertson has a degree in psychology. Perhaps he would have got more of a reaction if he came down harder on Ross. If Charlie killed Grant she might have cracked, especially if she felt her dad was being attacked.

I really loved the stuff with Leah. I thought for part of that episode she looked ravishing. If I’d been there I might have had a crack at her myself. Anyway at first I felt her reaction was like when Grant asked her for a phone number and she was maybe thinking he’s a bit fast but I felt she was quite flattered. When Leah realised he was the person who suspended Charlie and got all defensive, I wonder for a minute there if Robertson actually liked her when she was like that. I thought he was pretty good with VJ using the superhero analogy for his chosen names. I think it was only natural to want to speak to Leah about Charlie as even Grant wanted to before but I still liked the way he tried to reassure her when she was on camera. Part of me wondered if he was going to take that home watch her and analyse her just out of sheer curiosity. I won’t bother speaking about the Scorpion analogy as I can’t be bothered to even try and work it out but I did really like the part of that scene where Leah made it clear she was pretty certain that Charlie couldn’t have done it, Robertson said that anyone is capable of murder given the circumstances, Leah disagreed and Robertson countered that by saying Charlie could have acted like a mother to protect her daughter or still could have felt vulnerable as a 14 year old had her innocence taken away. I wonder what Leah would think if she knew about what Charlie did to Grant at the cabin. If he plays his cards right he might be able to score a date with her.

For a minute there I though Robertson was following Tony and Rachel out but I’m guessing it was probably someone else. And why did the camera even zoom in on the flower magazine.

Oh and I thought it was pretty big of Liam to check with Aden if it was ok for him to move to the bay. Alf’s comment was particularly annoying.

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I thought the camera zoomed in on the flower magazine because Robertson had been talking about how he went travelling somewhere to look for a rare flower. I think it was when he was telling Leah about how her eyes reminded him of that painting which he saw while travelling to look for the flower. So the close up was either to prove that he WAS really interested in rare flowers [because he was reading the magazine] OR to prove that he WASN'T interested in rare flowers [because he said the magazine wasn't his] and he was just making it up to chat up Leah.

I agree it was very interesting when he was talking to Angelo about his file, because we've all suspected Angelo is involved in mysterious high up investigations for months anyway :huh:

I think the HAA writers have been taking lessons from the Out of the Blue writers in how to write less straightforward plots :lol:

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I have to admit this Robertson Guy has every one on there toes and the way he just goes round coming out wuth all his sayings make it more interesting and leaves you scratching your head, hes an assett to the show and to finde him reading Angelos file made the pecture complete I dont think he likes Angelo.

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