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Robertson is certainly a strange (but interesting) character, but as Morag said he is no fool and not to be under estimated as I said yesterday. Loved the scene with his teddy BTW. :D Does anyone know who is he played by? Funny how he managed to catch Ross on a good day, and I'm sure Ross appreciated Robertson being so direct with him even though Morag and Charlie may not have. It would have been highly unlikey that he could have got out, found Grant in the bay, stabbed him and got back to the home (I thought it was near the city anyway) without being missed. Also as you say Slade how would he know Grant was back in the bay? We know Angelo is being backed up by his superiors to find out what Hugo is up to (wonder what the deal is there), but of course Robertson can't be told. Just typical of a young lad to say what a stupid name Robertson had! Leah is definitely attracted despite herself. I do think it's strange that Alf hasn't realised he is a cop yet. :confused:

As for Liam and Romeo, is that a long standing friendship or did they just meet when Liam gave Romeo a lift into the Bay? I'm guessing he is off the drugs again. Where has this new building suddenly sprung from? I did think maybe it was the old diner because that had a flat over it, but it didn't look like it from what we saw inside and anyway wasn't it pulled down?

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Anyone who's wondering, the guy that plays Robertson goes by the name Socratis Otto.Makes his character's name sound perfectly normal, doesn't it?I thought he was following Angelo when he left the surf club myself, he came through from the gym just beforehand.

Alf's episode count this week:Five.I think he managed about 30 consecutive episodes earlier on this year but he's way short of 70-odd.Charlie and Angelo appeared in four.

Miles seemed to be running a bit hot and cold with Liam in that episode.He was obviously surprised and none too happy to see him but he seemed to be giving him a chance until he found out about him and Nicole.Then he again seemed to be okay with him when he turned up at the house until he said he wanted to see Nicole.It does at least sounds like Miles is trying to talk to her, hopefully we'll see some more of that.Is Liam meant to have been on drugs at Belle's funeral?Geoff's comments at the time and Alf's comments last episode implied he was "just" drunk but here he says he's been clean ever since. Still liking the scenes between him and Romeo and also between Romeo and Jai.Given how shockingly bad Romeo's chat up attempt was, it's a relief he was just trying to make Jai look good.He's being a good friend trying to help Jai get Annie back and a big part of me would like to see them reunited but unfortunately I can see this ending with Jai realising he likes her himself, and possibly vice versa, and feeling betrayed.And...I can understand Miles knowing who Liam is but how does Liam know who Miles is?

I liked the scene of Martha and Hugo standing up to John, he was the one that pointed them out and tried to humiliate them but sensibly they came up with some good counter arguments instead of just looking like fools.Someone ought to tell him Summer Bay's already a toxic dump, even though they all seem to have forgotten.Other Ruby(yeah, that's gonna get confusing...)didn't appear much but she seemed quite canny, loved how embarrassed Hugo looked at the end.Seems Brendan really did meet her in the Bay, I assumed she was someone from home:Definitely a fast worker.Tony and Rachel got some good moments again, they seem to be being open with each other and working through things at last.

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I am starting to like Liam: at first I thought he was just a showing off idiot, but he actually seems to have sorted himself out. What happened at Belle's funeral with him? I didn't watch those episodes as I knew they would be too upsetting.

Another fairly light hearted episode yesterday :) Jai and Romeo's chatting up girls scene was so cringeworthy I fast forwarded over it :lol: It is nice for Jai to have a mate/brother to be silly with: he has been far too serious and lonely since he came to the bay. Nice to see him having fun.

Can't imagine why Rachel and Tony let Martha and Hugo look after Harry after what happened with Jane! But I suppose its like riding a bike: getting back on after falling off.

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I am starting to like Liam: at first I thought he was just a showing off idiot, but he actually seems to have sorted himself out. What happened at Belle's funeral with him? I didn't watch those episodes as I knew they would be too upsetting.

While Irene was giving the eulogy, Liam stumbled into the back of the church in an inebriated state and banged into a potted plant or something similar, nearly knocking it over.He didn't say anything, he just stood there during the rest of the service.As they were going out, a delivery guy turned up with some balloons Belle had ordered before she died to cheer them up.Liam tried to take one but Geoff grabbed hold of him and had a go at him for turning up in that state.Then they staggered out of shot having a minor punch-up while Alf shouted at them.

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I actually didn’t mind Romeo encouraging Jai to chat up those two girls. It served a purpose, namely to build up his confidence and to try and get Jai to move on from Annie (Romeo’s expression at the table suggested that Jai was fighting a losing battle). I’ve said it before but he needs to drop this pursuit. Plenty more fish in the sea. One thing I’ve learnt from personal experience is that you cannot force someone to like you and Annie just doesn’t like him in that way anymore. Well I don’t think she does anyway.

I started the episode thinking that Miles was quite cynical, then thought he was ok but wasn’t sure at the end. Would he have really invited himself along to meet Romeo’s boss at the beginning? I’m glad all the cards were on the table. I think Miles was concerned because Liam got drunk at Belle’s funeral so he probably thought there was a possibility he was still using.

John Palmer is really getting on my nerves. That stunt he pulled at the Marina was entirely personal. I thought Martha did really well trying to put her argument across (If there was no audience she probably would have went into one). I really hope Hugo will be given the authority to sink the boat just to spite him.

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One thing I’ve learnt from personal experience is that you cannot force someone to like you

Ah so true. No point being Miss Havisham and waiting for one person to come back and love you, MOVE ON AT ONCE!

Thanks for the summary Ranger: it sounds a bit of a comical scene but probably wasn't at the time.

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I love Romeo - he is so gorgeous and has a great body :wub:

I felt sorry for Sid - it seems he has done nothing to encourage Nicole yet he is the one blamed for the mess caused. Hope he returns.

Quite like Robert Robertson so far - hope he becomes a regular.

I agree with everything youve said :) haha! Romeo is so cute :wub: & i find Robertson really funny, but there's something abit weird about him, i dunno what it is though.. :lol:

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I just love the new Ruby :wub: Her opening line to Hugo 'On a scale of 1- 10 how worried are you about mine and Brendan's relationship?' made me laugh out loud :lol: She certainly has her head screwed on and took the wind out of his sails. She is obviously a high functioning (hope that is the right terminology) Downs person and wouldn't anything happen that she didn't want to. All that worrying Hugo was doing before she turned up about whether they should stop it before it began was IMHO totally unnecessary as Martha was trying to tell him, he is jumping to the conclusion that something will happen between them. He probably thinks that because Brendan keeps saying Brendan loves Ruby, but then he says that about a lot of people. You're right Red Brendan is a fast worker must be in the blood.

On the subject of Brendan, his insistence of calling John a 'bad man' everytime he sees him suddenly made me think perhaps he 'knows' something about him the rest of them don't? :unsure: He does seem to pick up on things about people for example knowing when one person loves another Hugo and Martha his mum and her friend.

Actually I thought Liam was high on drugs at Belle's funeral but am ready to stand corrected. Does seem odd that Miles knows him but not the other way round (was Miles at the funeral and that it where he 'knew' Liam from). Perhaps Romeo mentioned Miles to Liam? Did he actually admit to Miles that he and Nicole slept together as in had sex or slept together as in slept together in the same bed? According to what Nic told Indy they just crashed out after getting drunk.

That certainly is a handle for Robert Robertson, a double edged sword that, definitely one casting agents wouldn't be able to forget but it must have been hell when he was a kid.

Funny seeing Romeo coming out with all those cheesy chat up lines so Jai could come across as the cool one. He is a good 'brother' to him even though I think he fancies Annie himself.

Iwas glad that Rachel and Tony let Martha and Hugo look after Harry, it showed that not only had she forgiven them (though we haven't seen her actually say it to their faces), but also that she feels she can trust other people look after him. It was sweet that after having time to themselves they decided they missed him.

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Just to add that I too am quite disappointed if Sid and Indi have left for good. I won't miss the mother or Dexter, but the first two had a lot of potential. It's so surprising for them to be such short term roles, even if there have been some in the past who I thought would stay much longer and didn't, such as Brad's half sister Tam, Freya, Joey (who may yet be back). This felt particularly abrupt, it's a shame.

now on to Robert Robertson:

Wow! Just wow. What an amazingly fantastic introduction to a really unique character. After two episodes I'm wanting him around for years, if they can keep the writing for him this good. And, not that the actor isn't doing fine, but the impact is almost entirely down to the interesting dialogue alone. I *loved* the blatantly different explanations of his name to various people, that he likes coffee the opposite way the next day, also his sudden directness in interviews, and all the inconsequential stuff, tales of exotic flower treks, scorpions, asking Ross for a chocolate.

Socratis Otto? Really? Sounds like a Greek God - or, given Roman, followed by Romeo, a new H&A character?! Different, intriguing, amusing, cute - and that's just his teddy. :wub:

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