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I was glad to see some more interaction between Nicole and Ruby as well.I was a bit worried when they first became friends that it was going to mean the end of Ruby and Annie together but since that clearly isn't the case it's good to see it revived.There were a couple of moments when I thought Nicole seemed a bit jealous of her and Geoff but I was probably imagining it and she ended up giving her some very good advice.Glad she acknowledged she made a fool of herself with Sid.And yes, Slade, you were right about Nicole sleeping with Liam.Guess she was lying when she told Indigo she didn't.

Glad that Ruby finally did the decent thing and broke up with Xavier.Shame it all seems to have been for nothing and she's probably going to go back to feeling guilty and trying to make it work when she's admitted she doesn't want to be with him.I actually think that splitting them up is what's improved David's acting, he was always facing an uphill struggle trying to convince us he was Ruby's ideal man. It does kind of underline what a stupid and ill-thought-out decision Ruby sleeping with him was, it seemed to be less a case of her being ready and finding the right person and more a case of sleeping with the guy she happened to be dating on a whim.I heard that that was meant to be Derrick fighting with Hugo but I would not have recognised him at all and I still wasn't sure until I read the above posts. It's been about six months for goodness sake, are we really meant to remember a guy who was in two episodes?I think this whole mystery has been very badly handled, there's been too many low patches and the show has so many loose ends anyway it's hard to work out which ones we're meant to be bothered about.I definitely got the impression Hugo knew exactly who the note was from and who Derrick was.Guess he's rude to all police, not just Angelo, given his attitude towards Georgie.I did think it was a rather curious decision of Ruby's to try and tackle him.It seemed as though Xavier was in a lot more danger and she could have been a lot more help if she'd tried to get him out of the water instead of gently pushing a guy a foot taller than her.But then we wouldn't have had the Brendan as hero motif...

Kind of in two minds about Brendan going to live elsewhere.It's what he wants so I agree they should let him give it a try.The idea that he's somehow improved leaps and bounds in the two weeks he's been living in the Bay is a bit far-fetched, up until the last few episodes I assumed he was already doing things for himself before he moved there.But objectively speaking, as with Ross deciding to go into care, it feels a bit like them coming up with a plot device to get rid of a troublesome character while keeping the rest of his family.I hope that we'll continue to see him every now and again rather than him just being forgotten about.

And, Miranda, maybe Geoff did see Annie naked when they were toddlers but I imagine she's changed a bit since then...

And H&Alover, I thought Ruby told Geoff it was Grant's funeral that day as well but when she said the same thing to Xavier the following day I thought I'd misheard.But I've checked the tape and yes, she did.Maybe they got it wrong the first time so they had to go back and do it again.

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I won't go into too much detail as don't want to ruin it for anyone, but today's episode on Fiver was just lovely. Brendan. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Yeah, Brendan saves Xavie :cool: Have to admit to having tears in my eyes when he did that. :crying: Only a couple of weeks ago he wouldn't have been able to do that just shows how much better the school in Summer Bay is for him than his old one. If it had happened then then Xavier wouldn't have been so lucky. At least it persuaded Gina to let Brendan give the community house a try, which I suppose proves the old adage actions speak louder than words. All the talking from Martha, Ruby L and Hugo didn't change her mind one bit. Does Xavier's amnesia remind anyone else of a similar story way back with Teigan, Alex (I think) and Noah's wife (I've forgotten her name)?

Hugo definitely knew the intruder (I wondered if it was the island guy), he said 'what are you doing here?' when he found him, with the emphasis on you. Not of course what he told the police, and as for that note how come he still had it in his hand when he left the police station, wouldn't they want it for fingerprints? I reckon he had a feeling who it was from when he saw it (and it wasn't John Palmer). Do you think island guy was looking for what Watson found and is she suddenly on Angelo's team because she immediately rang him?? I could see it was a map, but couldn't figure out where or why it was so important.

Lovely scenes beween Nic and Ruby having good old girlie talks. Nic didn't blink an eye when Ruby admitted she faniced Geoff so must mean she is completely over him. So she finally admitted she and Liam did sleep together and it was a crush on Sid, glad we have the Nicole we have come to know and love back. She did give good advice and Ruby did the right thing by finishing with Xavier (at least she had till that knock on the head). It would be too cruel to do it until at lesst he has recovered (see my previous note above). If that hadn't happened at least she could have said to Geoff that she had finished with Xavier and let him make the next move.

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I won't go into too much detail as don't want to ruin it for anyone, but today's episode on Fiver was just lovely. Brendan. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Yeah, Brendan saves Xavie :cool: Have to admit to having tears in my eyes when he did that. :crying: Only a couple of weeks ago he wouldn't have been able to do that just shows how much better the school in Summer Bay is for him than his old one. If it had happened then then Xavier wouldn't have been so lucky. At least it persuaded Gina to let Brendan give the community house a try, which I suppose proves the old adage actions speak louder than words. All the talking from Martha, Ruby L and Hugo didn't change her mind one bit. Does Xavier's amnesia remind anyone else of a similar story way back with Teigan, Alex (I think) and Noah's wife (I've forgotten her name)?

Hugo definitely knew the intruder (I wondered if it was the island guy), he said 'what are you doing here?' when he found him, with the emphasis on you. Not of course what he told the police, and as for that note how come he still had it in his hand when he left the police station, wouldn't they want it for fingerprints? I reckon he had a feeling who it was from when he saw it (and it wasn't John Palmer). Do you think island guy was looking for what Watson found and is she suddenly on Angelo's team because she immediately rang him?? I could see it was a map, but couldn't figure out where or why it was so important.

Lovely scenes beween Nic and Ruby having good old girlie talks. Nic didn't blink an eye when Ruby admitted she faniced Geoff so must mean she is completely over him. So she finally admitted she and Liam did sleep together and it was a crush on Sid, glad we have the Nicole we have come to know and love back. She did give good advice and Ruby did the right thing by finishing with Xavier (at least she had till that knock on the head). It would be too cruel to do it until at least he has recovered (see my previous note above). If that hadn't happened at least she could have said to Geoff that she had finished with Xavier and let him make the next move.

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That bloke was definitely the psycho from the island.

However... firstly didn't Nic and Geoff kill that character? And secondly, it might just be that actor [John Atkinson] playing the random part of 'a thug'. I am just not sure which is the right answer.

If it is the original character from the island [i hope it is], that is going back a long way so there has been a really long back story to this :cool:

I really felt for Kirsty today. Everyone thinks when a woman is pregnant, it is immediately wonderful joyous news and she should be ecstatic. But in reality it is a massive shockwith all sorts of physical, emotional, financial etc. considerations which she has to come to terms with.

Nice to see Nic and Aden back to being friends. He was talking about men using her [or something]- he forgot to mention himself :rolleyes: Poor Nic though, thinking she always mucks everything up about her life. If only she knew that we all do, its just as we get older we hide it better!!!

I was a bit annoyed with Rachel for telling Tony off for putting Gina up for the teaching job. He was only trying to help, and his numptiness was at a minimum. All Gina has to say is 'no thanks Martin', for goodness sake.

I'm really enjoying HAA at the moment, lots of stories about people's relationships and things not being straightforward :D

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Does Xavier's amnesia remind anyone else of a similar story way back with Teigan, Alex (I think) and Noah's wife (I've forgotten her name)?

I think you mean Brodie, not Tiegan who was a character from way back when Pippa was around. Alex dumped Hayley for Brodie then Hayley was in a car crash and forgot that she and Alex had ever been together and thought she was still with Noah and was pleased that Alex and Brodie were together. I hadn't thought of that but I guess it is sort of similar.

That bloke was definitely the psycho from the island.

However... firstly didn't Nic and Geoff kill that character? And secondly, it might just be that actor [John Atkinson] playing the random part of 'a thug'. I am just not sure which is the right answer.

If it is the original character from the island [i hope it is], that is going back a long way so there has been a really long back story to this :cool:

Nope, Derrick stole their boat and left the island and was last seen phoning someone who apparently lived in the Bay saying he needed to lie low for a while.(Hugo?Donna?Gibbsey?Someone else?)

Anyway, once more Nicole gave Ruby some good advice and it was nice to see.I can understand Ruby not wanting to immediately tell Xavier she'd broken up with him even if it is potentially causing problems and hopefully she'll follow Nicole's advice and break up with him again when he's stronger. Nicole's right that she doesn't need to feel guilty for upsetting him, it'd be a lot crueller to keep stringing him along when she doesn't feel that way about him any longer.I think it's a simple case of being 15/16, being with your first serious boyfriend and falling head over heels and thinking you're going to be together forever when in a few years you're going to look back and still remember them fondly but realise you weren't nearly as in love as you thought you were.She bonded with Geoff when they went away and as a result she's ended up developing stronger and more grown-up feelings for him than she ever had for Xavier.

Well, as I predicted/feared a couple of weeks ago, Aden and Nicole are back to being friends without the much needed apology which is definitely a letdown after the way he treated her.When she was saying "I just want someone to feel sorry for hurting me", I was thinking "Aden...that's your cue."I'm not convinced by Liam's excuse for being back in the Bay.Firstly, he was only there a few weeks, surely there are other places where they know him better.Secondly, he's meant to be a famous rock star, are there any places where no-one knows who he is?Alf's reaction to him was a bit odd:He says he heard he was back but he saw him last week and I don't think he's been anywhere since then.It definitely sounds like he was on drugs at the funeral, although I'm assuming Nicole didn't take any, he only said he offered her some which we already knew.Did they really have time to exchange phone numbers?As for the punch...it just reminds me why I find Aden impossible to like.I'm astonished and slightly worried that a violent jerk like him seems to have such a strong following.

Miles was out of line telling everyone about the pregnancy after Kirsty asked him not to.He made some good points when he spoke to her both before and after but it should have been sorted in private instead of him just springing it on her, even if they did give him an opening.At least he felt sorry afterwards.I was glad that Irene stepped in and helped Kirsty realise it's not as bad as she fears and that her conversation with Ollie helped her be happy about it.Miles turning down the job with Martin was a nice moment;I'd quite like to see him get a promotion one day but it's nice to have someone who's quite happy being in the rank and file.Not sure about Rachel's reaction to Tony putting Gina forward.She's right that Tony perhaps should have made sure she was interested first but the worst that can happen if she tells Martin "no, thanks."It actually felt like she doesn't want Gina living there. Aden's [deliberately] useless advice about getting Harry to sleep made me smile.

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That bloke was definitely the psycho from the island.

However... firstly didn't Nic and Geoff kill that character? And secondly, it might just be that actor [John Atkinson] playing the random part of 'a thug'. I am just not sure which is the right answer.

If it is the original character from the island [i hope it is], that is going back a long way so there has been a really long back story to this :cool:

Nope, Derrick stole their boat and left the island and was last seen phoning someone who apparently lived in the Bay saying he needed to lie low for a while.(Hugo?Donna?Gibbsey?Someone else?)

Well remembered, old chap, old bean, old boy :P:lol: It must have been Hugo surely? I hope so.

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I was expecting to see something with Angelo and Hugo.

I was pleased that Ruby dumped Xavier as I mentioned before and yes she’s in a difficult situation but because of her general attitude towards Charlie as of late I find it hard to sympathise with her at the moment.

I’m still quite frustrated at people’s attitude towards Liam. Alf annoyed me again with his snide remark. I thought Nicole came across really well in the previous episode but here she was completely hypocritical. Questioning Liam’s right to be in Summer Bay because he hurt a lot of people (how many people did he hurt exactly?) when she hurt Indigo, Dexter and Sid with her behaviour. Accusing him of only coming back to use people when she used Indigo to get closer to Sid. Labelling him selfish when again her pursuit of Sid gave Ruby a run for her money in the selfish department and branding him pathetic when she was almost tragic with her infatuation/obsession or you could say stalking. Why shouldn't Liam be allowed to try and turn his life around in Summer Bay? Other people have done worse things in the past and have been given another chance.

Sometimes I think Aden’s OK but other times I really dislike him. Again acting like a total idiot. I wonder if he would have hit Liam about 3-4 months ago. I doubt it as he was still under his good behaviour bond and could have ended up in jail. Liam should report him to the police and press charges.

Miles annoyed me when he told everyone about Kirsty. I’m glad he felt like the badguy in the Diner afterwards when he was speaking with Rachel and Leah about it though.

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Hm... what on earth is Angelo up to? He didn't deny or admit he was cheating on Charlie and it certainly seems unlikely he would. She just assumed he was guilty. But what on earth were she and Morag talking about in saying Angelo never works under cover or goes further than Yabbie Creek? He is a senior police officer, of course he works undercover and would probably travel around :rolleyes: Both of them should know that, surely?

I thought Liam was brave to come back to Summer Bay to face up to people, but when Nicole said he was just trying to please himself, I started wondering if I was being too generous to him. Maybe he has ulterior motives. He could be involved with Angelo/ Hugo/ Derrick and co. for all we know! Maybe John Palmer has a hand in all this fishy business [pun intended :lol:]

It was all very mysterious tonight, well done HAA!

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