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I’m really not sure about Romeo. He must have figured out that Annie doesn’t want to get back with Jai and I thought the other day when he was trying to build Jai’s confidence up he was trying to get him to meet other girls but for me it felt like he was trying to help Jai get back with Annie as some sort of plan to ensure that she just thinks less favourable of Jai so he can increase his chances of getting with her. Xavier was right. Once again forget about her Jai please. She clearly doesn’t think much of him anymore as was evident by the way she spoke to him in the Diner. I thought it was harsh, although I do wonder if Annie thinks Jai’s stalking her now or at the very least obsessed.

Robertson continues to crack me up. I loved Irene’s bemused – is he on something – expression when he was telling Miles yet another story about the origin of his name, although I’m not entirely sure I agree with his methods as a detective. He really doesn’t seem to give a damn about anyone’s feelings and was quite prepared to sabotage Charlie’s relationship with Angelo just to further his own investigation as was clear by the photographs he showed Charlie that he took of Angelo in the city (I assume when we saw Robertson watching him at the beginning of the episode Angelo was following up the lead Watson gave him). I think Robertson knew Angelo was conducting some sort of investigation when he was in the city.

Again liked the stuff with Robertson and Leah. I think he makes Leah feel wanted and that she likes him but may be reluctant because of her loyalties towards Charlie. I hope she does say yes to his offer of dinner as I would like to see her in a relationship with someone.

I didn’t pick up on the fact that Morag was the suspect he was referring to when he mentioned killing two birds with one stone. The scene with her and Robertson in Diner had me in stitches. I loved the way she tried to assert herself with her usual tone, Robertson found it laughable and just mocked her. The “Battleship” nickname and Morag's self-contained blood boiling expression was great.

Morag gave good advice regarding Angelo and seemed to put her personal feelings aside telling Charlie to speak to him before assuming anything. Shame Angelo couldn’t tell her about his investigation or the reason why he was with that woman (I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt here). Quite liked the way Leah went to check up and comfort Charlie at the end. I wish we had more scenes with those two like that.

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Although I understand she's under a lot of pressure, I was very disappointed that Charlie immediately thought the worst of Angelo when Robertson was obviously playing her.I would actually have loved it if she'd just ignored the photograph and said she trusted him rather than asking for an explanation from him.It's a shame he can't tell her the truth, even if he is under orders.Pleasing that Morag was the voice of reason and told Charlie to trust him.

Romeo came across as a bit schizophrenic.Most of the time he seemed very loyal to both Jai and Romeo but he did seem to be flirting with Annie in the surf club and I'm not sure why he was telling her all that about what Jai says about her.It's looking less and less likely that Jai and Annie are getting back together which disappoints me greatly because I loved them as a couple.Jordan continues to play Jai with a naive charm that makes Annie's dismissive attitude of him all the more hurtful.He should probably just give up and bail(although Xavier should probably follow his own advice...).I did like that bit where Romeo's talking about how great Annie is and then catches himself.I liked the friendship between Romeo and Liam, the way Romeo was concerned for him when he saw he'd been hurt and the way Liam told him to go for the job at the surf club were both very selfless.Aden's latest outburst seemed to be prompted by Liam saying he needed to get what he deserved, as he said to Romeo here.It's a shame no-one can ever be bothered to press charges against Aden, he broke his bond on an almost weekly basis.It's not even the first time he's assaulted Liam although it's the most serious.I agree that everyone's reaction to him is ridiculous, he messed Belle and Nicole around a bit but he was more of a danger to himself than anyone else.

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Aden had a year good-behaviour bond. His trial was aired in Australia on Sep 30th 2008, over a year ago. So he is free from that now. Maybe he was breaking his good behaviour bond a couple of times (that incident with Angelo after Belle was bashed was the worst one I think)

And Liam, why isn't didn't he get punished for what he has done?? He did actually sell drugs to kids! If I saw someone selling drugs to kids in my neighbourhood I would have reacted much harder than the people in Summerbay. I don't think that its right that Aden hit Liam, but has everybody forgotten that Liam almost killed Aden when they were on the roof? Aden almost fell down because Liam pushed him.

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And Liam, why isn't didn't he get punished for what he has done?? He did actually sell drugs to kids! If I saw someone selling drugs to kids in my neighbourhood I would have reacted much harder than the people in Summerbay. I don't think that its right that Aden hit Liam, but has everybody forgotten that Liam almost killed Aden when they were on the roof? Aden almost fell down because Liam pushed him.

I did think of that although given how easily Aden got out of it, it probably wasn't as dangerous as it looked...Was Liam actually selling drugs or just handing them out like they were sweets?There does seem to have been a rather casual attitude to drugs over the last year, Belle didn't receive any legal punishment for drug taking, everyone covered for Xavier dealing drugs...Angelo did say he was going to interview Liam but it was never mentioned again.Maybe he got let off with a fine or a warning if it was just a possession charge.

Oh-and the episode where Aden punched Liam aired in Australia on 23rd September this year, (just) less than a year after his trial.So I guess he is still breaking his bond.

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Was Liam actually selling drugs or just handing them out like they were sweets?

Does it matter? Its still giving drugs to kids.

But you are right, they do seem to be very casual about drugs in Summer Bay. Xavier had quite a part time career dealing and was never properly punished as far as I remember :unsure: I suppose Belle's 'punishment' was going to rehab, maybe that was in place of a legal trial. All very vague.

Going back to what other people have said:

I agree that Jai needs to get over Annie, its all too late for them. I didn't like them much as a couple anyway.

I agree that Aden should have apologised to Nicole, but maybe he was worried that it would become a big emotional scene and she'd fall into his arms and they would get involved again. She is very fragile at the moment, actually so is he, so perhaps better to keep emotions under control.

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Was Liam actually selling drugs or just handing them out like they were sweets?

Does it matter? Its still giving drugs to kids.

Morally I don't suppose there's that much different but legally I think they'd be more lenient on someone who was sharing his own drugs with someone than on someone who was making a living from the stuff.

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I don't recall Liam selling or giving away drugs, but Xavier definitely was. As for Belle she was buying not selling so that may be why she didn't get pulled by the cops.

Although we saw Watson ringing Angelo in the 'what happened previously' bit, we still didn't really see what she wanted him to see, all we saw was him snooping around the boat shed with Robertson snooping on him. As for those photos that he showed Charlie obviously recent ones or she wouldn't be so bothered. They have to be related to whatever he is investigating so can't tell her what is really going on, but he could at least said it was to do with his job. Perhaps it's because Charlie has been let down before that explains her reaction to Angelo's inablity to tell her about what happened.

Unusual for Morag to come second best in a confrontation, like the nickname 'Battleship Ptomkin'. :lol: If he seems to know so much about the locals I'm going to guess he also knows about Leah and Vinnie, is that why he has asked her out to dinner (sorry to be cynical). I did see Irene's face when she heard Robertson's explanation about his name that's four different verisons so far.

I know Romeo needs a job but please don't let him work for John Palmer! He (Romeo that is) is attracted to Annie you could see that by the way he was talking to her at the surf club, but also feels a loyalty to Jai.

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Anyway, once more Nicole gave Ruby some good advice and it was nice to see.I can understand Ruby not wanting to immediately tell Xavier she'd broken up with him even if it is potentially causing problems and hopefully she'll follow Nicole's advice and break up with him again when he's stronger. Nicole's right that she doesn't need to feel guilty for upsetting him, it'd be a lot crueller to keep stringing him along when she doesn't feel that way about him any longer.I think it's a simple case of being 15/16, being with your first serious boyfriend and falling head over heels and thinking you're going to be together forever when in a few years you're going to look back and still remember them fondly but realise you weren't nearly as in love as you thought you were.She bonded with Geoff when they went away and as a result she's ended up developing stronger and more grown-up feelings for him than she ever had for Xavier.


Don't agree entirely. I think that Ruby should feel guilty. She left her boyfriend (whom she made love with and said she loved him a short while before) and went off with Geoff, without letting Xavier know or replying to his messages while she was away. He tried to support her after that, as far as she let him, which wasn't much. he's been hanging around for the past few weeks waiting for her to get back with him and last week she said that she would like that. At least he didn't go off with anyone else. And I don't think that she has stronger feelings for Geoff now than she had for Xavier. It's more like she wants to move on and start a new chapter of her life, after the Charlie/Grant business. And Xavier has to take the fall.

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Aha, so Angelo has made a deal with the devil i.e. the shadowy arm of the law. The thing is, if Robertson has been warned off Angelo because Angelo is on secret police business, wouldn't Robertson back off? What would be the point of Robertson interfering with another police investigation, especially one in another department? It doesn't make sense, unless of course R has been told that A is somehow doing something illegal and ordered to check up on him. Or R just doesn't like a cop killing another cop, even though it was an accident. The plot thickens, jolly good!

I thought Charlie was being quite unreasonable. Firstly, Angelo is a policeman, so surely he would work under cover sometimes. Secondly, she was saying 'there's a whole part of your life which is secret and unknown to me'- what was she doing to him for all that time? Keeping a whole part of her life secret and unknown from him, which is why he split up with her that time. :rolleyes: I suppose she is just very sensitive and upset at the moment.

I wonder if Annie is finally hitting adolescence after all these years, that is why she is being nasty. I can see her and Romeo being another Hayley and Noah though... :blink:

Well done to HAA for showing a realistic portrayal of parents looking after a newborn baby i.e. its not all smiles and cuteness, however much they wanted the baby in the first place. I think Rachel needs a break, its a shame her mum is not around anymore, isn't her mum dead?

Sweet with Leah and Robertson. Maybe because he is such a liar he appreciates her truthfulness, or maybe that was just a lie. It is so nice to see Leah happy and glowing again :)

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Anyway, once more Nicole gave Ruby some good advice and it was nice to see.I can understand Ruby not wanting to immediately tell Xavier she'd broken up with him even if it is potentially causing problems and hopefully she'll follow Nicole's advice and break up with him again when he's stronger. Nicole's right that she doesn't need to feel guilty for upsetting him, it'd be a lot crueller to keep stringing him along when she doesn't feel that way about him any longer.I think it's a simple case of being 15/16, being with your first serious boyfriend and falling head over heels and thinking you're going to be together forever when in a few years you're going to look back and still remember them fondly but realise you weren't nearly as in love as you thought you were.She bonded with Geoff when they went away and as a result she's ended up developing stronger and more grown-up feelings for him than she ever had for Xavier.

Don't agree entirely. I think that Ruby should feel guilty. She left her boyfriend (whom she made love with and said she loved him a short while before) and went off with Geoff, without letting Xavier know or replying to his messages while she was away. He tried to support her after that, as far as she let him, which wasn't much. he's been hanging around for the past few weeks waiting for her to get back with him and last week she said that she would like that. At least he didn't go off with anyone else. And I don't think that she has stronger feelings for Geoff now than she had for Xavier. It's more like she wants to move on and start a new chapter of her life, after the Charlie/Grant business. And Xavier has to take the fall.

I agree with you to a certain extent but I think you might have misunderstood me.Ruby should feel guilty for the way she's been treating Xavier recently, because it's been pretty appalling, but she shouldn't feel guilty for breaking up with him.That's actually her stopping treating him badly, if she continued to string him along and treat him badly, then she'd have reason to feel guilty.I guess whether or not she ever loved Xavier or loved him as much as she does Geoff is a matter of opinion but I definitely don't think it's as simple as her wanting to start a "new chapter" as you put it, she genuinely just doesn't feel anything for him anymore, they've drifted apart.

Anyway...Alf's episode count this week:Four.(And he was credited on Thursday as well, despite not appearing.)

I continue to be disappointed with the way Charlie's behaving even though I understand it. Angelo told her as much as he could, she's a police officer herself and knows he can't tell her everything but it basically comes down to her not trusting him.I don't like that Robertson's messed up their lives like this but I suppose he's just doing his job.I think that he's been told not to interfere with Angelo's investigation but is still treating him as a suspect.Angelo following him was presumably just him getting his own back.Sounds as if Angelo's only a free man because he did a deal with Stevens which is possibly even more ridiculous than the charges being dropped.He's an adequate police officer at best so his only advantage is he knows the area and why not just use one of the local force?Were they after someone with an added incentive?

I like that they're writing Annie as older but still keeping the core of the character.Her throwing a strop at Irene and Geoff was great and her taking surfing lessons is a brilliant image.I'm still in mourning about her and Jai though.It probably doesn't help that he obviously still likes her:Part of me really really wants him to win her back but I don't think he will.Romeo's plan actually sounds like it could work.Loved Miles and Kirsty teasing them, those two do make a really cute double act when they're not arguing and I wish we saw more of it.Tempted to hit Colleen when she told Kirsty what to drink, wish Kirsty had told her where to go.Romeo standing up to John was nice, shame he spoilt the effect by turning into a puppy dog.

More Tony and Rachel struggling with Harry.Basically light-hearted, liked Martha and Rachel's banter about screaming in the paddock and Martha's talking sending him to sleep, but Rachel's expressions when no-one was looking suggest she's really not happy.I'm wondering if there's actually going to be a "reason" why Harry's crying, that there's something wrong with him, or if he's just doing what babies do.

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