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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Agree with you there Red, John may indeed be obnoxious, but he is all mouth, no action. I believed him when he said he wasn't responsible for the brick (or the notes for that matter). The way he was giving those leaflets out anyone (Derrick) could have done it. It certainly gave both him and Hugo a shock when she said she was running up against him. If John wants to dish the dirt (which of course he will) he is bound to bring up the fact she used to work as a pole dancer in a club that was raided for drugs.

Hugo also has a secret he tells Martha about tonight that also may put the kibosh on it.

TYS, Annie thinks the love poem came from Romeo, I won't ask why she would assume that considering it was put in her (unlocked) locker. When she kept telling Romeo she wouldn't be returning to the class the phrase 'me thinks the lady doth protest too much' came to mind! :D He does seem to be struggling with his growing feelings for Annie and his promise to Jai that he would get them back together. Did love it when he fell over and she got her own back about sense of balance.

Miles proposal was a bit of a shock and I can understand why Kirsty may not want to at the moment (or not at all as she said later). She may have put it badly about the fact that they both had marriages that ended, but I get what she meant. His did end through not fault of his own, whereas hers did end rather messily. As for the divorce I think Kane sent her the divorce papers a while back, I think the reason was irretrevable break down.

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Yesterday’s episode was so bad I couldn’t be bothered to post anything. The most notable thing for me was it was finally confirmed that Kirsty had divorced Kane – Gutted. I was hoping that one day they would get back together but I guess that was the final nail in the coffin. I found Romeo a bit annoying in that episode too. I really hated the way he humiliated Annie in front of everybody like that during the surfing lesson. So unnecessary. Liked her comeback at the end when he fell over his own surfboard though. I really hope Romeo isn’t trying to shaft Jai. I would be extremely displeased if that happened.

Anyway, Martha seems to be wanting to run for councillor for all the wrong reasons. Namely her dislike for John and simply because she doesn’t want him to win. She doesn’t seem to have any policies and appears to lack the diplomacy and charisma needed for a position such as that as was evident by the conversation with Aden. She seems to be chucking a hissy fit quite frequently when John’s around which seems very characteristic of the old Martha. In saying that I liked the stuff with her and Hugo, quite liked the way she comforted him and liked him opening about the guilt of causing his girlfriend’s death. When she mentioned that she wasn’t always a good girl how did I know she was going to bring up the pole dancing (I still find the look on her face that time when she saw Brad, Ric and the others at Peter’s stag night when they realised it was her hilarious).

I thought Gina was better today but maybe because Brendan wasn’t around. I did feel like she was trying to throw the interview and at first I didn’t think she wanted the job but I wonder if she was possibly using a bit of reverse psychology. Perhaps being brutally honest in the hope that Bartlett liked that.

When Bartlett said he wasn’t going to offer Gina the science teacher’s position I knew he was going to offer her the head principle's job instead. I’m really not sure he’s made the right decision TBH. It was impulsive, I felt he did that so he could go on leave ASAP and was thinking as long as the kids, sorry "students" were on their way with the HSCs, what happened afterwards didn’t matter because he wasn’t going to be there. This was apparent because he seemed quite stressed. Gina herself admitted during the interview that she’d have quite a bit of catching up to do and only got the head teachers job by default. The way Bartlett had a go at Nicole then criticized Miles was perhaps harsh but I thought he was right. Nicole’s been of the rails as of late and Miles has been struggling with her as I mentioned before. In saying that I really liked the way Miles tried to look out for him.

I had mixed feelings about Aden. I liked the way he was with Martha at the beginning even though he inferred he was going to vote for John and I liked the fact that he was trying to look out for Nicole but hated his attitude towards Liam. He’s not even the least bit sorry about hitting him last week and he actually thinks he did the right thing.

I got the impression from what she said previously that it would be a long time before Nicole forgave Liam and didn’t want anything to do with him. But here she obviously wanted to spend time with him. I did quite like their chat on the beach regarding Sid. I didn’t mind her going to the Surf Club because she thought Liam was in danger but she was dressed like she was going to a fancy restaurant (when she should have been studying) so maybe she was hoping it was a date. Was it me or was Aden jealous?

All round a much better episode than yesterday.

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As for the divorce I think Kane sent her the divorce papers a while back, I think the reason was irretrevable break down.

Kane did send the papers but Alf said something like "I thought you had to wait a year [since they separated?]" and Kirsty confirmed than they did but they were getting the preliminaries sorted.If they're counting from when Kane went to jail it's been a year but they got back together at the start of the year.

Glad Nicole gave Aden a serve for punching Liam while he trotted out his usual excuse for mistreating someone("He deserved it").He didn't deserve it for what he did at Belle's funeral, turning up on drugs was wrong but he wasn't disruptive, at worst his entrance was distracting.Aden claiming it was his fault Belle was on drugs sounds like a typical example of him looking for someone to blame, Belle was taking drugs before she ever met Liam and Aden might as well blame himself for handing her a bottle of prescription drugs.He's right that Nicole doesn't need a messy relationship with a guy that'll treat her badly but then Liam said the same thing to Belle about him...and he was right.Having said that, I'm not too happy about Nicole twice hanging out with Liam instead of studying, especially when I thought she was genuine when she told Miles she'd knuckle down.If Aden really does care about Nicole, I think he should have a word with Miles about these "distractions":Liam's arguably being irresponsible but confronting him again wouldn't do any good.

Again found John's don't-care-what-you-think attitude amusing and liked Aden basically saying he'd vote for him.Not sure about Hugo's behaviour, Morag seemed to clock there was something suspicious. Maybe it was just the incident with his girlfriend, have to see how he acts from now on.Didn't really understand his story, other than that he was on drugs and the accident was his fault.I presume Gina knows if it's public record, Xavier was probably too young(I think he'd have only been about 6 at the time).Surprised he didn't already know about Martha's pole dancing, everyone else in town does. Colleen as campaign manager?Is Martha sure about that?She might have the enthusiasm but what about the organisational skills?

Gina's first interview outfit wasn't professional at all so good thing she changed it.She did seem to be trying to talk herself out of the job, it's fine saying you struggled for six months but why not then say that you got better after that?I can sort of see why Martin offered her the job, she came across as someone who is honest and genuinely cares about the "students".

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Haven't got time for long woffly posts so I'll just summarise:

Go Martha! But John is a slippery character so take care.

Didn't we all know about Hugo's girlfriend's death months ago? And that it was his fault?

Kirsty and Miles are obviously going to split up, they have reached the end of the road.

Romeo actually might be a nice person after all, he annoys John [which is always good] and seems a bit goofy [ditto].

Can't remember much about the episodes lately, they have been a bit dull.

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What sort of education system do they have over there where an outgoing principal can appoint the next one! Isn't there a school board or education officials who actually pay the salary? Don't they get a say!

Poor Xavier. A mother for principal!

And Colleen for campaign manager! What a joke! Give uo now Martha with that kind of help!

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What sort of education system do they have over there where an outgoing principal can appoint the next one! Isn't there a school board or education officials who actually pay the salary? Don't they get a say!

Well, Martin is only going on holiday, not leaving permanently, so it's more a matter of finding someone to cover for him while he's away.I guess if his superiors really did object to his decision they'd veto it.

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Didn't we all know about Hugo's girlfriend's death months ago? And that it was his fault?

Yes and no. We heard that his girlfriend died in a car crash, but last night was the first time we heard it was Hugo's fault. John would have to do a lot of digging to discover that little snippet of information, much easier to bring up the pole dancing. It would probably be along the lines of 'Do you want an ex pole dancer representing your town?'

It could well have been a knee jerk reaction on Martha's part to go up against John as councillor, hopefully she will get some policies together. He does need to know that he can't have it all his own way. Colleen may have her faults but she is good at arranging things, so she may surprise us all!

It was rather obvious that Martin would offer Gina the principals job rather than the teaching job (where did she suddenly come from, she wasn't there the night before then all of a sudden up she pops! :rolleyes: Imagine how Xavier is going to react to that, he was unhappy to think she was going to be a teacher, now she is going to be principal!

I think Miles saw how stressed Martin was when he bawling Nicole out and that it why he called her into class.

Didn't think Nicole's saying she didn't want to see Liam would last long, probably a lot to do with the fact Aden had hit him and warned him to stay away from her. It wasn't just you Slade the same thing crossed my mind about Aden/Nicole.

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Didn't we all know about Hugo's girlfriend's death months ago? And that it was his fault?

Yes and no. We heard that his girlfriend died in a car crash, but last night was the first time we heard it was Hugo's fault.

Oh dear, maybe it was just me automatically assuming it was Hugo's fault when I heard about the accident which killed her :lol: I could have sworn he blamed himself before though...

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One thing that bugs me about the whole John Palmer situation is how Martha and Hugo never mention the fact that just a couple of months previously Palmer and a whole busload of kids would have been blown to pieces if they hadn't risked their lives to diffuse the bomb planted by Trey (John's stepson). I know if I had done something like saving a bunch of school kids, I'd sure raise the issue in an election campaign in front of the whole surf club or on the campaign trail. If he was using dirty tricks like that and bullying me, I'd say something along the lines of 'You wouldn't even be around to campaign if I hadn't diffused that bomb'. Has everybody forgotten about that or is it just bad continuity of behalf of the writers? Maybe I just have a longer memory that Hugo and Martha are supposed to have.

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