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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Don't forget, Rachel isn't just 'tired and stressed', she is absolutely exhausted. It is very hard to understand how complete exhaustion makes you act strangely, get paranoid, irrational, completely crazy unless you've actually been completely exhausted i.e. looked after your own tiny child. You are on duty 24/7 with no break, you can't just switch off like you can after coming home from your day job, you get no time to take care of your own needs.

I thought it was quite an interestingly done episode going through the night with different stories about the girls' dreams; the stakeout; Rachel and Tony looking after Harry. Home and Away after hours.

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The next chapter would probably have advised her never, ever to have a baby in bed with you for precisely that reason.That must be a parent's worst nightmare, accidentally harming your child, possibly seriously.

Actually in a lot of cultures people believe it's better for the baby. When i lived in Africa babies never left their mothers side for the first year or so of their lives. They slept with them, went to work with them etc. They just got tied to their backs and that was it. And from what i saw the babies hardly ever cried. Maybe there's something in that.

I think it's pretty obvious something is wrong with Rachel. All her ranting about Leah being a better mother and her thinking Tony thinks she can't do it and iis useless. :( She really needs help and i feel desperately sorry for her - and Tony too. I think he is finding it really hard watching her struggle. He's been pretty amazing so far though. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Post Natal Depression yet becasue that seems to be what she is suffering from.

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Still not convinced about the post-natal depression theory although I'm becoming more open to it.She certainly seemed to be irrational to the point of paranoia in that episode but then sleep deprivation can do strange things to a person.Not an expert on child care by any means, my knowledge of what the "experts" recommend mainly comes from watching Casualty, but I think most cultures would agree that rolling onto a baby in your sleep is something to be avoided at all costs.Maybe there's a way to have the baby in the bed with you that's perfectly safe but that wasn't it.

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but I think most cultures would agree that rolling onto a baby in your sleep is something to be avoided at all costs.Maybe there's a way to have the baby in the bed with you that's perfectly safe but that wasn't it.

Oh of course. That's not what i meant. I just meant that in some cultures having a baby sleep in your bed is seen as a postivie thing. :)

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Poor Rachel and Tony - after all the drama of having Harry kidnapped, now they face a medical emergency. Fingers crossed the baby will be ok. Did Rachel get any councelling after Harry was kidnapped? In some ways being so overprotective and not wanting anyone else to do anything is a natural way to respond to something like that and she probably needs professional help to let go a bit. Having a baby is totally exhausting and generally most of the work will fall on the mother, especially if she is breastfeeding and the father is working. As a doctor Rachel is used to being in control and knowing whats best, so it must be very hard for her to admit that she needs help, even to Tony. Hopefully Harry will recover fully and this will give Rachel the wake up call that she must accept help.

Advice on co-sleeping with your baby varries, but generally it's not advised if you have been drinking heavily, on drugs or very exhausted (as Rachel is) also not advised to sleep with your baby on the sofa. There have been some recent studies linking co-sleeping with SIDS, but for most of the world for most of history cosleeping has been natural and I have co-slept with all three of my babies without any mishap!

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It depends on people, doesn't it? I kept my baby in a cot right near me like many other mummies do, but so many of my friends couldn't stand being woken all the time and put their babies straight into another room from birth :o I suppose its up to them, but I hated it when we moved her into her own bedroom at 6 months old, I was straining my ears all the time to hear her breathing.

Anyway, I better shut up now and let this thread go back to a Home and Away thread not a mummy and baby one :lol:

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Oh boy. Annie’s having near erotic dreams about Romeo. In the second one, the way she looked at Jai when he walked past her on the beach with Xavier she appeared to at least be sympathetic towards him. I hope she really does act like that towards him. I think it would be a shame if they were reduced to a situation where they couldn’t even say hello to each other without it being incredibly awkward.

Surprise, surprise when Robertson announced the other police officer joining them was Angelo. At first when he mentioned the Teddy bear was in fact a surveillance device I didn’t buy it as it reminded me for the stories he told about his name. However thinking about it, it’s hard to be sure. Unless I’ve been imagining things, I’m sure the camera’s zoomed in on the bear at the police station a couple of times so perhaps there was an element of truth in it. I couldn’t help but smile at the relationship counselling Robertson gave them, although again it was disappointing that at first that Charlie wouldn’t even consider what Angelo said could be plausible. As I said before I do wonder if Robertson has a degree in psychology as he seems an expert with mind games, playing people and manipulating them.

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I thought Amy (Rachel) and Jon (Tony) were amazing in this episode so well done to them :)

I'm very glad Rachel has finally accepted she needs help, although it was sad it took Harry being suffocated for everything to come a head. I liked the fact that it was Leah who recognised Rach is suffering from PND and that she was there for her - and Tony - at the hospital. It was heartbreaking to hear Rach say that her husband should hate her and her son would be better off without her :( PND is such a serious condition but is all to often dismissed and it's not seen as right for women to admit they are struggling with their babies. I think they've done a good job of highlighting the illness and i hope they continue to show her recovery realistically.

Tony was amazing, it was really sad when he told her he couldn't loose her too and when his face just fell when Leah mentioned she thought Rachel had PND. The end clip of Tony and Rachel together showing their strenght and i hope it continues.

I don't like Kirsty and Miles together and i don't think i ever will. They're just so mis-matched and seem to want totally different things.

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Oh boy. Annie’s having near erotic dreams about Romeo. In the second one, the way she looked at Jai when he walked past her on the beach with Xavier she appeared to at least be sympathetic towards him. I hope she really does act like that towards him. I think it would be a shame if they were reduced to a situation where they couldn’t even say hello to each other without it being incredibly awkward.

Surprise, surprise when Robertson announced the other police officer joining them was Angelo. At first when he mentioned the Teddy bear was in fact a surveillance device I didn’t buy it as it reminded me for the stories he told about his name. However thinking about it, it’s hard to be sure. Unless I’ve been imagining things, I’m sure the camera’s zoomed in on the bear at the police station a couple of times so perhaps there was an element of truth in it. I couldn’t help but smile at the relationship counselling Robertson gave them, although again it was disappointing that at first that Charlie wouldn’t even consider what Angelo said could be plausible. As I said before I do wonder if Robertson has a degree in psychology as he seems an expert with mind games, playing people and manipulating them.

Yea, he reminds me a bit of Goran on Law and Order: Criminal Intent with the way he uses psychology to find out the truth.

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