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Wow, those dream sequences!! Fancy a nice girl like Annie :innocent: having naughty dreams about Romeo :blush: Especially in the second one when she had nothing on. Then Ruby having her dream about Xavier and Geoff (maybe her subconscious trying to tell her something) like tell Xavier the truth! You don't think him 'saying' to her he didn't want her to get hurt was any kind of a threat? Glad she felt she could tell Ruby about them. The one Rachel was having about her and Tony and Leah and Harry being left alone was particulary distrurbing. Clever trick too of having a clock in or the time being mentioned in most scenes to show what was happening during one night.

I do feel for Rachel but she does keep shutting Tony out when he wants to help and not in a way that makes her feel she can't do anything right. Although we don't know how hands on he was with Jack and Lucas at least he has been a parent and has been through it before. Every baby is different and some cry and some don't but as I have said before maybe Harry is picking up on Rachel's tension. I think you may have revealed something the rest of us haven't yet seen yet KirstyEkua though a lot of us may have had a feeling that is what she was suffering from. Not sure if it was a godd idea of Tony to ring Leah even though she said she offered to come over. Rather unfair of Rachel to say Leah was a perfect mother (I don't think anyone can be) though I will put that down to her being stressed out and I suppose anyone would be perfect in her current state. Leah has had enough problems with VJ, remember his being deaf and she didn't realise at first.

I'm liking Robert more and more, you just never know which way he is going to jump. First of all he drives a wedge between Angelo and Charlie by showing her those photos and then he gets them back together. :unsure: I have my doubts about Gus as well (did you notice he had pinned Charlie's badge to the bow around his neck)? Could be a surveillance device then

again maybe not. Does he really believe one of them killed Grant or just playing mind games? So was it someone Charlie knew in those other photos that made her realise Angelo had been telling the truth? Who is Wayan Red? Did you notice the girls in the photos were Eastern looking rather like the young girl that they surprised when the car headlights went on? I thought when you were on a recce you were supposed to keep a low profile but there was Robert leaping in and out of the car like a yoyo.

I mentioned in an earlier post that maybe Grant was killed at a different location and moved to the beach to confuse the police, but they must be pretty thick not to realise forensic evidence can pretty much trace a persons movements before they died. So the phone was Grant's, no doubt Robert has already sorted out about tracing the last calls he made/received. Could it be that as the illegals were at the fish factory they are moved out in the delivery vans into the city? This would explain Robert questioning the people working there the other day.

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I think you may have revealed something the rest of us haven't yet seen yet KirstyEkua though a lot of us may have had a feeling that is what she was suffering from.

Oh im sorry. I watched it at lunch time today and decided just to comment then. Sorry if i spoiled anyone.

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Who is Wayan Red?

Wayan is the possible illegal immigrant that Angelo and Hugo met at the hospital and Angelo later saw down by the wharf.Apparently that was him with the little girl.No, I didn't really recognise him either.

Alf's episode count this week:Two.Actually, almost everyone was on two with only Irene, Colleen, Leah, Martha and Miles hitting the three mark.(Technically, Geoff, Xavier, Jai and Romeo were only in one because they only appeared in dreams on Thursday...but that's picky even for me.)

Okay, they played the post-natal depression card.Not sure if they're saying that's what it is or just that that's what it might be, everyone just seemed to accept Leah's theory as fact.(Shouldn't she and Tony have gone to someone a bit more qualified than Julie for help?)My sympathy levels for Rachel rose considerably in that episode and everyone was characterised excellently throughout.I was expecting Rachel to go to pieces but instead she kept her head and resuscitated Harry.I thought the fact that both she and Tony blamed themselves for what happened was very good and it didn't even occur to me that it would remind Tony of Jack but that makes perfect sense too.I'm glad they had Leah at the hospital, they've done a good job of keeping her and Rachel's friendship real.Glad too that Rachel realised she needs help and she can't just take Harry home and carry on as if nothing happened, whether it's PND or not she clearly loves Harry but she's not coping and she needs help and support. First time we've seen Rachel and Julie together since their fall-out, glad they seem to have put it behind them.First mention of Jamie since...well, the first mention of Jamie, I guess.

Nicole and Liam...Oh dear.Not sure what to make of it.I don't think he's planning to hurt her and it's good that they've both got someone to talk to but it feels like she's acting like she did with Sid and he's acting like he did with Belle.She's throwing herself at a guy just because he's being nice to her and this time he's not mature enough to turn her down.Meanwhile, he's expecting her to be his special friend who comes running whenever he calls, which she does even though she should be doing something else.Don't think Geoff was entirely won over but he's just looking out for her and didn't really overstep the mark.Nicole managing to shut Colleen up was a nice moment.Not sure if Aden's washed his hands of them or not, he doesn't take kindly to people disagreeing with him sometimes.

Really glad that Miles turned Kirsty down, it felt like, as with agreeing to try for a baby, she was doing what she thought would make him happy rather than what she actually wanted.I actually feel like they're on the same page for the first time in a long while.Ollie stole every scene he was in as usual.

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I’ve found it really hard to get into the episodes this week. I’m just not feeling this PND storyline with Rachel and stuff with Miles and Kirsty is so boring it’s like watching paint dry.

Nicole has now undergone a complete turnaround regarding Liam. I found it interesting how she was able to highlight exactly what went wrong with Sid but didn’t see anything wrong spending time with Liam. I must stress that I do not have a problem with girls sleeping around as such but there are just a couple of things regarding Nicole. Firstly, she really should be concentrating on her HSC rather than focusing on Liam and secondly I’m not sure sleeping with him (or anyone for that matter) at the moment is the answer to her problems. She really should be trying to focus more on friendships with other people (after the HSC of course) to eliminate this dependency on being attracted to the first person who shows her any kind of attention. BTW I loved the part where she told Coleen to “get over it”.

About a year ago I probably would have got annoyed with Geoff for warning Liam off but I really didn’t mind today. I think he’s been hanging around Aden too long, although at least he didn’t hit Liam. We only had a brief moment with Geoff and Aden today but I still liked it, especially the way Aden was teasing Geoff about Ruby. Interesting how Aden seemed to storm off when he saw Liam and Nicole come into the Diner. Again was he jealous or just annoyed that she didn’t take his advice about steering clear from him?

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Quite a difficult episode to watch today, it brought all the feelings of struggling as a new mum back again. And also memories of my friends who woke to find their young son dead in his cot a few Christmases ago- he couldn't be resuscitated like Harry.

Poor, poor Rachel, I wanted to hug her. Its a shame she has to be labelled as 'one of those women who get PND' before she gets help with her situation. I don't think its an 'on/off switch', 'PND' or 'not PND': I see it as more of a continuum from 'coping well' to 'really struggling'.

I thought the storyline has been done well but where on earth were the midwives and health visitors after Rachel gave birth?? I don't know what system there is in Australia, but surely in real life after a woman gives birth health workers come to visit to see if she [and her partner] are coping?? I suppose writers didn't think to include those in the storyline, to make it more dramatic, but it is not very realistic.

Nicole is so lucky to have so many people looking out for her. If only all communities were as caring as Summer Bay... we wouldn't need to watch Home and Away :unsure: I thought Geoff did the right thing by warning Liam.

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The scenes with Rachel and Tony at the hospital brought tears to my eyes. It was so sad to see them blaming themselves. If Rachel does have PND I hope it is properly diagnosed and not just on a friends guess, although she could well be right. It's hard to draw a line between the natural exhaustion and paranoia of a new mother and when it becomes a serious problem. I could really empathise with Rachel when she talked about how she spent every moment worrying about something going wrong with Harry - when my first son was a baby I used to try to stay awake for as long as possible after he went to sleep to make sure he was still breathing! I really really hope things go better for Rachel and Tony from now on. They wanted a baby for so long, but they've hardly had any chance to enjoy him.

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I think you may have revealed something the rest of us haven't yet seen yet KirstyEkua though a lot of us may have had a feeling that is what she was suffering from.

Oh im sorry. I watched it at lunch time today and decided just to comment then. Sorry if i spoiled anyone.

You're forgiven KirstyEkua, it's only a problem when people give away the outcome of a really dramatic storyline.

It is a relief that Rachel has realised she is not O.K. If another mum had been in that state she would have been able to recognise it, but as it was herself she couldn't or wouldn't admit it.

She must leave the Bay for awhile because towards the end of next week it says in TV mags Rachel returns to the Bay.

Good to see Tony is being supportive and not blaming her, he just wants her to get help PND or not. It was lucky (as he himself said) that he didn't wait any longer before going into them.

Liam and Nicole - this time she is making the running not him. Maybe she is getting her prioties wrong, spending time with Laim when she should be studying, when Miles finds out I'm sure he will have something to say about it. I don't think Geoff was interfering either he was just looking out for her as a friend.

Typical, just as Kirsty changes her mind so does Miles, it always happens that way for those two doesn't it? Little Olly was lovely as usual, he had picked up on Miles being sad so it just shows that kids are wiser than a lot of adults think. They probably think they are keeping everything away from him but not so. You're probably right Red she was just doing it for Miles than for herself.

So could I have been right that the name Wayan used at the hospital (Clint) was the name of someone (Hugo)who was involved in the people smuggling?

On that subject I notice there weren't any follow up scenes after the survillence that Angelo, Charlie and Robert were on. How long do we have to wait before we do?

I have noticed on the Australian forum remarks about the make over to Irene's house. When exactly did that happen? :unsure: Must be the same workmen who worked in Corrie when they had the factory extension done overnight. :wink:

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Possibly the thing I've noticed about the makeover of Irene's house...what have they done with the table?!The new table in the living/dining room looks about half the size of the old one.It's so small it'd actually be a bit of a squeeze getting all four of them around it at the same time and goodness only knows what they'll do if they have guests for dinner...

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Although I wanted Angelo to tell Charlie about the operation, I would have preferred it if it had been under his terms. Charlie was acting a bit like a spoilt child who didn’t get her own way and was in a strop and I really didn’t like the way she basically emotionally blackmailed him into giving classified details away. As a police officer she should have known how difficult a position he was in and as his girlfriend should have trusted him enough for him not to tell her.

Ruby is the person I blame the most in this whole Ruby/Xavier/Geoff love triangle. I did give her credit for finishing with Xavier before he lost his memory but the only reason she hasn’t finished with him now is because she wants him to keep quiet about lying to Robertson and giving a false statement. She’s blatantly flirting with Geoff and still giving Xavier mixed signals. I do however think Xavier suspects something’s wrong. That much was clear by the way he warned Geoff off. I didn’t particularly like the way he did it but thinking about it a lot of people in his position would have done the same thing (and to be fair Geoff warned Liam off Nicole last week and he’s not even going out with Nicole). I thought it interesting how Xavier interpreted their interaction to conclude Geoff was messing with Ruby’s head, when I think it’s the other way round, namely that Ruby is messing with Geoff’s head. At least Geoff considers how his actions will affect other people and was trying to do the right thing (unlike Ruby).

I’m assuming Nicole and Liam simply copped off at the beach but slept together back at Miles’s. I understand Kirsty’s concerns especially after seeing Liam flirting with those two girls by the pool table but there’s really nothing they can do I feel. I’m glad Miles didn’t say anything directly to her about it. Should they try and stop Nicole from seeing Liam this will only make her more determined to keep seeing him. If she’s going to go out with Liam surely it’s better to be spending time under Miles’s roof rather than them going out to who knows where and Nicole returning home in the earlier hours of the morning.

Loved Ollie’s reference to Liam not having his shoes on then Miles and Kirsty sarcastically dropping hints about what they were up to.

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