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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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So Missy chucks a hissy fit and storms off just because she can’t fool Daddy, sorry Granddad and step Nan. Did she really think that would get past Ross or Morag? Both of them have years of experience of dealing with liars so I guess it was relatively straightforward for them to tell. I’m glad Hugo had a quiet word with her and called her out about stringing Xavier along which she is still doing. I thought her remark about not thinking of Charlie was one of the single most hypocritical statements she’s made.

I was a bit disappointed with Robertson’s date with Leah and one of the things that did bother me is that you never know where you stand with him. He said he liked Leah because she’s honest but I agree half the time when he says something it’s hard to tell if it’s the truth of if he’s blagging.

I always suspected that Romeo wasn’t serious about getting Jai back with Annie. The worst thing is that Romeo’s using Jai to get with her by proxy now I feel - Is Jai actually writing the poems or is Romeo doing it for him?

I thought it funny how Martha accused John of being self righteous when she very often comes across like that - Especially when she’s dealing with John.

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I thought it was obvious that Romeo was writing the poems himself and pretending they were from Jai? But then Jai said Romeo doesn't do schoolwork, or whatever he said, so maybe it is Jai writing them and I've been wrong all along :unsure:

I liked Robertson's date with Leah. If he was talking nonsense, at least he was being imaginative, inventive and talking intelligently. I am so sick of having boring conversations with people with no imagination [i mean in real life] that I'd love to have a friend like Robertson.

SLADE: please tell me whose quotation that is in your signature, it is annoying me now :wink: I think it is Morag.

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I've always thought it was Jai writing the poems, he does have the temperant for that. Romeo did seem to try and put Annie off when she was flirting with him, it was so funny when she was doing the hair flicking and he asked if she had something in her eye. :D It just isn't her, so much better when she decided to be herself.

Yes, Ruby was being two faced about about Morag and Ross's treatment of Charlie, conviently forgetting how she has behaved.

I suppose you have to admire her in a way for sticking to her story, it certainly shows determination, though the way she is using Xavier is unforgivable. Does seem odd that Ruby saw Xavier at Leah's when just the other nigth she was still at Irene's.

Leah's dress was gorgeous, even though she never did tell Robert anything about herself and let him do all the talking. Then knowing Robert he probably knows most of the stuff anyway. Is he sewn into that suit, you would have thought he would have dressed a little bit more causually for their date?

I'm probably picky (or thick) but why has Martha's campaign poster got her maiden name on it? :unsure: She is Jack's widow they didn't get divorced. Don't see why John said they were in bad taste, after all he put them up in the first place.

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SLADE: please tell me whose quotation that is in your signature, it is annoying me now :wink: I think it is Morag.

Yes, it was during Nicole and Morag’s first meeting. Nicole starting making snide remarks towards Morag about her age and being Roman’s girlfriend then Morag put Nicole in her place. I've had it for quite a while and really should think about changing it.

I started off thinking that Rachel was out of line with Tony and once again it felt like he couldn’t do anything right but I suppose at least she apologised. Don’t entirely agree with her statement that she thrives under pressure. Maybe at work perhaps but certainly not at home. I found her conversation with Tony interesting in that several weeks ago when he wanted to go back to coaching she got into a strop and threw her toys out of the pram but the position seem almost reversed here although I don’t think he was as bad.

Quite liked the stuff with Aden and Annie, it almost seemed like a sibling thing. I much prefer Aden in scenes like that than when he puts on the bravado act.

Wasn’t sure about Romeo at first but I’m liking him less and less. It felt like he was frustrated at thought of having to help Jai get back with Annie which is why it seemed like he almost snapped at him. I really don’t like how he and Annie are now getting closer and closer and what bothers me the most is that he knows Jai’s not very confident with girls whereas he clearly wouldn’t have a problem getting a girlfriend. I know Romeo can’t help the way he feels but he should just be honest with Jai and tell him that he’s starting to fall for Annie.

I think it’s a shame because for the first time in a while Jai and Annie actually seemed friendly with each other. Sod’s law that they had to go head to head to compete for the foreign exchange trip to Japan. Annie told Aden that it was Geoff and Irene keeping her from going but it was obviously Romeo as well. Similarly it was Annie that was keeping Jai from wanting to leave. I actually think given the current situation it would probably be best if Jai went considering that he’s already noticed something between Annie and Romeo and will almost certainly get hurt either way. There is always the possibility of him meeting someone too and at the very least if he doesn’t see Annie it will be easier for him to get over her – Out of sight out of mind and all that. I thought Kirsty and Miles offered him good advice and I liked that Miles was encouraging him to go even though they’re quite close and he would probably miss Jai a great deal.

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^^I think her strop from a few weeks ago can be blamed on her PND. I think it was another sign of how much she was struggling to cope. It's a terrible illness and i'm glad Home and Away managed to show it quite realistically.

I think it's a positive thing she wants to go back to work. Her time at the treatment centre already seems to have helped her. Anything that makes her more happy in herself is good for Harry. He needs a happy mother and it's really lovely she seems to be a lot more relaxed with him now and is enjoying him without her constant worries :) I think Tony is just worried her work is going to stress her too much, bless him. I'm sure for 2 days a week they'll sort something out. And i did like she mentioned she was going to keep seeing her councelor. :) Loved the little scene where she asked Harry what she should do, bless!! :wub:

I really can't warm to Romeo. He's not anything new and i find it strange he'd like Annie. It just doesn't fit.

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Back to not being sure what to make of Romeo.He did seem to be feeling guilty about making such a blatant play for Annie and seemed to realise that he's not doing Jai any good by giving him half-hearted help;instead of stopping him from talking to Annie like he did last episode, he told him to let her know how he feels.But then he seemed to start flirting with Annie behind Jai's back again.There did seem to be an interesting role reversal between them in their early scenes, with Annie being the forward one and Romeo being nervous.I agree Miles and Kirsty gave Jai some good advice(they actually make a good team when they're not having constant drama thrown at them)and I wish he had spoken to Annie, at least then he'd know where he stands.Is it me or is Annie's wetsuit a lot more revealing than anyone else in that class?Everyone else's seem to be practically neck to ankle while she's got a low-cut top and above the knee bottoms!Her choosing Aden as confidante was surprising but worked well, those two do actually spark off each other well, I'd like to see them together more. Loved Irene's reaction to Annie's rant as she realised Annie's acting like a teenage girl for once.

Rachel's PND is referred to as fact.Guess she was diagnosed off-screen.Seems it's over anyway...or is it?I started off understanding where both she and Tony came from and sympathising with them but ending up doing nothing of the sort.I could understand why Rachel found it frustrating that Tony kept checking up on everything and not letting her do anything but he took a step back before and she fell to pieces and nearly killed their son, so I could understand him being cautious.Rachel does seem a bit more at ease with Harry, I think that's the first time I've seen her make a casual remark to him.But from the moment Rachel said she wanted to go back to work it felt like neither of them was willing to listen to the other.It's all right Rachel saying that it's her choice but the decision affects both of them and Harry and she can't just do her own thing without considering anyone else.Wouldn't it be best if she talked it over with her counsellor and got some impartial advice instead of just making a unilateral decision about what she thinks is best for all of them?

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^^She told Tony she'd talked it over with her counsellor already and that she thought it was a good idea :)

Right now, anything that makes Rachel feel more positive and in control of her life and emotions is a good thing, not just for Harry but for her relationship with Tony. She's doing it for Harry's benefit - she said as much to Tony. Happy mum = happy baby.

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Rachel definitely seems more at ease with Harry now, have you noticed he has stopped crying all the time when he is with her? Obviously now she is not so tense he is not picking up on it. I can understand Tony feeling he ought to check up on Rachel, but it's making her feel that she can't be trusted. I say let her return to work for the two days she suggested and see how it goes. Yes, her job can be stressful but at least she can leave it all behind when she gets home. Some mums aren't made to spend all their time with the baby and Rachel is one of them. The course she went on must have been pretty intense unless more time has passed than we think.

As for Jai and Annie I think time apart will be good for both of them. BTW how come it's the first time we have heard of this Japanese Exchange thing when according to Miles it originally came up a few months ago and apparently both Jai and Annie were keen to go then? :confused: It looked like Martin has already left as it was Gina giving the news. Annie doesn't want to go because of Romeo and Jai doesn't want to go because of Annie, but perhaps he will change his mind after seeing Annie and Romeo on the beach, it hardly looked like a 'chat' by their body language. Romeo obviously feels torn between his feelings for Annie (especially as she has shown she likes him) and his loyalty towards Jai.

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I think if you've had a high pressure, busy job which uses your brain to the utmost, with a high status and lots of respect, it is a very sudden jolt to be a stay at home mum with a baby. You are suddenly nothing with no status or respect, seen as a 'drain on society' and 'just a housewife'. It is also very boring being at home with a tiny baby as they can't really interact with you. I love that quote from Felicia Huffman [Lynette in Desperate Housewives]: [it goes something like this] 'motherhood is simultaneously idolized and marginalised'. That is so true: people think every woman should be a mother, but when you become a mother, you are not seen as contributing in any way to society.

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