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Rather than thinking the worst of John I was actually unsure of him after that episode. He seemed quite pleasant unlike he is usually but it’s hard to tell whether that was solely for Gina’s benefit. We finally got a mention that Trey’s in an “institution” and John seemed to take some responsibility for why Trey turned out the way he did. By the looks of things he and Jenena have split up as he referred to her as his ex. Not sure if divorce proceeding have been initiated yet. Anyway I actually quite liked the stuff with him and Gina. She seemed to take an immediate disliking to him after she found out who he was but after a while they seemed to build up an understanding and I think she liked his brutal honesty (I wonder if she knows about the fight he had with Hugo that time). I think it will be really interesting to see if anything actually happens between these two (because to me it seemed as though John was trying it on, Gina started to quite like him) and what effect it will have on characters such as Xavier, Hugo, Martha etc.

I’m sort of on the fence about Nicole and Liam but I really don’t like the way he wants to “hang out” with her when she’s supposed to be studying for her HSC. If he really cared about her he would just let her get on with it and perhaps only arrange to see her on weekends. They can spend as much time as the want after she’s completed her exams. It was almost as if he wanted her there to support him because he needed someone to talk to about the situation he’s in. That’s fine but she was with him most of the day. There were a couple of moments I enjoyed, firstly when she was about to walk off, he played the guitar, singing to her asking her to come back. Secondly when he was playing to her in the evening, Gina walked past with John and dropped some loose change into the guitar case because she thought he was busking.

The whole thing with Geoff and Aden was a bit ridiculous but at least Aden eventually gave in and agreed to a compromise. It’s interesting how some people would like something to happen between those two. I don’t think they would ever get it on but the way they’ve both been acting around each other I can see why some of the more optimistic posters would want to put that down to sexual tension.

Tony’s reaction after Rachel told him she was definitely going back to work and how soon she was going back made me smile. You could tell by the look on her face there was no way she was going to back down and went ahead and made the decision for all of them. As I said a reversal of before but although he wasn’t happy at all at least he appeared to accept it however I think Martha had some part in that. To be honest I didn’t think Martha was as bad as I thought she would be when she offered Tony advice. I can recall one occasion before when she got involved in Tony and Rachel’s business and went up to him in the Surf club went into one and came across as extremely self righteous.

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I liked seeing a more caring side to John. I don't know if he was putting it on for Gina, but when he was talking tothe kids about life saving, he genuinely seemed to know what he was talking about and be serious about the subject. That actor played such a pleasant character in Out of the Blue that it would be nice to see him be more pleasant in HAA.

I laughed at Gina putting money in Liam's hat for busking!

I liked the scenes between Liam and Nicole at first but they did drag on after a while with a lot of navel gazing :blink:

Aden and Geoff were ridiculous!! I liked the evil looks Geoff was giving Aden though- very well acted :lol:

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Alf's episode count this week:None!That'd be astonishing with any character but Alf?!Did I miss a line where he said he was going away on a fishing holiday or is Ray doing something else at the moment? Everyone else was in the standard two or three.

So, Rachel spoke to her counsellor but it sounds like she hadn't done so when she first sprung the idea on Tony.I really don't know what to make of this and highlighting an important issue aside, I wish they hadn't started flinging the term post-natal depression around and instead just made her a new mum who was having a hard time coping and was out of her depth.It feels like they're saying that she's got a medical condition and isn't responsible for the way she behaves but making a decision that affects everyone and just expecting Tony to fit in with it?That's not post-natal depression, that's just Rachel. She's lucky that Tony's easy-going enough to go along with it.Going back to work for a couple of days a week isn't too much of an adjustment but I don't like the way that she seems to completely dismiss his opinion a lot of the time.Loved the "What do I do with you?" look that Martha gave Harry when she was left alone with him even if it didn't make much sense, she's looked after him before.

John certainly seemed to be turning on the charm with Gina.As someone who's always thought he's not quite as bad as he's made out to be, it's nice to see that side of him again and I hope he's genuine and it wasn't just an act.Nice to get a mention of Trey and again I'm hoping that John meant it when he acknowledged he didn't do a very good job with him and it wasn't just for Gina's benefit.Sounds as though he and Jenena have broken up(and perhaps she's left town?)although if she's willing to use him as a shoulder to cry on it must be fairly amicable.

Like Slade, I'm kind of on the fence with Nicole and Liam.I don't mind them together but I would prefer it if they stayed friends rather than a couple or friends with benefits or whatever it is they're supposed to be.I agree that his constantly dragging her away from her study is annoying, a short break would be fine but not all day.I can see her bombing at her exams.

Geoff and Aden once again act like five-year-olds in each other's company.I actually really enjoyed their scenes and hope they keep up that mildly antagonistic relationship, I'd hate for things to get too cosy between them.

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So, Rachel spoke to her counsellor but it sounds like she hadn't done so when she first sprung the idea on Tony.I really don't know what to make of this and highlighting an important issue aside, I wish they hadn't started flinging the term post-natal depression around and instead just made her a new mum who was having a hard time coping and was out of her depth.It feels like they're saying that she's got a medical condition and isn't responsible for the way she behaves but making a decision that affects everyone and just expecting Tony to fit in with it?That's not post-natal depression, that's just Rachel. She's lucky that Tony's easy-going enough to go along with it.Going back to work for a couple of days a week isn't too much of an adjustment but I don't like the way that she seems to completely dismiss his opinion a lot of the time.Loved the "What do I do with you?" look that Martha gave Harry when she was left alone with him even if it didn't make much sense, she's looked after him before.

I recall someone mentioning something like this on another thread and this is exactly one of the reasons why I find it hard to sympathise with her. I’ve always felt at times she’s had an air of superiority especially when it comes to Tony and I think one of the problems is when she speaks to people she can come across as quite patronising but I actually think she’s less annoying than before simply because she does seem ok with everyone bar Tony. As I said a while back it feels like she resents him for some reason. I’m presuming the stuff with Bridget is dead and buried and she’s forgiven him trying to kill Angelo. I think Tony’s been a lot more reasonable than some TBH.

I must have missed the look Martha gave Harry. Perhaps she was thinking about when she and Hugo looked after him before and he was kidnapped, although admittedly on paper the chances of something like that happening again are pretty remote but this is Summer Bay we’re talking about.

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PND doesn't just disappear. It's an on going process and it can take years sometimes for people to recover fully. People's comments on it have just shown how misunderstood it is and how important it is to highlight the issues surrounding it.

To Rachel's credit, she did discuss it with Tony before she actually made any real decisions - which is more that he did when he decided to go back to Footie training, he didn't even discuss it with her first. If this is something she feels she needs to do to help her then she should. At the end of the day it's of benefit to Tony as well, and obviously to Harry. I don't think she resents him at all. She's supported and forgiven him for much worse things (Bridget and trying to murder Angelo). Right now she just needs his support and he is giving her that :)

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PND doesn't just disappear. It's an on going process and it can take years sometimes for people to recover fully. People's comments on it have just shown how misunderstood it is and how important it is to highlight the issues surrounding it.

Don’t misunderstand PND at all. To reiterate what Red Ranger mentioned previously the reason why I don’t buy the whole PND story is because I don’t feel Rachel is acting out of character. It would have been different if it had been Leah or someone else then perhaps it would have been more effective but I don’t see Rachel as really being any different than she was before hence I can’t feel the storyline (and you can argue that's the writers fault). As I said in my previous post I don’t think she’s as bad as she was several months ago and to highlight what I said a while back she’s a fictional character so I’m not under any obligation to feel any sympathy towards her and just because I can't sympathise with her doesn't mean I misunderstand PND. The way I act towards a character in Home and Away I wouldn’t act towards someone in the real world.

T BH I think you’re assuming that people are misunderstanding the whole PND thing because you are frustrated at negative comments directed towards your favourite character. You’ve made that quite clear in various threads. I really wouldn’t take it personally just because people don’t feel the same way you do about Rachel. If anything I would take it as a compliment to the actress. We all have characters that we like and dislike and I’ve read many posts that have bashed my favourites but I’ve learnt for the most part to bite my tongue and not respond to every single negative post. This forum would be a very boring place if everybody felt the same….

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Rachel's definetely a controversial character :lol: I have to admit I was quite surprised when people said that Rachel was in character throughout her PND storyline, I mean, I know she can be a bit ... assertive let's just call it :P but I didn't think she was THAT bad. I know I'm a fan of Rachel's character but I do like to think and hope that I still judge her the same as other characters and I actually thought it worked better with her than it would have other characters for a few reasons. Firstly she's usually such a strong character and to see her completely lose control was something different with Rachel. Also the fact that she's a doctor and wanted to be a Mum for years and yet still got PND helped to dispell some of the myths I think that she would be immune to getting PND.

I thought they showed her change in character when she got back from the clinic really well, she was a lot more relaxed, level headed and she did actually sit down and talk to Tony about how she felt and what she wanted yet through her PND storyline she was going ahead and doing things without considering him at all. I think the reason she might be a bit stronger with Tony is simply because she's married to him; if I'm upset I'll never take it out on my friends but my family always get the brunt of my anger :P

I'm hoping Aden and Geoff don't become too buddy buddy, as RR said their relationship works that there's always a bit of tension there. It's been nice to see them focusing back on Aden as a character rather than just one half of a relationship.

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I’ve always felt at times she’s had an air of superiority especially when it comes to Tony and I think one of the problems is when she speaks to people she can come across as quite patronising

Isn't that just doctors for you though? :lol: 'Nonsense, you can't be experiencing those symptoms because they didn't occur in my studies in medical school.' :rolleyes:

I must say I didn't think KirstyEkua was aiming her comments about PND at anyone, I thought she was just trying to be informative and most of her comments I agree with.

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