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If Rachel had post natal depression then it seems to have been cured miraculously in record time. But was Post Natal Depression ever confirmed? Or was it just Leah's theory? As I've said before I think it is hard to diagnosie. I don't think I've ever suffered from post natal depression, but I well remember struggling with my first born, getting totally exhausted and probably not enjoying him as much as I should because I was worrying so much just as Rachel has. I do think her decision to return to work has been rushed. I think she should have got used to the new routine with Harry first and found other things to do while off work (helping in Martha's campaign or taking a more active role in her Mum's group are two ideas which spring to mind) with perhaps a firm future date in her mind of when she was going back to work, so she could regard her time off with Harry as something temporary to be enjoyed rather than a forever thing. Although going back part time and having a flexible attitude to it is a reasonable compromise - I just think she would be better waiting a couple of months. Also is Rachel still breastfeeding? As a doctor I would expect her to be very pro-breastfeeding, but it will be hard to keep it up if she's going back to work. Of course it is possible to express milk, but it will be hard to express enough to keep a baby going for the entire day.

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I know I'm a fan of Rachel's character but I do like to think and hope that I still judge her the same as other characters and I actually thought it worked better with her than it would have other characters for a few reasons. Firstly she's usually such a strong character and to see her completely lose control was something different with Rachel. Also the fact that she's a doctor and wanted to be a Mum for years and yet still got PND helped to dispell some of the myths I think that she would be immune to getting PND.

I think you may have hit it on the head there charmed60, because it was Rachel most people would think she would be able to cope, but it just goes to show everyone can succomb to PND.

I loved those scenes between Geoff and Aden :lol: A good idea really (though it didn't work out). They may be friends now (or at least getting on better than they used to) but there will always be a certain friction between them which is good.

I can forsee trouble ahead if Gina and John become more than friends shall we say. When he isn't chucking his weight around he can be pleasant pity it's not more often. I noticed the reference to Trey and Janine and his admission he was partially to blame, I guess Janine must be in the city to be near Trey. Trey is obviously still having problems hence his visit to the institution.

Nicole does seem to have got her act back together the way she was trying to advise Liam rather than just being his sex buddy. As I thought she is keeping it light and not flinging herself at him, though I agree she should be concentrating more on her exam work, there will be plenty of time to 'hang out' with Liam after.

Yes, indeed very strange no Alf, perhaps as he has been in it such a lot lately and exceeded his three a week he is taking his break in a block.

Robert arrests Charlie next week, BUT only to draw out the real killer.

Re who goes to Japan I have read on the Oz site Jai leaves in two weeks so that answers that question.

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Well, glad that Xavier went to the police and told the truth even though it's going to land Charlie in trouble(don't care about it landing Ruby in trouble, she deserves it-that'll teach her not to answer his calls).Interesting that, as with Roman's accident, Gina's the ones who manages to get the truth out of him, it's times like that that make me think that maybe she's a better mother than she appears sometimes.Robertson continues to be a completely random character:The bit where he's apparently measuring up the station for a horse is one of those things you just don't want to think about and I loved him writing on the blackboard.He did make a good point to Xavier about dragging someone you supposedly care about into that sort of situation though.

Liked Xavier's bored expression when Martha was making her speech and Hugo quietly excusing himself when Gina described John as "nice".It was interesting how John managed to turn from being pleasant to Gina to winding up Hugo, I'm not sure whether it's all an act or simply a case of him having different sides to him.

Still not really caring about Nicole and Liam, it's pretty much a case of me neither objecting to them nor liking them.Didn't really like Irene giving them the evil eye near the start, it's not really her business as she eventually seemed to realise.Next time someone starts off on one of their "what he did to Belle" speeches, it'd be nice if they actually told us what he did do to Belle.(Okay, gave her drugs once when she was already using.But that was long before he came to the Bay and was friends with her.Given that she still went to see him at the hospital after he'd gone back on the drugs and nearly got himself and Aden killed, I suspect/hope if Belle was around she'd have a few things to say to Aden and Geoff about their attitude.)Interesting that Geoff's the first one to pick up on Aden having feelings for Nicole, just as Aden was the first one, aside from maybe Xavier, to pick up on him having feelings for Ruby.Aden's anger management is...slightly better than usual.If he's feeling a mixture of guilt and jealousy, that actually explains a lot of his actions towards Liam.Not sure if the jealousy thing covers Geoff as well, probably not, he's like that with most people.Geoff telling Aden he wants to go to the surf club for a drink when he's just come from there gets filed under "weird moments", as does that transition that suggests it's night time now when the following scenes takes place later the same day.

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Yes, that was a weird moment when Geoff took Aden back to the surf club when he'd just come from there :lol: 'Bad continuity' I think!

I'm a bit shocked if Aden 'has feelings' for Nicole! Belle has only just died- surely he can't have forgotten about her in a few weeks!

I agree with Pembie- it was quite a boring episode. Nicole and Liam make me cringe, after I initially thought they'd make a good couple. Gina is alright, but also not exactly riveting. I hope she does get involved with John, think of the trouble that would cause! John could end up as Hugo and Xavier's step father :lol::lol:

By the way, who IS Hugo, Brendan and Xavier's father? Has he been mentioned and what happened to him?

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By the way, who IS Hugo, Brendan and Xavier's father? Has he been mentioned and what happened to him?

His name is Jeremy and he left when Xavier was young, I think he couldn't handle the fact Brendan was autisic. Also if Gina was giving all her time to him (Brendan) he may have resented it.

Although it is very soon after Belle dying and it does look like Aden has feelings for Nicole judging by his reaction to Geoff's hint

you can't help your heart. He is obviously guilty about it and probably doesn't want to even think about it let alone admit it. Look at Martha, she was heartboken when Jack died and yet now she is very happy with Hugo. Leah though is completely different in her outlook which is why she put the brakes on wirh her developing relationship with Miles.

What will Ruby do now that Xavier has come clean, finish with him as she was going to do before his accident? Charlie is actually the innocent one in this, as she was asleep when Ruby and Xavier 'were in her bedroom' she can't say either way if they were or weren't, though she probably knows they weren't. Does that make sense?

What was that all about with the horse? :rolleyes:

Rather liked Liam's serenade to Nicole, she seemed more embarrassed than anything and didn't seem to take it too seriously. Colleen seemed quite civil to Liam after Nicole having a go at her. Have to admit Martha's speech was boring, she will need to spice it up a bit to keep the voters interest.

BTW no Alf last night, seeing as he is family he ought to be there for the debate.

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Just caught up with yesterday. I was so glad Xavier came clean to Robertson. Can’t wait to see Ruby's reaction but I think he’s effectively sealed his own fate because he’s outlived his usefulness so she has no reason to string him along anymore. I’m guessing a breakup is imminent. I found it quite funny when Martha was practicing her speech, Xavier and Hugo then started speaking undesirably about John, Gina tried to stick up for him and they found it laughable. I couldn’t stop smiling when Liam was testing the microphone and started singing to Nicole. I especially liked the way Martha was enjoying it. I’m assuming by the way Aden grabbed Geoff and gave him a stern warning that he probably does like Nicole. It’s definitely a bit soon after Belle but Aden did sleep with Nicole at least three times so he’s attracted to her and this is soapland. Looking forward to the head to head between Martha and Palmer.

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For once I thought Martha was brilliant! She made John Palmer stop smiling for once :lol:

I'm glad Xavier told Ruby where to get off. She deserves it, she chased Xavier like anything, then loved him and left him, so hopefully she will get together with Geoff and 'it'll stop them spoiling two other couples', as my mum would say.

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Typical.I was hoping that Ruby's actions would actually have some genuine consequences rather than the usual unofficial telling off but it seems half the town are wearing invisible signs saying "You can't arrest me, I'm a main character."It's all right for Robertson to say that arresting a 16-year-old for lying would set a precedent but ignoring someone giving a false alibi for a murder suspect sets a far more dangerous precedent.People go to jail for that, at the very very least Ruby deserved an official warning, not the usual Summer Bay cover-up.And Robertson has the gall to say this isn't one of those TV cop shows where the law goes easy on someone if they think they've got a good reason for committing a crime.On the plus side, I was glad she did seem guilty that she'd just made matters worse for Charlie.At least Xavier told her a few home truths.I thought he was going to wallow in self-recrimination but instead he finally discovered some backbone and what he said was perfectly true: She obviously didn't care that she might have got him into trouble, so long as she got what she wanted.Wasn't too happy with Geoff either, he was doing the right thing staying away from Ruby and although ignoring her indefinitely wasn't an option he should have had a talk to her and explained they shouldn't be flirting with each other when she's with someone else.Instead he went straight back to acting like a boyfriend-in-waiting, obviously not caring about Xavier's feelings.Don't really blame Irene for pushing them back together, she doesn't know what's going on, although it's yet another example of how inattentive she is these days.

Don't think for a moment that Charlie's guilty and it'll be interesting to see what evidence Robertson has.Ironic that she's the one in trouble when she was the one who didn't do anything wrong.(Well, aside from kidnapping Grant, tieing him up in the middle of nowhere and slapping him about...but the police don't know about that one.)I'm growing increasingly convinced that Ross killed Grant, especially since

we find out who the killer is tomorrow

, which is disappointingly obvious:It was never going to be someone on a long-term contract so unless they pulled something out of left field it was going to be either him or someone really obscure.Liked Angelo's brief apology to him when they searched his room.Morag apparently is still living with Aden so that's one theory out the window. Interesting that Georgie, who's seemed a bit hostile to Charlie at times, seemed embarrassed at what she was having to do. Maybe after a month of Robertson making Sherlock Holmes jokes about her she's clamouring to have her old boss back...

Martha really did seem to come out on top of her debate with John.She spent a bit too long attacking his policies instead of presenting an alternative but that's what a debate's about.She does actually seem to have put some effort into this and might actually make a good counciller.Loved that little bit where one of John's cheerlead squad agrees with her and his mate gives him that "What are you doing?" look.

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