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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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My television went funny just at the moment Robertson spoke to Charlie at her house. Did he arrest her? If so, I presume it was for the murder of Grant?

I think Ross murdered Grant. It would have to be someone who knew what they were doing with a weapon and I'm sure Ross does. Then he can be found guilty, obviously he is unsound of mind and can't be charged, but he will leave the series, allowing Morag to come back. Very neat and tidy.

I can't help hoping it was someone unexpected who killed Grant, someone like Colleen. Although in that case, I expect what happened was that Colleen was rabbiting on and Grant stabbed himself to get away from her talking :lol: :whistle:

I don't know if its Aden's heart which has feelings for Nicole, I fear it may be some other part of him... :unsure:

I liked all the Sherlock Holmes references :lol: :lol:

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My television went funny just at the moment Robertson spoke to Charlie at her house. Did he arrest her? If so, I presume it was for the murder of Grant?

Yes he did, he said he was placing her under arrest for the murder of Grant Bledcoe.

I really don't think in a million years that is was Charlie, but i just can't fathom out who is guilty. I think you theory about Ross sounds good though Miranda, after all he has perfect motive and as you say he's the only one that wouldn't end up behind bars.

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I thought Martha did really well going up against John Palmer. Even though I still think it’s about her winning she appeared to have gone one step from before and at least had clear plausible polices. I thought it was good how one of the males in the crowd was being funny (I thought John put him up to trying to discredit her too) but she appeared to win him over. Palmer’s face at the end was a picture. He clearly underestimated her.

I was actually glad at first regarding Ruby. Loved Xavier’s serve and her reaction where she couldn’t really say anything was great. I also liked that Robertson gave her a hard time during the interview when trying to get her to confess but as Red Ranger already mentioned I really didn’t like the way he let her off so easily and it seemed like he almost had admiration for her at one point. I think though if he let Xavier off then similarly he had to let Ruby off as well. I was half expecting Geoff to at least point out to her that lying wasn’t good.

Interesting theory about Ross but the only thing I’m left wondering is how could he have killed Grant and made it back to the care home without being seen by anyone. I wouldn’t have thought he wouldn’t have enough presence of mind. Is he in any state to be driving? I would have thought it’s not a walking distance. So if he was driving where would he have left the car? And how did Ross even know Grant would be in the bay? Did he call him? If so how did he get his number? I thought Grant only came back to get a statement off Leah and to report Charlie to the police as part of his mind games.

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I'm with you Slade as regards it being Ross. He would first have to know Grant was in the Bay, unless Grant rang him (?), then get out of the home (which is in the city) unnoticed, make his way to the bay, meet Grant at the fish factory, kill him, carry his body to the beach (why), then get back to the home again unnoticed and he would have Grant's blood all over him. All of that of course is assuming Ross was having one of his good days. Strange IMO that each time Robertson has interviewed him he has been having a good day. I didn't get a good look at what Robertson took from Ross's room, was it a pair of shoes? That call he had was interesting too, when he asked what colour was it, what colour was what? Hopefully we will find out tonight.

Ruby did get off very lightly considering she at the least wasted police time and the worst perverted the course of justice. Xavier has seen the light and dumped her! BTW what do we think it wrong with her, medically wise, drinking a lot and having to keep going to the loo, diabetes or something more sinister? I know this is only a trivial thing but did anyone else notice that both times when Robertson went to Leah's - the first time to find Ruby, the second time to arrest Charlie - he used the front door, yet when Georgie went there with the warrant she used the back door? Had to smile when Georgie said to Angelo 'don't even think about it' when he went to ring Charlie to warn her Robertson was on his way round to see Ruby.

Martha's debate was great, I must admit a lot better than I thought it would be. She kept personalities out of it and kept to the business in hand, that was funny when one of John's cronies agreed with her. :D She did bring up some good points though agreeing with John that having a marina would create jobs and bring in tourists if there is no proper transport arrangements or good housing it would all fall apart. So where was Alf, there wasn't even any explanation as to why he wasn't there?

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By the way, who IS Hugo, Brendan and Xavier's father? Has he been mentioned and what happened to him?

What will Ruby do now that Xavier has come clean, finish with him as she was going to do before his accident? Charlie is actually the innocent one in this, as she was asleep when Ruby and Xavier 'were in her bedroom' she can't say either way if they were or weren't, though she probably knows they weren't. Does that make sense?

Not really. Charlie has no alibi and may not have been asleep in her bedroom at the time. She has 2 Ms, as Robertson said. Why assume that she is innocent?

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Typical.I was hoping that Ruby's actions would actually have some genuine consequences rather than the usual unofficial telling off but it seems half the town are wearing invisible signs saying "You can't arrest me, I'm a main character."It's all right for Robertson to say that arresting a 16-year-old for lying would set a precedent but ignoring someone giving a false alibi for a murder suspect sets a far more dangerous precedent.People go to jail for that, at the very very least Ruby deserved an official warning, not the usual Summer Bay cover-up.And Robertson has the gall to say this isn't one of those TV cop shows where the law goes easy on someone if they think they've got a good reason for committing a crime.On the plus side, I was glad she did seem guilty that she'd just made matters worse for Charlie.At least Xavier told her a few home truths.I thought he was going to wallow in self-recrimination but instead he finally discovered some backbone and what he said was perfectly true: She obviously didn't care that she might have got him into trouble, so long as she got what she wanted.Wasn't too happy with Geoff either, he was doing the right thing staying away from Ruby and although ignoring her indefinitely wasn't an option he should have had a talk to her and explained they shouldn't be flirting with each other when she's with someone else.Instead he went straight back to acting like a boyfriend-in-waiting, obviously not caring about Xavier's feelings.Don't really blame Irene for pushing them back together, she doesn't know what's going on, although it's yet another example of how inattentive she is these days.

Agree, not happy with Geoff at all. He just sits there, like a love sick puppy, listening to everything being said. If he is has such high principles, why didn't he give Ruby a serve for the terrible way that she treated Xavier? Is he just going to take Xavier's place as her boy friend as if nothing has happened? And couldn't Irene have pointed this out to him as well, instead of just feeling sorry for Xavier?

I thought that Robertson had the best line, when he said to Xavier :"If you really cared for someone, would you treat them the way she's treated you?"

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By the way, who IS Hugo, Brendan and Xavier's father? Has he been mentioned and what happened to him?

What will Ruby do now that Xavier has come clean, finish with him as she was going to do before his accident? Charlie is actually the innocent one in this, as she was asleep when Ruby and Xavier 'were in her bedroom' she can't say either way if they were or weren't, though she probably knows they weren't. Does that make sense?

Not really. Charlie has no alibi and may not have been asleep in her bedroom at the time. She has 2 Ms, as Robertson said. Why assume that she is innocent?

Good point. Based on what he’s found so far Robertson has every reason to assume Charlie killed Grant. If Robertson ever found out that Charlie tortured him…Oh boy! I also wonder how much doubt other people would have if they knew. In saying that I don’t think Charlie did it, especially not after Ruby opened her big mouth and went and told Morag, Xavier and Geoff about what happened. There were just too many people involved and I think the realisation of what she did brought it home. Not to mention the fact that she would be the prime suspect. I know she was irrational but I always felt there was some conscious level of thought i.e. she said she took Grant to the cabin and tortured him so Ruby could see him for what he is.

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Yes, it was Ross.Obvious but...oddly, it doesn't really matter because it isn't really about the surprise reveal but about the effect it had.The scene where he confesses was fantastically played by everyone involved.I was a bit annoyed when they did that echoey bit at the end because I felt it spoiled the drama but from that scene of Ruby blacking out I assume it was meant to suggest there's something going on with her.Everyone on this board has asked a lot of pertinent questions which I suspect will never be answered(like how did he get to and from the Bay, why weren't his clothes stained with blood and how did he get Grant's number).I'm guessing that was Ross Grant was on the phone to when Angelo confronted him and Ross overheard Charlie, Morag and Ruby talking in his room.I'm also assuming Ross told Charlie last week that it was him and she stopped him from confessing.In the end, Ross seems to have reaped the consequences of the decision he made sixteen years ago when he chose to let a disturbed individual remain free.I'm going to accept Robertson's claim that he'll only go to jail for a short time, there are a lot of mitigating circumstances and it didn't seem to be a pre-meditated killing, it might even be reduced to manslaughter.Robertson's as hard to pin down as always, I suspect he only had that tape recorder running instead of the video camera so he could make sarcastic remarks about Charlie and Morag's reactions, but once everything was cleared up he seemed a lot calmer and made a point of making sure both sides of the story were addressed and making his peace with Charlie and Angelo.He also blatantly ignores the obvious implication that Charlie did something to Grant before he died.

Charlie comforting Ruby as Ross was led away leaves me with hope that they can rebuild their relationship.Ruby insisting Ross will always be her father...I'm in two minds about.On the one hand, it could be her acknowledging that he's been more of a father to her than Grant ever was or possibly could be.But I've been worried every since this storyline started that they'll do a Kat-and-Zoe and once the original shock's over everyone will just carry on as if it never happens.I guess we'll have to wait and see how Charlie and Ruby's relationship develops now, whether they have to fit into each other's lives in a different way or whether they'll just go back to pretending they're sisters and occasionally remember to mention they're not.Are we meant to assume Ruby wet the bed, given by her reaction when she woke up, or just that she was really sweaty?

Surprised that Irene and Leah still haven't worked out that Robertson's impossible to pin down.In fact I was astonished at Leah's reaction that, shock horror, Robertson talks a load of nonsense a lot of the time.I think we're meant to assume the story he told her about how he got his name is the real one but it seemed so bizarre(did his parents just happen to have the surname Robertson already or has he got a different name to them?)that I'm not sure whether to believe it or not.Which might have been the idea.

It's astonishing how you can go off people.When Romeo first came in, I liked him and thought he and Annie would make an interesting couple.But now I just find him irritating and want him to go away. People have asked why he'd be interested in Annie but I'm wondering why she'd be bothered about someone like him.Presumably she was supposed to be feeling hot under the collar at the end but I'm not sure why because he was acting like an arrogant jerk.I think we're supposed to believe it's all an act since we got a couple of private moments when he seemed a lot more insecure but at the moment it's hard to care.First confirmation outside the closing titles that he has another name.

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So it was Ross, can't say i am all that surprised, i just wonder how long he will get considering his illness :unsure:

The bit with Ruby blacking out was strange, i think there is going to be a storyline in there somewhere.

What about poor Leah she's always destined never to get her man, speaking of which i have to say i am going to miss Robertson :( he was a very entertaining character.

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