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I think you are being really harsh on Romeo. Ok yeh he has been playing the situation to his advantage but he is human, and now that Jai has backed off thats when he goes to Annie that he was going to become the person she wants, he is human and I think that shows.

It's all right to say that "he's only human" but that's a poor excuse for bad behaviour.He's come across as a lousy friend and I think he'd make just as lousy a boyfriend.The only thing he did differently after Jai backed off was to tell him what he was up to and even then he lied about the fact he'd been doing it for weeks.I thought at first that he had genuine feelings for Annie but he's being so arrogant and cocky it's hard to tell.From his speech to her about how she was a challenge and how he was going to get under her skin and make her want him however much she might hate herself for it(right before he went to Jai and offered to help him win her back), I don't see any evidence that he wants to become the sort of person she wants.

Annie was not and is not a possession. She was not going behind his back - they aren't a couple and the world doesn't revolve around him. As for Jai not being a jerk towards Annie... well not unless you count an unwillingness to accept Annie's decision to move on and his obsessive won't take no for an answer attitude towards her, and his reaction to her getting together with Dexter and now Romeo and his strange comments to Annie like "I'm the only one who can make you happy"...no, apart from that, he hasn't has he? Jai and her broke up nearly six months ago ? She has told him many times they are over and has even tried to spare his feelings by not revealing her relationship with Dexter (who was dragged out town by his mother - that's the reason their relationship broke up, not that Annie broke up with him for Jai.) Jai has been in denial ever since, unhealthy behaviour at the best of times, but his refusal to accept Annie's decision, and his obsessive behaviour and comments (e.g. what he said to Kirsty and Miles last week about how close he was to getting back with Annie, despite not having spoken to her. Something along the lines of "I know she feels like this too, I don't have to ask her" - sorry if the quote is not 100% accurate) should have started alarm bells ringing in Miles and Kirstys' ears, if they had anything between them that is. Jai is close to going into some very dark places with this possessiveness.

Annie does not owe even 0.1% of an explanation to Jai for the way she chooses to live her life now. Why should she ? He does not own her, they are an ex-couple, nor did he own her when they were a couple. Some people would have gone round to Jai and told him where to get off long before now. Annie's just too nice to do that though, ain't she ?

Jai has never given any indication that he thinks of Annie as a possession or that he did so when he was with her, which was only about three or four months ago local time, not that it makes much difference.I agree he should have let go by now but like I said in my earlier post, he was going to do so when Romeo talked him out of it.I don't think the fact he still loves her makes him a jerk and I'm astonished at this perception of him as a crazed stalker.Without naming names, he's hardly the first person in the Bay to hang around his ex insisting that they're "meant to be together."Setting up a website in her honour and sending her love notes is pretty innocent all things considered, it's not like he's hanging around outside her bedroom or turning up on her doorstep at all hours.He had every reason to think she was coming round to him, he saw how she reacted to the poems and that she liked them, he had no way of knowing that she thought they were from Romeo and that he was making out that they were.

I do like Annie but I don't like the way she's just switched her feelings for Jai off.As someone else said, she seems to have taken lessons from Geoff in how to treat exes.She deliberately hid her relationship with Dexter from him(ie went behind his back).They might have sorted it out but she stopped spending time with Dexter because of Jai's reaction and Jai was genuinely sympathetic towards her when she was upset about his departure only to have it thrown back in his face.She then deliberately went along with Romeo's pretence that they didn't know each other when she saw him with Jai for the first time, she's obviously aware that Jai doesn't know they're flirting with each other and, whether you think it's his business or not, she's doing it behind his back.I haven't seen any evidence that she's too nice to tell Jai to go, she seems to do it on a regular basis, for instance when Romeo told her that Jai had been saying nice things about her and she stormed up to him in the Diner and told him not to talk about her. I don't blame Annie for the situation but I don't blame Jai either.As I said in my earlier post, I'm not happy with the way he's behaving at the moment but if he didn't have Romeo egging him on and if he and Annie actually bothered to talk to each other instead of being childish I think they could have sorted this out a long time ago.

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I think you are being really harsh on Romeo. Ok yeh he has been playing the situation to his advantage but he is human, and now that Jai has backed off thats when he goes to Annie that he was going to become the person she wants, he is human and I think that shows.

It's all right to say that "he's only human" but that's a poor excuse for bad behaviour.He's come across as a lousy friend and I think he'd make just as lousy a boyfriend.The only thing he did differently after Jai backed off was to tell him what he was up to and even then he lied about the fact he'd been doing it for weeks.I thought at first that he had genuine feelings for Annie but he's being so arrogant and cocky it's hard to tell.From his speech to her about how she was a challenge and how he was going to get under her skin and make her want him however much she might hate herself for it(right before he went to Jai and offered to help him win her back), I don't see any evidence that he wants to become the sort of person she wants.

Annie was not and is not a possession. She was not going behind his back - they aren't a couple and the world doesn't revolve around him. As for Jai not being a jerk towards Annie... well not unless you count an unwillingness to accept Annie's decision to move on and his obsessive won't take no for an answer attitude towards her, and his reaction to her getting together with Dexter and now Romeo and his strange comments to Annie like "I'm the only one who can make you happy"...no, apart from that, he hasn't has he? Jai and her broke up nearly six months ago ? She has told him many times they are over and has even tried to spare his feelings by not revealing her relationship with Dexter (who was dragged out town by his mother - that's the reason their relationship broke up, not that Annie broke up with him for Jai.) Jai has been in denial ever since, unhealthy behaviour at the best of times, but his refusal to accept Annie's decision, and his obsessive behaviour and comments (e.g. what he said to Kirsty and Miles last week about how close he was to getting back with Annie, despite not having spoken to her. Something along the lines of "I know she feels like this too, I don't have to ask her" - sorry if the quote is not 100% accurate) should have started alarm bells ringing in Miles and Kirstys' ears, if they had anything between them that is. Jai is close to going into some very dark places with this possessiveness.

Annie does not owe even 0.1% of an explanation to Jai for the way she chooses to live her life now. Why should she ? He does not own her, they are an ex-couple, nor did he own her when they were a couple. Some people would have gone round to Jai and told him where to get off long before now. Annie's just too nice to do that though, ain't she ?

Jai has never given any indication that he thinks of Annie as a possession or that he did so when he was with her, which was only about three or four months ago local time, not that it makes much difference.I agree he should have let go by now but like I said in my earlier post, he was going to do so when Romeo talked him out of it.I don't think the fact he still loves her makes him a jerk and I'm astonished at this perception of him as a crazed stalker.Without naming names, he's hardly the first person in the Bay to hang around his ex insisting that they're "meant to be together."Setting up a website in her honour and sending her love notes is pretty innocent all things considered, it's not like he's hanging around outside her bedroom or turning up on her doorstep at all hours.

I do like Annie but I don't like the way she's just switched her feelings for Jai off.As someone else said, she seems to have taken lessons from Geoff in how to treat exes.She deliberately hid her relationship with Dexter from him(ie went behind his back).They might have sorted it out but she stopped spending time with Dexter because of Jai's reaction and Jai was genuinely sympathetic towards her when she was upset about his departure only to have it thrown back in his face.She then deliberately went along with Romeo's pretence that they didn't know each other when she saw him with Jai for the first time, she's obviously aware that Jai doesn't know they're flirting with each other and, whether you think it's his business or not, she's doing it behind his back.I haven't seen any evidence that she's too nice to tell Jai to go, she seems to do it on a regular basis, for instance when Romeo told her that Jai had been saying nice things about her and she stormed up to him in the Diner and told him not to talk about her. I don't blame Annie for the situation but I don't blame Jai either.As I said in my earlier post, I'm not happy with the way he's behaving at the moment but if he didn't have Romeo egging him on and if he and Annie actually bothered to talk to each other instead of being childish I think they could have sorted this out a long time ago.

Agreed, they could have sorted this out long ago, but that's soaps for ya. Didn't call him a stalker, just an obsessive;- he set up the website without Romeo's prompting I seem to recall, and didn't take too much persuasion to go after Annie again when Romeo (innocently at the time ) suggested it. I don't blame her for reacting angrily to Romeo telling her how Jai was saying nice things about her, she wants to move on and he's acting like an anchor slowing her down. I agree that's a little tough on him, but this is teen angst ( or is it puppy love?) Again I'm perplexed as to why you think Annie is going behind Jai's back? I thought everyone accepted that she hid Dexter from Jai to spare his feelings, not to go behind his back. Consider it from her point of view, would you be letting Jai know your business with the experiences she'd had with him since they broke up ?(OK, I'll stop trying to convince you he's been anything more than a pest, but I don't think comparing him to previous, worse ex's in H&A exonerates him.) Does she have to keep him up to date on her private life ? I, speaking as surrogate Annie , think not.

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I think the Jai/Annie/Romeo love triangle is one of the most boring ever, they should somehow make it more interesting.

I wonder what is Ruby's problem with her waking up in bed then feeling the sheets, then blacking out a bit in the police station? I can't believe it would just be stress: HAA is bound to have some deeper problem lined up for her :rolleyes:

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Didn't call him a stalker, just an obsessive;- he set up the website without Romeo's prompting I seem to recall, and didn't take too much persuasion to go after Annie again when Romeo (innocently at the time ) suggested it. I don't blame her for reacting angrily to Romeo telling her how Jai was saying nice things about her, she wants to move on and he's acting like an anchor slowing her down. I agree that's a little tough on him, but this is teen angst ( or is it puppy love?) Again I'm perplexed as to why you think Annie is going behind Jai's back? I thought everyone accepted that she hid Dexter from Jai to spare his feelings, not to go behind his back. Consider it from her point of view, would you be letting Jai know your business with the experiences she'd had with him since they broke up ?(OK, I'll stop trying to convince you he's been anything more than a pest, but I don't think comparing him to previous, worse ex's in H&A exonerates him.) Does she have to keep him up to date on her private life ? I, speaking as surrogate Annie , think not.

I know that Annie convinced herself she was lying to Jai/going behind his back about Dexter for his sake but she herself accepted she was wrong, that she should have been upfront with him and by letting him find out the way she did she hurt him more.Given that she's now doing the same thing, either she hasn't learnt from her mistake or she doesn't care how much he's upset.I brought up the website, which was quite a while back before he found out she was seeing Dexter, to show that for a so-called obsessive he's only tried to show her how he feels about her twice in three or four months, both of them completely harmless in my opinion.I mentioned her having a go at him in the Diner because you said Annie was too nice to tell him to get lost when that scene and a number of others demonstrate that she isn't.

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After all the drama of the previous few days I guess we needed to get back to more mundane things. Annie certainly has 'grown up' in the last few weeks. Before Romeo arrived she was shy and not comfortable around boys and it wasn't that long ago she dropped Jai when he tried to come on to her at the dance, even with Dexter all they shared was a few kisses. Now she is flirting with Romeo like nobodys business. She has moved on wheras Jai seems stuck on wanting to get her back (or did). As for Romeo I believe in the beginning he really did want to help Jai get back with Annie, but perhaps for a long time or even the first time in his life he really has fallen for a girl and is at a loss how to behave. He should have been more honest with Jai and not only admit what he had been up to after Jai said he saw them on the beach.

As Jai is leaving the cast it had to be him going on the school exchange, how long is it supposed to be for, will he be back or will something happen and he will stay away?

I asked in one of my posts *CJ* what it was that Robertson could have taken from Ross's room, my guess is a pair of shoes that had the same soil as that at the fish packing place.

Tony's day certainly didn't turn out the way he planned poor love. If I remember right his first wife died when Lucas was a baby so must have mainly brought him up on his own (I'm guessing here), but perhaps was able to take a break from his day job. This time round the gym is his responsibility so obviously needs to keep on top of things if they go wrong. Talk about role reversal, Rachel comes home all upbeat and wanting to hear about Tony's day and he was knackered. Her first day back and she has to work later?! :rolleyes:

First we have Ruby suffering from diabetes(?) now Kirsty seems to a have a mysterious allergy/illness, any ideas people?

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So we’ve reverted to the happy go lucky Rachel now. As mentioned above this highlights why the whole PND storyline IMO has been done quite badly. Very inconsistent writing. In saying that it’s better like this because a happy Rachel is a more likeable Rachel and when Tony’s miserable he isn’t anywhere near as bad as his spouse. I found her reaction interesting when Tony told her Leah couldn’t make it for dinner because she had to take Charlie, Princess (sorry Ruby) and Morag to the city. She seemed quite sympathetic but I wonder who the sympathy was towards. Was it Ross because it reminded her of the situation Barry was in several years previously and he was Kim's father? Or Charlie because this whole mess was because she was raped and her attacker was never brought to justice? Being in a similar situation before with Henk you could understand how she could empathise. Or was did she feel sorry for Charlie because Ross killed someone to protect his daughter and she’s probably going to lose her father (for the time being at least)? Again understandably Rachel’s first husband was in a similar position with the prospect of his only parent having to face jail.

I actually didn’t mind Jai. At least he’s actually started to show some backbone. I liked the way when Annie was talking to him he just got up, made an excuse and left mid-sentence. Quite liked the sarcastic tone he used when Romeo asked him if he was ok by the beech. And I liked the serve he gave Romeo at the end. As I said before I think going to Japan is the best solution for him (although at least he appears to have accepted that any pursuit of Annie is futile now so he probably would get over her more easily if he stayed). It would be a perfect opportunity to meet someone else and within weeks it would be Annie who? Can’t really blame Annie for at times being cold to Jai because she tried to be nice and he just wasn’t getting the message but I didn’t like the way she pursued Romeo knowing that he and Jai were supposed to be good friends. Yes some friend Romeo’s turned out to be. I know he can’t control the way he feels but as I said before and as Jai called him out about in the episode, Romeo clearly has no problems getting girls and he knew damn well that Jai lacked confidence and was totally into Annie. Jai getting hurt was unavoidable but it was clear from the start that he was using Jai to proxy his affections and interest towards Annie. He should have just been straight with him and told Jai he was falling for her. Although he wouldn’t have been happy, Jai might have had a little more respect for him.

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Alf's episode count this week:None again!Seriously have I missed a line?As other people have said, it's becoming blatant, especially the way that he was nowhere to be seen when his granddaughter was having a debate in his bar.Jai was only in one, although he was credited on Wednesday for no appearance.(At the time I was disappointed they cut him out but seeing as his storyline hadn't moved an inch by the next episode I'm actually glad they didn't give him a pointless appearance.

Given that he leaves next week, it's an insult the rubbish they're inflicting on him.


Onto happier things...I liked the Aden/Nicole/Liam stuff.Well, not Liam so much, I still don't find him and Nicole particularly interesting and can't really get a handle on them, they seem to be just friends at the moment but they were doing...a few things friends don't do on Monday.I loved that scene of Aden and Nicole at the house, he actually apologised to her which I don't remember him ever doing before(he even commented on the fact himself).She does seem to do a pretty good job of keeping him in line, I don't think he'd let anyone else boss him around like that.Aden and Liam completely failing to talk to each other and then agreeing that they both care about Nicole was pretty good.I'm not too sure about the way they seem to be turning Tony into a father figure for Aden since Roman's gone but it's nice to see that side of him, given that all his children have either gone or not learned to talk and the relationship between him and Geoff has almost completely vanished.

Miles and Kirsty looking after Harry was so cute!They had a few arguments along the way but they did actually seem to be enjoying themselves:Loved the bit where Miles jokingly told Rachel that he needed a break from Kirsty and she punched him.And Miles' "He's terrified" when Tony asked Harry if he minded them looking after him.(And Harry actually looked terrified too!Did it take them an age to get that expression or was it an ad lib?)I thought Rachel was only meant to be doing a couple of days a week but the way she was talking it sounds as though Tony's going to be looking after Harry full-time. Nice to see him being supportive, I hope this new arrangement doesn't collapse.Have to say Kirsty must have gone downhill really quickly at the end, she and Rachel had only been out of the room a few seconds when Rachel was calling for help.(I've a feeling I'm going to find the next two weeks unbearable to watch...)

Nice to get an update on what's happening with Ross.I can believe a diminished responsibility argument might wash but even if Ross is allowed to stay in a care facility, I assume he'd be in some sort of custody?He did kill a man and while he's not likely to do it again they can't really just let him loose.I suppose it all depends on what decision the prosecution make as to charges.

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I usually can't stand Kirsty and Miles but i actually enjoyed them today. I love Miles when he's telling jokes and being funny - i don't think we see that side of him enough. His banter with Kirsty was hilarious and i loved seeing them looking after Harry - who was very cute today! It's lovely to see Rachel happy, relaxed and more positive, obviously her treatment is working and that's a relief. Tony is being amazingly supportive as usual. I don't get why Martha thinks she has a right to get involved - but i liked what Tony told her. He's right, the fact that it's only a couple of days a week means that there shouldn't be too much of an adjustment and i hope it continues to work out for them. They deserve some happiness now. I think he just needs to stop worrying about Rachel, although it's sweet he cares so much.

I hope Leah doesn't blame herself for what happened to Kirsty. She seemed pretty worried tonight that her dodgy fridge caused it.

I'm not really into the whole Aden/Liam/Nicole stuff. It bores me - i've never got the whole hype with Aden and try as i might, can't really feel any sympathy for him. But i would like to see him spend more time talking to Tony. He knows what Aden is going through but the writers never seem to pick up on that. Just like when Jack died Leah would have been an ideal person for Martha to talk too but there was pretty much no interaction.

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I don't think Ross's confession will stand up in court due to his medical condition. Also, I haven't heard of any forensic evidence or any witnesses coming forward so it looks a bit weird to me, I think someone else is responsible for the murder.

Is it me or is Kirsty getting bigger and bigger!? She used to be attractive until she started seeing fuddy duddy Miles. I can see her getting fed up of always trying to get his approval, dammit she needs a partner not a father figure. All IMO of course :-)

Oh, while I'm having a rant, I'm finding Rachel is really taking the biscuit. She makes Tony's life hell by nagging Tony into having a baby against his wishes and now doesn't want anything to do with it! No, she's decided to go back to work and leave him to take care of it all, sheeesh!

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