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Didn't call him a stalker, just an obsessive;- he set up the website without Romeo's prompting I seem to recall, and didn't take too much persuasion to go after Annie again when Romeo (innocently at the time ) suggested it. I don't blame her for reacting angrily to Romeo telling her how Jai was saying nice things about her, she wants to move on and he's acting like an anchor slowing her down. I agree that's a little tough on him, but this is teen angst ( or is it puppy love?) Again I'm perplexed as to why you think Annie is going behind Jai's back? I thought everyone accepted that she hid Dexter from Jai to spare his feelings, not to go behind his back. Consider it from her point of view, would you be letting Jai know your business with the experiences she'd had with him since they broke up ?(OK, I'll stop trying to convince you he's been anything more than a pest, but I don't think comparing him to previous, worse ex's in H&A exonerates him.) Does she have to keep him up to date on her private life ? I, speaking as surrogate Annie , think not.

I know that Annie convinced herself she was lying to Jai/going behind his back about Dexter for his sake but she herself accepted she was wrong, that she should have been upfront with him and by letting him find out the way she did she hurt him more.Given that she's now doing the same thing, either she hasn't learnt from her mistake or she doesn't care how much he's upset.I brought up the website, which was quite a while back before he found out she was seeing Dexter, to show that for a so-called obsessive he's only tried to show her how he feels about her twice in three or four months, both of them completely harmless in my opinion.I mentioned her having a go at him in the Diner because you said Annie was too nice to tell him to get lost when that scene and a number of others demonstrate that she isn't.

I agree with you that Jai has been dealt a duff hand in all of this, but that's spoiler time ? Don't get me wrong, I do have sympathy for Jai, but my reason for responding to your original post was the fallout of all this on Annie, which appears to be continuing. "The path to hell is paved with good intentions" It's a bit rum to accuse Annie of being in the wrong about not letting Jai know about Dexter, she concealed it with the the best intentions, it was an accidental discovery by Jai and therefore just bad timing, any other interpretation is a distortion of her motives. By the time Romeo appeared on the scene, why would she always have to consider Jai's reactions?

At some point after a couple have split and where one of them won't let go, the other has a right, an obligation even, to cut the cord. Sometimes there is not a nice way to do this, but I don't think that Annie went over the line in doing that. As I said before, the world doesn't revolve around Jai.

If you've convinced yourself that Annie is a wrong'un (have you?), I won't continue with this line. I think we can both hope that the new year brings something better than the cliched dialogue of the last few weeks between Romeo and Annie.

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I cant believe I missed todays ep. Could someone give me a summarised version please :D

Okay, as briefly as possible...(And you do know there's a summary in Australian Discussion, right?) Aden was still unhappy about Nicole hanging out with Liam and they had a bit of an argument.Nicole asked them to make an effort with each other for her but when the three of them went out the boys just sat there not saying anything.Tony advised Aden to be civil to Liam for Nicole's sake even if he didn't like him and Aden and Liam seemed to agree that they both care about Nic.

The guy who was meant to be running the gym for Tony didn't turn up again so Miles and Kirsty offered to look after Harry and after a number of worries and difficulties they managed okay with him. Meanwhile, Leah found out that all the milk in the Diner was off and worried that there was something wrong with the fridge and they'd been serving unfit food all day(there'd been hints of this throughout the episode).Miles and Kirsty stayed for dinner with Tony and Rachel but Kirsty felt ill and asked to lie down.Moments after she and Rachel left the room, Rachel screamed out for help and Tony and Miles went after them to find out that Kirsty had collapsed and was unconscious and phoned an ambulance.

Oh-and Martha and Leah had a chat about what's going on with Ross and mentioned that Morag's trying to get a diminished responsibility plea so that he'll be able to stay in a care home.

If you've convinced yourself that Annie is a wrong'un (have you?), I won't continue with this line. I think we can both hope that the new year brings something better than the cliched dialogue of the last few weeks between Romeo and Annie.

I don't think Annie's a wrong'un...yet.I can't believe that I've gone from liking the idea of her and Romeo to loathing it in such a short time.At the moment, I think he isn't good enough for her, given the way he treated Jai, but I'm worried that in an equally short space of time he'll drag her down to his level.Jai and Annie were my favourite couple on the show and I hate what they've done to them, making Annie completely dismissive of his feelings while he doesn't understand why the girl he's in love with has suddenly stopped liking him.All I can say is that if Annie ends up sleeping with Romeo after dumping Jai for just thinking about it I am really not going to be best pleased.

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I cant believe I missed todays ep. Could someone give me a summarised version please :D

Okay, as briefly as possible...(And you do know there's a summary in Australian Discussion, right?) Aden was still unhappy about Nicole hanging out with Liam and they had a bit of an argument.Nicole asked them to make an effort with each other for her but when the three of them went out the boys just sat there not saying anything.Tony advised Aden to be civil to Liam for Nicole's sake even if he didn't like him and Aden and Liam seemed to agree that they both care about Nic.

The guy who was meant to be running the gym for Tony didn't turn up again so Miles and Kirsty offered to look after Harry and after a number of worries and difficulties they managed okay with him. Meanwhile, Leah found out that all the milk in the Diner was off and worried that there was something wrong with the fridge and they'd been serving unfit food all day(there'd been hints of this throughout the episode).Miles and Kirsty stayed for dinner with Tony and Rachel but Kirsty felt ill and asked to lie down.Moments after she and Rachel left the room, Rachel screamed out for help and Tony and Miles went after them to find out that Kirsty had collapsed and was unconscious and phoned an ambulance.

Oh-and Martha and Leah had a chat about what's going on with Ross and mentioned that Morag's trying to get a diminished responsibility plea so that he'll be able to stay in a care home.

If you've convinced yourself that Annie is a wrong'un (have you?), I won't continue with this line. I think we can both hope that the new year brings something better than the cliched dialogue of the last few weeks between Romeo and Annie.

I don't think Annie's a wrong'un...yet.I can't believe that I've gone from liking the idea of her and Romeo to loathing it in such a short time.At the moment, I think he isn't good enough for her, given the way he treated Jai, but I'm worried that in an equally short space of time he'll drag her down to his level.Jai and Annie were my favourite couple on the show and I hate what they've done to them, making Annie completely dismissive of his feelings while he doesn't understand why the girl he's in love with has suddenly stopped liking him.All I can say is that if Annie ends up sleeping with Romeo after dumping Jai for just thinking about it I am really not going to be best pleased.

Glad you've not given up on Annie completely. I agree Romeo doesn't seem good enough for her so far, and they have ruined the Jai / Annie relationship, but since this is out of our hands, all I can hope is that the writers treat the Romeo / Annie relationship with more seriousness than they have so far. On that score , it's a bit ironic that I'm hoping that Romeo grows up, rather than Annie, given the age difference comments in other posts. I'm in the characters driving the plot camp, not the reverse. There seems to have been an explicit acknowledgement from the beings above that H&A will swing back to that next year ("The storylines for next season are on the whole lighter with a focus on character relationships rather than heavy plot.") Hope they don't take the lighter bit too far, I've heard enough silly banter between R & A to last to the next Olympics, but look forward to the characters getting some room to stretch out.

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I cant believe I missed todays ep. Could someone give me a summarised version please :D

Okay, as briefly as possible...(And you do know there's a summary in Australian Discussion, right?) Aden was still unhappy about Nicole hanging out with Liam and they had a bit of an argument.Nicole asked them to make an effort with each other for her but when the three of them went out the boys just sat there not saying anything.Tony advised Aden to be civil to Liam for Nicole's sake even if he didn't like him and Aden and Liam seemed to agree that they both care about Nic.

The guy who was meant to be running the gym for Tony didn't turn up again so Miles and Kirsty offered to look after Harry and after a number of worries and difficulties they managed okay with him. Meanwhile, Leah found out that all the milk in the Diner was off and worried that there was something wrong with the fridge and they'd been serving unfit food all day(there'd been hints of this throughout the episode).Miles and Kirsty stayed for dinner with Tony and Rachel but Kirsty felt ill and asked to lie down.Moments after she and Rachel left the room, Rachel screamed out for help and Tony and Miles went after them to find out that Kirsty had collapsed and was unconscious and phoned an ambulance.

Oh-and Martha and Leah had a chat about what's going on with Ross and mentioned that Morag's trying to get a diminished responsibility plea so that he'll be able to stay in a care home.

If you've convinced yourself that Annie is a wrong'un (have you?), I won't continue with this line. I think we can both hope that the new year brings something better than the cliched dialogue of the last few weeks between Romeo and Annie.

I don't think Annie's a wrong'un...yet.I can't believe that I've gone from liking the idea of her and Romeo to loathing it in such a short time.At the moment, I think he isn't good enough for her, given the way he treated Jai, but I'm worried that in an equally short space of time he'll drag her down to his level.Jai and Annie were my favourite couple on the show and I hate what they've done to them, making Annie completely dismissive of his feelings while he doesn't understand why the girl he's in love with has suddenly stopped liking him.All I can say is that if Annie ends up sleeping with Romeo after dumping Jai for just thinking about it I am really not going to be best pleased.

Glad you've not given up on Annie completely. I agree Romeo doesn't seem good enough for her so far, and they have ruined the Jai / Annie relationship, but since this is out of our hands, all I can hope is that the writers treat the Romeo / Annie relationship with more seriousness than they have so far. On that score , it's a bit ironic that I'm hoping that Romeo grows up, rather than Annie, given the age difference comments in other posts. I'm in the characters driving the plot camp, not the reverse. There seems to have been an explicit acknowledgement from the beings above that H&A will swing back to that next year ("The storylines for next season are on the whole lighter with a focus on character relationships rather than heavy plot.") Hope they don't take the lighter bit too far, I've heard enough silly banter between R & A to last to the next Olympics, but look forward to the characters getting some room to stretch out.

I could have sworn they said this would be the case last year and look what happened. You really can't trust anything the producers say.

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Had to have a mini chuckle at Tony trying to cope with Harry while running the gym. That's what its like being a working 'mum', love!

However I don't think he and Rachel's marriage is really in a good state if they have to keep secrets from each other like that [pretending everything's okay when it isn't]. I think Tony and Rachel got married too quickly and had a baby too quickly before getting to know each other, it all happened so fast and they had too much to cope with all at once.

I am concerned about Kirsty and all the other people who were affected by Leah's fridge problems. If Kirsty and Miles have another major problem I think it may spell the end of their relationship :(

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^^ I find it very strange!! Romeo looks about 25, and Annie about 15 (which she's supposed to be i think? :huh: ). Realistically there's no way a guy like Romeo would be interested in Annie and i find her sudden change in personality very hard to believe. I liked her and Jai together - i thought they had a sweet relationship which finally showed that not all teenagers are sex crazy. I don't know why they have changed into someone who flirts and teases guys when previously Annie wouldn't have said boo to a ghost.

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^^ I find it very strange!! Romeo looks about 25, and Annie about 15 (which she's supposed to be i think? :huh: ). Realistically there's no way a guy like Romeo would be interested in Annie and i find her sudden change in personality very hard to believe. I liked her and Jai together - i thought they had a sweet relationship which finally showed that not all teenagers are sex crazy. I don't know why they have changed into someone who flirts and teases guys when previously Annie wouldn't have said boo to a ghost.

No way he'd be interested ? Give him a chance, wait for a while. Anyway, what's wrong with Annie ? He wouldn't/shouldn't if he was playing the age he is in real life, but Romeo is playing a 17 year old I think. Someone playing a younger part is quite common in TV. So far I think he's come across as immature in comparison with Annie, who's 15 going on 16 on TV and in real life. So a 16 and a 17 year old next year, if it happens, is nothing to get worried about (unless you're name's Irene.) I think the relationship with Jai was right for a 14/15 year old, but things change in soaps, and having Annie become more assertive and confident isn't the worst thing that could happen, she has to grow up sometime. I think the flirting, which has been done in a comic way so far, is one way to have done this. It makes sense for there to have been some fast tracking of Annie's character as soon as Romeo arrived on the scene. As long as Annie doesn't turn into Nicole Mk 2, and I don't think there is much chance of that, sit back and enjoy.

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I loved the scenes where she was teasing him on the beach and he moved in to kiss her and she just whispered in his ear "thanks for the surfing lesson" - I just think the way she is teasing him is funny! Its obvious she has an effect on him and he cant get his head around the fact he likes her as she isnt his usual type.

He should have been up front with Jai tho and told him how he feels rather than try and pretend to get Jai and Annie back together.

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