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^^ I find it very strange!! Romeo looks about 25, and Annie about 15 (which she's supposed to be i think? :huh: ). Realistically there's no way a guy like Romeo would be interested in Annie and i find her sudden change in personality very hard to believe. I liked her and Jai together - i thought they had a sweet relationship which finally showed that not all teenagers are sex crazy. I don't know why they have changed into someone who flirts and teases guys when previously Annie wouldn't have said boo to a ghost.

No way he'd be interested ? Give him a chance, wait for a while. Anyway, what's wrong with Annie ? He wouldn't/shouldn't if he was playing the age he is in real life, but Romeo is playing a 17 year old I think. Someone playing a younger part is quite common in TV. So far I think he's come across as immature in comparison with Annie, who's 15 going on 16 on TV and in real life. So a 16 and a 17 year old next year, if it happens, is nothing to get worried about (unless you're name's Irene.) I think the relationship with Jai was right for a 14/15 year old, but things change in soaps, and having Annie become more assertive and confident isn't the worst thing that could happen, she has to grow up sometime. I think the flirting, which has been done in a comic way so far, is one way to have done this. It makes sense for there to have been some fast tracking of Annie's character as soon as Romeo arrived on the scene. As long as Annie doesn't turn into Nicole Mk 2, and I don't think there is much chance of that, sit back and enjoy.

Nothing is wrong with Annie, i just can't see her and Romeo realistically being a couple. I know people change and grow, but Annie's transformation seems to have happened so sudenly. I just find it hard to get used too.

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Rachel continues her transition, almost unrecognisable from when she had the PND. TBH the way she was I swear she was on something - Really happy, in high spirits, actually appearing to sympathise with Tony and offering to help out. I would even go as far as saying she was quite good. Quite liked the stuff with Kirsty and Miles at the dinner party. I’m assuming Miles was exaggerating when he said he was ready for dinner twenty minutes ago as it’s no going to take Tony and Rachel twenty minutes to get the take away ready or perhaps the takeaway took twenty minutes to arrive. Also liked the concern Rachel showed towards Kirsty at the end and then when she switched to professional mode.

Psychic Wombat I agree that Kirsty’s put on weight but I thought that a while back. When my brother saw her in the episode before he said he thought the actress was pregnant in real life.

Agreeing with previous comments and presuming the milk Leah served is of some significance (not to mention the other food in the fridge). I wonder if that is related to Kirsty collapsing although would food poisoning actually cause that considering the episode before Kirsty was sneezing so are the symptoms consistent? Nicole’s reaction when she tasted the coffee made me laugh. Really not sure what to make of Aden and Liam agreeing to bury their differences and get along. I’ll reserve judgment for now.

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What I like about Romeo and Anne is the fact that they are so unusual. No one would have predicted the fact that Romeo would fall for Annie especially as he started to flirt with Martha. This is my own opinion but people who are not expected to fall for each other such as Aden & Belle, Geoff & Nicole get such a huge fanbase as for me I think viewers love it when unusual couples emerge.

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What I like about Romeo and Anne is the fact that they are so unusual. No one would have predicted the fact that Romeo would fall for Annie especially as he started to flirt with Martha.

Maybe it is the fact that Annie is so unlike any other girl he has known before that attracts him.

I have read that she goes to Japan with Jai(?) so that would knock any budding romance on the head.

Glad we are being kept up to date with what is going on with Ross, even if it is second hand. Diminished responsibility would be a good defence, but as I don't think Morag would be allowed to be involved, hope she gets a good lawyer for him.

I quite liked the interaction betwen Aden and Liam and the way Nicole walked off as if they were behaving like two naughty little boys (which they were). They will never be bosom buddies (Liam did nearly kill Aden after all) they can at least be civil to each other as they do both care for Nic.

Kirsty seemed to be having a harder time of looking after Harry than Miles did, he was a lot more laid back, quirky idea of having a shot seemingly from Harry's point of view when Miles started his chimp impression. :lol:

I also have a feeling there is more to this 'bad milk' thing than we are aware of at the moment. Perhaps there is a problem with the fridge. The other patrons wouldn't be affected too much, but as Kirsty is pregnant it's bound to be more dangerous.

Has anyone seen the trailer for next week :o It sure looks dramatic and huess who is involved?

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What I like about Romeo and Anne is the fact that they are so unusual. No one would have predicted the fact that Romeo would fall for Annie especially as he started to flirt with Martha. This is my own opinion but people who are not expected to fall for each other such as Aden & Belle, Geoff & Nicole get such a huge fanbase as for me I think viewers love it when unusual couples emerge.

I'm sorry to be doing my impression of a broken record but the last two weeks have completely soured Romeo and Annie for me.As other people have said, Romeo should have either steered clear of Annie out of respect for Jai or been upfront with Jai about the fact he was interested in her.Instead he took the credit for the poems Jai had been sending Annie and made a move on her behind his back when he was supposed to be helping reunite them.(Which he still hasn't really owned up to.)And nothing to do with her age or how old they both look, it wouldn't have made any difference if it was Nicole or Ruby, the way he was talking to her at the end of Wednesday's episode was just creepy.

I hate that they've done this to Annie and Jai.That relationship had the potential to develop and mature as they got older:The actors could have done it, the characters could have done it.Instead they had them break up purely because Annie didn't want to take the relationship any further...and now they've done this to her.I knew when Belle gave her that "don't hold back from what you want" speech they were going to turn her into someone who threw herself at boys:first Dexter, now Romeo.If Jai had kept her sweet a bit longer, he'd probably have been there.If they were going to break them up, I wish they'd had them both accept it and remain friends, instead of him trying to win her back and her not being interested.(

I really hope they make it up before they leave and I'm worried they won't.

)It's amusing that people seem to be saying Romeo wouldn't be interested in Annie(if I was 10 years younger...)when I don't see why she'd be interested in him:At the moment, his looks are all he's got going for him and my biggest fear is this'll be another case of a girl I really like inexplicably falling for someone I consider a jerk(Aden & Belle, Ruby & Xavier)so I end up not liking them either. I'm actually hoping that

Annie comes back from Japan having decided she doesn't want to be with Romeo after all.If not, they'll have an uphill battle next year to win me over.

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I thought Rachel was a bit insulting saying 'all we can offer you is a takeaway', when the takeaway in question was hand cooked by Leah in the diner! Its not exactly bog standard curry, is it? :lol:

Rachel may well be 'on something' Slade. I can't believer her PND treatment would just be counselling, it should be an anti depressant as well, which can make you a bit high.

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^^ :lol::lol: And by her best friend! Anti depressants work amazingly quick sometimes so i don't find it at all unusual. It's nice to see them happy after months of heartache and i think Tony just needs to stop worrying about her so much.

I agree with RR on the whole Annie and Romeo thing. But i do see why a girl like Annie would be interested in him. He's a cute, older guy who is paying her attention and i think most teenage girls would find that appealing. In my experience guys like Romeo are not into girls like Annie and wouldn't make a play for her like he has. I don't like watching them together - it just looks wrong.

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^^ :lol::lol: And by her best friend! Anti depressants work amazingly quick sometimes so i don't find it at all unusual. It's nice to see them happy after months of heartache and i think Tony just needs to stop worrying about her so much.

I agree with RR on the whole Annie and Romeo thing. But i do see why a girl like Annie would be interested in him. He's a cute, older guy who is paying her attention and i think most teenage girls would find that appealing. In my experience guys like Romeo are not into girls like Annie and wouldn't make a play for her like he has. I don't like watching them together - it just looks wrong.

Yeah, we are going round in circles here, I'm dizzy. I agree that initial impressions of Romeo are that he's a walking talking cliche that's up itself, but I think that was mostly a character/plot device to kickstart the relationship with Annie. We don't know what his past is or how he will develop, so.....

I don't think they look wrong together. As for guys like him not going for girls like Annie, how do we know what kind of guy is under that exterior? How do we know what kind of girl Annie will become with him ? This is a soap, she's going to grow up and the writers probably woke up one day and realized she wasn't that bad looking (understatement.) Her character has been treading water for some time, but without wishing to hurt anyone's feelings (see below), the relationship with Jai became too worthy/dull. It was only one step away from cocoa and slippers next to the fire (or is it aircon in Oz?)

In reply to RR: - I thought Jai and Annie were over before Dexter came along? And Annie didn't throw herself at Dexter, he was considerate with her during Belle's illness, and I think she thought Jai was thinking too much of himself and wasn't giving her enough space.

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I'm with Idris, we don't know what Romeo is like under that front, maybe he is quite unsure around girls/women and that is why he comes across as he does. Perhaps Annie is more like the real Romeo than we suspect. Jai and Annie was very much a first girlfriend/boyfriend type of relationship, she has now moved on (girls do mature faster than boys). Annie and Jai had split before she got involved with Dexter, she didn't want to make it public bacause she felt it was too soon.

I suppose it was 'a takeaway' in a literal sense, even it was home made.

Further to my last comment on my last post, I had a wild thought -

could Hugo himself be undercover?


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