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Thought that was quite a good episode.

Glad to see Angelo and Charlie are a lot better now. I did feel a bit sorry for him when he just wanted to spend time with her and he kept getting called in to do work. What Charlie said would suggest that Ross has been given bail. I’m guessing Morag is going to represent Ross too. I thought Hugo was a bit harsh with Angelo in the police station as he was simply trying to do his job (and I have to admit Hugo’s tone made me smile) but I think it’s pretty obvious Angelo didn’t take Hugo to his boat out of the kindness of his heart. I think Hugo knew as well. A dozen bodies…man and some of them children. I thought the scene when Charlie told Martha was really good and Ester did really well. Hugo seemed quite distraught and his body language and facial expression seemed to indicate guilt. This is compounded by the fact that Derrick was on the Island where Nicole and Geoff went to (as Charlie mentioned) and probably has some connection to Hugo.

I see Alf finally put in an appearance. Good to see Martha acknowledge to Tony that it wasn’t really her place to tell him what to do but Tony came across even better, deciding to carry on to make Rachel happy. What a guy!

Again I quite liked Rachel’s role today. IMO the character works much better in scenes when she’s in a professional capacity helping people than when she’s at home, trapped, frustrated and taking it out on Tony.

It’s funny on another thread a said I’d struggled to find a scene with Martha and Kirsty before but we’ve had two within a few short episodes which I think is great. I didn’t think Kirsty’s condition was food poisoning as she was sneezing and coughing before so at least to a certain extent that vindicates Leah. When she had a fit it reminded me of the time she was in hospital in 2002 after taking the drugs Gemma gave her. So Kirsty looses another baby. Purely from a fictional point of view I’m not going to pretend I’m distraught because for me it’s KK to the end but it was pretty gut wrenching stuff. Although not exactly the same this is reminiscent of 2004 when she had kidney disease and lost her unborn child then. Given her medical history I’m a bit surprised nobody’s mentioned it yet.

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In reply to RR: - I thought Jai and Annie were over before Dexter came along? And Annie didn't throw herself at Dexter, he was considerate with her during Belle's illness, and I think she thought Jai was thinking too much of himself and wasn't giving her enough space.

I don't think I said they weren't over before Dexter came along.(Although it's interesting there did seem to be a bit of a spark between them until she met Dexter, at which point it was "Jai who?"Watch the way they look at each other when he's in hospital and tell me she didn't still fancy him.)I accept that Jai did seem a bit too focused on getting back with her rather than how she was feeling, although at the funeral it did seem like he was trying to help her.I stand by the "throwing herself at him" comment though:When he kissed her on the beach, despite saying she only saw him as a friend she practically jumped on him.

Anyway...Today's episode.Not quite reached unbearable yet but those last scenes with Miles and Kirsty were really sad.He just looked completely numb and she seemed distraught.It's a tragedy this has happened right when they finally seemed to have sorted out their relationship and they both wanted the baby.It doesn't seem like food poisoning, even without the fact she's been showing symptoms for days.Was it me or did Rachel call her Kirsty Sutherland when she was taken into hospital?Long time since she's been called that.Not sure if the age of 23 fits in with when she's previously celebrated her birthday either.Even though it's arguably none of her business, I'm actually glad that Martha had a word with Tony about her fears.Not so sure about Tony's response:I think he wants to make things work for Rachel and he does think this is best for her but he's not so convinced that he can handle it.

Again, Angelo and Hugo seemed to be lacking their usual macho edge which is quite refreshing.I like that Angelo and Charlie are relaxed around each other and that he seemed to be upset about not being able to spend time with her.Agree that it sounds like Ross is out on bail.Angelo probably made the right choice waiting until morning to search for the schooner, even without a storm searching in the dark would have been needle in the haystack.I'm not really sure if Angelo knew they were going to find something when he took Hugo out or not;if the boat had been there for three months, it must have been pretty well hidden for them not to have noticed it before now so I think they probably did find it themselves.I'm far from convinced that Hugo is involved in this people smuggling and even if he is, I don't think he knew the bodies were there(or that they existed).Nice that Angelo has just enough objectivity to acknowledge that he might be innocent.I'd forgotten that he wasn't in town when Geoff and Nicole were on the island until Charlie had to tell him about the incident.

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Agree with you there Slade, Hugo did come across as quite aggressive with Angelo when he had other things on his plate. Not sure John Palmer had anything to do with it, despite Hugo being sure he did. Angelo handled it pretty well I thought. I knew as soon as Angelo said it was a deserted island it would be the one Nicole and Geoff had been on, but surely that was a lot longer than three months ago? Had that other boat been deliberately sunk maybe? If Hugo is involved in people smuggling I'm sure he wouldn't be involved in it, but Derrick that's another matter. It did sound like Angelo is having his doubts about Hugo's involvement. I suppose Ross is out on bail as there isn't any chance of him doing it again or doing a runner. I asked in my post before last whether Morag would be allowed to represent him, nice little mention of Robertson as well.

Had to smile when Hugo when Hugo in a roundabout way told Martha not to interfere about Tony's problem with coping with Harry. :D He does seem to be coping better now he has sorted out the Jimmy problem.

No mention from Alf or anybpdy else as to where he had been the last week.

Definitely not food poisoning as regards Kirsty and her collapse, I'm pretty sure it doesn't strike that quickly. It has to be connected with her headaches, which unless I've missed something I don't think she has mentioned, until last night. Also neither Miles, Rachel or Tony have any symptoms. All the people Colleen rang had no problems either. We will have to wait to see what the results of the lumber puncture show. If it is meningitis wouldn't she show other symptoms such as aversion to bright lights, I know she doesn't have the telltale rash, but then that isn't always present. I felt so sorry for both Miles and Kirsty when she realised that she had lost the baby.

BTW Kirsty gets a visit from Shelley next week.


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What a horrible episode that was yesterday. I felt so sorry for Kirsty especially as she probably feels so guilty. She didn't really want the baby, then she probably feels it was her fault for being ill which killed the baby [as it was in her body at the time]. The guilt of being a woman, its not easy.

I think this may be the end of 'Miles and Kirsty'. Their problems are too numerous to carry on :(

And the terrible discovery by Angelo and Hugo. Obviously Angelo is used to seeing dead bodies but we presume Hugo isn't.

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Not a good episode I thought. The only stuff that really interested me was the investigation into the people smuggling which I didn’t think was that great. It’s looking more and more likely now that Hugo is involved considering how “Clint Eastwood” reacted when he saw him and the fact Derrick has some connection with him too. I actually found that scene with him, Nicole and Geoff on the Island last year quite amusing, especially the look of fear in Nicole’s face and the fact she didn’t say anything. Thought it was a smart move by Angelo trying to get Hugo and the bloke that did a runner from the hospital together at the same time to see what would happen. Shame Robertson didn’t leave his Teddy behind as they could have recorded what was said and played it back to the interpreter. I should say it’s ridiculous how the guy escaped but how many other people have escaped from custody in the past.

I didn’t think meningitis could be caused by food poisoning. I thought Miles was out of line with Jai and we know Kirsty lost another baby but I wonder if Miles was thinking he lost another child as well. Rachel seemed quite emotional too when she broke the news to Leah. I really hope Leah doesn’t get too much of a hard time for this. Good to see some stuff with Irene and Kirsty but I have to say Kirsty seemed quite numb throughout most of that episode. Almost withdrawn.

I was in two minds about Jai. Part of me wanted him to tell Romeo and Annie where to go but I think if he is going it would be best to try and depart on good terms. In saying that I wasn’t really sure what to make of him deciding to let Annie go to Japan after all. His reaction to Alf suggested that what he said to Annie could have been impulsive or half-hearted.

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There were a lot of people in that episode that seemed to be doing things I disagree with but I could understand why they were behaving that way.I didn't like Miles snapping at Jai but I understand that he's having a hard time.I could also understand why Jai tried to talk to him the way he did even though it probably wasn't the best time.I found myself wishing Jai and Romeo could put aside their differences for Miles and Kirsty's sake and I was glad that Jai acknowledged Annie's sympathy before getting sarcastic.If those two are going to part, I want it to be on good terms.I'm going to assume Jai was sincere when he spoke to Annie about the exchange, that he doesn't think he should go and that Annie might want to, rather than him having some sort of agenda.Romeo was less irritating than he has been lately but Jai's right that however guilty he's feeling now if he and Annie are left alone they'll probably hook up.Not sure if Miles was right to stay with Kirsty when she asked him to leave or not.

Sounds as though Kirsty's condition is a combination of food poisoning and meningitis although the explanation was a bit rushed.Given Rachel's chat to Leah was interrupted, I suspect the food poisoning won't be from the Diner.Annoying that the three episode rule means Nicole isn't seen or mentioned in relation to this storyline.Was there a reason why Kirsty seemed to have deteriorated when she moved room?(She was suddenly on oxygen for one scene.)Glad it was Miles that Kirsty opened up to rather than Irene as the listings claimed although it did mean Irene was rather redundant.That scene really was achingly sad:Kirsty's even more withdrawn than Miles was last episode and that unnatural calm and smile lead me to think she's actually on the verge of a breakdown.

Mystery storyline...Don't care.Really, I don't care.Plus points:I think that flashback was a really good idea because no-one was going to remember what happened(although the fact it's got Geoff and Nicole as a couple just shows how long this has been dragged out for...).Derrick's comments take on a new light in retrospect:Instead of threatening them, it sounds like he was feeling guilty about everyone that died on the boat.It also explains why Clint/Wayan kept turning up at the docks, if he was expecting his family to turn up.But how exactly does this storyline affect anyone that we know or care about?It may or may not be vital to Angelo staying out of jail, Hugo may or may not be involved and, if you believe John Palmer's KKK rhetoric, the Bay could end up knee-deep in asylum seekers.Angelo's stunt with Hugo and Clint/Wayan achieved absolutely nothing, it could be interpreted any way you want to.As Slade said, if someone had actually bothered to record or remember what Hugo said so it could be translated, then they might be getting somewhere.(Has to be said, his tone certainly wasn't threatening although he may have been putting it on.)The fact that Derrick also knows Indonesian pokes another hole in Angelo's theory why Hugo must be responsible.Summer Bay Police show their usual level of competence:I'm guessing Clint/Wayan made a break for it while that guy was kicking off but judging by those last scenes he'd have been better off where he was.Seriously though, are we meant to be interested in some guy we don't really know threatening some other guy we don't really know in a language we don't understand?When they give the cliffhanger to people we neither know nor care about, there's something seriously wrong.

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I wonder if Miles was thinking he lost another child as well.

Of course he was! :rolleyes: I think he was justified in shouting at Jai, who is old enough to make decisions, or at least talk to someone else about them without bothering Miles.

Didn't Kirsty have some problems when she was pregnant with Ollie, something to do with her kidneys/ liver? I wasn't watching HAA in those days, it was one of my sabbaticals :lol: Hopefully Red Ranger will have all the details :P

I'd forgotten about Derrick ranting and raving at Geoff and Nic on the island- what a long running storyline! Very good HAA. I hate it when things are solved in a few days- makes me think of Star Trek :lol:

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So it was seven months ago that Geoff and Nicole were on the island with Derrick, a month after the boat went down, you're right RR it does put a new spin on him saying he 'killed a lot of people', if they were trapped in the hold of course they wouldn't have been able to get out. Clint/Wayan did however. Angelo kept saying the lad was Clint/Wayan's son - how do they know that - or did I miss something? :unsure: I don't think Hugo was threatening Clint/Wayan either, I thought he was maybe telling him everything ws going to be O.K.

He did seem to relax rather than be afraid. I had a feeling when that drunk guy was giving them trouble something was going to go wrong. Derrick must have known about the hideaway for him to have been there waiting for Clint/Wayan. Angelo still seems to have his doubts about Hugo being involved, though going by Clint/Wayan/s reaction he is somehow. Angelo's boss though (what is his name BTW) isn't convinced.

Jai did pick the wrong time to ask Miles about whether to go to Japan or not, but at least in the end he did come to a decision by himself. Poor Kirsty she is in line for counselling, of course she is going to feel that she is to blame considering initially she didn't want the baby, but she had changed her mind. By the looks of it Rachel suddenly seems to be working non-stop again, unless it's because Kirsty is a friend and she wants to see it through.

Poor Leah, I do hope it comes out that she is not to blame. From what Rachel said food poisoning wouldn't normally cause such a violent reaction if someone's immune system was fine, but as it seems Kirsty's wasn't that is why she did. Also as I said yesterday, nobody else had any symptoms.

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Given the show's habit of picking up storylines and then dropping them as a result of actor availability, I don't suppose I should be surprised that the people-smuggling storyline has vanished bar one line from Colleen but I was.Not that I care because it's probably the least interesting thing on show at the moment.(By the way, H&Alover, Angelo's boss is called Bill Stevens.)

That episode was nowhere near as bad as I feared.Jai, Romeo and Annie all show a decent amount of nobility:Jai wants to stay and help Miles even though he knows Japan is a great opportunity and almost gives Annie and Romeo his blessing, Romeo helps Annie get a place on the exchange even though he's going to miss her, Annie hides her disappointment in order to wish Jai well.From what I've heard, there's a fair chance that that's the last we're going to see of Jai and it was handled fairly well:he got some decent last moments with Miles, Alf and Annie(and I am so relieved to see those two back on good terms).Other absences were very obvious though:There's no sign of Ruby or Xavier when their best friends are about to depart for several months and that's the second time circumstances have meant Kirsty isn't around to say goodbye to one of her foster children.Liked the opening scene between Geoff and Annie, I was expecting him to blow up about her and Romeo but instead he handled it well and gave good advice.Sounds like Geoff and Ruby are going to be left alone in the house:Hmm, wonder where that's heading...Clutching at straws here but there is something faintly romantic about Jai and Annie leaving together.I don't think the storyline will go in that direction but I don't agree with Annie that whatever was between them is gone, now that they're stopped arguing the chemistry's still there.Certainly more than it is with Romeo, her saying she thought she could have something special with a guy she still hasn't really had a proper conversation with just made me roll my eyes.After a decent start, he seems to have turned into one of those characters that veers between being a bit of a jerk and just being a bit dull, bit like Xavier when he first came in and a bit like how Liam still is.

Nice melancholy air about Miles comments on how you think these things happen to other couples:I'm not sure if he was just talking about the miscarriage or whether he thinks they're not going to get past this.Kirsty's behaviour in the previous episode is somewhat undermined by Irene saying she told her she'd be a mug not to go to Japan here.Nice to get some reaction from Nicole but it would be nice if it involved her actually interacting with Miles or Kirsty rather than just talking about it to other people. The plotline with Leah seemed somewhat underdeveloped:There's absolutely no reaction from Miles to her confession that she caused Kirsty's miscarriage, then several scenes later he announces it wasn't her fault anyway.

Liam continues to be a bit of a bad influence on Nicole:Telling her to take one night off is fine but it seems like every night is a night off.Aden was pleasingly restrained and mature about things, he did seem to be genuinely making an effort when he spoke to Nicole at the surf club when I was expecting him to kick off.Even when he confronted Liam at the Diner, he was a lot less aggressive than he normally is.The status of Nicole and Liam's relationship remains a bit confusing, sounds like they spent the night together.I'm glad that by the end of the episode he seems to have realised hanging out with him might not be best for her, it's probably the right decision to back off for a while.

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