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I wonder if Miles was thinking he lost another child as well.

Of course he was! :rolleyes:

Yep you keep rolling those eyes Miranda…. :wink:

Romeo went up slightly in my estimation after talking that girl into giving up her place for Annie but I’d still like to think he did it for Jai and Annie as opposed to just Annie but as she said she and Jai are finished now probably for good. I have to admit I cracked a smile when Jai told Annie he’d changed his mind about the exchange. I think Jai should have buried his differences with Romeo. I’m willing to bet within six months he would have met someone else and he’ll probably be laughing at the way he was before. Geoff’s reaction was as to be expected. I find it hard to believe that all three characters have gone for now so I’m expecting at least one of them to be back fairly soon. Quite liked the scene with Alf and Jai BTW.

I know this has been mentioned before but when Coleen went to check on Leah I was still half expecting to see a door to another restaurant. Glad she had no fault whatsoever in Kirsty’s condition.

For once I was on Aden’s side regarding this whole thing with Liam. Nicole wasn’t selfish for worrying about her exams in addition to the stuff with Miles and Kirsty. Liam was a bit selfish (or perhaps not thinking things through clearly) for wanting Nicole to spend time with him as opposed to her studying. He did sort of try and do the right thing afterwards but he should have done that beforehand. I’m presuming Nicole’s totally flunked this exam so I’m hoping she can ace the rest of them and pass her HSC. I find it funny that Aden passed his exams but Geoff dropped out of school and if Nicole doesn’t get her act together she could really struggle.

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Didn't Kirsty have some problems when she was pregnant with Ollie, something to do with her kidneys/ liver? I wasn't watching HAA in those days, it was one of my sabbaticals :lol: Hopefully Red Ranger will have all the details :P

Oops, forgot about this.Kirsty was out of the show most of the time she was pregnant with Ollie and I don't remember any problems.You might be thinking of when she had a miscarriage before, when she was first married to Kane, which was down to a kidney problem.

I find it funny that Aden passed his exams but Geoff dropped out of school and if Nicole doesn’t get her act together she could really struggle.

To be fair, Aden did take two goes at it.If Drew wasn't exaggerating, he was bottom of the year first time round.

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Yes that is probably what I heard about Kirsty and her pregnancy problems Ranger. Maybe she has a weakness in her kidneys or soemthing. I got the idea she nearly died that time as well though?

Slade, much as I like you, you really do say things at the height of numptiness sometimes :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I thought Liam was a real idiot with Nicole's exams. He seems to be so relaxed about everything these days he is practically comatose. Now he's split up with her just when she could do with some proper support. What a stupid little man.

Aden was much better about it. I secretly hoped he would thump LIam in the diner but no :lol: Aden definitely wants Nicole though- he gave her such a lustful look at one point!

I'm glad Annie and Jai have gone. Annie had reached the end of her storylines really, unless they gave her a really grown up one. And Jai was just too boring... Glad Annie kissed Romeo though, although it was filmed from so far away it could have been a stunt kiss, because we know that Annie is really 16 and Romeo is really about 26 isn't he? :lol:

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(By the way, H&Alover, Angelo's boss is called Bill Stevens.)

The plotline with Leah seemed somewhat underdeveloped:There's absolutely no reaction from Miles to her confession that she caused Kirsty's miscarriage, then several scenes later he announces it wasn't her fault anyway.

Thanks for that RR, don't suppose you know how everyone is assuming that lad is Clint/Wayan's?

I noticed that as well about Miles when Leah said it was her fault. :huh: So, it wasn't salmonella but lysteria so where did she get that from (I thought it was from milk), which we know was off, but I could be wrong.

Romeo was a real good guy in that episode putting Annie's wishes ahead of his wanting to get closer to her. He sort of made up with Jai as well. Although she must have been so disappointed when Jai said he had changed his mind about Japan, she hid it very well and it was sweet when she gave him a hug and wished him luck. Nice farewell beween her and Geoff as well, they both have come along way since they first arrived in the bay. Amazing how quickly everything was arranged, from Annie going instead of Rebecca(?) and also Irene being Annie's chaperone instead of Rebecca's mum(?).

Is Ruby still at Irene's or back at Leah's, I can't keep up?

Anyway tonight Geoff and Nic find her collapsesed at home (not sure which one).

Last time Irene arranged for Pippa to come and keep an eye on Geoff and Annie, does she think this time Geoff is old enough to look after himself (and Ruby)?

I don't think Liam meant Nic to miss her exam, he probably thought he was doing the right thing at the time. (BTW why did he have to go out for coffee, doesn't he have any at his place?) :huh:

Aden was very controlled when he confronted him and at least Liam listened to him and didn't mention it to Nic when he said they should have a break.

Know what you mean about the people smuggling being the main story then it vanishes again. I think it rears its head again next week.

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Yes that is probably what I heard about Kirsty and her pregnancy problems Ranger. Maybe she has a weakness in her kidneys or soemthing. I got the idea she nearly died that time as well though?

Slade, much as I like you, you really do say things at the height of numptiness sometimes :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Glad Annie kissed Romeo though, although it was filmed from so far away it could have been a stunt kiss, because we know that Annie is really 16 and Romeo is really about 26 isn't he? :lol:

Kirsty actually had to have a transplant back then.I think the guy that plays Romeo is actually 24 but we did get a close-up of the kiss before they cut to the long shot so they obviously did kiss for real.On the subject of Slade's numptiness, don't know if you know he was actually referring to the fact Kirsty lost a baby before and Miles' daughter died?

Anyway...Loved Aden's first scene with Nicole again.I don't know if he's making a real effort with her or something but he handled it brilliantly.I was expecting him to get defensive when Nicole blamed him for Liam breaking up with her but he kept his cool and stated his case well.I'm a bit worried about Nicole claiming her and Liam are getting serious, it feels like again she's getting too attached too quickly just because a guy's shown an interest in her.If they can keep to this one night a week thing though, hopefully it won't affect her studies.Aden's attitude towards them was definite jealousy(as Geoff clearly noticed)and he ended up taking it out on John Palmer:Not necessarily a bright idea since it seems to have put him in an impossible position if John wins the election.His "Let's go tell Martha" plan seemed a bit odd:Alf was the one that told him about it, why can't he tell Martha?

Awww, Geoff's missing Annie.Love the way they're writing Charlie's attitude towards Ruby, she seems very maternal towards her.I don't think she'd have been calling her sweetheart and kissing her on the forehead like that a few months ago when she was pretending to be her sister so hopefully they'll run with this.Although trying to get Ruby to see a social worker instead of a doctor was a pretty bad call. H&Alover, it was actually Alf that called Pippa in last time and she left long before Irene came back: Irene left Belle in charge and Geoff was clearly looking after himself and Annie when she was in rehab. Xavier and Ruby's spat was a bit frustrating.Ruby seemed to be genuinely sorry for dragging him into the false alibi but I was annoyed with the way she accused Xavier of being paranoid when he's obviously right about her and Geoff.I wished Xavier had actually told someone what state Ruby was in instead of leaving her like that and letting Geoff and Charlie save the day:Did he really think her vomitting wasn't proof she was really ill?It seemed to take an awfully long time for him to find out as well, didn't someone phone Gina and explain why Ruby hadn't come in to school?Gina overstated the case slightly by comparing Ruby to Freya, she's not that bad.Although it's mainly Ruby's fault, they're both to blame for letting things get this far:Ruby should have broken up with him again once he was back on his feet, Xavier should have told her he remembered what happened.I'm assuming he recovered his memory at some point after the accident and kept it quiet.

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Wasn't that a bribe John made to Aden regarding the berths? Hope he does mention it to Martha who may be able to confirm it is true rather than the fact 'someone' told Alf. Maybe Alf will tell Martha.

Aden did do well when Nic accused him of interfering, if her and Liam do keep to one day a week it will indeed kep her focused.

Xavier did jump to the wrong conclusion again, though seeing your 'rival' sitting on your 'girlfirend's' bed would give anyone the wrong idea. Maybe with all the drama noone thought to ring Gina. Your'e right RR, Freya was nothing like Freya (Ruby didn't get Xavier involved in drugs). Just when though did Xavier remember? Don't know why Charlie is blaming herself (though I suppose that is a mothers natural reaction). Ruby was staying at Irene's so she wouldn't know about Ruby always being thirsty, it was Geoff who mentioned it to Dr. Young. Can't see her being too happy about having to inject herself everyday. Will she still stay at Irene's or will Charlie persuade her to go back to Leah's? Though even if she did both she and Leah are at work so it would be difficult for either of them to keep an eye on her.

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Berger's disease, from eating too many Summer Bay Specials at the diner.

And the one-liners begin. Good start!

On the subject of Slade's numptiness, don't know if you know he was actually referring to the fact Kirsty lost a baby before and Miles' daughter died?

Thanks Red Ranger I was referring to Miles and the daughter who he lost in the Tsunami but don’t worry about it. Perhaps I could have phrased it a bit better the first time round but I’m not going to bother arguing about this I’m done. If she wants to continue with her pantomime insults let her – It doesn’t matter!

Just caught up with yesterday. Although not as bad as before I’m still finding Ruby irritating. I guess her apology to Xavier was a plus and I think when she finished with him the first time around she was quite psyched up and ready but now she’s just flat. To be fair I think she’s still quite fond of him. I didn’t really like the way she was with Xavier when he asked if she was alright. And I found it hard to sympathise with her even though she was diagnosed with diabetes.

Quite liked the conversation between Xavier and Gina. I have to admit she works a lot better in scenes with Xavier than some of the other characters. And I believe as mentioned before she’s able to keep him in line.

Some good interaction between Aden and Geoff. They seem to be moving forward as Aden referred to him as "dude" as opposed to "bible boy" which is what he used to say before. I recall someone said on another thread a while back that they wouldn’t like them to become friends but I think this is natural progression as they are the only two male characters left around the same age in the same situation (i.e. finished school and not going to Uni). I can see them becoming quite pally anytime soon but still the occasion where they will fall out over something innocuous.

I agree that Nicole still seems to be dependent on the older male. Just the way she was crying at the beginning (and she hasn’t even been going out with Liam that long), the fact that she told Aden not to interfere (even though he was looking out for her) and that she wanted to spend time with Liam. These are supposed to be the most important exams of her life so is it really going to kill her not to see him for a couple of weeks. She only agreed to one night a week because that was what Liam suggested.

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