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Can't believe the way Kirsty just walked out on poor Miles, she could at least have had the guts to tell him to his face that she was leaving him :( i know she has been through a lot, but so has Miles, she at least owed him an explanation.

Kirsty did say to Shelley, if she told him to his face he would persuade her to stay. As Slade said hope we get a voice over when Miles reads her letter. That was definitley a goodbye speech she made to Miles, though he didn't know that. Poor little Ollie, just as he is getting used to having a proper home for the first time in his life, he is on the move again. How cute was he in his jimjams. :wub: Did Shelley know before she left that morning what was going to happen, she certainly got back (from the city) quckly?

I actually feel sorry for Liam, the drugs had nothing to do with him, not that Aden (or anyone else) will believe him. You're right everyone about Xavier reverting to the guy he was when he first came to the bay, just thinking about himself and sod everyone else. Though one thing in his favour he did own up to the fact it was his idea to hold the party at Liam's. I wondered why Romeo called Nicole, didn't think he knew her that well? Not sure how she would have reacted so perhaps it was just as well Aden had her phone.

That was funny with the chase around the table and all the customers clapping after :lol: It turned out Aden did the right thing, because as she told them round the table at home she was able to get ahead of herself on her studies as she didn't have any distractions. Loved the earrings she was wearing at the Diner BTW.

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No, the stalking occurs in the weeks after, though I'm sure Kane had a scene with Shauna before the party.

Really?I know it was before Kane got beaten up and Shauna got kidnapped by Scott...were the scenes of him hanging around outside her house before or after?I can definitely remember him giving Duncan the tickets in exchange for information on Shauna and what sort of music she liked...Not sure.

Anyway...I was hoping for a voiceover as well but we didn't even get to hear what the farewell note said, just a quick glimpse where you couldn't read much and Miles paraphrasing it.I accept Kirsty doing a runner is in character but it would have been nice to see her try to overcome her more selfish instincts instead of giving in to them again.(Thinking about it, Shelley walked out on her without stopping to say goodbye.Maybe she learned some bad habits...)I think her and Miles was a case of wrong place, wrong time: Maybe if she hadn't lost the baby or hadn't got pregnant in the first place or had met him when she was more settled things would have worked out.Anyway, I think he's doing the right thing by letting her go now.Bit ironic that last time she left town she wanted Miles to ask her to stay and this time she didn't even give him the chance.I've got to say the timing of all this has been astonishingly bad, with us left with Nicole and Romeo reacting to Kirsty's departure.Nicole's just about acceptable since we've seen her and Kirsty bonding but she's barely said two words to Romeo.Imagine if Irene and Jai, who were actually close to Kirsty, were around.Are the contracts really so tight they couldn't manage a week either way?

If Liam had told Aden to take Romeo to the hospital himself straightaway, I wouldn't have a problem but suggesting they leave him to come out of it on his own was a bad call.Ironically up until then he was the most innocent person at that party, the only thing he did wrong was bring Ned back there and he wasn't expecting the house to be full of teenagers.(I didn't actually think about Ned drugging someone else, although the drug did appear to be recreational rather than date rape and I think the girl did know what he was doing.)At least he seemed to be more worried about the police than the press.I didn't like either Liam or Romeo during their scene in the Diner, they both refused to accept any responsibility for their actions, but they rescued themselves with the later scene where they exchanged apologies and admitted they were both at fault.(Typically, the guy who was really to blame was nowhere to be seen...)I liked the way Aden was with Nicole, making sure she was all right with her exams and asking after them afterwards;given that their friendship has been a bit one-sided in the past, it's nice to see him showing his caring side with her.But then he ended up turning up his hypocritical dial and dictating who deserves a second chance when he's on about his tenth.Ironically it was Nicole who ended up making the ultimatum although given these two I doubt their fall-out will last long.This does feel a bit like a Belle storyline that's been reallocated to Nicole, Liam's talking to Nic the same way he talked to Belle and Aden seems to be reacting the same way he would if it was her as well.

If Romeo had told John the truth about why he didn't turn up to work(he was in hospital from a drug overdose), he'd probably have been even more inclined to fire him.And he couldn't have told him the whole story without getting Liam into trouble.I'm astonished that no-one found out he was in hospital: Is he even old enough for them not to inform a guardian?Brings back bad memories of Cassie being in hospital for weeks and Sally not noticing last year.Times like this the show seems like one of those teen dramas when the parents never notice their children are aliens...

Not really interested in the rest of it.Don't care about John and Gina, get together, don't get together, whatever, but at the moment they're just treading water.I was actually intrigued by Romeo's revelation that he's never drunk alcohol, which suggests he's less worldly than he appears and his cocky behaviour is mostly a facade.(And also makes his unique among the teens:We've seen Annie, Jai, Ruby and Xavier all drink in the past, albeit involuntarily in Jai's case, along with the older characters like Geoff and Nicole.)But then Liam made that comment about that upbringing and we got that moody shot of him looking at a photo of what I assume is the young Romeo with his mum and older sister(I'm hoping Dad was behind the camera-someone must have been)and it looks like instead of a personality, which is what he really needs, they're going to give him an involved and torturous back story.Guess I'd better reserve judgement on whether it's any good but at the moment I don't really care.

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No, the stalking occurs in the weeks after, though I'm sure Kane had a scene with Shauna before the party.

Really?I know it was before Kane got beaten up and Shauna got kidnapped by Scott...were the scenes of him hanging around outside her house before or after?I can definitely remember him giving Duncan the tickets in exchange for information on Shauna and what sort of music she liked...Not sure.

Anyway...I was hoping for a voiceover as well but we didn't even get to hear what the farewell note said, just a quick glimpse where you couldn't read much and Miles paraphrasing it.I accept Kirsty doing a runner is in character but it would have been nice to see her try to overcome her more selfish instincts instead of giving in to them again.(Thinking about it, Shelley walked out on her without stopping to say goodbye.Maybe she learned some bad habits...)I think her and Miles was a case of wrong place, wrong time: Maybe if she hadn't lost the baby or hadn't got pregnant in the first place or had met him when she was more settled things would have worked out.Anyway, I think he's doing the right thing by letting her go now.Bit ironic that last time she left town she wanted Miles to ask her to stay and this time she didn't even give him the chance.I've got to say the timing of all this has been astonishingly bad, with us left with Nicole and Romeo reacting to Kirsty's departure.Nicole's just about acceptable since we've seen her and Kirsty bonding but she's barely said two words to Romeo.Imagine if Irene and Jai, who were actually close to Kirsty, were around.Are the contracts really so tight they couldn't manage a week either way?

If Liam had told Aden to take Romeo to the hospital himself straightaway, I wouldn't have a problem but suggesting they leave him to come out of it on his own was a bad call.Ironically up until then he was the most innocent person at that party, the only thing he did wrong was bring Ned back there and he wasn't expecting the house to be full of teenagers.(I didn't actually think about Ned drugging someone else, although the drug did appear to be recreational rather than date rape and I think the girl did know what he was doing.)At least he seemed to be more worried about the police than the press.I didn't like either Liam or Romeo during their scene in the Diner, they both refused to accept any responsibility for their actions, but they rescued themselves with the later scene where they exchanged apologies and admitted they were both at fault.(Typically, the guy who was really to blame was nowhere to be seen...)I liked the way Aden was with Nicole, making sure she was all right with her exams and asking after them afterwards;given that their friendship has been a bit one-sided in the past, it's nice to see him showing his caring side with her.But then he ended up turning up his hypocritical dial and dictating who deserves a second chance when he's on about his tenth.Ironically it was Nicole who ended up making the ultimatum although given these two I doubt their fall-out will last long.This does feel a bit like a Belle storyline that's been reallocated to Nicole, Liam's talking to Nic the same way he talked to Belle and Aden seems to be reacting the same way he would if it was her as well.

If Romeo had told John the truth about why he didn't turn up to work(he was in hospital from a drug overdose), he'd probably have been even more inclined to fire him.And he couldn't have told him the whole story without getting Liam into trouble.I'm astonished that no-one found out he was in hospital: Is he even old enough for them not to inform a guardian?Brings back bad memories of Cassie being in hospital for weeks and Sally not noticing last year.Times like this the show seems like one of those teen dramas when the parents never notice their children are aliens...

Not really interested in the rest of it.Don't care about John and Gina, get together, don't get together, whatever, but at the moment they're just treading water.I was actually intrigued by Romeo's revelation that he's never drunk alcohol, which suggests he's less worldly than he appears and his cocky behaviour is mostly a facade.(And also makes his unique among the teens:We've seen Annie, Jai, Ruby and Xavier all drink in the past, albeit involuntarily in Jai's case, along with the older characters like Geoff and Nicole.)But then Liam made that comment about that upbringing and we got that moody shot of him looking at a photo of what I assume is the young Romeo with his mum and older sister(I'm hoping Dad was behind the camera-someone must have been)and it looks like instead of a personality, which is what he really needs, they're going to give him an involved and torturous back story.Guess I'd better reserve judgement on whether it's any good but at the moment I don't really care.

Really? I was just posting in another thread that I thought Kirsty and Nicole's relationship was massively underexplored during her time on the show. The only bonding I can remember was after the Trey sex tape stuff and even that was a bit underdone. I thought they could have had a good talk after the bomb on the bus stuff but we got nothing. It seemed to me that one day Nic and Kirsty hated each other, then one day they were ok, then eventually they became kind of friendly, but none of this really seemed to happen on screen. Completely agree though that it would have been much better if Jai was still around for this. Given his history, it would have been interesting to see how he would have handled losing another mother figure (and little brother), with the difference being that this one actually deliberately walked away from him. Oh well.

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It was disappointing we didn't get a voice over to the letter, but whatever was in it must have convinced Miles not to try and get in touch with Kirsty to talk it over. So sad at the end when we saw Miles crying. :crying:

It occured to me when Romeo was talking to Liam on the beach that we don't know anything about him other than the fact he was at the foster home with Jai. Something must have happened with either one or both of his parents and maybe his brother/sister (couldn't tell which in that photo) for him to have ended up there. Wonder if one or both had a problem with drink or drugs which is why he doesn't want to lose control. I think we caught a glimpse of the real Romeo (do we know his real name yet?) under his normal confident facade.

Gina has finally seen the other (nasty) side of John when she saw him giving Romeo a tongue lashing. He was totally unfair because before today Romeo has always turned up on time and done a good job, so just to fire him for one time is wrong as Gina pointed out to him and she was right he should have given him a warning. Will that change John's mind and he will give Romeo another chance? You're right ebrett he hardly could have told him the truth that definitely would have got him the sack even though it was against his will, like John would have believed that! Good to see Laim accept some responsibility and Romeo to say he should have put his foot down and perhaps have chucked all the party goers out as soon as he realised drinks were being consumed. As for him being in hospital over night I think he said to tell Miles that he had stayed at Aden's.

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I believe Jade and Kirsty stayed the night at Irene's in the 2002 finale (presumably their episode quota had been used up), so it's possibe she could have dropped in to say bye to them.

Not to mention that Jade, Kirsty and Dani spent their Christmas with Shelly whereas Rhys spent it with Dillon and Angie.

It was hard not to feel sorry for Miles simply because of the way things turned out but he seemed to take it quite well, resigned to his fate. He’s lost so much recently, Jai, his unborn child and now Kirsty. I understand that he accepted things were over between he and Kirsty but was surprised he didn’t go to the city at least to tell her she shouldn’t have left like that and to maybe even say goodbye properly.

I couldn’t really blame Aden for being annoyed with Liam as he put his career ahead of Romeo’s safety but I think Liam felt if the stuff with the drugs came out that might have spelt the end for him. I did actually like that Aden looked out for Nicole and surprisingly haven’t minded their scenes too much.

I think it would be a bit quick if Gina decided not to spend anymore time with John Palmer so I suspect for a little while she’ll suffer from denial or tunnel vision as far as he’s concerned.

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I believe Jade and Kirsty stayed the night at Irene's in the 2002 finale (presumably their episode quota had been used up), so it's possibe she could have dropped in to say bye to them.

Actually, I've checked the script on the main site and she says she doesn't trust herself to speak to them face to face and she'll call them later to explain.

Really? I was just posting in another thread that I thought Kirsty and Nicole's relationship was massively underexplored during her time on the show. The only bonding I can remember was after the Trey sex tape stuff and even that was a bit underdone. I thought they could have had a good talk after the bomb on the bus stuff but we got nothing. It seemed to me that one day Nic and Kirsty hated each other, then one day they were ok, then eventually they became kind of friendly, but none of this really seemed to happen on screen.

I agree it was underexplored but we got a bit of it.When Trey claimed Kirsty had had an affair with him, Nicole went up to her in the gym and told her none of them believed him.And they had a few bits on the trek with Nicole asking Kirsty if she was all right after her fight with Miles and I think it was Kirsty that calmed Nic down when she was blaming herself for what was happening.It's enough for me to believe that she'd miss her.That she'd practically beg Miles to get her back...not so much.I can understand Miles not going after her to say goodbye, Kirsty wanted a clean break and I doubt she'd welcome him turning up even if she agreed to see him.

Alf's episode count this week: Three.

I liked the parallel scenes of Tony and Rachel giving Geoff and Ruby advice.Nice to see a hint of Tony and Geoff's old relationship, even if it is only because Irene's away.I'm not in love with this couple but I don't mind them.Mostly sympathised with Geoff here, I get that Ruby's having a hard time adjusting but he was just trying to be caring and supportive.Liked the little bit of Ruby trying to calm Charlie down on the phone.Sounds like they're sharing a bed but nothing else:I assume Ruby was dressed for bed at the start since she seemed to be wearing an oversized t-shirt and nothing else.

Surprisingly, I found John and Gina quite amusing.I think he's still got that bullying side to him but she brings out the best in him.I do think he offered Romeo his job back purely to impress her and I'm not sure I agree with him doing it:He should have given Romeo a warning instead of firing him straightaway(although is he still on probation?)but he did give Romeo a chance to explain and he came up with a feeble excuse.Not sure if Romeo will change his mind about the job or not;now that it's not going to involve him hanging out with Annie they might decide to do something else with him.Glad Rachel stopped Tony talking to Gina, have a quiet word with her in private if you like but don't go storming in on her date.Nice that Rachel seems more relaxed with Harry now, by the way.

Although I'm glad Martha's getting Bambang back(try saying that three times getting faster), I'm not too happy about the way she went about it.Even if Hugo pressured her, she did agree to hand him over to DOCS and I don't think she should have arranged it without telling him since it's going to affect him as well.Nice to see Angelo doing some proper police work and examining the evidence although he might end up walking in on a domestic.Is it me or was Suzy wearing the sluttiest outfit we've seen in a while?(She might as well have been carrying a big sign saying "I'm bad news.")Bit odd that Martha asked who she was when Hugo had already "explained" but maybe she wanted to know her name or didn't recognise her.Loved Hugo wishing the ground would open up and swallow him at the end.I thought that would probably be the last episode before the Christmas break at one point but there's another week to go.

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I believe Jade and Kirsty stayed the night at Irene's in the 2002 finale (presumably their episode quota had been used up), so it's possibe she could have dropped in to say bye to them.

Actually, I've checked the script on the main site and she says she doesn't trust herself to speak to them face to face and she'll call them later to explain.

Seeing as how it was me that transcribed that episode, I suppose I should feel embarrassed. :unsure:

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So Hugo has a secret wife - haven't we been here before - and I don't mean Ash I was thinking of Scott Hunter and his secret wife! Love to know how Hugo is going to talk his way out of that one. :rolleyes:

It doesn't look like he gets much of a chance on Monday as Angelo turns up to question him about the sunken boat.

Once again Martha was her usual impetuous self agreeing to take Bambang back without consulting Hugo.

Like the way Gina was cool towards John and questioned his motives for offering Romeo his job back, who knows maybe, just maybe she will make a better man of him. At least he admitted his faults to her. BTW it looks like Brendan's temporary stay at the community home is permenant seeing as there hasn't been any mention of him plus the fact Gina now has a full time job.

The advice Tony gave Geoff and Rachel gave Ruby worked out well (almost as if they were working together). I can understand Geoff being concerned and wanting to know as much about diabetes as he can so he can help Ruby, but as she rightly said to Rachel she wants Geoff as a boyfriend not a carer. I think she has been very patient with Charlie ringing her every hour on the hour!

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