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I think it was pretty big of Aden to ask Nicole if he could stay in the house on 'mates rates' after he was told he was losing the boat berth. It must taken a huge swallow of pride to do that. Liam actually seemed genuinely sorry. I noticed that little moment between Aden and Nicole though he covered it up by pretending he meant the sofa.

I think your'e right as well about VJ being bullied (he was probably dared to throw the water bomb).

I think Miles susses it out and confronts the bullies tonight.

I can understand Ruby not wanting the whole school to know about her diabetes, but as Miles said at least if she had another attack they would know what to do to help her and not assume as they did this time that she was drunk. So Gonk has suddenly reappeared, is there going to be more to this or was that a one off?

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No Ranger I think Martha and Liam would be a better couple, so there Ner :P They are both arty farty types and I can see Martha not falling for Liam's hippy, hey dude whatever speak but arguing with him about it.

Hugo as a big red herring :lol:

'The Aden and Liam show' double :lol:

VJ is obviously suffering. He must be so insecure after all the temporary dads Leah has paraded through his life: Dan, Miles, Roman, Robert [have I missed any?]. He must be needing a proper father figure.

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Miles should feel cheated from Kirsty only receiving a letter but anyway it’s done now.

Today I could see how Charlie could come across quite irritating but as the person she was annoying was Ruby it’s all good. Ruby just annoys me. She thinks the whole world revolves around her. Anyway, I think Charlie was a bit hurt that Ruby didn’t feel as though she could tell her about fainting at school. Charlie seemed to want to mollycoddle her understandably so. Ruby still doesn’t see her as her mother unfortunately which is disappointing but I guess it’s going to take time. I thought Charlie’s remark to Geoff was a bit harsh but I liked the way she turned up announced just as Ruby was about to spend some quality time with her boyfriend and told them she was moving in temporarily. That should put a dampener on things.

What really bothers me about this whole VJ bullying thing is the fact that they are all bigger than him and it’s four on one. How is that fair? Riley’s dad annoyed me. Just his whole attitude and the way he basically blamed Leah for not toughening VJ up and VJ for not being able to defend himself. I hope Riley doesn’t turn out to be a battered child. I think it would have been more effective if perhaps Romeo had warned him off. Better still they could have gotten Aden to do it. He could have turned all psycho on them. Let’s face it Miles isn’t exactly what you would call intimidating but I didn’t think they were going to bash him (I’m assuming it was Riley and co who attacked him at the end of the episode).

I have to say the episodes this week have been particularly bad. Almost like watching paint dry. That’s why I’ve been more of a lurker in this thread. I’m kind of glad they are going off air for a bit and I’m not sure if I’m going to be watching the repeats next week. Hopefully things will pick up when they resume in January.

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It will never work Martha Being another Pippa or Irene she is too much into her self, as for Miles being a father figure no deffo not it just wont work.

I think Leah would be good in a foster mum role, as she is a very caring person and if she's going to be on the show long term, why not give a role to her?

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Miles should feel cheated from Kirsty only receiving a letter but anyway it’s done now.

Today I could see how Charlie could come across quite irritating but as the person she was annoying was Ruby it’s all good. Ruby just annoys me. She thinks the whole world revolves around her. Anyway, I think Charlie was a bit hurt that Ruby didn’t feel as though she could tell her about fainting at school. Charlie seemed to want to mollycoddle her understandably so. Ruby still doesn’t see her as her mother unfortunately which is disappointing but I guess it’s going to take time. I thought Charlie’s remark to Geoff was a bit harsh but I liked the way she turned up announced just as Ruby was about to spend some quality time with her boyfriend and told them she was moving in temporarily. That should put a dampener on things.

What really bothers me about this whole VJ bullying thing is the fact that they are all bigger than him and it’s four on one. How is that fair? Riley’s dad annoyed me. Just his whole attitude and the way he basically blamed Leah for not toughening VJ up and VJ for not being able to defend himself. I hope Riley doesn’t turn out to be a battered child. I think it would have been more effective if perhaps Romeo had warned him off. Better still they could have gotten Aden to do it. He could have turned all psycho on them. Let’s face it Miles isn’t exactly what you would call intimidating but I didn’t think they were going to bash him (I’m assuming it was Riley and co who attacked him at the end of the episode).

I have to say the episodes this week have been particularly bad. Almost like watching paint dry. That’s why I’ve been more of a lurker in this thread. I’m kind of glad they are going off air for a bit and I’m not sure if I’m going to be watching the repeats next week. Hopefully things will pick up when they resume in January.

Oh god yes! I remember back in the day people used to absolutely blast Dani Sutherland for her self centredness, but she has got absolutely nothing on Ruby, who is twice as bad without copping half the flak for it. Charlie is gay and the big issue is how it effects Ruby. Brendan almost kills Roman and the big issue is that Xavier lied to her. Don't even get me started on the Grant stuff.

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Ruby just annoys me. She thinks the whole world revolves around her.

Oh god yes! I remember back in the day people used to absolutely blast Dani Sutherland for her self centredness, but she has got absolutely nothing on Ruby, who is twice as bad without copping half the flak for it. Charlie is gay and the big issue is how it effects Ruby. Brendan almost kills Roman and the big issue is that Xavier lied to her. Don't even get me started on the Grant stuff.

Well at least Dani had good reason to make everything about her. Ruby unfortunately hasn’t. And one of the most frustrating things is that whenever she’s in an episode for me personally it just feels as though everyone is running around after her. This was even before she was diagnosed with Diabetes. It’s funny because when she was taken to hospital the episode before last I perhaps should have felt more sympathetic towards her but I didn’t, simply because she is just such a selfish person. I don’t really want to turn this into a bash Ruby thread but it’s because of her selfishness Ross is up on a murder charge.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.

Well, I'm fully expecting Miles to be completely okay next episode but that was a fairly good cliffhanger for them to break on.That scene of Miles and Romeo jogging at the start made me wonder if they're trying to give them the same sort of relationship he had with Roman.It does feel to me as though no-one's actually got a handle on Romeo's character, one minute he's supposed to be a love interest for Annie and about the same age as her, the next he's best mates with Miles and acting quasi-parental towards VJ.Riley's dad came across as a prize jerk:I wondered at first, when he said he was losing his job in a few weeks, if he was meant to be the other guy that lost his berth as Alf mentioned last episode, but then the other boy said he'd been unemployed before so I'm probably reading too much into it.Miles warning off Riley like that was never going to work and I don't think someone more intimidating would have worked either, he should have kept out of it and let the school keep an eye on VJ, at least for a bit.Not sure about Riley forcing VJ to throw the water bomb:How did he know whether he did it or not, he didn't seem to be there?At first I thought Riley might turn out to be a nice kid ruined by bad parenting but that ending made me think maybe it won't be that clear cut.I was expecting him and his mates to attack VJ and Ian to be the one that caused trouble for Miles so that ending took me completely by surprise:If they're attacking an adult, they really have gone off the rails.

Ruby really has turned into a complete princess.Sadly she seems to have followed in the footsteps of Cassie and Belle, both of whom I really liked to start with until the writers seemed to make them unlikeable by accident, as if they expected us to automatically side with them because they're main characters even when they're in the wrong and their actions hurt other people.I get that she's new to this diabetes thing and doesn't want people to treat her differently but she is different and she needs to accept it.She was left to handle it on her own and she ended up in hospital.Maybe Charlie was a bit over the top but she only did it because she cares and for Ruby to call her rude shows just how much of a hypocrite she's become.I didn't like the way Geoff joined in with her and made fun of Charlie behind her back either.It felt like I was supposed to feel sorry for Geoff and Ruby when Charlie invaded their love nest at the end but I didn't one little bit.Interesting that even though she's her mother now Ruby still feels she can boss Charlie about.Someone should tell Geoff he's not going to impress potential employers by dressing like he's going to a funeral.

Kind of liked Tony and Rachel's storyline and it's very understandable that he'd want to shield her from their financial difficulties after everything that's happened recently, nice too that she wasn't fooled for a minute.It does feel a bit like a plot device to get Rachel back into the hospital though.

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Was rather a quite time last week, even the cliff hanger wasn't. Riley does seem to have a problem, usually bullies like him (another gang of three did you notice) only pick on kids smaller than them but actually attacking a grown up is something more serious. I think they did go through the whole VJ learning self defence before only Leah was against it or is my memory playing tricks on me? Be fair Miranda, Leah and Dan were married and Leah was always careful about introducing VJ to any new guy. I don't think VJ even knew she went out with Robert.

Such a relief Rachel took the news about the gym being in financial trouble so calmly and that Tony didn't throw a wobbly when she said she had had a look at the books. Is this the beginning of the end for the gym?

Ruby is being a teenager I suppose she doesn't want to feel any different from the others, but unfortunately through no fault of her own she is. I can understand why Charlie was annoyed with her for not telling her about the collapse, but as she said she was in the city with Ross so she couldn't have done anything anyway.

As H&A is now off the air till 11th Jan and I don't have fiver to see what ever it going to be shown on it I'll 'speak' to you all again on the 12th.


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Be fair Miranda, Leah and Dan were married and Leah was always careful about introducing VJ to any new guy. I don't think VJ even knew she went out with Robert.

Yes you're right. Its just the whole Miles/ Leah thing annoyed me: would they wouldn't they would they wouldn't they? VJ didn't know whether he was coming or going! :wink:

One [silly] question: how tall are Rachel and Tony? Sometimes they seem to be the same height, yet other times he towers over her :lol:

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