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I think I have boobed here, seeing as we were six weeks behind before the break and now they are airing two weks after we do, it should be that we are now four weeks behind??? Can anyone confirm?

Australia started their break 3 weeks before the UK, so by the time they start again on 25th January we will only be one week behind. Fiver episodes will only be 4 episodes behind.

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It's back!For the record, there's now three weeks left of 2009.And while that episode might not be one of the all-time classics, I rather enjoyed it.

Well, he didn't exactly get up and walk away but Miles was back on his feet by the end of the episode. Which might not be a good thing.Storming round to Riley's house and grabbing hold of the boy like that was a horendously bad call which is almost certainly going to lead to trouble.There's a strong feeling that he really can't bring himself to accept that a group of primary school bullies put him in hospital, even when he realised Riley was involved he still insisted his father was behind it all.He really needs to let the police handle this, as Alf said if they're going around attacking adults things are pretty serious. Loved the relationship between Miles and Nicole, there really does seem to be a strong uncle/surrogate father bond building between them.Got mixed feelings about Romeo playing the big brother towards VJ, I'm glad he did it but it really does feel as though they're not sure what to do with the character or how to write him.The two characters he's interacted most with are off the show and I think the age discrepancy between actor and character is becoming very obvious:When you see him hanging around with adults, he looks like an adult and even in the little scene of him teasing Nicole at the Diner, he seemed to be acting older than her even though he's supposed to be younger, his comments about the HSC suggested it's passed him by when in fact he probably wouldn't have taken it yet.

Yet more stuff between Aden and Nicole which leaves me thinking these two should have got together ages ago, they spark off each other really well.It was nice to have a belated apology from Aden about the way he shut her out and an acknowledgement that neither of them's been on their best behaviour lately.Aden's now wandering around with his shirt off in front of Liam:Either all that aggro's hiding sexual tension or they're just looking for any excuse for Todd to show his chest off.I'm really not sure what to make of Nicole and Liam.I don't think she's particularly serious about him, despite what she said a few weeks back, when Aden asked if he made her happy she just said they had fun together.I'm not sure if he's more serious about her than she is about him or not:Turning down another girl is kind of the minimum you'd expect from a boyfriend but the dinner was a nice gesture, even though it wasn't really Nicole's fault it went wrong(it seemed as though she didn't know he was there because of her phone being damaged).I think Aden's kind of accepted that Liam might not be the drongo he thought he was after hearing him turn down his student and that maybe he isn't out to hurt Nicole after all, certainly he took the trouble to "remind" her about Liam's special dinner.Gonk seems to be in Year 12 again since he was hanging about with what appeared to be a group of school leavers.

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Hooray! Its back, never thought I'd miss it as much. I even found myself admiring Aden in his vest, what is happening to me? :lol: Probably just thinking how lucky he is to be able to wear a vest outdoors :blink:

Hope everyone had a restful festive season!? Nice to see all of you flamin' galahs again.

I agree that Miles was silly to go round to Riley's house like that, but we forget that he used to live on the street, where things were probably settled more like that instead of officially.

someone said earlier on this thread that Romeo should have been the one to warn Riley and co. off. I agree as they are far more scared of him than the teacher Miles, sad to say.

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How is everyone (in the northern hempsiphere at least) surviving the snowy weather?

I agree that Miles shouldn't have attacked Riley the way he did, but it must have been humililating to discover you were beaten up by 11/12 year olds, even if they had taken you by surprise. You're right Red it does indeed lead to trouble for Miles. I think Romeo did a good job persuading VJ to tell the truth, I guess if he had also been bullied when he was young he can understand how VJ feels.

I thought Aden and Nicole had sorted out their problems, at least it looked that way the last time we saw them. It was good to see them having a laugh like they used to. They both had their own way of dealing with Belle's death, but have got through it.

It did look like Aden saw Liam in a new light after that girl 'student' came onto Liam and he turned her down, typical reaction from her telling him he was rubbish. I understand he was upset when she didn't turn up for the dinner, but was it a definite thing, it did seem a casual remark he made? Wasn't sure I liked the way he questioned her, seemed a bit possessive to me.

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Miles just seemed to be digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole.He realised he'd made a mess of things with Riley but instead of going to the police straightaway he let Radcliffe get in first and he really has ended up in trouble.Are the police actually interested in the fact that Riley beat him up? Everyone just seemed to ignore it.Charlie also showed an astonishing lack of judgement by interviewing Miles with Riley and Radcliffe in the room.I suspect it will turn out that Alf is right, that Radcliffe hit Riley himself(maybe after finding out he beat up Miles?)and is now trying to shift the blame. (By the way, forgot to mention yesterday that it seems Radcliffe is one of the other crew who lost their jobs because of John's new policies.)

I actually really enjoyed Aden's behaviour in that episode, the way he was eavesdropping on Nicole and Liam's argument with a big grin on his face(loved Nicole's polite "Bye" to him as she left)and the banter between him and Nic after her...sort of argument with Liam.But I have to say:Nicole and Liam haven't been sleeping together...WHAT?!Okay, they're still saying they slept together after Belle's funeral, after initially saying they didn't, and I'll buy that nothing's happened on the night's she stayed over but...what about when they were undressing each other on the beach or when she dragged him upstairs and they got sprung by Miles and Kirsty?Are we supposed to believe they were just fooling about then?Are they making this up as they go along?I'm not sure what to make of their relationship, I think Nicole isn't sure about him and as for Liam...maybe he's starting to feel it's not worth his while given that he seemed bored with her company at the end.

Loved the parallel scenes of Aden and Nicole advising Geoff and Ruby, maybe they'll all end up double dating.Ruby's "You go out first and I'll follow" is another one of those "Huh?" moments which seem to be becoming more and more common on this show:How exactly does that look any less suspicious than going out together?Glad Irene didn't make a fuss, I hope she's going to be a bit more relaxed about this one rather than imposing a blanket ban, even though I still don't really care about Geoff and Ruby.

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Finally an episode that I feel I can comment on.

I too liked the stuff with Liam/Nicole/Aden and especially liked the scene when Aden was listening in on Liam and Nicole’s disagreement in the kitchen. I don’t mind Aden when he’s like this. I’d rather he be smug and take the Mick than aggressive and confrontational.

I have to agree as well that I found it hard to believe that Nicole and Liam weren’t sleeping together. TBH I really wasn’t sure if they went all the way when Kirsty saw them that time on the beach but if they weren’t there are other ways they could have entertained themselves. I’m not really going to go too much into it as this is a family Discussion board and show but I’m sure people could be creative if they want to.

Again quite liked the stuff with Aden and Geoff. I’m not sure if you could label them as “mates” but I do like the banter although to agree with what Red Ranger mentioned a while back, I’m not sure if Aden is the best person to be asking for relationship advice.

Mixed feelings about Princess Buckton. I quite liked the chat with Nicole on the beach. It’s funny because this reminded me of their conversation a while back where Ruby was asking for advice about Xavier but this time Nicole was seeking advice about Liam. This was one of the things I want to see more of regarding Ruby’s character i.e. more scenes from her friendship Nicole. But back to a previous post I made on this thread about her being generally annoying. It’s just the mannerisms, body language, I don’t know, it’s just me personally but I feel like she’s coming across as slightly narcissistic.

I’d completely forgotten about Donna Debono. Be interesting to see what comes from this. Nice of Angelo to drop by personally to warn Irene BTW.

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Aden and Nicole so want each other! I wish Liam would just get lost and leave them to it.

I can't believe Nic hasn't slept with Liam either! For the reasons outlined by Mr Ranger above.

I think Geoff would have been better wearing no t shirt as he never wears one usually anyway :lol:

Poor Miles, it is no fun when teenagers get the better of you. I'm not surprised Riley is 12 though- some 12 year olds I've worked with were enormous, I don't know how they got so big!

Oh, I see I've become a super poster- what's that?

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If you noticed when you started posting you have what’s known as “Pips” these are the squares below your avatar. Depending on you post count these increase gradually. In addition to this you have a Member Title so I think it starts off with “Junior Member” and then “Member” and then “Super poster” and there are other ones after that but I’m not sure about the specific order. I think you achieve “Super Poster” status when you reach around 1000 posts (well that's what I noticed anyway). Some people might not see it however because when I reached around 500 posts I was able to edit the “Custom Member Title”. It’s under My Controls > Personal Profile > Edit Profile information. So I’m guessing you probably edited your custom member title and then removed it and hence the title “Super Poster” showed up.

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If you noticed when you started posting you have what’s known as “Pips” these are the squares below your avatar. Depending on you post count these increase gradually. In addition to this you have a Member Title so I think it starts off with “Junior Member” and then “Member” and then “Super poster” and there are other ones after that but I’m not sure about the specific order.

I think it goes to "Wonder Poster" and then "Off the Scale".But it might be the other way round...

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