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I did have a thought that perhaps Rosie and Ali are both playing Xavier, though whether they would carry as so far as as they did is doubtful. The look on John's face when Rosie rubbed her foot up his leg was a picture, what was she playing at though, she must have known it wasn't Xav's?

In a way Gina is acting like a teenager when told not to be with someone they will just to spite the people (usually parents) who have told them not to. Which is exactly what happened when Gina told Xav to stay away from Freya. John certainly looked surprised when he learnt he was staying the night! :blink:

Not sure if Hugo told Martha the whole truth about the money and the business and if it is can't see Suzy letting him off that easily.

Mmm, Donna, maybe in the beginning she helped Lou build up the business, but once it was established and bringing in the money she lost interest and just enjoyed spending it. I'm still in two minds myself about whether she is being totally up front. She has only been released on a techincality so the doubt as to her innocence is still there until the real murderer is caught.

Perhaps when she said she had lost everything she meant the respect of the people she used to know, a big house and money wouldn't mean a lot if you didn't have that.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Bit of a sparse week all round with Irene, Colleen, Leah and Miles the only other characters to get three.

For a couple of moments there, I did actually think John was serious when he was pretending he was going to stay the night:Gina really did look like a condemned woman.I have to say I'm actually starting to warm to Gina, I still think she's far from being the show's "new mother figure" and her interaction with her sons doesn't really interest me, but I really like her relationship with Tony and with Gina.I loved the way Tony basically told Colleen to get lost and then John did the same.(Although what's this "string of failed relationships" Colleen's talking about?The family only moved to the Bay about nine months ago when Trey started at Summer Bay High and as far as we know Gina's the first person he's been with since Jenena.)I do think Gina's looking at John through rosetinted glasses but then maybe he has changed.Tony asking John for some business advice that he can take or leave shouldn't do too much harm.His advice to Xavier was spot on:He's not going to stop Gina liking John by acting up all the time and she's big enough to make her own mistakes.(Although I did have to smile at Tony talking about the way Xavier's been behaving recently, being a brat's pretty much his default setting.)

I don't know about this Miles storyline, I'm sort of half interested and half not.I really can't see him going to jail and if he does lose his job I doubt it will be for long.He does seem a bit broken but I did like the way he stood up to Ian on the beach(and the way Ian pretty much announces he's going to take his bucket and go and play somewhere else...).I can't really see Miles having $10,000 stuffed down the back of the sofa even if he wants to pay Ian off(which pretty much confirms Alf's theory about him).Also in two minds about Leah taking VJ out of school;a change of scene can be a good thing but she seems to be taking that step far too quickly and it might be an idea to ask VJ what he wants first.

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Was a pretty slow episode on Friday. Did like the look on Gina's face when John pretended he was was happy to stay the night. :D At least we know why (partly at least) Xav is so against John, but I suppose he would be against any man getting close to his mum after what his dad did. Tony was right she is old enough to make her decisions (and mistakes) all Xav can do is let her do her own thing and be there for her if things do end badly. Who says it would be John ending it anyway, she may decide that John isn't right for her! Xav has no right in telling Tony he shouldn't be taking advice from John, he is only listening to what he has to say and as you say Red he can take it or leave it.

Gerry is still doing what he does best - just getting the side of the story that suits him. If he really had been interested in a fair article he would have spoken to Miles. IMO Ian wouldn't have demanded money from Miles if he had been telling the truth about Riley's injuries. The problem I have with that is if Miles does pay him, couldn't that look like an admission of guilt? As for VJ being taken out of school, didn't Leah say it had the bullying had stopped for a while, but now the kids were just ignoring him, which must be just as upsetting. I suppose she could leave it a while longer and see if they get fed up and start talking to VJ again.

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Miles really does seem to be at a very low ebb at the moment, he was very nervy and on edge throughout most of that episode.That dream was a nice look into where his headspace is that:In effect he's lost another family and Kirsty and Ollie have vanished from his life so suddenly and completely that they might as well have been swept away by a tidal wave as well.It's good that, even though he was clearly tempted, he wasn't willing to bow to Ian's demands and stood up to him:I really liked their confrontation at the end and Miles' brief moment of empowerment even if it won't do much for him in the long run.Ian seems to be unravelling quite spectacularly, in the scene with Charlie his apparent confidence felt very fake, as if things weren't going as he'd hoped and people weren't reacting the way he was expecting them to.I liked also the scene of Colleen and Leah talking to Charlie about the assault on Miles because that was pretty much how I was feeling:Not only is Miles innocent of the crime he's been accused of, he's the victim of another one, which everyone seems to have forgotten.

I'm sorry to say I'm finding myself less and less interested in Romeo with every episode, which is a shame because I liked him to start with.I'm not sure if Luke is hopelessly miscast or not a good enough actor or just struggling to find a character in a series of scripts which seem to change his personality from episode to episode and even scene to scene, but in that one he never moved out of "cocky and casual" gear, no matter how inappropriate it was to the scene.Romeo basically admitting to Xavier that John reminds him of someone from his past should have been a big moment but it was played in such a flat manner that I just couldn't bring myself to care.First mention of Romeo going back to school:I wouldn't be surprised if he's wandering around in a Summer Bay High uniform next season, I don't know why they've made him 17 otherwise.Not too sure about his apparent self-appointed crusade against John, with his comment about "protecting the victims of bullies" and throwaway remark to Gina about helping her.I'm hoping he's being set up for a huge fall because frankly John Palmer's a lot more interesting and entertaining than him.I loved the scene where he basically decimated Xavier and Romeo plus he may well have found the key to getting Miles out of trouble(the fact that both he and Miles seemed to reach the obvious conclusion before Summer Bay's finest doesn't say much for them again).Glad Xavier apologised to Gina and John, even if he didn't mean it it was a nice gesture.

Possible logic flaw:John says the council haven't approved the marina redevelopment.(Possibly because someone on the show realised the location still looks the same...)So why have they served notice on Irene and the other guy?Seems a bit premature.

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I was so pleased that Miles didn't give Ian his 'compo' money (which came from where BTW)? Ian may think he's got the upper hand, by saying to Miles he could get him for threatening him but how can he prove it? There was only him and Miles, no witnessess. Ian made the huge mistake of more or less saying he planned it, though whether that was before or after he knocked Riley about I'm not sure.

Charlie did say in her (and the police's defence) they had no witnessess to Miles' assualt so until Riley or one of his mates confessess they are stuck. Who would have thought John would be possibly the person who helps Miles, be fair Red about it being him overhearing Ian, he'd (Ian) hardly be likely to say something like that with the police about.

Romeo is a complex character, interesting to see that little glimpse into his past life, mum got together with a bully, possibly knocked her (and him?) about which could explain why he ended up in the home. Dare say in the passage of time we will find out more. John I don't think was a physical bully, he tended to use words to wear down Jenna and Trey (which is just as bad).

At least Xav explained to Gina why he was so bothered about her and John which I'm sure she appreciated. He's not going to be best buddies with John, but at least he is going to be civil to him. BTW pretty sure John only put that friendly hand on Xav's shoulder because Romeo was looking.

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Bit of a hollow episode.The ending of the Radcliffe storyline was disappointingly perfunctory.I never thought I'd say this but...I'm with Colleen.Riley needs to be charged over what he did just as much as Ian.Miles' "he's learnt by example" excuse is a bit feeble.According to Alf, Ian's father was a violent drunk as well so if we follow Miles' argument to its logical conclusion, he's only doing what his father taught him and so he deserves our sympathy same as Riley, yet Miles is quite happy to dismiss him as the villain of the piece.Riley knows right from wrong and he deserves to be punished for what he did. And what about the other boys who took part in the assault?Were they being beaten by their dads as well or were they just nasty pieces of work who enjoy hurting people?I hope this really is the end of it and they don't bring Riley back and try and make out he's an innocent victim, rather than just as big a bully as his father.Loved VJ standing up to him:Him I do hope we see more of since he seems to be maturing into a decent supporting character.(And he pretty much cracked the case for them!)

Going by his last few scenes, even with the police off his back Miles' problems are far from over.I think Gina's done the right thing by effectively forcing him to take leave, he's clearly not in any fit state to be teaching students.

The Aden/Nicole/Liam love triangle...continues to go nowhere fast.I like how comfortable and relaxed Aden and Nicole seem to be around each other these days(and they seem to be wearing fewer clothes around each other too...)but if they're going in that direction I wish they'd hurry up and take Liam out of the equation.I thought at first he'd kind of lost interest in Nicole, then I actually felt a bit sorry for him;Aden was a bit high-handed with him even though I am glad he's looking out for Nic, something he hasn't done enough of over the year.I ended up thinking that he and Nicole just want different things from the relationship and need to split up.Then he made that declaration of love at the end, which leaves me thinking that either he's manipulating her or he's once again got too attached too quickly to, frankly, a girl too young for him.

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God, that Liam :angry: 'Oh, Nicole won't sleep with me so I'll tell her I love her' What a fake! He really is immature. Aden is acting more properly than he is [never thought I'd say that about Aden!] I hope Nic tells Liam where to get off, she would be so much better off with Aden.

Should Charlie and co have interviewed 12 year old Riley without a parent/ guardian there? Not Ian obviously but some other figure with Riley's interests at heart. And Miles shouldn't have been there, he is too close to the case, Charlie should have kept him away.

Excellent actor playing Ian, he is exactly the right type.

Can't make my mind up about John, he really is Dr Jekyll/ Mr Hyde.

I also can't believe Romeo is going to go back to school. He will look ridiculous, like Kim did in school uniform. I know year 12 boys often look manly but not as manly as that!! dear oh dear.

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Quite agree with you there Red, it did seem to be tied up rather quickly. Also yes Riley should be punished and not seen to be getting away with what he did, though he actually hasn't admitted that he (and his mates) attacked Miles. It was wrong that there wasn't an adult around (not counting Miles who was the victim). Perhaps when they get him to the station the person from DOCS will act as the appropriate adult.

Well done VJ as well, he obviously realised he couldn't fight him, so did the next best thing which in the end worked out well for everyone.

The way Miles reacted when he saw that picture of Kirsty in the Year Book shows he definitely isn't over the breakup. I agree with you again Red Gina did do the right thing by suggesting Miles take time off to get himself together.

I thought at first Liam being older was going to handle the no sex thing with Nicole well, but as we saw last night he isn't. He was trying to keep his distance which gave her the idea he had gone off her which is probably why she tried to come onto him. Even though I'm not a bloke I can understand it must be hard sharing a bed with the person you love and not making love to them whereas it (mostly) is easier for a woman. Glad she has Aden to talk to about it, and he's not making snide remarks but is understanding.

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A week and a half until the finale and it feels a bit like the show's marking time.Maybe the break didn't help but this thing with Aden and Nicole feels like it's being going on forever(and pretty much has, given that there's been a will they/won't they element since she was introduced...).Sadly Aden's once more acting like a jerk towards Liam and maybe even a bit towards Nicole in their first and last scenes. He knows that Liam knocked back Poppie because he's with Nicole yet for some reason he thinks he's up to something when he sees them together.I don't know if it's jealousy or overprotectiveness or whether he just doesn't like Liam and automatically thinks the worst of him but I wish he'd stop.Even more annoyingly, he might actually be right:Liam and Poppie seemed to be getting on well when we last saw them and Liam seemed to want to hide the fact she was there from Nicole.Hard to tell if his sudden appearance at the formal was guilt or him deciding he wants to be with Nicole whatever.

Hard as it is to tell how sincere Liam is, Nicole's come out and admitted that she doesn't love him[and maybe loves someone else?].In which case, she needs to end this instead of hanging around hoping her feelings will change, she's obviously unhappy with him and seemed mortified by his declaration of love.Another nice scene between Nicole and Miles and good that Roman got a mention.Nicole hangs around Aden wearing even less clothes than in the previous episode.(For pity's sake, open your eyes, kids!)Aden holding Belle's necklace:Not a motif I was expecting to see again, we haven't seen it since Aden snatched it off Nic after the funeral.He so looked like he wanted to kiss her while they were dancing.Nicole apparently decided to go to the formal as Marilyn Monroe.I actually quite liked the dress but the make-up was too heavy and didn't really suit her.

On the subject of the Merrin sisters, got to say aside from being a bit rude to Nicole, Caitie didn't really live up to her publicity and definitely didn't deserve to have Aden effectively ignore her all night. Poppie seemed nicer than her first appearance as well but maybe she's just changed tactics.Anyone else think she looks a bit like Belle?(And the fact we actually had a clip of Belle in the episode just made it more obvious.)

On the subject of marking time, I'm really liking Martha and Hugo together but I can't quite shake the feeling it's going to turn out he's behind everything bad that's happened in Summer Bay this year and get carted off to prison leaving her in tears, so again I'm sitting waiting for them to get to the point.It does at least seem like he was telling the truth about giving Suzy the money from the business(and I am disliking that woman more and more every time I see her).Hard to know what to make of the ring Martha found:It's possible Hugo's planning to propose, which seems to be what she thought, especially given the way he was looking at her old wedding photograph.Then again it might just be an old one he's planning to pawn.

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Nicole is so irritating, I don't know how Liam can stand being with her. She is such a whining, shrieking harpy. The fact that she has suddenly become all focused on waiting is hypocritical considering what a bordeline nymphomanic she was in the past. I'm not saying she should sleep with Liam straight away because that is what she has done in the past, but this change in attitiude just doesn't ring true for her character.

I can't stand Liam, but I feel sorry for him being with a girl like Nicole, and I think Aden is acting like such a jerk sticking his nose in their business all the time (although at least that is true to his character, he is a massive jerk a lot of the time). Liam shouldn't have told Nicole he loved her, he should have just dumped her, then he would have seen if she really wanted to be with him or not.

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