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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Nicole has grown up that's why she hasn't slept with Liam again, doing that in the past didn't do her any good with guys in the past though she and Geoff may have made a go of it. I thought the dress she wore to the formal was beautiful whereas Caitie's didn't suit her at all. I agree though Aden shouldn't have ignored her the way he did, though perhaps he has changed his mind about the job. I was also glad we got a mention of Roman, nice to know he hasn't been forgotten. Lovely gesture of Nic to ask Miles to be her date which shows how far she has come. Nic and Aden do make a nice couple but it obviously brought back memories of last years Formal when he was Belle (think I'm right with that) which is why he did a runner.

As for Caitie's sister Poppie her change of attitude did seem genuine and her and Liam did get on better, they had a good chat when Aden had gone to the formal.

I was certainly surprised to see Suzy back, but did have the feeling she wasn't going to give up that easily. Wonder what was going through Hugo's mind when he was looking at Martha and Jack's wedding photo. It was an engagement ring Martha found BTW and of course now she is waiting for him to propose BUT.....................

Been thinking about your remarks Red regarding Riley being a bully becuase his dad knocks him about and Ian does that because his dad did it to him. It only carries on through a family until the cycle is broken. Back in the days when Ian was young people just didn't interfere or call the authorities like they would do nowadays. There have been so far Trey, Aden, Ric and Kane who were all bullies because of their background and only Trey still had his mum around. At least the cycle was broken in Kane's case because he loved Ollie and never hurt him. One other thing Riley had two 'mates' as have all the other bullies.

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Wasn't sure what to think of Aden yesterday. He was terribly rude to Poppie when he talked about her in the kitchen with Liam- she must have overheard him calling her a skank. He was also rude to her sister when he deserted her at the formal. However, he has just lost his wife and he really shouldn't have been bribed by the father to escort his daughter to the formal, it was so tacky. So I'm on the fence about Aden :huh:

How old exacty is Liam? He was saying that when he was growing up it was all Black Sabbath and Metallica, but they were 70s/ 80s bands, so I was a bit confused :lol: Anyway, he seems to be still a comparatively young man so probably still sees sex as something he should have no matter what and can't control himself. I don't like him at all, I used to think he had potential but he's just an arty farty type who says one thing and means another.

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Donna actually seems quite likeable at the moment, almost unrecognizable from before but I still don’t trust her. She and Irene are getting on quite well. Irene even called her “love”. I felt sorry for Tony when he came in for work and found his gym trashed. When he told Rachel he hadn’t renewed the insurance policy she took it a lot better than I thought she would. I think selling it is probably a good idea. Let’s face it he’d be killing himself for nothing now. I have to agree with what the announcer said about Hugo and Martha. That was harsh (and she seemed so happy) but I guess he was just being honest. Ruby was being annoying as usual although not as bad as before. She seemed to be a tad bit horny. Bright side, she didn’t look half bad in a bikini…

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Nicole is so irritating, I don't know how Liam can stand being with her. She is such a whining, shrieking harpy. The fact that she has suddenly become all focused on waiting is hypocritical considering what a bordeline nymphomanic she was in the past. I'm not saying she should sleep with Liam straight away because that is what she has done in the past, but this change in attitiude just doesn't ring true for her character.

I don't think that's entirely fair.She was with Geoff for a fair time without sleeping with him and after they split up she slept with three guys over about four months(Aden, Trey and Liam)and it didn't make her happy.I think her character development would be a bit more believable if they'd made it clear she wanted them to wait from the moment they got together, rather than having them roll around on the beach, writing it as though they were sleeping together and expecting us to forget about what we'd seen.

With regards Liam's age, Nicole said on Tuesday he's in his 20s.The guy that plays him is 29 but it's possible he's meant to be a bit younger, maybe 26.If he's into music, he'd probably know about stuff from before he was born(and Poppie clearly wasn't around in the 70s).Either way, he's got a failed marriage and a young son and is clearly far too old for Nicole.He was too old for Belle and Nic's a couple of years younger.If they are going to put Nicole and Aden together, I really hope they end the Liam thing soon.

Anyway...today's episode.The whole Geoff-and-Ruby-keep-trying-to-have-sex-but-not-managing-it thing is getting very tired and I wish they'd just do it.My opinion of this couple switches from finding them annoying to quite liking them but not that much to finding them dull:I think in that episode it was mostly in the last two categories.Ruby refers to her father/grandfather as Ross again, obviously undecided on that one.(And again she seems set to raid the champagne...)Irene and Donna suddenly being best friends is a bit strange, I could accept their uneasy alliance last week but this seems a step too far.Geoff also seemed fairly comfortable around her and he trusted her even less.At least Colleen remembered to shoot a few haughty looks in her direction.Wonder if Orson was the one that planted the murder weapon in Donna's house, certainly had the opportunity.

Martha started the episode in full on "is she on something?" mode but was quickly brought down to earth with a bump.I suspect Hugo was planning to propose to her but has changed his mind, maybe because he's getting deep into something dangerous and wants to protect her and Bambang.Speaking of which, I don't think the vandalism at the gym is as simple as "kids messing about" and I'm wondering if Suzy or someone else was sending Hugo a warning:We still don't know who threw a brick through their window a while back.Some cute moments with Tony, Rachel and Harry and the mention of Kit and Mattie was a nice touch.

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I nearly shrieked with delight at the pained look on Martha's face - I am officially a horrible human being.

I too am getting rather tired of the Geoff-Ruby Whenwilltheyfinallydoit scenario, just get it over with please! I have decided I dislike them a lot, they're really quite sickening.

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I don't think the whole Geoff and Ruby trying to have sex storyline. It's frustrating to watch and i don't understand why they've suddenly turned into desperate love sick teenagers.

I'm not really an Aden fan and always think he acts like a bit of a jerk, especially to those close to him. I did feel a bit sorry for him at the formal when he remembered Belle - but their relationship was so on and off and childlike it's hard to feel sympathy for him.

I felt sorry for Martha. She seemed so happy and excited about Hugo and i loved her little chat with Rachel - and then he has to go and break her heart. I don't think he gave her the real explanation though so we'll see. I think there's a lot going on in his life we don't know about.

I like the Tony/Rachel story concerning the gym being in difficulty. It's realistic and it's lovely to see them dealing with it together and being all supportive. And the scenes with little Harry were cute :wub: Nice to see Rachel enjoying him.

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Geoff and Rubbish are so gross to watch. Remember when they first almost slept together, and Geoff had all the rose petals laid out on the bed as if it was their wedding night? Ugh, that was just so over-the-top and ridiculous! If they were normal teenagers it would be an awkward fumble, possibly in the back of a car, and possibly while drunk. They don't need any of this romance-novel crap, it's just too far-fetched.

I realise I have a dead, cold, black heart, but that is just how I see it.

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Geoff and Rubbish are so gross to watch. Remember when they first almost slept together, and Geoff had all the rose petals laid out on the bed as if it was their wedding night? Ugh, that was just so over-the-top and ridiculous! If they were normal teenagers it would be an awkward fumble, possibly in the back of a car, and possibly while drunk. They don't need any of this romance-novel crap, it's just too far-fetched.

I realise I have a dead, cold, black heart, but that is just how I see it.

Ah, memories. I agree that Geoff and Ruby are completely gross. I haven't been a teenager for quite a few years now, but teenagers aren't like that these days are they?

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Yes, I'm getting sick of Ruby and Shirtless humming and hahing over it all, why don't they just get on with it?

Poor Martha, I felt so sorry for her. I used to really hate her but she didn't deserve Hugo saying all that after everything she has been through.

Liam is late 20s?! Yes, what is he doing with Nicole indeed. I assumed he was 22 or 23 at first but he seems to have got older and older as the episodes continue :lol: Wouldn't it be good if he was the mastermind behind the people smuggling? Then we could get rid of him!

Donna reminds me of Amanda.... Whose long lost mum is she going to be? It was so funny Ruby going on about the rich middle aged woman and the hot gardener, but I fear that is a premonition of what's to come... Oh no its back to Drew/Amanda; Lucas/wotsername; Ric/Viv and all the rest...

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