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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think it would have been totally out of order if Ruby and Geoff had got it together at Donna's place, he was supposed to be working there after all. Red you are not wrong, Orson you will find is involved in the who shot Lou business, because as you said he had the opportunity and also would have access to the main house. I'll gloss over the fact we have never heard of him before - usual soap ploy. Colleen maybe should have mentioned to someone what Orson did with the poster, it certainly wasn't normal behaviour.

Glad that Tony admitted to Rachel the fact he hadn't renewed the insurance policy, it's good they are both being honest with other. As Tony said it's best he sells it now rather than running it into the ground and Kit and Mattie not getting any return for their investment. I can't see Suzy having anything to do with the gym myself, but then again I could be wrong.

Martha and Hugo - she really was like a cat on a hot tin roof wasn't she? Did she really expect him to come home and go down on one knee right away? Still not sure what brought about his change of mind, apart from him having more dark secrets that we don't know about.

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There has been so much that has annoyed me this week that I feel obliged to post.

First of all Aden and Nicole, don't get me wrong I was not the biggest Adelle fan, but towards the end I began to believe in their love and felt that I actually invested in it. What a waste of time that was! It's been what, 5/6 months since she died? She being the love of his life, his soul mate and now he's apparently in love with his best friend? I know the time it takes to move on from losing a loved one is relative but I feel sorry for all the Adelle fans out there who must feel seriously cheated. Also why is it that on HAA a girl and a boy apparently cannot be just good friends, it's pathetic!

Then there's Martha, for the record I could not stand Martha and Jack, but yet I was expected to believe she had suffered the biggest loss a person could incur when he died, and now barely a year on she's all set to marry his cousin at the slightest hint he may propose, and actually believes this is what Jack would want. If it wasn't so stupid I would laugh. It's not the fact that she's moving on, but the fact that just over a year ago she remarried the supposed love of her life and now he has been murdered and yet she appears to have absolutely no doubts or reservations about marrying his cousin, or being prepared to marry him approaching the anniversary of his death.

Then there's Hugo, he breaks up with Martha and moves into her house! As you do :huh: .

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There has been so much that has annoyed me this week that I feel obliged to post.

First of all Aden and Nicole, don't get me wrong I was not the biggest Adelle fan, but towards the end I began to believe in their love and felt that I actually invested in it. What a waste of time that was! It's been what, 5/6 months since she died? She being the love of his life, his soul mate and now he's apparently in love with his best friend? I know the time it takes to move on from losing a loved one is relative but I feel sorry for all the Adelle fans out there who must feel seriously cheated. Also why is it that on HAA a girl and a boy apparently cannot be just good friends, it's pathetic!

Then there's Martha, for the record I could not stand Martha and Jack, but yet I was expected to believe she had suffered the biggest loss a person could incur when he died, and now barely a year on she's all set to marry his cousin at the slightest hint he may propose, and actually believes this is what Jack would want. If it wasn't so stupid I would laugh. It's not the fact that she's moving on, but the fact that just over a year ago she remarried the supposed love of her life and now he has been murdered and yet she appears to have absolutely no doubts or reservations about marrying his cousin, or being prepared to marry him approaching the anniversary of his death.

Then there's Hugo, he breaks up with Martha and moves into her house! As you do :huh: .

Obviously finding the love of your life and marrying them means absolutely nothing in Summer Bay any more. I don't know how any couple can be taken seriously on this show at this stage. Clearly in Summer Bay love is just a phase you go through until the next best thing comes along.

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Tony may feel that he’s got no choice other than to accept John’s offer but I’m not sure if it would work out in the long run. I think they could be at loggerheads if John decides to do something Tony doesn’t agree with. It might actually be better for him to sell up.

I suspected that the way Hugo looked at the picture of Jack and Martha’s wedding, he thought he was in Jack’s shadow but I didn’t realise he was going to propose to Martha.

Comical scene where Romeo was acting out the part of Rosie and getting Xavier to be blunt, John came in caught them and told them he would leave them to it. It’s funny before Xavier saw Rosie coping off with another bloke I would have said some people would have killed to have been in his position i.e. two perfectly attractive girls after him.

Started off thinking we might get to see a bit more of Charlie and Angelo together but it just ended with both of them back to being professional. That was a dumb move by Angelo punching Hugo. You’d think something like that would mean he’d lose his job…

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.Geoff and Ruby only appeared in one.

Okay, so Orson didn't plant the gun but he does know who did, if everyone was telling the truth.Odd that no-one seemed to come to the obvious conclusion that it might have been Orson himself hanging around the house, seeing what his wife was telling everyone.Can't have been Derrick because he's in custody but it might have been him that paid Orson in the first place.Hugo's assessment of Angelo-that he's an idiot-seems pretty accurate in the circumstances, given that he's just lost all sense of objectivity.I'm really finding him rather unlikeable at the moment and I hope once this mystery stuff's over they'll soften him up again.His comment about Irene and Donna having a lot in common was just asking for someone to wander past and go "Yeah, you wrongfully arrested them both."

I did think that Hugo felt he couldn't be Jack but maybe he's also thinking that if Martha marries him she could end up losing a second husband?Nice girl's talk scene between Rachel and Martha.Tony going into business with John(or, effectively, working for him or at the very least being a junior partner) could well end in disaster although I understand why he's doing it, it does at least guarantee him a job.By the way...is that Martha's house that Hugo's moved into?Everyone on this board keeps saying it is but it was rented when Tony lived there and I don't remember anyone ever buying it.

I loved all the stuff with Xavier and Romeo in that episode.I think both those characters work a lot better in the comedy plotlines:To be blunt, they're not good enough actors to handle the dramatic or romantic stuff.I was laughing out loud when Xavier hid around the corner when Rosie appeared and then laughed even louder when John walked in on them apparently breaking up and just winked at them.A thousand slash fictions were just launched.Not surprised Rosie's moved on from Xavier, she never actually seemed that interested in him, just after a bit of fun and maybe to prove a point to Ali. Ali, on the other hand, did actually seem to like him and I'd quite like to see her again.

There did seem to be some very poor direction and/or editing at a couple of points in that episode. During the scene between Rachel and Martha at the farm, it seemed like there was a lengthy pause between lines every time they changed shot.Then in the last scene one moment Hugo was standing with his back to Angelo and then in the next shot he was punching him in the face.

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Oh god, I shrieked with laughter at Romeo and Xavier practising what X would say to Rosie! 'when someone better comes along, you just cast me aside, you're a two timing sleaze' or whatever Romeo said. So funny, I always thought those two would make a good comedy duo.

We all just knew someone would be standing behind them when they finished arguing but John was the best choice, anyone else would have known they were acting, but John doesn't know them well enough and was trying to be PC about it :lol: Oh, I hope they do more funny scenes. You are right Ranger, slash is on its way. I thought ages ago they were a potential slash couple but didn't dare mention it!

What was Angelo doing? Hugo had been perfectly normal, not rude, so why did Angelo have to punch him? He's acting like a jealous lover :lol: Now there's another slash couple :o

Have a good weekend all, I've had such a funny evening watching the above and other funny programmes like QI :wink:

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One thing I forgot to mention:Were Charlie and Angelo on duty at the end or just socialising in their uniforms again?If they were, that makes Angelo's actions even more crazy.I think he's beginning to crack up and losing all sense of perspective, he's been working this case for months, he's convinced Hugo's behind everything and he can't prove it and he's just made it completely personal and turned it into a battle of wills.

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I keep forgetting Hugo slept with Charlie. Perhaps there is some residual jealousy present.

Something I also forgot to mention was when Xavier was playing pool with Romeo and Romeo was teasing him about Ali and Rosie (after Xavier hid) and Xavier made a remark about Romeo having an Internet relationship with a girl he wouldn’t see for months. Can we infer from that, that Romeo is in contact with Annie and he’s still expecting something to happen after she has completed her studies in Japan? Hmm…

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Something I also forgot to mention was when Xavier was playing pool with Romeo and Romeo was teasing him about Ali and Rosie (after Xavier hid) and Xavier made a remark about Romeo having an Internet relationship with a girl he wouldn’t see for months. Can we infer from that, that Romeo is in contact with Annie and he’s still expecting something to happen after she has completed her studies in Japan? Hmm…

Well, she did say before she left that when she got back they could see what happened, or words to that effect, so I imagine so, yeah.

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Hugo's reason for having the engagement ring was an insult to Martha's intelligence, it was so unplausible. Even if he had bought it for Suzy (to convince her family their engagement was real) no way would she have given it back. But I did believe him when he told Martha that after seeing her and Jack's wedding photo he was no good for her and she was better off without him.

No way was that Hugo lurking around at Donna's they obviously didn't know about the security cameras whereas Orson would have so what was his excuse? Don't think it was because Hugo slept with Charlie, it only happened once and there was never actually anything going on with them. Obviously Hugo has never been charged with anything or arrested otherwise they would have his DNA on file. Completely agree with everyone Angelo was totally out of order, but to do it in front of witnessess not to mention Charlie (unless of course there is a method in his madness). :unsure:

I'm with you Slade and Red about Tony working with/for John perhaps not being a good ideaeven though he still has a small share in the business. Still if it doesn't work out he can quit.

The Xavier and Romeo scene was just what we needed to lighten the mood. The look on John's face when he walked in - the first time we have seen him lost for words. :lol: I also thought that Romeo was referring to Annie. BTW what's all this about slash am I missing something?

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