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BTW what's all this about slash am I missing something?

Probably.Slash is a type of fan fiction that focuses on same-sex relationships.

Hard to tell if there's method in Angelo's madness or not.It does seem as though he just lost his temper and lost his sanity because he's convinced that Hugo's behind everything and no-one believes him.He didn't seem to make the connection about the DNA sample until Charlie left him alone in the office and he noticed the blood on his hand.(Would that really be uncontaminated enough to be useful? You'd think Angelo's own blood would be mixed in with it.)Wonder if maybe he told Stevens about the sample beforehand(he did post the sample to him)and the suspension is just for appearance's sake. Really didn't like Alf's attitude towards Hugo.I love Alf and I know he's just being protective of Martha but he doesn't half turn against people and come down hard on them at times, like we saw with Angelo and Liam.I thought at first that maybe Hugo was giving in to Suzy's demands and going to Indonesia but Argentina?That's hard to see as anything other than running away...but who from?

Maybe my suspicometer is working overtime but Donna leaving town as soon as Orson is hospitalised? Hmm.Donna wouldn't have set herself up but is it possible that she paid Orson and/or his wife to say that they'd seen someone else plant the gun, paid Orson to hang around the house looking suspicious and then arranged an "accident" for him?Maybe not but it's a theory...

Looks like Tony's being pushed out of the gym a bit.And Aden and Nicole!I'm kind of with Nicole here, it does seem a bit like they're going round in circles with getting on really well and then falling out.I was glad that Aden was honest with her about thinking about Belle but then he just pushed her away again.Loved Irene's reaction when Nicole said Aden was the most important person in the world to her "except Liam"(hmm, Roman doesn't make the list?), maybe she's remembering that Geoff told her to watch for those two ages ago.I can't say for sure but I actually think I'd be okay with these two if I'd been an Adelle fan.I tend to object to one half of a couple I like moving on more if they're both still alive and could get back together.If one's dead, I tend to want the other one to be happy.Wasn't a massive JnM fan put I liked them enough at the end and I'm fine with Martha and Hugo.Let's be honest this is how Home and Away's treated the grieving process ever since the first major death, when Pippa got together with Michael within a year of Tom dying.

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I really don't like Angelo. So many people in the Bay hate him i don't see how much longer they can keep him going. As for him and Charlie, i can't believe she's forget everything that happened and end up falling for him romantically. It's all so unrealistic to me. :rolleyes: I can't stand his smugness and arrogance.

I think it was a bad idea for Tony to get involved with John and feel it's all going to end in tears. He's already taking charge and doing things without consulting Tony (i know he now owns 75% and technically has a right too - but still, Tony doesn't deserve that). Loved the little scene with Tony, Rachel and Harry though! :wub: Baby Harry was so cute. It's lovely to see them working through this together.

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Didn’t particularly like Alf or Rachel’s attitude towards Hugo near the beginning of that episode. Although Rachel was treating him she was very unsympathetic and Alf’s comment about Hugo deserving worse made my blood boil. All because he finished with Martha. He didn’t treat her that badly and he didn’t cheat on her. If anything he was trying to do her a favour. Not liking Angelo at present. He seems completely unrepentant about hitting Hugo and part of me wanted Tony to knock the stuffing out of him. Hugo once again raises suspicion and it is starting to look as though he’s going to comply with Suzy. As unbelievable as it may seem I was actually quite enjoying the stuff with Irene and Donna so it’s a shame she's leaving town. I think it’s pretty obvious Nicole likes Aden and now it looks as though Irene’s copped on so I’m waiting for her to drop hints about them. John doesn’t waste any time does he although a consultation would have been nice.

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It's prpbably a bit fantastical to imagine Angelo deliberately hit Hugo to get a blood sample, plus as you say Red there is a chance his blood could be mixed up with Hugo's. I don't think he is that devious. He did send it off before he got 'suspended'.

I have read it's actually Charlie that solves the people smuggling mystery and discovers the person behind it.

Alf is a bit similar to Colleen in the way he makes snap judgements about people, then changes his mind just as quickly. Agree with you there Red what's with Argentina? I'm guessing that's why he went back to the farm to pick up the money Which came from where BTW)?

Orson had a heart attack, but what caused it, was he being chased by someone? As far as we know the only people who knew he was at the motel were the local cops, Georgie, Angelo & Charlie and anybody else that was listening at the Yabby Creek station. Could someone have tipped off the guy(s) that were after Orson?

Funny how both Aden and Nicole confided in Irene independent of each other, but wisely she kept her own counsel and didn't let on to either about the other. I thought Nic's mentioning Liam being the most important person in her life was rather a hasty after thought. At least now Nic knows why Aden froze her out at the Formal and it wasn't anything personal. I wonder how long we will have to wait to find out what's in the letter Irene gave Aden from Belle? As you said Slade Irene has twigged that Aden and Nic have feelings for each other and that is why she has decided now is the right time to give him the letter.

Rachel is right about John moving fast, I think Tony is already having regrets but might feel he has to give it a chance first, and yes Harry is gorgeous. :wub:

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After yesterday's episode, I thought Angelo had engineered the situation to get Hugo's blood, because Hugo hadn't done anything to provoke him. Angelo is very devious, but maybe that is going a bit far. Not sure.

I bet the letter that Belle left for Aden is telling him to move on.

I think Alf was justified in being like that to Hugo, he really treated Martha badly. Surely he knew he wasn't a family type man before they even went out with each other all those months ago? :rolleyes:

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I’m disappointed that Liam slept with Poppie. I was inclined to think the best of him when Poppie’s sister told Aden. And the way Aden went off I was thinking here we go again he’s getting all defensive of Nicole and acting impulsive but I was wrong. I’m actually kind of glad to be honest because I don’t think they were right for each other and I thought she still had a thing for Aden. I’m gonna say the split was mutual rather than Liam getting in first. I think both of them made valid points. Nicole wasn’t really into Liam (and hence not in love with him) because of Aden but it does look as though now sex was the main thing for Liam. A bit disappointed she couldn’t tell Miles but could tell Ruby. It looks as though Geoff isn’t really taking his religion as seriously as he was before. Well hopefully now he and Ruby have got their first time together out of the way we don’t have to see her slobber all over him. I doubt it though! The voiceover from Belle reminded me a bit of Roman’s one a while back. When Poppie told Aden to park her car for a minute there I actually thought he was going to deliberately scratch it.

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I'm really not sure where they're going with Angelo.This may be one of those cases where they've made a character unlikeable by accident but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume there's some a proper character arc going on here:That he's becoming more and more obsessed with this case and that it's taking over his entire life and causing him to do stupid things and at one point he's going to stop, take a look at himself and realise he needs to change.I did wonder if maybe someone gave Orson some sort of medication to force a coronary, guess we'll find out in time.

Anyway...it was a huge relief to get rid of all the mystery stuff and get a relationship-based episode. Geoff and Ruby finally did it and I have to say that was one of their better episodes.I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with those two at the moment but I did find their bedroom scenes rather sweet and I loved Geoff's joke about them being interrupted again.Interesting that Nicole helped Ruby out. Another nice Nicole/Miles scene by the way that underlined how depressed he's feeling although once again he continues to get the comedy moments even when he's not happy, I loved the face he pulled at Leah's cooking when she wasn't looking and his deadpan "You're killing me" while playing with VJ.

Which brings us to the Aden/Nicole/Liam love triangle.Glad we got the voiceover from Jess, hmm, was that recorded before she left the show?But anyway, I'm finding it very hard to sympathise fully with any of them and yet all of them have good points.I've wanted Aden and Nicole to get together since... well, ever, and I'm glad that Liam and Nicole are finally over so we won't get them going behind his back.Frankly they should never have been together in the first place, it's obvious they never loved each other.Liam's guilt does seem to be genuine but I don't think his love was, as he said it's his addictive personality, he just needed someone to support him and Nicole was the only person willing to give him the time of day.(By the way...was Nicole really sunbathing in the kitchen at the start?)I didn't like the way Nicole was with him, he arguably committed the greater offence by cheating but as he said it's obvious that she was never into their relationship and she should have ended it a long time ago, so in a sense she's only got herself to blame.Which brings us to Aden:Plus point, I'm glad he's looking out for Nicole at the moment, although as she said we've all got tired of him making excuses and apologising and then being awful again.That episode did seem to bring out all his bad qualities, his smug superiority, his objection to authority, his habit of threatening violence when someone says something he doesn't like:Glad Alf told him to pull his head in when he started throwing his weight around with Liam, he gives Aden too easy a ride sometimes.Poppie and Caitie seemed to live up to their publicity a lot more than they did the previous week(although Caitie was right to be annoyed with Aden for abandoning her)and Aden was hard done by losing his job but stealing Poppie's car was typically dumb.But Nicole's confession to Ruby and Belle's "next great love of your life" comment are perhaps the most instructive:Nicole has always loved Aden, maybe from the moment she first met him, definitely since she found him on the wharf a year and a half ago, and I think he does love her as much as he loved Belle.

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Liam is such an idiot! But maybe he'd be better off with Poppie, she seems more like a rock chick type.

I want Aden and Nicole to get together too, they would be such a good couple and I'm sure Belle would approve.

I think Angelo will turn nice again soon, I hope so!

So Geoff and Ruby finally...zzzzz sorry I've lost the will to live...

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Belle's letter was in effect giving Aden her blessing to go ahead and have another relationship, wonder if in the back of her mind she knew it would be with Nic, although no names were mentioned. She will always be his first love but she was wise enough to know he would need to move on at some time. I know some people will say it is too soon, but eveyone is different.

At last Nic has admitted she does love Aden but she should let him make the first move and let him go at his own pace by taking it slowly. Her admitting she was more angry than hurt by Liam's cheating did indeed confirm she didn't feel anything for him. Although Liam has been a total dork, at least he resisted the drugs Poppie offered him. I bet Daddy doesn't know about that!

Another example of two little rich girls with her and Caitie, used to getting their own way, though in her favour Caitie did try and tell her dad it was her fault and not Aden's.

I thought Aden looked good in his uniform. :cool:

BTW when he stole the car it was broad daylight, but when he picked up Nic it was dark, where on earth had he been all that time?? :unsure:

Liked the scenes between Leah, Miles and VJ.

I have a theory about Hugo and his 'possible' involvement in the people smuggling. Perhaps he and Suzy started off when he was back in Indondesia, with him genuinely wanting to help them, but then Suzy got greedy and others got involved and started ripping the refugees off and he didn't want anything to do with it which is why he left. But as he knows too much Suzy wants to keep him quiet.

He and Angelo work together next week which is a turn up for the books.

Now this theory is really off the wall - could the guy who is sneaking around Donna's house be Lou!? I know Alf identified the body as him, but he had been in the water for a while. The only thing that makes it not possible is that surely the police would have made other checks to confirm that such as DNA or dental records. Can anyone remember if that was done?

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Liam is such an idiot! But maybe he'd be better off with Poppie, she seems more like a rock chick type.

I actually wouldn’t mind seeing more of Poppie (or her sister) but the problem is Liam is a recovering drug addict and she’s obviously into drugs so apart from getting laid she is strictly a no-goer.

When Aden very stupidly took Poppie’s car I didn’t actually think he was going to borrow it for the whole night. Did he not think she might tell someone about it regardless of whether the policeman stumbled across Aden and Nicole by accident? I really liked the stuff with Liam and Martha and I liked that in spite of finding the drugs once she heard about him finishing with Nicole she went back to support him and didn’t judge him. I think these two could have the potential to develop quite a good friendship. I wonder if she’s got a spare room going because even if Nicole doesn’t chuck Liam out it’s going to be extremely difficult for him to live at Nicole’s place now. I don’t know what is was about Leah but today, to me she looked ravishing. I could see she took an immediate liking to that guy and when she told Miles she was ready to start dating again she was obviously referring to him. I found it a bit funny when Miles tried to kiss her and it’s interesting how things change. About a year and a half ago she was almost prepared to backstab one of her mates and would probably have killed to be in that position. Not anymore.

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