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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I agree with Slade:Poppie's the last thing Liam needs at the moment as she showed when she brought drugs round.What he really needed was Nicole as a friend, or someone like her(Romeo?What's happened to that relationship?), to keep him on the straight and narrow and out of trouble. Unfortunately they were both too weak and ended up trying to make the relationship more than it was. Looks as though Martha might end up looking out for him.Although they'd make a much better couple than him and Nic, I hope they keep it platonic for the moment, even though him and Nicole are definitely over I'm not so sure Martha and Hugo are.Although Liam was considering getting rid of the drugs before Martha turned up, he still had them later on which isn't a good sign.

Interesting that last year Wednesday's episode was the weak point of the finale week but I have a feeling this time it's going to be the highlight since it was concentrating on character stuff and I suspect soon we'll be back to the dull mystery storyline.(Doubt Lou's alive...)Ironic that Aden gets arrested right after his bond's expired;on past experience, I doubt he's going to end up in any real trouble and personally I suspect Reg will have the charges quietly dropped to avoid bad publicity.Nicole trying to charm the comedy police officer was a great moment and all the stuff about the magistrate looking after his cows was funny.As ever, I'm left with the feeling that Aden's a lot more likeable in scenes with Nicole and they should have done this a year and a half ago:I liked their playful scenes together and although I wasn't so keen on their sniping, I'm glad Nicole is able to tell it to him straight and let him know when he's being a jerk or an idiot and that he needs to grow up.Their kiss was pitch perfect.(I have to ask though...a co-ed cell?Is that really likely?)

Hard to get worked up about Hazem, it feels like every other character that gets brought in seems to be a new love interest for Leah and it never goes anywhere.I did laugh at both her and Miles' reaction to the kiss but unfortunately Miles did seem genuinely upset afterwards.

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I imagine most of Martha's initial reaction to finding the drugs was because of Bambang being there. Quiet agree Red the last thing Martha needs now is another doomed relationship, hope they keep it to just supporting each other. Would like to find out what Hugo's reaction will be once he finds out as he surely will. He could easily have got rid of the drugs before Martha came round again.

Know what you mean about Hazem, as he is a Muslim there definitely will be cultural problems ahead, so it looks like it could be another short term relationship for Leah. Shame Miles got the wrong idea about what Leah was saying about her being ready for another relationship. He'll be seering clear of her for a while because he feels a right idiot.

Finally Aden has admitted to Nic he has feelings for her and the reason he was pushing her away was because he was feeling guilty for feeling that way so soon. I liked the fact he showed her the letter and then told her it was her the letter was referring to. I know they argue a lot, but didn't Aden and Belle? Perhaps as it was just a holding cell it was OK for people of the opposite sex to be in it.

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Felt sorry for Miles when Leah fended him off, but part of me also thought 'Hah! serves you right for rejecting her the first time!' They are a couple who should have been but its now too late, I think. The twists and turns of Fate [or the scriptwriters].

I don't care what happens to Liam really, he can just get lost, with or without Poppie. I can see him with Martha though, they are both airy fairy and 'hey man, whatever' types :lol:

So glad Nic and Aden finally admitted they lerve each other :wub: Such a good couple!

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I don't think my opinion of the mystery storyline has changed in eight months:Namely it'll be interesting to see how it all fits together but it's hard to really care on an emotional level since it doesn't actually seem to affect any of the main characters except when they get randomly dragged into it for a couple of episodes.I'm past trying to work it all out:I don't know how or where Hugo, Suzy, Derrick, Bryant and all the rest of them fit in and I'm just hoping we get some answers soon.I was actually expecting Avery to be involved, he appeared out of nowhere round about the time the hand was found and he was the one that found the gun at Donna's.Surprised Charlie's suddenly in charge of the case, it doesn't seem to be her department at all unless it's not actually a marine case and that was just a cover...

When John first reacted to Hazem the way he did, I was worried they were going to turn him into a racist or a snob.But then when we heard the conversation between them, it sounds like he's actually got quite a good reason to dislike him.Miles got at least one good line of dialogue("Make it a triple")but he does seriously seem to be at rock bottom at the moment.Someone really needs to gag Colleen. Then attach her to some weights and throw her into the harbour.

Glad that we finally got a bonding moment between Charlie and Ruby.Not sure about the way Ruby spoke to Xavier, it seemed a bit self-centred but they do seem to be beginning to make their peace. Yet again Xavier's attitude towards Hugo annoyed me:Even if Hugo does turn out to be a mass murderer(which I very much doubt), he's still being a brat.I think Hugo is doing what he thinks is right for everyone even if he's wrong, it's obvious he still cares about Martha very much.

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So Palmer isn't a racist (or at least I don't think he is), just being the Palmer we know and 'love'. Could it be he is having financial problems which is why he didn't want to pay all of Hazem's bill?

Felt so sorry for Miles, the scene of him crying on the beach was so sad, perhaps now he had let it all out he will be able to get himself together.

Avery was definitely acting suspicously, he had to be the one who leaked Orson's whereabouts to the bad guys. What hold do they have over him? Perhaps because Angelo has been suspended is the reason she is in charge being as she is Senior Constable. It should all be sorted out tonight (or most of it) as it was the finale episode in Australia.

I was right about the money Hugo needed being at Martha's, she did look lovely BTW.

It seemed very odd that Suzy was on the very same road that Hugo was travelling on, had someone tipped her off, but how would 'they' know he would take that direction?

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So Palmer isn't a racist (or at least I don't think he is), just being the Palmer we know and 'love'. Could it be he is having financial problems which is why he didn't want to pay all of Hazem's bill?

Felt so sorry for Miles, the scene of him crying on the beach was so sad, perhaps now he had let it all out he will be able to get himself together.

Avery was definitely acting suspicously, he had to be the one who leaked Orson's whereabouts to the bad guys. What hold do they have over him? Or was Derrick's escape all a red herring? Perhaps because Angelo has been suspended is the reason she is in charge being as she is Senior Constable. It should all be sorted out tonight (or most of it) as it was the finale episode in Australia.

I was right about the money Hugo needed being at Martha's, she did look lovely BTW.

It seemed very odd that Suzy was on the very same road that Hugo was travelling on, had someone tipped her off, but how would 'they' know he would take that direction?

It always seem funny when we see soap characters 'dancing', sometimes it seems they are dancing to completely different music to what we are hearing.

Xavier saying he had started to remember what had happened may bring it all to a head, he did say something didn't feel right about what was happening, and perhaps it wasn't actually dogs he could hear but something that sounded like dogs. On that subject perhaps Derrick was planting that info to get the blame put onto Hugo.

At least we won't have to wait as long as they did in Australia to (hopefully) get all the loose ends tied up.

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Xavier annoyed me as well. The first time he had a go at Hugo I thought he was more worried about keeping a roof over his head and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Hugo throughout most of that episode. When he said goodbye to Rachel I wasn’t sure how she was going to react as I got the distinct impression she wasn’t happy to see him near to beginning of the episode. Haven’t really been into this storyline but I am looking forward to seeing how it concludes.

Ruby started off annoying me but I did like her conversation with Xavier and I liked that Xavier said he was happy if she was happy. I thought that was quite mature of him. It looks as thought there’s a good chance they could be friends. I also enjoyed the stuff with her and Charlie although it did seem like they were more back to being sisters again but I’m still hoping for that moment when Ruby calls Charlie “mum”.

I found the whole thing with Quaid escaping quite amusing. I should have known something like that would happen. Semi cringe worthy stuff when Leah was dancing with Hazem and Miles interrupted them but I did feel quite sorry for him in the end.

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Dun dun DUR! A cliffhanger for the weekend. I didn't expect it to be Hugo with the gun.

So it seems Angelo and his partner were pulling the wool over Derrick's eyes with a fake rescue! And now Angelo has to rescue Martha somehow.

And Miles apparently has gone off into the sea. Alf didn't seem that worried, he just went back to the party and forgot about him :o

So many ends to tie up...

I must say two set related things I've thought for a while:

1. the front door at Gina's house is the most useless one I've ever seen. There is no way anyone could hide if they wanted to pretend they are out, and I don't think it would stand a good kicking from the villains who always lurk in Summer Bay.

2. I'm glad they re- did Belle's bedroom [now Ruby's]. It was about time as its been the same for decades and so many boyfriends have gone in and out of the window to their various girlfriends, its getting a tired old storyline. I'm surprised Geoff used the bedroom door instead of the window :lol:

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I thought it was ironic Angelo was the one who found Martha considering this time last year he shot her husband. He’ll probably end up rescuing her meaning that she would have totally forgiven him and he will be vindicated and accepted by everyone in the town. It seems like he was right all along. It’s disappointing because I actually quite like Hugo and I liked the whole setup with Martha and Xavier. Surely there can be no way back now. Presumably Xavier, Alf and Romeo will encounter Hugo when they go to the storage unit. Didn’t Charlie need a warrant before she forced open the lock? Anyway, surprisingly I found that quite exciting and I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens on Monday. Yes at least we don’t have to wait over four weeks.

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