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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Alf's episode count this week:Five.But even though it's the finale, everyone else is still on two or three: Aden and Nicole drop out of the story halfway through the week and are presumably still in the world's funnest holding cell, Miles literally disappears an episode before the end.

So, seems pretty obvious that Hugo and Suzy are behind the people smuggling.I'm surprised and disappointed on several different levels, I was hoping the answer would be something more than, well, what we've been told it was all along.And like Slade I do like Hugo and didn't want him to be a bad guy.It does seem like Hugo was trying to get out, I'm hoping(possibly in vain)that we'll get a full explanation for what he's been up to this year but I'm guessing either after the people on the boat were killed or more likely Lou was murdered he decided things had gone too far.Bit confused about what all those people were doing in the shipping container if they were being smuggled into Summer Bay:Were they left there until the heat died down, are they being taken somewhere else or are they being sent back for some reason?I officially loathe Suzy, the most evil person we've seen in a long while, more so than Derrick:Despite Angelo blaming Hugo for everything, it very much look as though she's "Mr.Big".So, Bryant was working with Angelo and possibly Stevens(Charlie might have thought the transfer order was a fake but it could well have been genuine).Glad to get that sorted but why the sinister looks behind Charlie and Avery's backs?Perhaps because he knew something they don't:Their panic at Derrick's escape seemed genuine and they'd hardly launch a huge manhunt if they knew he was already under surveillance.Was that meant to be Hugo on the phone when Charlie made the call? He didn't say enough for me to be able to tell.Charlie seems to have fallen into the old Summer Bay cop trap of not letting your superiors and colleagues know what you're doing:If she'd got Avery to make the call, everyone at the station would know almost as much as her.

Slightly bad editing with Alf on the beach looking for Miles one minute then back in the surf club serving drinks the next scene.Xavier redeemed himself somewhat with his concern for Hugo once he realised how serious things were:plus he mentioned Brendan, who seemed to have been forgotten about.The flashbacks were overused a bit but perhaps necessary to remind people what had happened: A couple of things I wasn't expecting to come up again like John's early suspicion of Hugo and even more notably the fact Angelo was watching him before his apparent return.(Did Angelo suspect him even then?And if so, why, given that he'd only met him once and even then only very briefly?Did Stevens tell him something we don't know about?)

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As I mentioned in Australian threads, with the episodes towards the end of this week (and the episodes at the start of the week), taking such a large number of episodes for such a short period of time does sort of mess with your mind. It doesn't make you think that Aden and Nicole have been locked up for ages, but by the time of the finale, it's probably still only 12 hours or so.

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^Well, I'd say twelve hours is still a fairly long time.(I'd say at least twelve hours, they seemed to be arrested fairly early in the morning and by the end of the episode it's clearly very late at night, might be closer to fourteen/fifteen hours.)It's believable and I understand that Nicole said she was going to be away for a few days so no-one would be wondering where they are but it does leave the viewer in limbo somewhat.

Anyway...been thinking it over and I think I've worked out what's been going on this year.

Hugo and Suzy started the people smuggling when they were in Indonesia.(Don't ask me why.)When Hugo moved to Summer Bay, they decided to use that as one of their ports and Hugo made his night trips to scout it out.At some point Derrick started working for them and they seem to have made at least one successful trick to get Wayan and Bambang to the Bay.Then Derrick messed up a crossing and sank the boat, killing everyone else onboard.(So it was probably Hugo he phoned afterwards.) Hugo and Derrick later went back to check on the scene but were spotted by Lou.To Hugo's horror, Derrick killed him and stabbed Hugo when he tried to stop him.Around this time, Angelo was assigned to the case and was told to keep an eye on Hugo.Hugo broke off all contact with Suzy and Derrick and Derrick planted the gun to frame Donna.Unable to continue the people smuggling without Hugo's expertise, Suzy hired Gibbsey through Derrick to provide them with money through the abalone smuggling instead.Not knowing they were behind it, Hugo ended up exposing them to Angelo.Suzy then sent Derrick after Hugo to get him to start up the people smuggling again and when that failed she came to Summer Bay herself to force him to rejoin them.

So...tune in on Monday to find out I'm completely wrong.(Or possibly to hear someone say it all again...)

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But what I mean, is because it's been two days since you last saw thim, you do tend to think it's two or three days they've been in prison. The Early Years episode were like this in the last week or so as well, where the old people go to play tennis (though thankfully no footage of this is shown) and the young ones sneak into the Church Hall in the party. But since the party takes place over one episode essentially 2 hours covered in 20 minutes, you tend to forget till they turn up that they were still in the bus.

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Wow, they certainly packed a lot into that half hour didn't they? Everyone seemed to be chasing everyone else. Could someone confirm which cop is Avery and which one is Bryant. I thought Avery was the one who (on Angelo's orders) let Derrick go or was I wrong. TPTB behind Angleo must have realised Derrick was never going to talk (being scared of Suzy is my guess) so decided to let him 'escape', knowing rightly he would lead them (the police) to them. My views exactly there Red about Hugo and Suzy as I have said before. Maybe the cops in the city got a tip off about the people smuggling and it started from there? I was wondering about the folk in the container as well, was that how they were bought in and then taken by boat(s) to other locations or what? :confused: It seemed to be near an airport too or was I mistaken? That container can't have been that near to the office where Suzy and Derrick were otherwise they would have heard all that racket Charlie was making kicking the lock off. Agree, you couldn't tell from the hello on the other end of the call Charlie made if it was Hugo, though he did turn up pretty quick after. Has he just knocked her out to keep her quite so she doesn't alert Suzy and co or something more sinister? Those folk in the container would be too scared to say anything to anyone even if he had shot her. Was it rather convenient that Xavier suddenly remembered more about the day at the wharf rather strange camera work with the close up on his face (a la Blair Witch Project). I hope as well we get an explanation as to who what and why. Ther is big shock coming up next week!!!

And Miles apparently has gone off into the sea. Alf didn't seem that worried, he just went back to the party and forgot about him :o

I noticed that as well, very strange. :huh:

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I actually quite enjoyed the cliffhanger episode and even my husband (who hates H&A and laughs at me for watching it) was gripped by some of the action and suspense! I'm just disappointed that no main characters other than Hugo were involved - there was no big reveal or OMG moment which a real cliffhanger needs.

I was quite pleased at Xavier giving Hugo a serve for running off with no explanation. I dislike the character and reckon if he was my big brother I'd be annoyed with him constantly for his selfish and bizarre behaviour. As the big brother he should really be the one who is there for Gina and the rest of the family.

Looking forward to tommorrow - hopefully Angelo will be the big hero!

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Wow, they certainly packed a lot into that half hour didn't they? Everyone seemed to be chasing everyone else. Could someone confirm which cop is Avery and which one is Bryant. I thought Avery was the one who (on Angelo's orders) let Derrick go or was I wrong.

Avery is the cop who Charlie spoke to at the party, telling him that Derrick had escaped and the one who helped her at the station.

Bryant is the other marrine cop who let Derrick go.

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Wow, they certainly packed a lot into that half hour didn't they? Everyone seemed to be chasing everyone else. Could someone confirm which cop is Avery and which one is Bryant. I thought Avery was the one who (on Angelo's orders) let Derrick go or was I wrong.

Avery is the cop who Charlie spoke to at the party, telling him that Derrick had escaped and the one who helped her at the station.

Bryant is the other marrine cop who let Derrick go.

Thanks for that Danni.

BTW I love seeing Colleen when she has had a drink or six, she is so funny when she is drink. :lol:

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Well, I think by the end of that the only people that are really safe are the immigrants.Except for Wayan who could well die of peritonitis so Martha can keep Bambang.Was it just me or did Romeo seem a bit unsupportive of Xavier when they were down at the port?Tsk, all that police intel and it's Alf, Romeo and Xav that find the crate.

That makes two premieres where Angelo's saved Martha's life.She should really be grateful he isn't in jail:Hard to work out exactly how things would have played out without his presence but it seems likely Suzy would have kidnapped Martha anyway.Haven't heard anything about him dying but is Angelo really going to survive being shot in the head?What is he, Lex Luthor?Speaking of which, Xavier's obviously Clark Kent since he apparently overheard a whispered conversation between Hugo and Derrick when he was at the other end of the wharf at the time.Angelo showed a huge lack of tactical awareness by not securing Derrick before sitting down for a chat with Martha, unless he was playing possum the whole time.He also really needs to learn to let go of a theory, even though he followed Derrick to Suzy, who was obviously giving him orders, and overheard him leaving Hugo a message which suggested they were equal partners at most, he's still insisting Hugo's in charge.

So...smug mode...with what we know so far, I was more or less right:The only thing I really got wrong was that although Derrick was the one that shot Lou, against Hugo's wishes, it was Lou that stabbed Hugo.I'm assuming Hugo kicking him into the water didn't contribute to his death and he was already a goner.I'd still like to know how he got involved in this in the first place, what exactly his motives were for moving to Summer Bay and who exactly the "they" Derrick keeps talking about are, is it Suzy running things or is there someone behind her?(Also hoping they explain why those immigrants were kept in a crate for at least three months, maybe seven or more.)Guess my "Bambang's a girl" theory has been totally shot down in flames since Wayan talks about his "little boy."His repeated references to his wife and daughter seem a bit odd given that the severed hand belonged to an adult male relative of his, presumably his brother, but maybe he was a step down on the concern scale.Hugo's dark side is well and truly out, the only things in his defence are that he was trying to get out and he wasn't willing to kill Charlie even though she can place him at the docks.Did his comment about not being that sort of person "anymore" mean he's killed before or just that he'd have been willing to do so in the past?Hard to tell if there's a way back for him after this or not, no-one seemed particularly bothered about Kane and Aden taking their friends hostage or holding them at gunpoint so he could well be out in a few months if he has a change of heart.Bit dumb of him to put the gun away before checking on Charlie and she didn't do much better by glancing over her shoulder when she was within arm reach of him.

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an action packed episode yesterday! Round of applause to the writers for having such a long running storyline :cool: It always used to annoy me the way everything was sorted out within a few days, years ago on HAA.

Angelo looked like the bullet had grazed his head actually, I don't think it went in. He's bound to come back to us again. I agree it was mad of him not to tie Derrick up quickly though. I suppose he was more interested in making Martha comfortable. I always think if the Jack situation had never been, Angelo and Martha might have got together. Actually, that would have to be if Jack had never existed :lol:

I thought it was funny the way Suzy roared up in a motorboat at the end. She's like a Bond villain, not believable at all. 'So, Mr Austin, prepare to die...'

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