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Really enjoyed that episode (that’s two in a row surely this can’t continue) and I’m glad they decided to do a recap of some of the more significant events over the past few months. TBH for the most part I haven’t really been able to get into this storyline and consequently haven’t been paying to much attention to really connect anything. I always thought Hugo was into something but I wasn’t 100% it was the people smuggling thing. Even then I always thought he was working for a higher power. Didn’t bother trying to figure out the significance of Derrick and honestly thought Lou’s death was unrelated.

I have to state the obvious and say Derrick Quaid is an extremely dangerous person. You could argue Angelo wouldn’t have been shot if he hadn’t arranged for Derrick to be released. I agree Miranda to me it looked like the bullet possibly grazed him as opposed to actual penetration. I much preferred Angelo in that episode. In the end he seemed more concerned about Martha than actually getting Quaid. Although I do feel part of it was an obligation out of guilt.

The flashbacks with Hugo, Quaid and Gibsy’s refusal to name who his accomplices were a while back always made me think Hugo was working for a consortium of people but Suzy’s appears to have come alone (I was expecting her to have henchmen or something like that). So it makes you wonder if only those three are involved and if that’s the case would it not have been possible for Hugo or Gibsy to go to the police and arrange some sort of deal.

Quite liked the stuff with Alf, Xavier and Romeo. I was a bit surprised Alf was prepared to drive all that way based on a flashback. Also I’m struggling to recall many scenes with Alf and Xavier as of late.

I’m probably alone when I say this but I find it irritating the way Suzy pronounces Martha’s name. It’s “Martha” not “Marta”.

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The only thing I really got wrong was that although Derrick was the one that shot Lou, against Hugo's wishes, it was Lou that stabbed Hugo.

Ah, but do we know for sure it was Derrick that shot Lou, we never heard him speak or see him? Looked more like self defence when Hugo knocked Lou into the sea. So it will be Hugo's blood on the boat after all. Was it coincidence that Hugo and ? came across Lou's boat?

Great episode and very clever idea to use the flashbacks to explain who was involved and the real truth of what Hugo had been up to. As Angelo rightly guessed Hugo did indeed speak more Indonesian than he said he did. I don't believe he is a cold blooded, heartless killer (unlike Suzy or Derrick). He gave Wayan money when he was in hospital to get away and also he did leave the container unlocked so the prisoners could get out. I was confused as well Red when Wayan mentioned bringing his wife and daughter over, but then he said he and his son came over first and was waiting for them. They must have been on the boat that sank. I'm thinking Hugo was not the ring leader but maybe got dragged into it by Suzy, then realised he couldn't do it anymore once he got to the bay. She is definitley the one giving orders. Looks like I got it wrong and were two locations. When Derrick rang Hugo he obviously had no idea where he was. Was rather careless of Angelo not to secure Derrick, but I also agree with Miranda and Slade I think the bullet only grazed him.

Clever of Charlie to play dead like that, it certainly fooled Hugo enough that he was going to give her the kiss of life, was she really going to swim to that island wearing her leather jacket? To me it looked pretty far away. He must have pretty good eyesight to know it wasn't someone coming to their rescue from that distance. Liked the line 'Do you have a plan c?' How are they going to get out of that one?

I have read Hugo and Charlie work together to defeat Suzy.

Handy that one of the boat people (for want of a different name) got out and Alf managed to hear him, otherwise they would have been like Charlie looking all over the place and she had the number to look for. They got them back to the bay's hospital pretty damn quick considering how far away it was (or had there been one of those time jumps)? You're right Red Xavier was a distance away when Derrick mentioned the container and only run round after at least it looked that way.

Wonder how tonight will turn out and if more of the mystery will be solved?

BTW Red going back to your comment about Charlie going off without saying anything, she did mention to Avery she was going to the wharf as she couldn't hold on for back up.

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The only thing I really got wrong was that although Derrick was the one that shot Lou, against Hugo's wishes, it was Lou that stabbed Hugo.

Ah, but do we know for sure it was Derrick that shot Lou, we never heard him speak or see him? BTW Red going back to your comment about Charlie going off without saying anything, she did mention to Avery she was going to the wharf as she couldn't hold on for back up.

I thought we did see and hear Derrick:Didn't he call out "He could have identified the boat" and wasn't he in the background when Hugo checked Lou's "body" and then fought with him?(Hmm, so he shoots Lou because he saw the boat but doesn't off Geoff and Nicole who actually met him...)Couple of things that come to mind:Did Hugo hide Irene's presence from Derrick?Presumably Derrick cleaned up the blood since Angelo only found the parts that had dripped down and they may have disconnected the radio since Irene couldn't use it;then again she might just be rubbish with electronics.

I was thinking more about Charlie making the call to Hugo herself rather than letting the station do it, which denied them some vital evidence against him.

Couple of other thoughts about yesterday's episode:Despite my earlier theory, it seems Bambang did meet Hugo before he saw him at Martha's.And Hugo's implied threat to Wayan's family was clearly bluster, since he knew they were already dead.

Anyway...So we got a sort of explanation for what the boat people were doing in the crate, they were being sent on somewhere, but how or where?And if Summer Bay's only a stopping off point, why do at least three boat people seem to be wandering around town?I actually got the impression we saw a small part of the picture, that this is a huge operation and the police have just picked up the local people.Which is realistic but slightly unsatisfactory.It was a bit garbled but there did seem to be a suggestion that either Hugo or Suzy knew that Charlie was checking out the docks, which makes Hugo turning up at that precise moment a bit less of a coincidence than it appeared to be.Suzy did actually have some henchmen with her when she stopped Hugo on the road, didn't she?Maybe she got them from the same agency as Gardy.Why did she want Hugo back in Indonesia if he was running the local side of things? Pure pride?It would be easier to find another pick-up man.

Really didn't like the way they seemed to be trying to turn Hugo into a supervillain sort of saved by the love of a good woman.It doesn't really tie in with how he's been portrayed all year, the way we've seen him caring for his brothers, caring for Martha, stopping Aden from getting into trouble with the police, busting an abalone racket, bonding with Bambang...They seem to be saying he used to be as bad as Suzy and Derrick and isn't much better now.But even though we know on some level that he indirectly caused the deaths of twelve people and was at best an accessory to Lou's murder, we need more than him sneering at Charlie to convince us he's the most evil man ever to set foot in Summer Bay.Never mind dogmatic "You're a people smuggler" statements:How did he get into this?Did he make the last run last week, last month?Did he pull out after Lou was killed, after he fell in love with Martha, after they started dating?When did all those flashbacks to him telling Derrick he wanted out happen and did he get sucked back in afterwards?And if not, why did Suzy come to the Bay to force him to carry on?Canny of Rachel to stop Tony leaving the message that would have told him Martha was okay:Presumably she tipped off Angelo about this which was why he was waiting at the hospital instead of going back to the station like he said.

Okay, I was being a bit melodramatic about Angelo being shot in the head.How did he and Martha know which building Derrick was in?Loved the comedy janitor standing there with his broom after Martha brained him.Not sure if Angelo was responsible for releasing Derrick, even if it was his idea I think he cleared it with his superiors.Angelo and Martha's bonding moments were nice although he seemed to be overegging things a bit:I've no doubt he'd change what he did to Jack if he could but take his place?Tone it down, chum.I think Martha realised a long time ago Angelo isn't the dangerous monster she once believed him to be but now there's a feeling, at least in her mind, that he's evened the score.Did actually seem to be some chemistry between them but it would be way too complicated for anything to happen, certainly now.I was wrong about Wayan dying, good that Bambang's got his dad back, I suspect they'll both be leaving pretty soon.

Nice if brief fight between Charlie and Suzy on the boat.Seemed a bit abrupt that Charlie goes from splashing around in the water with an unconscious Suzy to sitting at the police station in uniform, all clean and dry.We can easily fill in the blanks, that she dragged Suzy back into the boat, secured her, got back to shore and got in touch with those subordinates who didn't seem to make any effort to find her.(Seriously, you'd think the port would have been crawling with police checking their missing commander's last known location when Alf and co turned up.)But a linking scene of her being welcomed back to shore or dragging Suzy into the station would have made it seems less clumsy.

As for the ending...um.Summer Bay's finest somehow let a guy walk right up to their suspect, shoot him and then drive off without lifting a finger.Bit disappointing that it's an anonymous Indonesian man as well, presumably he's meant to be one of the men Hugo "helped" and/or a relative of one of the victims of the boat sinking.And that's all I'm going to say for now...

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Hey everyone, I'm a 16 year old boy from England who's watched H&A since September/October 2006. I remember what I first watched clearly, it was just as we found out Zoe lived next door to Peter.. I think it was the episode before Peter found the fake bomb in his apartment and emptied the whole place...

Anyway, I haven't watched today's episode yet, but I have it recorded, so I'm avoiding the posts made after it was shown today. But I have to say, despite what I've seen some others here write, that this current storyline is my favourite so far. I've gotten confused plenty of times, I'd completely forgotten about most of the events linked with the people smuggling (eg. Derrek meeting Geoff and Nicole, the hand on the beach, Hugo talking to Wayan for Angelo, Hugo attacked by a 'shark' etc.)

Shows how much I pay attention...

Anyway, my two favourite characters are Hugo and Charlie, so.. I think you can guess that my reaction on Friday to the cliffhanger was "AAAAAH!" as my favourite character was about to shoot my 2nd fav. I don't like that Hugo is a bad guy, probably means he won't be staying around much longer.

My least favourite character is definitely, and always has been since he joined the show (main character, anyway), Geoff. Don't like that he stole Ruby from Xavier, and looking forward to when he leaves. Hopefully Ruby will return to Xavier...

Other favourite pairings- Charlie/Angelo, Hugo/Martha, Aden/Nicole (Wanted that since Nicole first arrived, over Aden/Belle), Miles/Leah and Annie/Jai.

Uh... Other plots at the moment. Liam, don't like, wish he'd just get off the show already, fed up of drug storylines at the moment. Miles is annoying me, also fed up of the alcohol storylines. Never supported Miles/Kirsty, and I'm also annoyed that Leah seems to have found a love interest, just date Miles already... Aden and Nicole=Yay.

Running out of things to say for overall.

Yesterday's episode was my favourite ever, I don't think Angelo is dead (remember I've not watched today, so even though most of you already know, I don't) as the wound didn't look that serious. But I think Angelo can finally be fully forgiven by Martha, just not by me for everything he did to Hugo. Even though Hugo seems to be a villain, he's still my fav character, and I'm really hoping that in today's episode, something happened to prove that he's a good guy.

Anyway, uh, I probably won't catch up until the weekend. I don't get chance to watch TV during the week except Mondays really, so you probably won't see me again until Saturday/Sunday.

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Welcome Comfan93 to our merry little band :) You'll find Red Ranger is the Angelo character and Slade is the Hugo character here :lol:

Didn't Hugo shout out 'what did you do that for' or 'look what you've done' when Derrick shot Lou?

A nice scene between Angelo and Martha when she forgave him.

But then Angelo ruined it by somehow not noticing the man with the gun going up to Hugo at the hospital. Duh Angelo!

Yes what did happen to Suzy Blofeld? Did Charlie really get her back without a fight?

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Why does Red Ranger get to be the good guy? No fair! :P

I knew it. I really liked the stuff with Angelo and Martha but this whole forgiving him thing is IMO a plot device by the writers to try and get viewers to like him. Although some people never will. Does that mean they are planning on keeping him around for a little while longer after this case is over? I thought there was a bit of chemistry too but I’m not even sure if it’s plausible for them to be friends.

I actually liked Hugo playing the part of the baddie even though I agree it was inconsistent with the way the character’s been written. Bernard is a good actor. And I liked the way he double-crossed Charlie and his smugness with her at the police station. I got the impression from the way Angelo let him have a moment with Martha that he may have already confessed even though he implied to Charlie that he wouldn’t. Incidentally I’ve noted quite a few comments as of late that have criticised Esther’s acting and even I thought it was a bit dodgy the way she was looking at Hugo before Angelo came in to presumably interview him. If he wasn’t planning on pleading guilty why wasn’t his lawyer present?

Just reiterating what I mentioned in my last post I find it hard to believe that Suzy didn’t have any back up considering the line of business she was in. Charlie might not have been able to jump her like that. Still hard to believe this was effectively a three man operation.

Quite a sad scene when Bambang was reunited with his dad. Also because I think Martha knows she’s probably lost him now I’m guessing. Shame because I’m getting quite used to seeing him with her. Still felt quite sorry for her though.

Quite perceptive of Rachel realising like that and getting Tony to hang up the phone when he was leaving a message on Martha’s answer machine. Didn’t appear to be much reaction from him when he told Martha he knew about Hugo.

Hopefully Xavier and Gina will be in the next episode so we can see their take on everything that’s happened.

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Why does Red Ranger get to be the good guy? No fair! :P

:huh: A few months ago you wouldn't have described Angelo as the good guy! I just thought Ranger is the more investigative type and you are the love em and leave em type :lol:

I don't know whether the Angelo/Martha scenes were to get viewers to like him again. I've always liked him. He only shot Jack by accident, after all, it wasn't murder. I never liked numpty Jack though.

Poor old Hugo, what an undignified end. Hope we'll find out who dunnit, that will probably be another storyline altogether.

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Thought it was a good episode, it would have been nice to have a scene showing Charlie coming back to the shore with Suzy but I guess they can't fit everything in. Wondered if the bit at the police station where Hugo asked Charlie if she was going to torture him had anything to do with Grant (wonder if Hugo had somehow found out what she had done) which would explain the look Charlie gave him.

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How very like Martha not to take any notice of Angelo when he told her to stay outside of that building, which was lucky for him.

It was pretty obvious that Charlie would swim over to the boat Suzy was in, though can't have been easy when she was still wearing her leather jacket! Must have been a struggle to get her back in the boat when she was effectively a dead weight. It just didn't convince me when Hugo was trying to come across as a hard man when he was being interviewed by Charlie after their talks on his boat. I'm guessing when Angelo came in he may have had the blood test results that proved Hugo was on Lou's boat.

Let's agree it was Derrick who shot Lou, but as it was Lou's own gun it does raise the question how did Derrick get it and why did he plant it in Donna's guest house instead of just getting rid of it? Would this mean that Donna is indeed involved somehow? Did she do a deal with Derrick (and how did she get to know him) to bump off Lou to get his money not knowing he had changed his will?

Only hearing half of that voice mail must have panicked Hugo into thinking Martha may have been seriously wounded or killed which is why he changed his plans to just leave, not exactly the thinking of a hardened criminal.

So far we have only seen Martha's reaction to Hugo being involved with the people smuggling, so like you Slade I'm waiting to see how Gina, Xavier and Brendon react to it all.

At last Matha has accepted Angelo's shooting of Jack was an accident, forgiven him and meant it.

There has been speculation how did Angelo know Hugo was going to be in the bay, well my theory is:

The cops in the city raided one of the clubs, found out there were illegals working there and eventually got the info they were being smuggled in and one of the names that cropped up was Hugo Austin. They did some digging and found he was in the bay. As Angelo had worked therre Stevens decided to send him in undercover, it just happened that Lou was killed more or less at the same time so that was the perfect cover.

Quite a sad scene when Bambang was reunited with his dad.

That was a sad (and happy) moment when Wayan and Bambang were reunited. :crying: Perhaps Wayan may be allowed to stay with Martha until he is better, though I can't really see it happening.

As for Hugo being shot at the end - well all I will say is all is not as it seems. :wink:

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