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I havent posted in a while, but I had to today. I thought it was quite ridiculous to see Martha forgive Angelo for shooting Jack, then the same (soap) day, he arranges for Hugo (Martha's current lover) to be shot and killed right in front of her to get him into witness protection. Never mind the fact that Hugo agreed to do that to her, surely a public 'killing' away from Martha would be just as good to get people to think he is really dead without traumatising Martha for the rest of her life.

I also dont see why they are getting Alf involved, surely him not knowing about the witness protection and supporting Martha is better than him knowing that Hugo is alive and well somewhere and watching Martha break down over her 'loss'.

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I'd just like to point out that I've never shot anyone, accidentally or otherwise, and as far as I know Slade isn't into human trafficking.

H&A lover, sorry to drag out the point, but that episode confirmed Derrick was present when Lou was shot.But, something else I got wrong, it was Hugo planted the gun.(Guess that explains why they kept in that scene of Alf telling him Donna was a suspect.)Wonder if he got charged?He'd admitted he was there and Hugo could have given a statement before he "died".It wasn't Lou's gun he was shot with, Donna said she'd never seen it before.Lou's gun was the one Irene shot the police officer with, which was wrongly assumed to be the murder weapon.

Even if a few spoilers hadn't hinted at it so heavily you couldn't help but realise(they even showed a clip of Hugo watching the funeral in the trailers), I think I would have guessed that twist.The ending of the previous episode stank of a set up:The way the action cut away when Angelo and Hugo were alone, the way no-one made any move to stop or apprehend the hitman, the fact we only had Angelo's word Hugo was dead and Martha was ushered away before she could really examine him...Wonder if Charlie knows Hugo's alive?(Didn't think Esther's acting in their last scene was bad at all by the way, you could tell Charlie felt humiliated that someone she thought was a friend behaved like that and was covering it up with the trademark Summer Bay Cop Smugness.)Exactly when is sunrise in New South Wales during the summer?Because it felt like we'd had at least three or four hours of daylight by the end of yesterday's episode(time enough for Wayan to have an operation, Charlie and Hugo to tussle with Suzy and separately get back to the Bay, Derrick to wait some time for Hugo and then play cat and mouse with Angelo, Hugo to search his house, go to the hospital, go to the police station, sort out the witness protection stuff and have a court appearance pending), yet Angelo describes it as the "early hours of the morning" and Gina still isn't dressed when he turns up.Sounds like Suzy was in charge but there was a lot more people involved that we didn't see.Which if she really was some sort of gangster does make you wonder how on earth Hugo ended up married to her.Got it wrong about Angelo, he did hit Hugo to get the DNA sample.Despite Angelo telling him he's got to stay dead, I suspect people are going to find out the truth sooner or later...

I'm back to hating Gina.From the moment she refused to let Martha hug her, I positively loathed her. She let down all three of her sons:She refused to have Brendan there because she didn't want to deal with him.She didn't offer Xavier any comfort whatsoever, he was obviously devastated when he heard Hugo had "died" and she just ignored him then left him alone at the house in tears.Then she left him to go to the funeral on his own.I really wished Tony or someone had gone over to comfort him.And I hated the way she seemed to totally disown Hugo when she found out he didn't live up to her standards.Her sanctimonious "I didn't bring him up like this" attitude:Xavier became a drug dealer and Hugo became a human trafficker, spot the common link.I'm left thinking, despite his claims about his failings as a brother, Hugo saved Xavier when he couldn't save himself, by bringing him to Summer Bay, giving him a normal life and keeping him on the straight and narrow.She really needs to look at Tony, who's clearly ten times the parent she could ever be.I've always thought that being a mother is her least interesting characteristic and the thing she's least successful at.

I love Rabbit!From the moment she opened her mouth.Someone's obviously noticed that Miles + cute kid=brilliance.Their banter was superb and I'm glad that a combination of her, his bender and the realisation that there's a few people out there worse off than him seems to have helped him turn a corner.

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Avoiding posts today, and talking of yesterday's episode... My favourite character got shot, and I think Angelo said he died at the end. That was... rather surprising. I'm still confused about the whole storyline in general.

Hm, maybe when the plot ends, I can work everything out. I just hope Hugo ends up like Angelo.. Alive. >_>

Someone being shot is the cliffhanger for two episodes in a row, strange.

Out of things to say, really. Glad Martha forgave Angelo like I predicted, go awesome cleaner guy with the broom... I think the bit with Bambang (or is it bambung? Whoever) and Martha was sweet. "You're sad!" "It'll be alright, don't cry!" Shame that there was no goodbye scene.

Ugh, I wish I had chance today to watch the latest episode, but I'll just have to wait for tomorrow or weekend...

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Am pretty sure Charlie & most of the force know about Hugo esp with the way that none of them did nothing with regards to attempting to stop or catch the 'shooter' & all Charlie did was drag Martha inside...I would have thought Angelo would definitely have told / kept Charlie in the loop about this esp after the trust issues they had last year regarding the photos she saw of Angelo.

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With Hugo 'dead' I wonder how they got round anyone wanting to view the body. When Jack died last year Martha spent ages with his body, yet with Hugo she doesn't seem to want so much as a glimpse to say goodbye. And Gina would also be epxected to want to view the body to get it through to herself that her son had died. And even if no one else did I would certainly have expected Xavier to have insisted on seeing Hugo's body. Angelo told Gina Hugo had been shot in the chest, so viewing a body wouldn't have been so traumatuc as if he'd been shot in the head. So how did they get round that with Hugo alive and well and off to witness protection?

I have enjoyed the climax to the mystery story. One thing I'm not clear about is what happened to Suzy? Did Charlie get her ashore and under arrest? Or is she still free and hence the threat to Hugo's family?

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I think, since we last saw her being dragged around unconscious by Charlie, it's safe to say Suzy's in custody.(I think Charlie did actually formally arrest her when she first grabbed hold of her.)I think it's also safe to say she had more people working for her than just Derrick and even from a prison cell she'd have been able to send someone after Hugo's family if she knew he'd ratted out the entire organisation.

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I'd just like to point out that I've never shot anyone, accidentally or otherwise, and as far as I know Slade isn't into human trafficking.

Gosh, you two! You always see the bad side of my jokes :P You should think of yourself as the brave daring marine cop who seems to be immortal, and Slade as the bad sort turned good guy who indirectly saves his girlfriend's life and leaves a note for his brother. Dear oh dear.

There is not enough silliness in this thread :blink:

Funny how the storyline followed our story Hound of the Austinvilles and Hugo turned out to be the baddie and kidnapped Charlie...hm...

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H&A lover, sorry to drag out the point, but that episode confirmed Derrick was present when Lou was shot.But, something else I got wrong, it was Hugo planted the gun.(Guess that explains why they kept in that scene of Alf telling him Donna was a suspect.)Wonder if he got charged?He'd admitted he was there and Hugo could have given a statement before he "died".It wasn't Lou's gun he was shot with, Donna said she'd never seen it before.Lou's gun was the one Irene shot the police officer with, which was wrongly assumed to be the murder weapon.


I put my hands up, Red, as regards Derrick and him shooting Lou. Was there any reason why Hugo decided to hide it at Donna's and why was he skulking about after? I'm guessing Charlie was in on Hugo's death, which is probably why she dragged Martha away. Your'e right Baja, it did seem strange about noone seeing Hugo laid out, but perhaps it happened off screen. Hugo seemed to make a hell of a lot of demands before he agreed to go into the WPP, especially letting Alf in on it, that is going to be such a strain on him methinks. Not being ageist, but he is not a young man and normally a very honest one, so keeping a secret like that will be tough.

I'm back to hating Gina.From the moment she refused to let Martha hug her, I positively loathed her. She let down all three of her sons:She refused to have Brendan there because she didn't want to deal with him.She didn't offer Xavier any comfort whatsoever, he was obviously devastated when he heard Hugo had "died" and she just ignored him then left him alone at the house in tears.Then she left him to go to the funeral on his own.

With you there Red regards Gina, why was she so frosty with Martha, it wasn't her fault. I can understand her disbelief that her son turned out to be involved in people smuggling and I suspect she will regret not going to the funeral at a later date. When she said she had changed her mind about Brendan not going to the funeral because she knew what was good for him just made me :angry:. Is she forgetting he is 21 not 11! I know he has autism, but with Xavier and Tony there he would have been OK, he could even have brought Ruby 2. BTW that flashing forwards and backwards a week started to make me dizzy.

I'm guessing that the money Hugo left is maybe some of the proceeds from the people smuggling so therefore wouldn't that make it blood money?

I love Rabbit!From the moment she opened her mouth.Someone's obviously noticed that Miles + cute kid=brilliance.Their banter was superb and I'm glad that a combination of her, his bender and the realisation that there's a few people out there worse off than him seems to have helped him turn a corner.

'Rabbit' seems a bit of a hippie kid, but yes she is a cutie without being icky. She actually made him laugh which he hasn't done in ages. Just how long did Miles say he had been wandering about? He 'vanished' the night of the dance/big showdown so was that a day later or more than that? Alf telling about what had been happening did seem to make him realise his problems were small in comparison.

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H&A lover, sorry to drag out the point, but that episode confirmed Derrick was present when Lou was shot.But, something else I got wrong, it was Hugo planted the gun.(Guess that explains why they kept in that scene of Alf telling him Donna was a suspect.)Wonder if he got charged?He'd admitted he was there and Hugo could have given a statement before he "died".It wasn't Lou's gun he was shot with, Donna said she'd never seen it before.Lou's gun was the one Irene shot the police officer with, which was wrongly assumed to be the murder weapon.


I put my hands up, Red, as regards Derrick and him shooting Lou. Was there any reason why Hugo decided to hide it at Donna's and why was he skulking about after? I'm guessing Charlie was in on Hugo's death, which is probably why she dragged Martha away. Your'e right Baja, it did seem strange about noone seeing Hugo laid out, but perhaps it happened off screen. Hugo seemed to make a hell of a lot of demands before he agreed to go into the WPP, especially letting Alf in on it, that is going to be such a strain on him methinks. Not being ageist, but he is not a young man and normally a very honest one, so keeping a secret like that will be tough.

I'm back to hating Gina.From the moment she refused to let Martha hug her, I positively loathed her. She let down all three of her sons:She refused to have Brendan there because she didn't want to deal with him.She didn't offer Xavier any comfort whatsoever, he was obviously devastated when he heard Hugo had "died" and she just ignored him then left him alone at the house in tears.Then she left him to go to the funeral on his own.

With you there Red regards Gina, why was she so frosty with Martha, it wasn't her fault. I can understand her disbelief that her son turned out to be involved in people smuggling and I suspect she will regret not going to the funeral at a later date. When she said she had changed her mind about Brendan not going to the funeral because she knew what was good for him just made me :angry:. Is she forgetting he is 21 not 11! I know he has autism, but with Xavier and Tony there he would have been OK, he could even have brought Ruby 2. BTW that flashing forwards and backwards a week started to make me dizzy.

I'm guessing that the money Hugo left is maybe some of the proceeds from the people smuggling so therefore wouldn't that make it blood money?

I love Rabbit!From the moment she opened her mouth.Someone's obviously noticed that Miles + cute kid=brilliance.Their banter was superb and I'm glad that a combination of her, his bender and the realisation that there's a few people out there worse off than him seems to have helped him turn a corner.

'Rabbit' seems a bit of a hippie kid, but yes she is a cutie without being icky. She actually made him laugh which he hasn't done in ages. Just how long did Miles say he had been wandering about? He 'vanished' the night of the dance/big showdown so was that a day later or more than that? Alf telling about what had been happening did seem to make him realise his problems were small in comparison.

I think Hugo should of died much better end to the story and i don't think the stroyline has changed Summer Bay forever like they claimed it would

I read a spoiler about Rabbit and wont tell u what happens but lets say it gets much wrose for Miles

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Miranda...I know you were joking, okay?Really got to remember no-one can tell I'm being sarcastic on this thing.I try to use punctuation but...

Ahem.Had a thought about Alf being told about the witness protection:It was because Hugo wanted to ask him to look after Martha and it would be hard to do it without letting on he really wasn't going to die.("So, in a minute I'm going to walk out there, get shot and die, no, really, absolutely, truthfully, I won't make a sudden return from the dead in six months time or anything, and so I want you to look after Martha for me when I get murdered...")Hugo's funeral was a bit pitiful:I understand a lot of people might not have wanted to be there after what happened but it was so obviously dictated by the people they could afford in the episode.Leah and Miles but no Rachel?Still not sure whether that was Hugo or Orson outside the house while the police were there, probably never find out.It was still only the morning after the Christmas party when Miles turned up on the beach.

Keep forgetting to say:We're watching the 2010 episodes a week after Australia!With Five Life taken into account, that's got to be the shortest gap ever(possibly joint shortest).I suspect either they'll take it off for a week or two over Easter or we'll have at least a five week break in the summer.

Anyway...The problems of the "one week later" become apparent as characters sit around discussing the refugees turning up and Hugo's "death" as if it only happened yesterday and you wonder why they haven't had these conversations before.(Are the refugees still in hospital?Most of them only need a drip to get their fluids up, they should have been discharged after two days max.)Really hoping we'd see some reaction from Ruby to Charlie being kidnapped, maybe we will next time they're in the same episode but I suspect it's going to be Irene's non-existent reaction to Belle being taken hostage all over again.In the circumstances, her lack of anger towards Hugo stretches credibility, even if it did seem to be more a case of her being sorry for Xavier.Annoyed that they edited the recap to make John look like a racist(unless he is but I'm not convinced yet).I found Ruby's tirade against him extremely irritating, it was obviously Jerry getting up to his usual manipulation of the truth and John even tried to explain that but she didn't care, she just wanted to vent at an easy target and throw around words like "racist" because he didn't agree with her.Even more annoyed with Geoff for standing there looking smug throughout, I was hoping he'd keep her in line but once more it seems he's got the blinkers on when it comes to girls he fancies, even though he did eventually tell her to button it that was only because he realised she was getting herself into trouble.Glad Ruby wasn't all bluster, her decision to raise the money to pay for the refugees' treatment was a good one.Possibly.I don't know anything about the Australian healthy system so I don't know if it's practical or not.

It'd be nice if just once when the police decide to press charges they actually gave a reason other than "because you're main characters"...It wasn't even the local cops this time.Liked some of the stuff with Alf and Nicole, especially when she tells him to laugh at what she says like he's one of her girl friends.I really hope they don't drag this Aden and Nicole thing out.It's hard to know what to make of Aden's reaction.I think it's partly because he expected to feel guilt at kissing Nicole and was worried he didn't.And partly because he's always been a bit naive when it comes to relationships, expecting everything to be perfect just because he's with the girl he likes(which was half the problem with him and Belle frankly), and when he didn't immediately hear a choral choir when he kissed her he was disappointed.Hard to know what to make of his cheerfulness as well, whether it's false or whether he's just in denial and expecting the problem to go away.At least Nicole seems to be able to be straight with him, not sure he's doing her the same courtesy.

Still not really interested in Hazem but his offer to John caused me to raise my opinion of him, it was a fair and intelligent way of dealing with the problem and I'm curious to see how it's going to play out.

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