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A little bit of catching up to do. Firstly something I didn’t mention before (not sure if this has already been mentioned) but when Hugo refused to confess to Charlie then asked her if she was going to torture him it did make me wonder if Xavier told him about what happened with Grant. I have to agree with an earlier comment regarding the whole witness protection thing. Initially I thought it might be better to kill him off if they were never planning on bringing him back but I suspect the writers did it for two reasons. Firstly they didn’t want to portray Hugo as pure evil, perhaps someone who simply lost their way down the line got into something way over his head, tried to get out but unfortunately it was too late. Secondly I suspect the putting him into witness protection is effectively a get out of jail card in case they want facilitate some sort of reintroduction at a later stage. I think it was a bit like Gardy escaping after Roman shot him (at least I think he escaped).

I was really surprised Angelo said to Hugo he didn’t care who killed Lou. I have to say though I don’t think either Hugo or Derrick (assuming Derrick is in witness protection as well) deserve any sort of redemption without facing any real consequences first. I know Hugo will probably never see his family or Martha again and you could argue whether that in itself is a consequence but being in witness protection means another chance. Those people who died on the boat will never have another chance. Hugo may have felt sorry about killing Lou but I got the impression after Derrick shot him he was only guilty when he saw Irene asleep and was quite prepared to let someone else rot in jail. I also felt he didn’t show enough remorse about all those lives that were ruined. If not for blind luck Derrick would have killed Angelo and unless my memory serves me correctly didn’t he try to stab Geoff on the Island? On the plus side I did really like the scene where Xavier found the note and Hugo left him the money.

I’ll reserve judgment about Rabbit although I think she could turn into one of those irritating kids.

Again mixed feelings about Ruby. I liked the way she was prepared to jump to the defence of people less fortunate than her but during the episode I did start to wonder if her motives were the similar to Martha’s for running against John during the election. Namely fuelled by an intense dislike and the fact that she wanted to beat him or get one over on him. The whole raising money thing was very spontaneous.

Can’t really say I’m remotely interested in the whole Nicole Aden thing although Aden seemed quite likeable in that episode. Considering although Nicole’s prepared to accept she’ll bump into Liam from time to time but not particularly want to see him I’m a bit surprised she hasn’t chucked him out or at least given him notice to find somewhere else to live.

After her short lived relationship with Roman and the near miss with Robertson I would like to see Leah get some action although I remain completely undecided about this Hazeem guy.

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No, Mr Ranger, you have to use a smiley to show sarcasm like I do e.g. :rolleyes: I used to use :whistle: but it has malfunctioned. You must be less subtle!

I didn't see much chemistry between Leah and Hazem. He seems nice but I couldn't see why Leah liked him, there was more going on between her and Robert. I thnk the most chemistry she had was with Vinnie.

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Ahem.Had a thought about Alf being told about the witness protection:It was because Hugo wanted to ask him to look after Martha and it would be hard to do it without letting on he really wasn't going to die.

Good thought, but wouldn't Alf have looked after Martha anyway?

Was Xavier aware of went on with Charlie and Grant, I know she told Ruby not to say anything to anyone, but must admit I can't remember if she did mention it to Xavier. I think putting Hugo in Witness Proctection was the only way they could get him to talk, but does that mean when Suzy and co come to trial they will just use Hugo's statement against them? I think Angelo meant that Derrick would say Hugo shot Lou and Hugo would say Derick shot Lou and if there weren't any prints on the gun it would be others word against the other.

I'm guessing as John's photo was with the story about the illegals he was the most easy target for Ruby to have a go at. If John was really bothered about it he could ask the paper to print a retraction. How about Xavier using the money Hugo left behind to pay for the refugees' medical bills (according to the episode stroryline it was $100,000) so that would be more than enough.

There's more to come pembie as a result from the people smuggling storyline so it's not finished yet.

Just when did Nic and Aden arrive back in the Bay, nothing has been said about where they had been or why they were both wearing the clothes they left in? I think Aden was expecting to feel guilty after kissing Nicole, but didn't, I don't think he knows himself about how he feels.

Hazem reminds me of Syler (from Heroes), same heavy brows. I agree Miranda their scenes together just don't feel right. Good idea of his to get an independent inspection, but my alarm bells started ringing when John intimated he knew him.

With all that was going on I guess they didn't have time to fit in everybody's reaction at the time, so it had to be held over.

BTW once again according to the episode storyline Miles said he had been gone two days.

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BTW once again according to the episode storyline Miles said he had been gone two days.

He did?!I don't remember that and it doesn't make any sense according to the timescale:Miles went missing the night of the party, the same night Charlie ran into Hugo at the docks and was kidnapped and Angelo found Suzy and Derrick holding Martha, the good guys escaped, everyone was arrested and Hugo was shot the following morning after which Angelo went round to tell Gina and Xavier around the time Miles ran into Rabbit on the beach.So he'd been missing a matter of hours.Also, we skipped a week during Wednesday if you remember so that's why I felt it was so strange everyone was still talking about what happened a week earlier as if it was the first time they'd done it and why Aden and Nicole were wearing different clothes, because it was a week after they'd been released.

No way is Derrick in witness protection, he's in the slammer.They're not going to give a cold-blooded killer like him a new life.In a sense I suppose Hugo got lucky but justice is a bit random in the soap world and ultimately they did it to protect his family from repercussions.

So...Oh god.Ruby.She's one of those characters who can make the right thing seem like the wrong thing.I hated all her petty comments about John Palmer, throwing accusations of racism around because he doesn't agree with her.I hope he does slap the little madam with a lawsuit, it'd serve her right.Sadly, it's hard to view his telling Xavier to pass his condolences on to Gina as anything other than trying to curry favour, unless he really is sorry on her behalf.

What on earth was all that stuff with Xavier and Romeo about?They've brought in a deadly serious storyline about people smuggling and turned it into a comedy subplot about two teenagers trying to keep track of the profits from human suffering.The tone was completely wrong and the whole thing ridiculously far-fetched:Isn't Colleen going to wonder where that huge wad of cash went to?The only good bit was Romeo's unconvincing pretending he had something in his eye(and another slash moment at the surf club when they complain about being each other's glamourous sidekick).Does Angelo know about the money?I presume he actually read the note Hugo left rather than just letting him say what he wanted.Hard to know what to think about Mink since she was in it for about thirty second except that her introduction seemed to be a possibly deliberate copy of Romeo's.Loved Miles' expression during their reunion, I suspect he was thinking "Great.Now I've got two of them."

I'm trying hard to get some enjoyment out of the Aden and Nicole storyline and I'm hoping that that's it, they're together, because I don't really see what all that stalling in yesterday's episode was about.It seems like Aden was effectively feeling guilty about not feeling guilty but I liked that moment with Leah when he realised "It's meant to be even though it's not where you were expecting to find it."Aden, Nicole and Liam spend most of the episode wandering around looking for each other.Kind of feel sorry for Liam, even though he brought most of it on himself, driving his wife and son away with his drug taking and driving Nicole away with his cheating(not that he really had her in the first place).Felt like there was a bit missing at the end:He searches in the bin, doesn't seem to find what he was after and sits down in despair.When we cut back to him, he apparently hasn't moved but then vomits in the sink and rings the emergency services to say he's taken some pills.When?

Loved the stuff with Brendan.Gina redeemed herself somewhat after her heartless cow behaviour on Wednesday but it did kind of underlines that Xavier's better with Brendan than her(heck, even Hugo was better with Brendan that her by the end).Once again you're left with the feeling that he understands more than he lets on and more than other people think, he just expresses himself differently.

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Is there some kind of weird timewarp going on in Summer Bay at the moment ? :lol: one second we're at an xmas party at some point before xmas & the day after that (or however long that climax went on for! lol) then we've gone forward a week for the funeral altho still not sure if after or still before xmas..then back a week again or so with the Naden flashbacks & now looks as though for

next week we've zoomed forward pretty much a whole month or so to Australia Day.

..obviously with the summer break they had in Australia they've had to get it back to corresponding months I guess so it fits the time of year but still strange regardless...lol

Red regarding one of your earlier posts about only being a week behind (or only 4 days if watch Fiver) - found this link you might be interested in regarding the difference


Looks as though according to this then we have 6 or so months of only being 1 week behind if they are true to their word

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I cannot believe I forgot to include this!!!!

Alf's episode count:Five(although I don't think he spoke on Tuesday).Premiere week and they're still all on two or three.

Thanks for the info, Andrew.It sounds as though it's going to be July or August before we get a break. To be a pedantic so-and-so for a moment(which isn't like me at all...(Miranda, you can imagine an emoticon here if you wish.And here.)), Five Life is 4 or 6 days behind Australia:The Monday episode is shown on the Friday then the rest of them are 6 days after.

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I liked the stuff with Dumb and Dumber, sorry Xavier and Romeo, they do lighten up the place with their silliness. I couldn't belive that cop caught them, haven't the Bay cops got anything better to do? Or are they relaxing after all the people smuggling business? :rolleyes:

I thought John Palmer was genuinely annoyed with Hazem about the building work but I remembered he said 'that Kaffir bloke' when he saw Hazem. I looked Kaffir up and its a term of abuse, so yes, despite not wanting to think John is racist, he actually is. He is the character with all the nasty qualities in the Bay, how clicheed.

I didn't really understand the faffing about with Nicole and Aden either. Why didn't she just back off and say 'come to me when/ if you are ready.' I suppose she's just young and doesn't understand men/ grief.

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I thought John Palmer was genuinely annoyed with Hazem about the building work but I remembered he said 'that Kaffir bloke' when he saw Hazem. I looked Kaffir up and its a term of abuse, so yes, despite not wanting to think John is racist, he actually is. He is the character with all the nasty qualities in the Bay, how clicheed.

Um, he actually said "that Kassir bloke", with Kassir being Hazem's surname.So jury's still out on the racist bit.

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Nicole and Rubbish have been a challenge to watch in recent episodes. Both have been up on their high horse about some issue, and have been berating some man about how angry they are about something or other. They are such a pair of horrendous characters, they actually made me feel sorry for a cheat (Liam), and a possible racist (Palmer). I think the writers are trying to make Rubbish into what Shannon was years ago, crusading against injustice in the Bay, except unfortunately she is entirely lacking in any of Shannon's charm. It was horrible to watch her ranting and raving at John Palmer in such an obnoxious way, and with such a total lack of respect for an adult. She's only 16 but she marches about as if she is some sort of authority figure in Summer Bay! I'm not saying her message isn't good, but the way she presents it is just dreadful. And she needs to brush her hair. As for Nicole, when she starts shrieking I immediately have to mute her awful, painful, gut-wrenching voice. Her constant attacks on Liam are unbearable, and so ridiculous when you consider that she never loved him and realised she loved Aden in the process of breaking up with Liam. To be honest, Liam did her a favour by cheating on her, and she should just leave him alone if she really wants to punish him. I'm just appalled by how horrible these two shrews are being portrayed, yet despite that it is obvious that the makers of the show intend for us as viewers to like them. Well they have failed to convince me. I'm even starting to miss the painfully dull Annie, because at least she is a sweet girl, which Nicole and Rubbish most certainly are not.

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Wow, a lot is happening. My mind feels like it's gonna explode..

Uh... Hugo. I'm glad he's alive and with a possible chance to return one day, but seems he's left kinda permanently now. >_> As epic as the storyline was... I feel sad now it's over. Hugo was still a good guy. Martha DOES know him, just not what he USED to be. Just look at what he did for Xavier, saved his life with Gardy. Saved Aden from jail. I... forget what else. But Hugo was awesome.

Updated timeline of favs






Other storylines... Seems Aden and Nicole are finally together, about time. Rabbit... No comments yet, a bit of a random character. Hazem, go away and let Miles have Leah. Geoff, hurry up and leave. Ruby, go back to Xavier. Xavier and Romeo, try telling Leah what happened next time, she doesn't need to know what was inside the package. Gina, HE'S YOUR SON YOU KNEW AND LOVED FOR OVER 20 YEARS! Geez. How can she not even miss what she did know of Hugo, her son?

John, goooo away. Liam, if we see another drug storyline, I will jump into Summer Bay and kill you.

That's about it... I'm looking forward to H&A going back to normal, just as long as normal isn't drugs/alcohol and whatever else.

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