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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Nicole and Rubbish have been a challenge to watch in recent episodes. Both have been up on their high horse about some issue, and have been berating some man about how angry they are about something or other. They are such a pair of horrendous characters, they actually made me feel sorry for a cheat (Liam), and a possible racist (Palmer). I think the writers are trying to make Rubbish into what Shannon was years ago, crusading against injustice in the Bay, except unfortunately she is entirely lacking in any of Shannon's charm. It was horrible to watch her ranting and raving at John Palmer in such an obnoxious way, and with such a total lack of respect for an adult. She's only 16 but she marches about as if she is some sort of authority figure in Summer Bay! I'm not saying her message isn't good, but the way she presents it is just dreadful. And she needs to brush her hair. As for Nicole, when she starts shrieking I immediately have to mute her awful, painful, gut-wrenching voice. Her constant attacks on Liam are unbearable, and so ridiculous when you consider that she never loved him and realised she loved Aden in the process of breaking up with Liam. To be honest, Liam did her a favour by cheating on her, and she should just leave him alone if she really wants to punish him. I'm just appalled by how horrible these two shrews are being portrayed, yet despite that it is obvious that the makers of the show intend for us as viewers to like them. Well they have failed to convince me. I'm even starting to miss the painfully dull Annie, because at least she is a sweet girl, which Nicole and Rubbish most certainly are not.

Yes. All her "give me money to prove you're not a racist" stuff was just just so....words fail me. SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT. Palmer is right. She really has no idea what she's talking about, and screw Geoff for being so whipped as to just stand there and smugly look on as she stirs up trouble.

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I agree wholeheartedly about Ruby, if not about Nicole.She's officially replaced Belle as my "Why are we expected to like a self-righteous cow who spends all her time being horrible to people?" character. And I'm actually starting to dislike Geoff for being such a lovesick doormat.

Another thought I had about the screwed up timescale this week:As I alluded to earlier, I genuinely thought it was the middle of the afternoon when Hugo was shot and was stunned when next episode we're told it's still the early hours of the morning and Gina isn't up yet(and apparently Xavier hasn't told her about the crate full of people he found since she doesn't mention it...).Which begs the question: Where exactly were Xavier and Gina when Hugo was chucking the answering phone around the front room at six o'clock in the morning or whenever it was meant to be?

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I still like Ruby, just annoyed that she's now with Geoff instead of Xavier. >_>


I also like Nicole. In fact, I like all the teenagers except Geoff.

As for the timeline, I didn't really pay attention to any errors. I don't think it matters that much. xD We know the BASIC timeline, so maybe they got a few things inaccurate.

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Um, he actually said "that Kassir bloke", with Kassir being Hazem's surname.So jury's still out on the racist bit.

Not on my subtitles he didn't :P Perhaps the subtitlers are racist :whistle:

Ah, subtitles.Written for the hard of hearing by the hard of hearing.I keep records of subtitle howlers so I can read them back and laugh.One of my favourite recent examples was when they reran the Gardy episodes over Christmas:Roman's warning shout of "Xavier!" when he interrupted them somehow got transcribed as "Stay where you are!"Which does at least make sense, unlike some of them...

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does anyone find this Aden and Nicole story boring like me they should of just stayed friends and not got together and I think Aden has gone back to being abit of a jerk since Belle havent really found him that intersting since Belle

I also don't buy Geoff and Ruby as a couple it just seems abit fored

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does anyone find this Aden and Nicole story boring like me they should of just stayed friends and not got together and I think Aden has gone back to being abit of a jerk since Belle havent really found him that intersting since Belle

I also don't buy Geoff and Ruby as a couple it just seems abit fored

Agree on both counts. Especially Geoff & Ruby, I liked them much more when they were in the fun, flirty stage before they were actually going out.

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I can't make up my mind if that story with Xavier trying to donate the money was just plain silly or light relief after all that drama of the last couple of weeks. So now he has it back what is he going to do with it? As you said though isn't Colleen going to wonder where it went?

Red, If you go into the episodes link you can read the full story line for that particular day and it does say Miles said he had gone missing for two days. One of those glitches they have from time to time I guess. Do agree with you though about Liam and the drugs, I thought it was just me and I'd missed him taking some. Red, check out the plot line for episode 5000 on the episode link for Australia and it explains all.

Ruby really is being a pain in the a*** calling John a racist in public, she is just asking for troubel and won't do her cause any good.

Personally I'm glad Aden and Nic are finally together, I can see them having the same sort of fiery relationship he and Belle had. Liam has realised he cocked up big time and now he has seen their snog on the beach he knows it's over.

Glad we saw Brendan and that Gina decided to tell him what has happened to Hugo, did we see the first cracks appear when he and Xavier were talking and Brendan cried on his shoulder?

So now Romeo's sister


has turned up will we learn any more about Romeo and her's history? Loved it when she said give your big sister a hug and had to stretch to do so. :D

Although I still don't see Leah and Hazim as a couple I liked the talk they had on the beach about cultrual differences.

Which considering what happens next week was very relevant.

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I find it interesting how some people have brought up the fact how frustrated they were with Ruby’s treatment of John. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like Ruby in fact I can’t stand her at the moment but IMO the fact that John has very little respect for most people makes it hard to sympathise with him (although I hated Ruby insinuating more that once that John was a racist without any actual proof). He bullied his stepson and was indirectly almost responsible for Trey blowing up a bus full of school kids. The only reason he appears to respect Gina is because he wants to get in the sack with her. When he went to Xavier and told him he was sorry about Hugo again it just seemed so thin and conceited. He never liked Hugo and it felt that was solely for Gina’s benefit. For the most part I don’t find him to be a particularly pleasant person. He’s egotistical, he’s arrogant, he’s obnoxious but I do have to admit that he’s shaping up to be quite a good character.

Ruby was just being Ruby i.e. generally annoying. I really wish she would change some of her mannerisms because I find her quite irritating even if she isn’t actually doing anything wrong which is a rarity nowadays. Geoff seemed pretty redundant during Ruby’s fund raising campaign.

I do like Brendan around (as long as it’s in small doses) so it was good to get at least some sort of reaction to Hugo’s death even though I’m not sure he understood what was going on. I think those immoral words are going to be imbedded in my mind – “Hugo loves Martha”.

Really good seeing Leah on a high and I loved how her mini speech seemed to have an immediate effect on Aden even though I’m not particularly keen on him and Nicole.

The stuff with Xavier and Romeo was ok and I thought it was quite funny how they couldn’t get rid of the money. I do have to agree with what Romeo said though. It is effectively blood money. I’d like to think Hugo wanted Xavier to decide what to do with it as opposed to spending on himself, Gina and Brendan but unfortunately Hugo didn’t really care much for the boat people. Quite liked the scissors/paper/stone part. It reminded me of Sam and Dean from Supernatural.

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