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everything about tonights episode annoyed me,mainly charlie/angelo.

firstly though i really am finding this whole alf wiithdrawal from the bay nonsense-lots of bad things have happened in thebay before-why is this any different?

now charlie/angelo-how annoying is angelo? he is so self centred-its all me me me with him. charlie is having constant nightmares and angelo is all just 'you will be ok,nothing to worry about,they will pass etc'-he could have been just a touch more supportive/comforting-as long as he is ok/happy he doesnt seem to particular care about anyone else.

angelos whining about the way he is being treated by his superiors-hello,were it not for them would he not be in jail? i would be thankful to them not whining.

why is he being promoted?-his conduct during the mystery story was hardly impressive,and would they really be so insensitive to send him back to the station where he killed a fellow officer? and what was the congratulations from the other officers-i thought they all hated him? his return to the police was farcical,but this ,being returned as a normal cop and now being in charge,ridiculous as well as being morally offensive-kill a colleague/lie about it,return to your job scot free and now being put in charge? The show seems so determined to redeem angelo and make him and charlie some golden couple they seem totally happy to gloss over everything that has happened before-im afraid im one of those viewers who will never accept angelo until he has faced proper justice for killing jack and i think the writing/continuity has been exceptionally poor in regards to how they have dealt with it.

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I'm actually quite glad that they're giving Alf something to do.I agree though that frankly this riot isn't anything we haven't seen before and the attempt to build it up into something earth-shattering is ridiculous.Aden trying to counsel him...went as well as anyone could expect.

I actually really liked that episode, it was a nice change of pace from all the death and disasters we've had lately.Aden and Nicole really are quite sweet together, I liked the way he kept kissing her to shut her up when she was getting maudlin.And she looked nice dressed up for their date.I am very disappointed that they're not letting Nicole go to uni though and by the sound of things they're going to keep her in school because they can't think of anything else to do with her.I don't really know why except that all the other teen characters are annoying, dull or both and school's going to be pretty bare without her.It does seem really strange seeing Aden hanging around at the caravan park house after years of spending more time at the beach house than at home though.

Also good to finally see Charlie and Angelo relaxing and being a couple after months of them talking about work all the time.They work pretty well together and it's nice to see them smiling and enjoying each other's company at last but unfortunately it seems like there's going to be some tension.I think everyone's pretty much got over what happened with Jack, justice was done, they're not going to lock a man away because he accidentally killed someone when he was scared for his life.I do agree though that his promotion was ridiculous, I can understand them stepping him up to senior constable, he did a fairly good job about the case, his instinct about Hugo was more or less correct, he saved Martha's life and shut down the people smuggling.But sergeant?Why didn't they just make him superintendant and have done with it? Guess we've seen the last of Lara then if they're putting Angelo in charge of the station.Nice to get an update on the legal situation about the riots, it's good that they're still investigating and hopefully if they manage to get one of them to crack it'll make the job a lot easier.

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Also good to finally see Charlie and Angelo relaxing and being a couple after months of them talking about work all the time.They work pretty well together and it's nice to see them smiling and enjoying each other's company at last but unfortunately it seems like there's going to be some tension.I think everyone's pretty much got over what happened with Jack, justice was done, they're not going to lock a man away because he accidentally killed someone when he was scared for his life.I do agree though that his promotion was ridiculous, I can understand them stepping him up to senior constable, he did a fairly good job about the case, his instinct about Hugo was more or less correct, he saved Martha's life and shut down the people smuggling.But sergeant?Why didn't they just make him superintendant and have done with it? Guess we've seen the last of Lara then if they're putting Angelo in charge of the station.Nice to get an update on the legal situation about the riots, it's good that they're still investigating and hopefully if they manage to get one of them to crack it'll make the job a lot easier.

I think it's totally unrealistic that they'd promote such an incompetent and (in the past) corrupt officer over Charlie. Plus, it guarantees more of Angelo looking smug (or whatever that permanent fixed grin is meant to represent), ugh! Anyway, I thought you had to pass exams and stuff to become a Sergeant??? Sorry, I forgot, it's a SOAP.

He'll be Chief Constable of NSW Police by next year - at this rate!

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At least we now know what happened to Charlie and Angelo after the roundup of the people smugglers, they were sent on stress leave. Angelo may have had nightmares himself after he shot Jack so he would understand what Charlie is going through. It was good to see Charlie and Angelo so relaxed for a change, instead of her fretting about Ruby and him worrying about Hugo. It just had to end though as seen when Angelo bought the newspaper and they saw what had been going on in the bay in their absence. (Small quibble, how come he didn't notice the headline when he bought it)? Strange that she didn't go to see Ruby when they got back to Leah's. It did seem very odd to fast track Angelo like that, perhaps it was because of all the work he put in catching the people smugglers. Charlie tried to look pleased, but now instead of her being his boss, he is hers.

If you remember Kelly he was cleared of Jack's murder and it was accidental killing.

I disagree with you Red, we haven't seen anything like that race riot before, so that is why Alf is so disilluisioned. So where will he go, maybe he will visit Roo or even Sally. Who is going to look after Martha now he is off?

Lovely scenes between Nic and Aden, made a nice contrast from all the negative things going on.

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Charlie seriously irritated me tonight. Her behaviour was extremely immature, she was acting like a spoilt child. I'm not saying that Angelo deserved the promotion because I don't think he did in the slightest, not to Sargeant anyway, but he's her boyfriend, she should be proud of the man she loves not jealous and bitter. It doesn't say much for their relationship really...

I'm growing to really love Aden and Nicole. The fact that they'd had intimacies before Belle happened, whilst Belle was with Aden and after Belle died shows to me that they're meant to be together and obviously have an attraction that's never gone away.

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More catching up. Firstly I was really impressed with the way Aden apologised to Liam and still wanted him to be friends with Nicole. It’s was extremely mature and totally unexpected. I really liked the TV reporter. Unlike Jerry he was genuinely interested in finding out and revealing the truth rather than some fabricated top story purely for financial gain. I did wonder how many of the former Summer Bay characters actually saw that.

When I saw Charlie’s reaction yesterday after it was announced Angelo would be her boss I didn’t think she was very happy about it. I have to agree with a comment above about how unrealistic it was Angelo being promoted. Even putting Jack’s murder aside I remember a while back (if my memory serves me correctly) that he got in trouble for something that happened with a protestor. Not to mention that fact that he assaulted Hugo a couple of weeks ago. Still because of his work with the people smuggling I will say a very well deserved promotion. :P

Charlie wasn’t anywhere near as annoying as I thought she would be. She seemed more disappointed than anything but TBH she didn’t deserve her promotion either. Let’s not forget that she kidnapped and tortured someone a while back regardless of what he actually did and I’m sure Robertson knew about it too.

It was good to see some Changelo action yesterday. For once it actually felt like they were a couple rather than just friends/colleagues.

I have to say that I really liked the interaction between most of the characters today. Xavier came across really well. Even after Geoff had a go at him simply for seeing if he was alright he still went to check up Geoff and invited him back to his just to take Geoff’s mind of things and there was no ulterior motive either. Again with Charlie apologising to her because of Hugo and Charlie seemed to take on board what he had to say and he came across as totally genuine. I’m starting to really warm to Xavier now.

I also really liked Angelo’s concern for Alf. Considering that they’ve had their differences in the past I liked the way Angelo didn’t give up and went round to see how he was and talk to him about his problems.

It must have been quite a busy week for Ray. Alf’s been in every episode this week, featured very heavily on Wednesday such that the whole episode was centred around him and been quite involved in some of the other days as well. I do like that they are trying to explore a different side to his character. And I really liked how completely disgusted with the whole Hazeem thing he is.

Again good stuff with Martha and Geoff with the heart to heart. It kind of reminded me how well they got on during Geoff’s early days.

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Yep, Alf's episode count this week was five, for the fourth week in a row I think, and what's more they weren't the usual token appearances.Martha was in four.

A nice episode with some unusual character interactions, which is always nice to see.Ridiculous promotion aside, I think Angelo's character arc has actually been well-handled.Redemption has always been a key theme of the show and he's had to work to get where he is now, he didn't turn up and instantly get accepted by everyone, he's just been quietly plugging away and showing them that he's a decent person underneath.I liked his little scenes with Alf, making an effort to show him that there's more to Summer Bay than a bunch of drunken rioters.The stuff with him and Charlie...it's nice to see them as a couple and I'm not really sure how to feel about Charlie's reaction.While she's got reason to feel resentful, directing it at Angelo seems a bit unfair.Her forced jollity was mildly painful and I'm hoping that now she's admitted how she's feeling she'll be able to deal with it.

Warming towards Xavier as well, this incident hopefully seems to be helping him mature into a decent person.Geoff's comments that the riot wasn't his or Hugo's fault were good.Not sure what to make of Gina who still comes across as very cold.I'm not sure if she's in denial or if she's just decided that Hugo's dead to her in every way imaginable and doesn't want to talk about him, think about him or grieve for him because she doesn't think he's worth it.

Liked the little bits between Martha and Geoff, although I had to wonder exactly how long they were sat on that couch, an awful lot seemed to happen while they were there.Found the last scene excruciating, I'm afraid:When Martha told Geoff he needed to get salt water in his wounds, I don't think she meant it literally...

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Quite a subdued episode overall after all the drama. Wonder if Angelo's words had an effect on Alf, he did seem to be rather reflective, maybe he got through where others weren't able to.

Charlie finally admitted she wasn't happy about Angelo's promotion when all day she was pretending it didn't matter. Hopefully now she has they can work together, wonder how Angelo would have felt if she had been his boss. In the great scheme of things though does it really matter after everything that has happened?

Lovely talk with Geoff and Martha, though know what you mean Red about Geoff taking Martha's advice about salt water. O wondered how long that conversation was as well. His moaning about Ruby keep checking up on him should have made him think how she felt when he was doing the same.

Not sure why he was asked if he recognised anyone from the riot, as far as I can remember he was inside most of the time and wouldn't have seen anyone close enough to identify them.

Looks like I got it wrong about who is leaving next week, it's not Alf!

Gina probably is still in denial, though can't imagine she can keep that up for long, when that dam breaks it will be pretty dramatic. I can't remember if it was Charlie that said something like Xavier being a good lad, erm excuse me, have they all forgotten the slashing of Angelo's tyres and the other things Xavier got up to? I know it was nothing on the scale of what Hugo did, but even so.....

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I've been so busy, I will have to summarise what I think.

I like the 'new style' H&A, as someone said somewhere before. It seems to be more about people talking about their feelings, although each episode lately has shown someone being 'the counsellor' for others in turn. Once it was Aden counselling Alf, Nicole and others. The next episode it was Angelo counselling Alf, Charlie, others. Who will it be tonight? There were minor counsellors too e.g. Xavier- Geoff, Martha- Geoff. Geoff seems to have been getting a lot of counselling lately :lol:

I think Gina is in shock.

I was a bit shocked myself that they had the racist incident linked to Australia Day- what exactly were they trying to say there? :blink:

Geoff/ Ruby are mega annoying.

Xavier seems to be getting nicer, I think he is destined to get together with Mink, who is another Freya. She should be called Minx!

Were Aden and Nicole intimate before Belle came along? :unsure: I really like them as a couple too, Charmed60 :) They are so cute sometimes. Although I was a bit surprised when Aden said 'don't you like a wet willy?' or something like that to Nicole. It obviously means something else in Australia :lol:

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