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Charlie and Angelo, would we be having a go at Charlie if it was Angelo not being keen on taking the next step by moving in with Charlie? No, we would call him a commit phobe and have sympathy with Charlie, but as it is the other way round he is being knocked for keeping on at her to make a decision. Seems a bit sexist. I reckon there must be something in Charlie's past which is making her afraid of moving in with Angelo (or anyone for that matter), hence her panic attack just thinking about it. Ruby mentioned to Angelo that all Charlie's relationships ended after six months which is when Angelo realised they were coming up to six months being together. Ruby also mentioned to Charlie that she and Joey lived together but as that was at Leah's it doesn't really count. Notice Leah was conspicious by her absence when Ruby and Charlie were having dinner, was she hiding in her bedroom again? :unsure:

Xavier and Ruby seemed to be agreeing to be just being friends which is good after all they went through before. I did wonder if Mink isn't actually jealous of Ruby but rather is jealous of Xavier. :wink: Slade, as for Xavier leaving his window open so Mink could conveniently climb in is no surprise they do it all the time in the bay, that is how Harry was snatched after all.

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I don't really watch regularly any more, but whenever I do tune in I'm always delighted to see Romeo. Not for obvious reasons (he is gorgeous, but he just doesn't do it for me), but because he is so lovely. There hasn't been a likeable guy on the show like him since Ric was around, and he makes watching H&A a much more pleasant experience these days. I was even able to withstand the dreaded Rubbish because of Romeo's presence. I'm even starting to get jealous of Xavier, because I want to be best friends with Romeo. Is it possible to have crush on a character in a completely non-sexual way? Like having a girl-crush, except in this case it is for a guy. I want a bromance with Romeo, that's it.

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Brian, I think your post to me was quite rude and offensive. You don't know me personally and i don't need a lecture on morals.

They're not acting like this is a causual relationship and seem pretty serious to me. It's natural Angelo would want to move forward and take the next logical step. I was simply pointing out that by saying she didn't think she'd ever to be ready to move in with him, well it doesn't exactly say a lot about their relationship.

And actually Tony and Rachel didn't live together officially until they were engaged.

I did not mean to be personally offensive to you, KirstyEkua, but I realise that I could have phrased my post differently.

I just get upset when us viewers are supposed to take it for granted that a couple (of any age) who date for about 3 months are going to sleep together and than after 6 months move in together. I love H&A and the characters, but it does appear to have this promiscuous atmosphere, where anything goes, that does not, in my mind, fit in with a small town atmosphere. There are no complete nuclear families, no grandmas/grandpas, no mums and dads together that teenagers can come home and talk to. Compare it with Neighbours (I watch them both) with at least the Kennedys and more older characters.

What do you others think?

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I think you were rather rude to Kirsty, Brian. Perhaps you meant the sentence about the morals as a light hearted/ tongue in cheek comment, but it goes back to what I said about smileys. Its better to use one to show when you're joking.

So, do we think that Mink fancies Xavier? Isn't she about 19 and Xavier about 16? Surely that's a bit unlikely.

Can't think of anything else to say about today's episode! :blink: But its late and I'm off to bed.

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I thought Martha and Irene were a bit random. Maybe because I’m struggling to remember the last time I saw them in a scene together. I agree with other comments that Martha was another person who should have been present at Geoff’s farewell. I actually quite liked the stuff with Alf and Irene, especially Alf’s frustration at not being able to do things the way he wanted i.e. the flaming pineapples and his remark about finding a new level of respect of Coleen. I especially liked Martha’s barely concealed amusement.

Glad Leah plucked up the courage to seen Hazem. For a second there I actually thought she was going to back out at the last minute. I’m glad she was honest with him about the acrophobia and he was so understanding. Again quite liked Miles’s role in all of this just being a good friend to Leah.

Ok so Xavier didn’t leave the window open and he thinks he sussed her out but I certainly haven’t. Mink’s attitude and complete disregard for other people once more throughout most of that episode made me see red. Romeo started off annoying me too. It felt like his attitude was he wasn’t particularly bothered about her behaviour because that’s just the way Mink is but I think he redeemed himself. I don’t think Mink took the money to impress Xavier but I did wonder if she took the money so when she returned it, it would impress him. Or maybe I’m just reading too much into it and she wouldn’t really think like that. It’s hard to tell if the kiss meant she actually liked him or she was just playing mind games.

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Forget to mention yesterday, I was glad we got the reference to what Geoff's up to and a proper explanation for where he's ended up.It feels a bit as though his storyline was resolved off-screen and it would have been nice to actually hear him say "I'm leaving because I've got a place on a missionary training course."(As for Geoff and Nicole...Off-screen friendship aside, I think whatever feelings they had for each other faded a long time ago, it's nearly a year since they broke up.I think they're probably on a par with Ric and Cassie or Matilda and Lucas, still fond of each other, probably run into a burning building for each other, but not the most important person in each other's life and a farewell would have been out of place.)

Anyway...For most of that episode I absolutely loved it but it tailed off a bit at the end.Again though, good to see some nice character stuff.Miles on fine form, every time he opened his mouth he made me smile from his teasing of Romeo and Xavier to his, um, teasing of Leah and Alf.Alf seems to have gone back to being the wise old bloke(well, at least until he got into the comedy arguing with Irene), except this time it's personal.Seems this is one of those days where Martha's forgotten about Hugo, when Irene was talking about not realising how used she was to Geoff being around until he was gone, I was expecting Martha to say she felt the same but not a word.

Spent a fair amount of time wanting to throttle Mink, who does come across as completely self-centred a lot of the time.I have to say, after being fairly critical of him recently, I think Luke has been on fine form as Romeo these last couple of episodes, as if he's found the character again, and I'm starting to like him again.I think Xavier was half-right about Mink, she really isn't as deep as Romeo thinks she is. I don't think she had any reason for stealing the money other than that she thought it would be fun, she seems like the sort of person who just does whatever comes into her head and neither thinks nor cares about the consequences.I think the age gap between her and Xavier is about the same as the age gap between him and Freya.Maybe he attracts slightly crazy, slightly manipulative older girls.They probably think they can boss him around.

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Spent a fair amount of time wanting to throttle Mink, who does come across as completely self-centred a lot of the time.I have to say, after being fairly critical of him recently, I think Luke has been on fine form as Romeo these last couple of episodes, as if he's found the character again, and I'm starting to like him again.I think Xavier was half-right about Mink, she really isn't as deep as Romeo thinks she is. I don't think she had any reason for stealing the money other than that she thought it would be fun, she seems like the sort of person who just does whatever comes into her head and neither thinks nor cares about the consequences.I think the age gap between her and Xavier is about the same as the age gap between him and Freya.Maybe he attracts slightly crazy, slightly manipulative older girls.They probably think they can boss him around.

Good analysis of Mink there, Red Ranger. Looking forward to see how her character develops

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I love Charlie as a character, but she has been slightly annoying me in the last few episodes :rolleyes: i just dont understand her reluctance to move in with Angelo, he obviously adores her, and besides they practically spend all their time together anyway so i just dont get it :unsure:

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I'm so glad and somewhat surprised that we got to see Hazem again. I was sure that the off hand remark by Alf (I think it was him) ages ago, that Hazem had gone to a hospital in the city and probably would never want to return to the Bay after his ordeal, meant he had been conveniently written out. I hope he and Leah can make a go of things - Hazem certainly seems keen for that. It would be nice if he became a more regular character - a bit more diversity would be welcome in H&A.

I agree with Red Ranger that Miles' comments pretty much made the entire episode. The remark about his love of vending machines - was so random but hilarious!

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Ok so Xavier didn’t leave the window open and he thinks he sussed her out but I certainly haven’t.

Yes, apologies to Xavier, Mink jemmied the window open, pretty savvy of him to realise who it may have been and what she had taken. Romeo certainly gave her a good talking to, and it did look like it hit home, till later when when she told Xavier she would apologise and explain, well she did apologise, but I don't remember any explanation. Only my thinking, but perhaps she acts the way she does is as Romeo said she attacks people to keep them at bay in case they hurt her (who knows what happened to her in juvvie).

Good old Miles for getting Leah to go and visit Hazem, I think it did them both good and at least Leah was honest with him and told him why she hadn't been before. He must have been thinking she didn't want to see him because of the state he was in. Shock revelation by Hazem regarding John tonight (though those who watch the afternoon episode know what it is already).

Those scenes between Alf and Irene were indeed funny :D When he got annoyed because Irene had moved the chopping boards and then was telling him how to cut up a pineapple. The best for me was when she said she was even missing arguing with Colleen about the orders and Alf came out with 'Strewth, things must be bad!' :lol:

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