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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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And Irene proving that bosses make the worst employees, walking in and out of the surf club whenever she feels like it and driving Alf to distraction.Or maybe she's just learnt from her own workers:Belle, Kirsty and Aden's habit of walking out of the Diner mid-shift is legendary.

One of my favourite scenes last year was when Kirsty arrived at work, yelled at Leah and then just stormed off. She must have been there all of 2 minutes. Still, Belle was the queen of this. It was rare for her to actually finish a shift.

You would have thought Irene would have learnt not to do that then! I suppose to be fair to her as Leah isn't really in a fit state to worry about the diner it's all fell to Irene to sort it out.

Liked Miles when he was hyper and Alf's comment about Miles resisting the urge to buy the exercise gear that was on the Aussie equivalent of the shopping channel in the early hours. Nice to see (or not depending on your point of view) Rabbit outside in the daylight!

Agree with you there Red about Mink telling Romeo not to be forced into things when that was exactly what she was doing. The way she was speaking for him when they were at Gina's was quite insulting to him IMO. Fair enough to get others opinions, but the choice is down to him in the end. Also agree that she needs him more than he needs her, after all he managed to get by OK while she was inside. So now Nicole has decided to go back (after a lot of dithering) and it looks like Romeo is, will they be in the same class/year? I suppose it depends on when Romeo dropped out.

BTW did anybody see John Palmer's team (Edinburgh) get knocked out on University Challenge last night?

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600 pages of comments! We should give a prize to the person with the most posts!

Yes, taht was a boring episode yesterday, nothing interesting at all.

Liam and Martha- hm... They are both tired of being good, aren't they, and going back to being careless and thinking about themselves. I don't blame them, Martha has had enough of bad things happening to her, probably Liam has too. I really hope they don't hurt each other though :unsure:

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Well, it seems Martha's already having mixed feelings about her...arrangement with Liam.It's almost as though it's simultaneously too casual and not casual enough.She doesn't want him acting like her boyfriend but she still needs him around.

Looks as though Romeo's in Year 12 with Nicole, presumably in his age group.Although they made a big thing about him looking silly in a school uniform(which he seemed to get hold of awfully quickly given that he only enrolled the previous night, but anyway), I actually think it helps sell the idea of him being a teenager a lot more.Having a 20-something actor dressing and acting like an adult but claiming to be seventeen was a bit ridiculous, it makes more sense for him to be dressing like a teen, hanging out with people his supposed age and going to school.Mink was back to being bearable:she seems to veer between showing just a hint of humanity and just being completely unlikeable.(And by the way, does anyone else over the age of 120 think she looks like Fin?That suddenly struck me yesterday.)A rare moment of genuine vulnerability as she seemed to realise that Romeo doesn't need her around.Of course, she does then stir things between Ruby and Xavier just to make herself feel better.I'm liking the interaction between those two more than I thought I would and might not completely hate it if they get back together but I still can't quite get rid of the thought that if Geoff was still around she wouldn't even be considering it.Couple of nice scenes between John and Gina:I think this "bringing out the best in people" works both ways, they seem more likeable together than as individuals.

Another curious directorial touch for Rabbit's last appearance at the caravan park, twirling the hula hoop:She looks as though she's been there for a while but clearly wasn't there when Mink walked past the same spot not long before.But wouldn't she already be in Miles' field of vision?(Or are we talking different levels of perception again?)Interestingly, Mink both caused and prevented Miles' accident.He wouldn't have fallen asleep if she hadn't prompted him to go without sleep in the first place and he wouldn't have woken up in time if she hadn't told him to set his alarm.If you think about it logically, it seems more and more unlikely that it's as simple as her being a figment of his imagination, how could he possibly have predicted that chain of events?(Coincidence again?)

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Looks as though Romeo's in Year 12 with Nicole, presumably in his age group.Although they made a big thing about him looking silly in a school uniform(which he seemed to get hold of awfully quickly given that he only enrolled the previous night, but anyway), I actually think it helps sell the idea of him being a teenager a lot more.Having a 20-something actor dressing and acting like an adult but claiming to be seventeen was a bit ridiculous, it makes more sense for him to be dressing like a teen, hanging out with people his supposed age and going to school.Mink was back to being bearable:she seems to veer between showing just a hint of humanity and just being completely unlikeable.(And by the way, does anyone else over the age of 120 think she looks like Fin?That suddenly struck me yesterday.)A rare moment of genuine vulnerability as she seemed to realise that Romeo doesn't need her around.Of course, she does then stir things between Ruby and Xavier just to make herself feel better.I'm liking the interaction between those two more than I thought I would and might not completely hate it if they get back together but I still can't quite get rid of the thought that if Geoff was still around she wouldn't even be considering it.Couple of nice scenes between John and Gina:I think this "bringing out the best in people" works both ways, they seem more likeable together than as individuals.

See what you mean about Romeo, but he just seems to me to be so much out of place in a school uniform, after the previous scenes with him in the last weeks. He has been the big man, taking surfing lessons, looking after his "little" sister and now he goes back to school???? Just doesn't seem to fit, especially as he is much taller than the other pupils and looks older. Perhaps we will get used to him in school uniform. Be interesting to see how he performs in class, but we don't see many actual lessons any more (saw a few with Bartlett).

Nice to see Xavier and Ruby enjoying each other's company again. I think he still loves her, despite what she did to him. Like to see them back together again.

Still think that both Mink and Rabbit are two unusual, interesting characters. Add an extra bit of interest to the otherwise predictable characters.

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It was a quite episode with not very much happening. In response to your query Red about Romeo getting an uniform so quickly, I think they have a stock of them at the school for kids who arrive in the bay and don't have one. It may seem odd Romeo being that much taller than all the others, but he is Mink's younger brother and look how much taller he is than her!

He must have had a sudden growth spurt, I've noticed before the boys suddenly shoot up in height. Mink's little display of temper when she saw Romeo and Xavier go off to school was quite sad in a way, probably made her realise he doesn't need her as much as she needs him.

Nice scene between Gina and John, maybe they will get back on track, as long as Xavier doesn't try and spoil it.

Just as well the Diner is going to reopen as I don't think Irene working with Alf would have lasted much longer without one of them saying or doing something that would have spoilt their friendship.

Is Martha regretting what happened between her and Liam, That's the feeling I got by the way she was with him (didn't really believe she was having dinner with Alf BTW).

Why would Ruby be upset about Mink kissing Xavier, they weren't together at the time so why should it be such a big deal? :unsure:

Does what nearly happened to Miles now mean the curse is lifted and he can now get some much needed sleep? :closedeyes:

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Yeah, we had 17-year-olds as tall as Roman at my school.And people who stayed on past 18 because they didn't know what else to do.(Hi, Nic...)Feels like Liam's getting a bit tired of Martha's games, blowing hot and cold on him.Getting involved like that really does feel like a bad idea.

It's curious the way your opinion of people changes.If I'd seen that episode a year ago, I probably wouldn't have minded the way Ruby was behaving.But she really irritated me with the way she interrogated Xavier over what happened with Mink and then just went "It's nothing to do with me" and then her self-righteous speech to Mink about causing Xavier "stress and trouble."Hmm, kissing him and telling his not-girlfriend, getting him to lie to the police.(If you're in a soap opera long enough, you can't moralise about anything because you're bound to have done it yourself...)I really do think Xavier would be better off with Mink, she might be crazy but at least there's no pretense about her.Liked the little scene between Mink and Alf, he's doing this whole wise old bloke thing really well at the moment.

I'm glad they haven't turned John into a cardboard villain but he does seem to have swung a bit far the other way, I'd like him to keep his edge.Since when did he and Tony stand around gossiping about Leah or he go round to give Leah advice?(Pretty sensible advice, actually.)Although we did get just a hint of the old tension between him and Tony when he made that comment about not straining his brain...Seems Leah's agoraphobia's not completely gone after all, maybe translating into a fear of crowds?Or was she uncomfortable for the same reason Ruby was?Not sure why because it really is hard to tell that the Diner's the same building.Is the kitchen meant to be in the same place?If so, where did the doors go?It looks more like they've demolished the place and rebuilt it from the ground up than just had a refit.

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I remember there being really mature looking 18 year olds at school, I even saw someone at my careers interview with a full beard. The careers adviser asked his age and he was 16 :o :o However, I do not remember people staying on past 18, everyone left, there was no facility for staying on at my school. I don't really believe schools in England allow it, I've never heard of it. Thats what Further Education colleges are for.

Anyway. I love all this stuff with Martha and Liam. All the awkward silences and avoiding each other's eyes, complications etc. I think Martha is upset about something, I think

maybe she is pregnant, which must surely be Hugo's as Liam hasn't been with her long enough. And of course if she can still have children after her cancer etc.

. But that is simply my speculation.

The new diner looks lovely. Although it reminds me of the one in Out of the Blue, don't you think so Slade?

Not sure about Mink, she genuinely seemed not to know why she annoyed everyone.

Ruby and Xavier were quite sweet, they seem to have both grown up. Ruby was actually giving good advice and being sensitive. I think Geoff was a bad influence on her [like he is on everyone]. I don't know what Geoff did to people, he just always managed to wind them up and bring out their worst side :unsure: Maybe Ruby should get back with Xavier, don't know...

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It's curious the way your opinion of people changes.If I'd seen that episode a year ago, I probably wouldn't have minded the way Ruby was behaving.But she really irritated me with the way she interrogated Xavier over what happened with Mink and then just went "It's nothing to do with me" and then her self-righteous speech to Mink about causing Xavier "stress and trouble."Hmm, kissing him and telling his not-girlfriend, getting him to lie to the police.(If you're in a soap opera long enough, you can't moralise about anything because you're bound to have done it yourself...)I really do think Xavier would be better off with Mink, she might be crazy but at least there's no pretense about her.Liked the little scene between Mink and Alf, he's doing this whole wise old bloke thing really well at the moment.

I'm glad they haven't turned John into a cardboard villain but he does seem to have swung a bit far the other way, I'd like him to keep his edge.Since when did he and Tony stand around gossiping about Leah or he go round to give Leah advice?(Pretty sensible advice, actually.)Although we did get just a hint of the old tension between him and Tony when he made that comment about not straining his brain...Seems Leah's agoraphobia's not completely gone after all, maybe translating into a fear of crowds?Or was she uncomfortable for the same reason Ruby was?Not sure why because it really is hard to tell that the Diner's the same building.Is the kitchen meant to be in the same place?If so, where did the doors go?It looks more like they've demolished the place and rebuilt it from the ground up than just had a refit.

That puzzled me as well, it seemed Xavier felt he had to confess to something he didn't need to because he and Ruby weren't together and still aren't! In two minds about Ruby's rant at Mink, but it did seem to make her think the way her attitude to people alienates her. It was a nice little chat she had with Alf, liked his line about her being the most contrary sheila he had come across and that he had certainly met a few. :lol: At least she didn't bit his head off and actually listened. Shame her apology to Xavier didn't go the way she planned/hoped. Her apology to Xavier and Ruby did seem genuine, wonder how long it will last? (Memo to self - don't be such a cynic).

I couldn't believe that was John either when he went round to Leah's, but what he said did make a lot of sense. I'm sure I heard Tony say to John that Martha had told Leah told her she wasn't having a opening party, which must have happened off screen, because all we saw was Leah talking to Irene and Colleen.

The new look diner (done by Hazem's guys according to John) is going to take some getting used to, can't quite work out the layout, it looked like there was a table in the kitchen? Your'e right Red, it did look like it has been completely rebuilt, which if it has they certainly did it in double quick time!! Leah was doing O.K. until the Diner got more and more crowded, you could 'hear' in her mind the noise was getting to her. If Miles had been there he could have helped, but I imagine he was still sleeping! :wink:

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I remember there being really mature looking 18 year olds at school, I even saw someone at my careers interview with a full beard. The careers adviser asked his age and he was 16 :o :o However, I do not remember people staying on past 18, everyone left, there was no facility for staying on at my school. I don't really believe schools in England allow it, I've never heard of it. Thats what Further Education colleges are for.

Trust me, when I was 18 and in my last year at school, we had students there who were a year older than me and in their third year of Sixth Form.And at least two of them were still there after I left.They were like professional students, they'd do one course then decide to do another A-level or NVQ and end up in classes with 16-to-17-year-olds.The joke was they were going to go straight from school to drawing their pension.

Not sure if Geoff's really to blame for the way Ruby behaved, she was being annoying long before she started hanging around with him, since Xavier first turned up.It did seem to escalate when they were together but I think that had more to do with finding out Charlie was her mother.

Anyway...Felt a bit odd that Rachel wasn't around to help Leah out, especially since we haven't seen her for eight episodes.They covered it at first by saying she was working but where was she when Martha was talking to Tony and the next morning?It was so blatant I actually wonder if Amy was unavailable and they had to give Rachel's part to Martha, who's suddenly best friends with Leah, an expert on how to deal with panic attacks and getting the "home" scenes with Tony.Seemed an odd choice to hide what was going on from him and let Colleen know and then send Irene away but keep her around.(Actually, it would make more sense to have Colleen where they could keep an eye on her rather than sending her somewhere where they had alcohol and a big crowd...)Loved Tony's scenes with Leah, his handling of the situation was worthy of Miles and his solution made sense:Leah wasn't keen on the idea of counselling before and if she's not that committed it probably wouldn't do her much good.

Okay, having seen the new new old Diner from another angle, it looks like that door on the right is still there and the store room is where the entry porch used to me.And judging by last episode, it seems there's another door in that wall we've never seen before, which either they've just put it or no-one used before...

Angelo now has to put up with Colleen getting both his name and rank wrong.(Wonder how long it'll take him to give up correcting that one?)Really not sure what to make of his amateur psychology on Charlie.She didn't realise Roman was still in love with Martha until after they'd split up and seemed pretty keen to make it work, she already knew Angelo was sticking around before he got his promotion and not so long ago he claimed she was having nightmares because she was worried about him leaving.I'm not sure if he was meant to be talking rubbish or if the writers are desperately trying to make their new vision of Charlie fit in with the character's history.Guess we'll see how it plays out. Liked Angelo's scenes with Alf, he needs someone else to talk to.

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I remember there being really mature looking 18 year olds at school, I even saw someone at my careers interview with a full beard. The careers adviser asked his age and he was 16 :o :o However, I do not remember people staying on past 18, everyone left, there was no facility for staying on at my school. I don't really believe schools in England allow it, I've never heard of it. Thats what Further Education colleges are for.

Trust me, when I was 18 and in my last year at school, we had students there who were a year older than me and in their third year of Sixth Form.And at least two of them were still there after I left.They were like professional students, they'd do one course then decide to do another A-level or NVQ and end up in classes with 16-to-17-year-olds.The joke was they were going to go straight from school to drawing their pension.


Anyway...Felt a bit odd that Rachel wasn't around to help Leah out, especially since we haven't seen her for eight episodes.They covered it at first by saying she was working but where was she when Martha was talking to Tony and the next morning?It was so blatant I actually wonder if Amy was unavailable and they had to give Rachel's part to Martha, who's suddenly best friends with Leah, an expert on how to deal with panic attacks and getting the "home" scenes with Tony.Seemed an odd choice to hide what was going on from him and let Colleen know and then send Irene away but keep her around.(Actually, it would make more sense to have Colleen where they could keep an eye on her rather than sending her somewhere where they had alcohol and a big crowd...)Loved Tony's scenes with Leah, his handling of the situation was worthy of Miles and his solution made sense:Leah wasn't keen on the idea of counselling before and if she's not that committed it probably wouldn't do her much good.

Ha, in relation to the first part I've bolded when I was in 6th form we had 4-5 older students who'd either taken a year out before doing A-Levels or were resitting or were just plain not prepared to get a job. I swear one of them were mid-twenties, we had one teacher who would joke about him and whenever he mentioned something from years ago he would be like.. "... he knows what I mean" and 9 times out of 10 he would!

The whole thing with Martha/Leah/Tony pissed me off a little, it was entirely unbelievable. Seemed rather like it had been thrown together at the last minute with whichever actors were available for filming. I liked Tony in those scenes too though, much prefer him as a lighthearted 'friendly neighbour' type than in some of the more serious scenes he's been involved in.

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