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I assume that Amy was sick or somthing as it's very unlikely she just wouldn't have any scenes for a over a week and a half. It's a shame because i love the Leah/Rach friendship and i think it's one of the few Home and Away write really well and consistently. It didn't seem right with Martha, they've never been that close before.

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How bizarre about the over 18 year olds staying on at school! I've never heard of that happening. But I'm quite a bit older than you Red Ranger, maybe the rules changed. Its a bit sad really, I'd never ever stay on at school if I didn't pass exams, I'd be off to an FE college ASAP :lol:

I didn't mean Geoff was to blame for Ruby's behaviour, I think Geoff just brought certain characteristics out in people. He was a real catalyst for some reason. Maybe because he was such an extreme character. He stirred up Lucas, Aden, Nicole, then Ruby, Xavier. He was just like that, I suppose :huh:

I think Angelo and Charlie should split up now, I'm fed up with them both :rolleyes: I don't think Angelo was right when he analysed Charlie like that, he was reading too much into it all. Charlie just goes from relationship to relationship without thinking much.

I thought it was really kind of Martha and Charlie to help Leah in the Diner, I wish I had friends like that. I always forget that Charlie and Leah share a house so they must get along well. There should be more scenes with those two together, their relationship isn't defined enough- they've been living together for ages now. And Martha and Charlie seem to have been brought together by Roman and Jack in their various ways, ironically.

The other thing was: I thought Tony was brilliant to suggest the self defence classes to Leah! At first I thought 'no, Tony, don't wind her up!' But he was right to needle her about being a victim. She will feel better taking control. Well done, Tony!

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The other thing was: I thought Tony was brilliant to suggest the self defence classes to Leah! At first I thought 'no, Tony, don't wind her up!' But he was right to needle her about being a victim. She will feel better taking control. Well done, Tony!

Leah can only give it a go and if it doesn't work out, she can still try the counselling. Without giving too much away

the new rev is involved in the self defence lessons (not sure if he is giving the lessons or not), and he and Leah get close if you know what I mean?

:wink: I liked those scenes in the diner, like a girls sleep over, with Martha scoffing all the peanut butter, so next day Colleen couldn't find any!

I knew Charlie's problem with commiting to someone/anyone (as in living with them) had something to do with Grant, she said herself to Leah she should have carried on with her own counselling. You're right Red about Charlie not knowing about Roman still being in love with Martha until he broke it off, but I disagree about Angelo sticking around before his promotion, didn't they think it likely he would have been moved to a different station, maybe in the city?

Alf does appear to have become the oracle for all and sundry lately, dishing out advice all over the place. Angelo was ready to act on what Alf said, then Irene made her remark about the diner and it changed his mind again.

No Miles and Rabbit last night, shame I miss them.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.After only appearing in one episode the previous week, Rachel was nowhere to be seen.I agree, Amy has to have been ill or something.

Elijah the martial arts vicar!He's certainly a breath of fresh air, not to mention a bit of a blagger.And there aren't many people who can outMiles Miles the way he did, who seemed utterly befuddled by the end of their scene in the Diner.("Have you seen his arms?"/"I don't think you're meant to notice than on a reverend.")Liked the way he had to explain the difference between a priest and a minister, given that half the audience seem to have as much trouble as Miles... Did he really leave his class to go and have a chat with Leah?I presume he gave them something to do first.The other door at the Diner isn't where it used to be either so goodness only knows what they've done to it.

Not quite sure what Angelo hoped to achieve with his analysis of Charlie.If you tell someone they're incapable of having a long-term relationship, the words "You're dumped" must be a pretty likely response.Charlie and Angelo actually found out he'd been posted to the local force the night before his promotion was announced.Odd that no-one mentioned the real reason Charlie and Joey split up(ie. Charlie cheated on her!).Charlie asks Aden for relationship advice.Do the people in this town never learn?!

I can sort of see why Aden thought Alf was going to let him go, they did seem to be both trying their best not to actually say anything when they spoke.It did seem a bit of a leap though and closing up the shop to get some supplies Alf had offered to get himself seemed an odd decision.Not sure how Aden thinks he's going to manage two jobs when he's basically running the bait shop single-handedly, unless he's going to work there during the day and at the Diner at night.It feels more like him not wanting to let anyone down that a practical decision.

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I actually side with Angelo and his rant about Charlie's self distructive behaviour when it comes to relationships. She needed to be told that because without being told, she would never be able to overcome the problem. When Charlie said Joey broke her heart I wanted to slap her because it was the other way round. I now believe that Angelo has more of a chance with Alf than Charlie when it comes to a long term relationship :lol: !

Oh and as for Elijah... :wub:. That is all.

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Odd that no-one mentioned the real reason Charlie and Joey split up(ie. Charlie cheated on her!).

Wonder if that was because sub-consciously Charlie wanted to break up with Joey? :wink:

I can sort of see why Aden thought Alf was going to let him go, they did seem to be both trying their best not to actually say anything when they spoke.It did seem a bit of a leap though and closing up the shop to get some supplies Alf had offered to get himself seemed an odd decision.Not sure how Aden thinks he's going to manage two jobs when he's basically running the bait shop single-handedly, unless he's going to work there during the day and at the Diner at night.It feels more like him not wanting to let anyone down that a practical decision.

Their first talk did seem to be going round and round in circles :D , enough to make you dizzy. Perhaps Alf will be putting in a few hours here and there, now he is back on track. Had to agree with Aden's reply when Alf said he was being subtle, I would never before have put Alf and subtle in the same sentence.

Strange how people with problems are asking people they woudn't normally ask, as in Charlie asking Aden's advice about her and Angelo. Though I suppose him being a young bloke may have have been better than her asking Alf who is from a different generation. Surely it's going to be difficult for Charlie and Angelo to work together now they have broken up, wonder if she move out of his office again?

The Reverend Elijah, he's certainly full of hidden talents isnt he? Liked his line to Miles (and Alf) about 'religious types' not having much money to get discounts. Wonder if he had a past life before taking on the cloth, which would explain the muscles and the self defence classes. Clever move offering Leah one-to-one lessons in exchange for discounts at the Diner.

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Elijah the martial arts vicar! He's certainly a breath of fresh air, not to mention a bit of a blagger.

Wonder if he had a past life before taking on the cloth, which would explain the muscles and the self defence classes.

That Cobra Kai gi is not something you would ever see in a real Brazilian jiu jitsu class (we always have sleeves, as a lot of techniques involve gripping them), but reading the above posts, I'm guessing it was decided to go sleeveless for plot reasons. Otherwise, he couldn't have revealed his muscular arms and sparked the exchange between Miles and Leah.

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Where do I start, Charlie and Angelo. This highlights one of the reasons why it’s not such a good idea to date someone you work with. Angelo actually made me laugh, the way he stormed off out of Charlie’s and then when he blanked her at work. I can see where he’s coming from though. I always thought the main reason why he decided to leave Area Command was and to take up permanent residence in Summer Bay was because of Charlie. I thought Charlie was a bit cold the way she didn’t even want them to remain friends but I could see where she was coming from too. She’s probably thinking if she remains friends with Angelo he will simply be biding his time in the hope that they will get back together.

I quite liked the stuff with Ruby and Charlie and for the first time it felt as though they saw each other as mother and daughter. Even the conversations they had recently felt that had simply reverted back to the sibling relationship they had previously so I’m glad there’s been progress. Scenes with Nicole and a mother/daughter relationship with Charlie were the things I wanted to see more of so I think the writers are at least trying to undo the damage they did with Ruby’s character previously. Still not really liking the stuff with Xavier. I didn’t like the way he was in a good mood at the beginning (i.e. doing the dishes) because he thought he was in with a shot and then started sulking a bit and acting funny around Ruby because he felt she just wanted to remain friends. Kind of like Angelo was acting actually. It’s interesting that it seemed the current situation in both the Charlie/Angelo and Ruby/Xavier relationships were sort running in parallel with each other (well kind of). This highlights exactly why I think Ruby is bad for Xavier and the detrimental effect she has on him.

Didn’t really like Gina today. I hated the disapproving looks she gave Ruby and Xavier when they appeared to be getting close and yes I know I just said I don’t want Ruby and Xavier together but what bothered me about that was that Gina didn’t like him hanging around with Mink but doesn’t want him hanging around with Ruby either. Maybe she is worried that he’ll end up getting hurt. Anyway I hated the way she confronted John about what happened with Tony especially after the first time. I thought doing that made Tony look like an idiot and completely spineless.

I have to say I didn’t really like Tony either today. He just seemed to be constantly moaning every time he was in that episode and incidentally I thought John was joking before and found his remark to Tony about his feelings getting hurt later on quite funny. Even with Rachel he irritated me. It was like he kept asking her for advice but every time she tried to give it he wasn’t happy with her response (where I felt she was being objective and quite reasonable) and just kept mouthing off. I’m assuming he wasn’t actually looking for advice and simply wanted to vent. I know I said it wasn’t such a good idea him getting involved with John in the first place but offering to sell John the business like that was a bit impulsive.

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I quite liked the stuff with Ruby and Charlie and for the first time it felt as though they saw each other as mother and daughter. Even the conversations they had recently felt that had simply reverted back to the sibling relationship they had previously so I’m glad there’s been progress. Scenes with Nicole and a mother/daughter relationship with Charlie were the things I wanted to see more of so I think the writers are at least trying to undo the damage they did with Ruby’s character previously. Still not really liking the stuff with Xavier. I didn’t like the way he was in a good mood at the beginning (i.e. doing the dishes) because he thought he was in with a shot and then started sulking a bit and acting funny around Ruby because he felt she just wanted to remain friends. Kind of like Angelo was acting actually. It’s interesting that it seemed the current situation in both the Charlie/Angelo and Ruby/Xavier relationships were sort running in parallel with each other (well kind of). This highlights exactly why I think Ruby is bad for Xavier and the detrimental effect she has on him.


How could you say it felt like a mother/daughter relationship? I don't know of any daughter giving her mother relationship advice! Perhaps I move in different circles to you, Slade. Don't see why you think that Ruby has a detrimental effect on Xavier. He's obviously still in love with her and is prepared to overlook her fling with Geoff, although I expect her to apologise to him for it. I understood his changes of mood today - typical teenage boy. I hope they get back together again; think they deserve each other, as long as she doesn't bail on him again. But agree with you on one point ; don't like Gina as a mum, or Charlie come to that! No wonder there are so many mixed-up kids about!

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Where to start with that one?Interesting that both Charlie and Angelo seemed to blame themselves for the break-up of the relationship and they're probably right to do so.Whether what Angelo said to Charlie was right or not, it's the sort of thing you say when you're ending a relationship, not when you're expecting a happy ending.Not sure how constructive Charlie's being by acting all defeatist and saying she's a stuff up.If she's accepted she's going to be on her own forever, fine, but if she's going to be messing some other poor schluck about further down the line then she needs to get a grip, work out what's wrong with her and sort it out.I think that Charlie and Ruby's interaction did feel like a sibling relationship rather than a mother/daughter one but I was pleased to see it.Ruby describing herself as Charlie's daughter felt a bit like her saying that she knows that's what she is and she's trying to fit that role but she doesn't know how to do it so she's just acting the way she always has around her.

Definitely coming to the conclusion that Ruby's a much better friend and daughter/sister than she is a girlfriend.My perspective on a lot of characters seemed to undergo a shift over the course of the episode.Around the midpoint, I was thinking that while I don't exactly want Ruby and Xavier to get back together, I wouldn't mind if they did.But by the end, I was dead against it again.Xavier's shown over the past few months while he's been single that he has a lot of potential as a character yet here he was back to being Ruby's lapdog again, she was the one calling all the shots and he was following her around in a way that struck me as rather pathetic.I think the Geoff question is still hanging in the air and it's always going to be a blight on the relationship, I'm not sure what would be worse, if Ruby turned round and said she'd made a mistake and Xavier was the one she loved all along or if she just ignores it and it's obvious Xavier's just a comfy pair of slippers for when no-one better's around.I actually found myself scratching my head when Gina said she'd be happy if Ruby and Xavier got back together, I just thought "Er, why?"Gina's never been Ruby's biggest fan and I'm not sure what she's done to change that.

I started off thinking that Tony was being completely ridiculous about John, his comments were obviously meant as a joke and Tony seemed determined to take it the wrong way.As things went on, though, with John arranging the promotion without telling him, I did understand why he had reason to feel resentful, although not as much reason as he seemed to think he had.To go off on a bit of a tangent, I did think for about five seconds when they were messing about in the kitchen that Gina and Xavier might finally be acting like a proper mother and son but then she went cold on him and allowed her resentment about Hugo to spill out.And then she went and stuck her oar in with Tony and John and made things ten times worse and reminded me just why I spend so much time disliking her.(Might not have been that wise for Rachel to confide in her in the circumstances, given Tony didn't want her involved, it has to be said.)John was a bit rude to Tony at the end but it was purely because Gina having a go at him so I choose to blame her.Things might have turned out better if Tony had had someone a bit more personable than John as a partner but I don't really think he was the problem.I think Tony just found it difficult being treated as an employee in a business that he was used to being in complete control of and it would probably have come to a head sooner or later anyway.

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