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Thinking about it again perhaps Charlie and Ruby did seem more like sisters rather than mother and daughter.

Anyway mixed feelings about Gina today. She annoyed me again the way she had another go at John. I do wonder if she’s using the defence of her brother as an excuse to spend time with John, almost as if she’s crying out for his attention. Even I knew when John tried to get her to go to dinner and Gina turned him down he was going to do what she wanted originally anyway. It was so obvious he just trying to get her to see his good side and Gina would fall for it. I did quite like the stuff with Nicole and Liam and I actually don’t mind Gina when she assumes the role of headmistress.

It’s hard to defend Tony when he acts as impulsively and childish as this. He’s letting emotion and his personal feelings towards John cloud his judgment. I’m not saying he should sell up but it was just the way he let himself get wound up again and made a split second decision. He’s got a kid now so he needs to get his priorities straight, although to be honest I can’t imagine how hard it must be to work with John but I did find John’s “hissy fit” remark quite funny.

So Martha thinks she’s pregnant. I can’t really claim to be knowledgeable in that area but if she is pregnant and Martha and Liam slept together only a couple of weeks ago then surely the baby is more likely to be Hugo’s than Liam’s.

I actually couldn’t stop smiling during the stuff with Nicole and Aden. Aden does seem really happy. I’m glad Nicole’s found something she likes and hasn’t given up on the idea of school altogether.

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Exactly what I thought about Martha, Slade. How could the baby be Liam's if she has only been sleeping with him a few weeks? It is far more likely to be Hugo's. If there is a baby that is, I don't know. I hope she is not ill again instead...

I thought John was very rude to Tony and went back on what he'd said to Gina. I think Tony is a bit oversensitive but John does need to be more polite to people who aren't Gina. I wonder what he suggested to her in a whisper?

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I liked that episode a lot better than the previous one.The characters seemed to be a bit less annoying. Gina having a go at John was mostly played for laughs and he managed to deflate some of her pomposity a bit(I liked the line when he acknowledges that he's not a people person and responds to her comment that he keeps falling out with people she cares about with "And that's a bad thing?").It did seem a bit strange when he then turned round and made Tony an offer after he'd told Gina he'd give him time to cool off, I don't know if he was being two-faced or not.I was glad that Tony seemed to listen to Rachel and stick in there a bit longer, but then he went and agreed to sell anyway just because he was annoyed with John.Rachel once again follows Rule of Soap Arguments No.1:If someone storms off while you're talking to them, don't follow them, just stand still and shout their name.At least she was holding Harry this time so she's got an excuse.Did like her leaving him with Tony after finding out he'd quit.

I'm not an expert either but I think it's possible that Martha could be pregnant with Liam's baby if it happened the first time round, it's a few weeks since they slept together, just about long enough for her to have missed a period.It's over a month since she last slept with Hugo so she might have noticed before now if it was his.Is Liam meant to be teetotal now?I thought he'd just kicked the harder stuff.

I did like the stuff with Aden and Nicole.He does seem a lot more happy and relaxed with her than he was with Belle most of the time.He arranged a surprise for her and when it didn't go according to plan, he was perfectly fine about it.Nicole did actually name drop Britt Hobard a couple of weeks back, which is a nice piece of foreshadowing.

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Not quite sure what happened to my post yesterday? If I remember correctly it was something about Ruby and Charlie kind of reverting to when Ruby thought Charlie was her sister when she was giving her advice about Angelo.

Tony does seem the impulsive type doesn't he? I think I mentioned (in my now vanished post) that he could have said to John he didn't hink much of his 'jokes', but I did agree about why he was so annoyed about John going behind his back again in terms of the setting up the free consults to new members without telling him as it would be Tony doing the job. Just as Tony seemed willing to give John yet another chance, John comes out with what he did (totally uncalled for) and Tony decides that it is it! Can completely understand Rachel not being happy about it, although I suppose the payout will be pretty good, it won't last forever and there aren't that many jobs in the bay. Agree there Red about the way she left Harry with Tony (who is a little cutie - Harry that is not Tony).

Seems like Liam is going to become a teacher (if he decides to take the correspondence course), the money would come in handy if a) Martha is pregnant and b) if it is his. I'm guessing from what she said she is normally regular and it must have been a month at least since she and Hugo were together, so it seems more likely it is Liam's.

Poor Aden swapping shifts to spend time with Nic and it didn't work out, and as you said Red he was OK with it, once upon a time he would have thrown a right wobbly.

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I’m finding it increasingly harder to comment on some of the episodes.

Ruby was annoying today. I hated the games she was playing and found it interesting how she referred to Mink as manipulative when I thought she was being like that with Xavier. I also found it irritating the way she kept teasing Leah about Elijah. So what if Leah likes him? Which I think she maybe does judging by how disappointed she was that Elijah cancelled the lesson. Good to see that she is at least more positive now.

So Mink actually took the rap for her mum. At least that actually explains why she has such a massive chip on her shoulder but I still think she’s being selfish. Almost like she feels she’s hard done by spending two years in Juvi and because Romeo didn’t, he owes her and has to drop his whole life for her. Again coming across as unlikeable. I was a bit disappointed we didn’t get any scenes with Mink and Xavier as I would like to see her put a spanner in the works regarding Ruby - Anything to stop Ruby and Xavier getting back together.

Martha was a bit annoying the way she was acting towards Liam but obviously I missed something before (that was already pointed out above) as Liam thought if Martha was pregnant he was definitely the father. When she said she wasn’t pregnant at first I raised an eyebrow but then she went back to coming onto him almost as if that didn’t happen. Obviously her head's still not in the right place at the moment.

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This is getting ridiculous! First Ruby gives relationship advice to her mother Charlie and now student Romeo does the same to teacher Miles! How do these kids become so wise?

Can we please have Ruby and Nicole out of those stupid school uniforms and long white socks? They're supposed to be seniors now! Have they never heard of sixth form dress in schools?

Keep your fingers crossed Slade, this is soapland, Ruby and Xavier might not make it. Much as I think they would be good together, I will be annoyed if it happens with no reference to Geoff and an apology by Ruby. Mind you, Martha is just as bad ...(Jack), Hugo, Liam.

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My opinion of Liam went up a lot in that episode.He made a few "dumb bloke" comments but at the end of the day he was most concerned about Martha and the baby and that he might let them down.He was even aware that things would be difficult for Martha if he wasn't the father and seemed concerned about that.I was glad to see some interaction between him and Romeo, they had a good relationship when they first turned up which has pretty much vanished recently, although I'm not sure how it fits in with the attempt to put Romeo in the teen group.(Did you confuse Liam with Miles, Brian?Because I don't recall Liam giving him advice.And no, as far as I can tell, Australian schools have the same uniform for all years.)Martha, on the other hand, having dropped a bombshell on Liam seemed quite prepared to stick her head in the sand and leave him in limbo, then go back to playing shallow sex games.

Seems the best way to make me like Mink is to have Ruby be a cow about her.I hated the way she was bagging her out at every opportunity when she's just as bad herself and worse, is snooty about it. Mink and Romeo had some nice sibling moments but ended up bickering.I'm really not sure what to make of the revelation that Mink didn't kill her stepfather after all.It gives her another reason to feel bitter but I'm tempted to just say "So what?"If she'd taken the rap for Romeo, which is what I first thought when I heard the spoilers, that would have been an interesting twist and set up some nice interaction.That she took the rap for some woman we've never met...doesn't really change the storyline at at all and it actually comes across as a bit of an anti-climax:We've already been told she only killed her stepfather to protect Romeo, now we find out she didn't even do that when we really didn't need another excuse for her behaviour.I can understand why she's bitter that Romeo wasted the two years she gave him by taking the rap and spent all his time bumming around on the beach and is now suddenly acting like Mr.Responsible but then again she seems to be doing a pretty good job of wasting her own life as well.Xavier turning up just in time to hear the news felt a bit contrived, wasn't he meant to be taking Ruby out?Might see some interesting character dynamics.

More reasons to hate Ruby:Not only her claim that she's *cough*cough* not easy when she's sniffing around Xavier five minutes after she was crying over Geoff at the bus stop but the way she was completely obnoxious towards Leah.Even when Leah was obviously offended/upset by her comments, Ruby didn't seem at all bothered about her feelings, which is a bit rich given that she's partly responsible for the hard time Leah's been through lately, not that she'd ever admit it.(By the way, Xavier says Mink is the last person he wants to kiss?Step forward, Romeo, it could be your lucky day...)Miles gets some good moments once again, especially with his reluctance to let Leah try out her self-defence on him.

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My thoughts exactly Red, about why Mink feels so angry about Romeo wasting the two years she was in juvie when he could have been at school finishing his education. He only decides to go back now she is out, though to be fair, he had been thinking of it before she showed up. Did their mum run off after killing their stepdad so it was down to either of them to take the blame? Maybe as Mink was the eldest she felt she should admit to it so as not to mess up his life.

Agree about Martha now that she isn't pregnant suddenly throwing herself at Liam again, no wonder he seemed wary, he might not be so lucky next time. He did seem to appear to take responsibility if the baby had been his, which is good.

The way Leah was denying her growing feelings towards Elijah made me think of that well known phrase 'methinks the lady doth protest too much'. Why shouldn't she feel that way about him, he is a reverend not a priest. She did seem more confident in herself, loved the way she tried out her self defence move on Miles and him wincing after she twisted his arm. :D

We will have to wait to find out about the bombshell Xavier overheard as H&A isn't on tonight because of footie, :angry: but two episodes tomorrow. :D

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God, Ruby was annoying yesterday :angry: Teasing Xavier [who is falling back into the soppy lover boy he used to be with her, when I was just startingto think he had a backbone]. And sticking her nose into Leah's love life- oh how wise 16 year old Ruby must be to dispense advice to a 30 year old lady :angry:

I just wish Xavier would tell her to bog off, he's not falling for her tricks again.

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