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Warning to everyone who only watches Home and Away in the evenings, the following post refers to the episode shown at lunchtime today:

Still left thinking that this twist regarding Mink is a bit pointless.We already knew she had a good reason for doing what she did, when you boil it down the twist is that she had a...different good reason for doing what she did.And is "completely innocent" if you ignore the whole lying-to-the-police thing.Again, I'm left feeling that she has good reason for feeling bitter towards him, it seems he pretty much cut her out of his life and left her to rot and, as she pointed out, for all his protests he's quite prepared to do the same again.In fairness, he was 14/15 and probably pretty shell-shocked himself but he's had plenty of time over the last couple of years to go back and see how she was going.Mink remains her own worst enemy nevertheless, one of these days she's going to push someone too far. Despite her acting as if he wasn't there at the start, again she seems to listen to Xavier which is interesting...

Miles thinking that Rabbit is behind the graffiti because, um, she likes orange is a bit of a leap frankly. And he seems to be overlooking the fact that she was with him when he got the call about Colleen's place being vandalised, unless he thinks someone else did that one or she did it earlier than they thought.Loved his look of mock horror when talking to Leah.Elijah refers to his friend as "Reverend Johnson."Um...isn't that his name?

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God, Ruby was annoying yesterday :angry: Teasing Xavier [who is falling back into the soppy lover boy he used to be with her, when I was just startingto think he had a backbone]. And sticking her nose into Leah's love life- oh how wise 16 year old Ruby must be to dispense advice to a 30 year old lady :angry:

I just wish Xavier would tell her to bog off, he's not falling for her tricks again.

Can't Xavier be both? A guy with backbone (as you say Miranda) when chatting with Romeo and Mink and his mum and then, as soon as Ruby comes along, he becomes her soppy lover boy. Not unusual in teenage boys - they think they're in love!!!

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Miles thinking that Rabbit is behind the graffiti because, um, she likes orange is a bit of a leap frankly. And he seems to be overlooking the fact that she was with him when he got the call about Colleen's place being vandalised, unless he thinks someone else did that one or she did it earlier than they thought.Loved his look of mock horror when talking to Leah.Elijah refers to his friend as "Reverend Johnson."Um...isn't that his name?

Spot on, all of that. :lol:

Miles has had me cracked up this week, in fact I think I'm starting to develop a bit of crush on him. :wub: If only I could take some scissors to that barnet of his, he'd be the one for me.

Though, I'm also liking Romeo. It feels wrong as he's in school uniform now, but the actor is a few months older than me. :lol: Really liking his growing relationships with the older characters as well.

Quite liking Leah having a more positive storyline as well. I love it when people develop feelings for someone and totally freak out over it, so the storyline is pretty realistic.

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Can't Xavier be both? A guy with backbone (as you say Miranda) when chatting with Romeo and Mink and his mum and then, as soon as Ruby comes along, he becomes her soppy lover boy. Not unusual in teenage boys - they think they're in love!!!

I just think he's a better person without Ruby, she is so manipulative :angry: He was better with Freya and even Mink, cos he argued with them and didn't stare with big eyes at them.

I am glad too that Leah is getting a storyline. I can't quite see why she is freaking out though. She's a single woman, presumably Elijah is a single man [if he wasn't, now that would be a storyline!].

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the third week running.(If he hadn't missed Geoff's last episode, after possibly filming scenes for it, it'd be seven weeks running.)Colleen was only in one.

Really liked that episode, apart from one plotline that I'll come to later.There was loads of nice comedy moments.Someone seemed to be deliberately including as many double entendres as possible, what with Miles and Aden's debate about who's got the biggest torch and Elijah commenting that Leah needs to throw him on his back.Loved the girls' talk scene between Leah and Charlie at the start, we seem to be getting a few more of them lately.Miles' reaction to overhearing Leah's confession about Elijah was brilliant("Oh my god!That is so hot!"), just beating Colleen's entrance for comedy effect.And the scene between them on the beach, with Leah clearly not knowing what to do or say("I like dipping")and storming off down the beach kicking the sand was hilarious as well.

Interesting characterisation of Aden, it seems as though he's grown up without noticing it and is slightly bewildered by the fact.Good that his and Charlie's macho posturing ended with them both realising how ridiculous they were being.(By the way, that extra with Miles' haircut seems to be working at both the surf club and the Diner.)Angelo seemed to be back to his happy-go-lucky best, I loved the way he coaxed a smile out of Charlie with his mock conversation, although given her reaction to his claim that she couldn't keep him out of her life, he might not get the result he wanted...Realism aside, I think I've now accepted him and Martha as friends, their scene together felt quite natural for the first time.

Inevitably, Aden is asleep when Rabbit makes her appearance.I'm assuming he could see the paint that Miles saw her spray on the van so someone must have been there.And Miles must have run and twisted his ankle so...Rabbit denying it and basically accusing Miles of hallucinating was an odd moment.I'm just going to go with the flow with this one and hope it all makes sense at the end, whether she's an ordinary girl, a hallucination, a ghost or whatever.

Irene experiencing empty nest syndrome is understandable, although as far as I'm aware she's still got Ruby living with her, but...For a start, everyone's suddenly talking as though Annie(and Jai?)is staying in Japan indefinitely instead of just being gone six months.And I'm really not sure about Martha in effect emotionally blackmailing Annie to come back and hold Irene's hand rather than spending time with her friends.And I'm really, really not sure about Irene thanking her for it, you would have thought she'd want Annie to do what would make her happy rather than coming back because she feels she has to.Guess we'll have to see how this one plays out.

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My thoughts on the last two episodes:

I can understand Mink's feelings about noone visiting her when she was in hospital after the stabbing (explains why she become so hard), but my guess is Romeo wasn't told because 'they' thought 'it wouldn't be in his best interest' and 'they' thought 'they knew what was good for him'. I'm also guessing that the mum went along with their plan, then did a runner. That guy from the sponsors was a right plank, didn't mind using her stint in juvvie to promote her, but when he saw her tat suddenly it was a whole different thing. Couldn't they have used it as her style in surfing? He was lucky he only had a drink thrown over him. BTW is it just me or does her skin seem very tight and shiny?

Rabbit - if she isn't real, how come the people who were near to Miles when he was shouting at her about the graffitti didn't look at him oddly because he was shouting at an empty space. There was also the scene when he was pushing her on the swing, wouldn't anyone have thought it strange he was pushing an empty swing?

If she is real how come Alf didn't say anything to her when Miles was cleaning off the graffitti and she was holding the ladder. Which makes me wonder did she 'borrow' a ladder to do it, it would have had to been done at night which couldn't have been easy for anyone on their own.

Did we ever see any paint on the caravan that Rabbit was spraying? I thought when Alf mentioned the paint looked amber coloured Miles looked the way he did because that was his daughters name not because of the colours Rabbit wore. Agree Red it was convienent that Aden was asleep when she appeared or not as the case may be.

Liking Leah's confusion about the way she should or shouldn't be feeling about Elijah, nice girly chat between her and Charlie, just what she needs. I did have to smile :D though when Elijah suggested to her that when she feels panicky just to think of them walking along the beach to calm herself down. The way she is feeling I would have thought it would have the exact opposite effect. :blush: Another smile moment was when she was confessing to Irene quietly (or so she thought) and both Miles and Colleen overheard causing much blushing and embarrassement. I also spotted Miles' double in the Diner, actually right behind him!

A bit of a relief that Charlie has finally decided to actually talk to Angelo, loved his one way conversation with himself, they couldn't have carried on that like that and worked effectively.

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Can't Xavier be both? A guy with backbone (as you say Miranda) when chatting with Romeo and Mink and his mum and then, as soon as Ruby comes along, he becomes her soppy lover boy. Not unusual in teenage boys - they think they're in love!!!

I just think he's a better person without Ruby, she is so manipulative :angry: He was better with Freya and even Mink, cos he argued with them and didn't stare with big eyes at them.

Good point. I didn't think of that. But does make him a poor actor, as people have suggested?

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No Brian, I don't think Xavier is a poor actor. Its hard to tell as I haven't seen him in any other shows.

Charlie and Aden's macho posturing was so funny!

That sponsor bloke who Mink threw a drink over: he looked SO familiar, who was he? Red Ranger, get your stats out!

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