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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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That sponsor bloke who Mink threw a drink over: he looked SO familiar, who was he? Red Ranger, get your stats out!

The actor in question is named Rel Hunt.I checked his IMDb profile, only things that really stuck out were stints on Heartbreak High and Blue Water High, a guest spot on Farscape and a 2006 Macbeth film.David Jones-Roberts on the other hand I don't think has appeared on any other shows but I do think his acting has improved a lot since he first joined the show, he seems to be equally adept at the comedy and dramatic stuff these days which other castmembers seem to have trouble switching between...

I can kind of see where the sponsor guy was coming from, he was after "Teenage criminal makes good" not "I killed my dad and I'm proud of it."Hard to tell whether Mink deliberately sabotaged the meeting, either to teach Romeo a lesson or because of basic self-destructiveness, or whether she just takes offence easily.I can understand Romeo not knowing about Mink being stabbed but the fact he didn't see her at all doesn't really say much for him:He said he wrote to her but I'm not sure if they even met in person between her going to juvie and her turning up on Miles' doorstep.It seems to be one of those cases where you do someone a favour and they respond by getting embarrassed and avoiding you.They're quite a dysfunctional pair really, I get the feeling they both want a family relationship but can't bring themselves to go there:She doesn't want him to know how much what happened affected her so she hides it with aggression and he doesn't really know how to deal with her and ends up looking the other way when things get difficult.

Nicole asked Aden's opinion about fashion?!Seriously, what was she thinking?Poor schluck inevitably ends up doing the "dumb guy" thing and offending her without really knowing what he's said.First impression of Britt is she's a bit of a prima donna, flouncing into the school and the casual way she seemed to greet Aden and dismiss him in the same breath.She did manage to increase Nicole's confidence a bit though.

Does it even need saying once again how brilliant Miles was in that episode?I could pretty much mention everything he did but I'll stick to his little bow and then crossing himself when saying goodbye to Elijah, the way he points at himself and goes "Hello?" when Leah says she'll sound stupid and "It's like walking under a black cat."Leah's way of dealing with Elijah could actually work in her favour if she's willing to face crowds rather than spend time alone with him(that made more sense in my head...).But when Miles turned up at Elijah's room at the end, you just knew he was going to put his foot in it...

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I can kind of see where the sponsor guy was coming from, he was after "Teenage criminal makes good" not "I killed my dad and I'm proud of it."Hard to tell whether Mink deliberately sabotaged the meeting, either to teach Romeo a lesson or because of basic self-destructiveness, or whether she just takes offence easily.I can understand Romeo not knowing about Mink being stabbed but the fact he didn't see her at all doesn't really say much for him:He said he wrote to her but I'm not sure if they even met in person between her going to juvie and her turning up on Miles' doorstep.It seems to be one of those cases where you do someone a favour and they respond by getting embarrassed and avoiding you.They're quite a dysfunctional pair really, I get the feeling they both want a family relationship but can't bring themselves to go there:She doesn't want him to know how much what happened affected her so she hides it with aggression and he doesn't really know how to deal with her and ends up looking the other way when things get difficult.

Does it even need saying once again how brilliant Miles was in that episode?I could pretty much mention everything he did but I'll stick to his little bow and then crossing himself when saying goodbye to Elijah, the way he points at himself and goes "Hello?" when Leah says she'll sound stupid and "It's like walking under a black cat."Leah's way of dealing with Elijah could actually work in her favour if she's willing to face crowds rather than spend time alone with him(that made more sense in my head...).But when Miles turned up at Elijah's room at the end, you just knew he was going to put his foot in it...

I think that it is so unfair of Romeo not to go to be Mink's manager. He ignored her in juvie and since she got out and now does not want to know when she comes to see him. No wonder she has this attitude, but it has made her quite an interesting character to watch - such a contrast to the rest of Summer Bay residents. I agree that they want a family relationship and Romeo's excuse about going back to school doesn't hold. He seems to be so out of place there and not just because of his height. But I suppose they have to find a way of keeping him there to be with Annie, now that he can't teach surfing any more.

Agree about Miles - hilarious. Wonderful one-liners and actions!

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I did like the conversation when Martha tried to offer Angelo relationship advice on Friday but it still felt a little bit weird. I have to say I really didn’t like Martha emailing Annie like that. She should have just let Annie enjoy herself. Even though it was only one scene I really enjoyed the interaction with Charlie and Leah and the teasing about Elijah. I always really like these two together. Aden’s conversation with Charlie kind of felt like a reversal of their conversation before this time with Charlie offering advice and her equally being the last person you would want doing that. I thought that macho stuff with them beforehand was a bit silly. A bit disappointed she still wants to keep her distance from Angelo but he should just leave it for now.

:lol: - At the announcer at the beginning of yesterday evening’s episode regarding Mink. Firstly I think it was incredibly stupid her throwing away an opportunity like that and I hated the way she acted towards that guy but anyway I’ve kind of changed my opinion about her now and I actually feel really sorry for her especially considering what she went through at prison. I actually have a better opinion of her than I do of Romeo. I can’t believe he didn’t go and see her considering that she was completely innocent. If it hadn’t been for the fact that their mother is mentally unstable I would be tempted to completely blame her as most parents would want to protect their kids. I actually don’t think it’s entirely fair of Mink to expect Romeo to be his manager but even if it was I’m not surprised he’s not going with her. His actions show there is a certain level of selfishness even though they are understandable. I was a bit disappointed Xavier wasn’t present at Mink’s goodbye dinner. I know he hasn’t particularly liked her but I felt he was feeling a little more sympathetic towards her after her found out she took the rap for her mother and as I mentioned before I do like their scenes together. I really hope she isn’t going because I feel she is a character that has potential and although I didn’t like her at first I do feel more and more compelled to watch her now.

Nicole didn’t surprise me asking Aden about her designs. Regardless of whether he knows what he’s talking about he’s her boyfriend, who else was she going to ask first? Anyway I’m really glad she has potential, she seemed so happy too. I don’t mind these two together now. I don’t think the relationship is being rubbed too much in our faces and I like how they talk about things.

Miles was so funny (both on Friday and yesterday). To reiterate previous remarks his one-liners (such as when he overheard Leah telling Irene she had feelings for Elijah and then when Colleen heard and Leah said she might as well call her mother) and in particular his expression to Elijah at the end when he put his foot in it were classic. I’m not particularly blaming Kirsty for making him boring (as I agree with remarks that the negative effect their relationship had on him was due mainly to writing) but have to agree with comments that since she left his character’s been a lot better. Anyway it will be interesting to see how Elijah is around Leah now and how Miles is going to break the news that he let the cat out of the bag.

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Thanks for that Ranger, old bean :) That actor just looked so familiar.

Oh, classic Miles! Telling Elijah that Leah fancies him before she did! A soap opera cliche but true to life, I think :lol:

So glad Nic has impressed that fashion designer.... but my spider senses are alerted. Why does the fashion designer need Nic to send her a copy of her design? Is she planning to steal it and say it is her own? :huh:

Poor Aden. Didn't Nic realise that when he commented on her design, that WAS him being enthusiastic?! He is Aden, after all. He's not a follower of fashion :rolleyes: Give him a break!

I think the Elijah/Leah thing is a bit unrealistic. It would have been better if they had been around each other for a while without thinking of each other that way, then Leah suddenly had a massive rush of lust. I don't thinmk it was realistic that she fancied him from the moment she saw him, it just doesn't ring true.

Oh the other thing: I think Liam was disappointed when Martha wasn't pregnant...

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Summer Bay High seems to be doing very well in getting famous people to teach classes, first former rock star Liam Murphy and now a famous fashion designer - Gina must have contacts in high places! It'll be interesting to see how the Nicole storyline pans out - Britt definitely seems to be a bit too good to be true.

I'm also sharing the love for Miles' constant one liners and facial expressions this year - the writing and the actor are fabulous at the moment. I'm just hoping that his recent even more crazy than normal behaviour is not going to turn out to be connected to the whole Rabbit 'is she real is she not' question.

Also (not sure if anyone has mentioned this already) loving all the arial shots of the Bay that are shown in between scenes this season. They are stunning and make me really want to be there!

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I have to agree Miles has been brilliant the last couple of days! :lol: The look on his face when he realised Leah hadn't told Elijah what she said she was going to tell him - if the ground could have opened he would have fell in with both his feet in his mouth! And yes his 'walking under a black cat', superb, not to forget 'it's like lying to God' congrats to the scriptwriters. I saw his 'twin' again in the diner when they were all having that meal.

Poor Aden was put on the spot by Nicole, he did explain he was a bloke so what did he know about fashion, but why didn't she ask Ruby who is her best mate, who hopefully would have been honest and not just told Nic what she wanted to hear. Or for that matter Charlie? :unsure: I also have my doubts about Britt and her offer, is she going to use Nic then cast her aside? I could be wrong but could this be the beginning of the end for Nic and Aden?

It is known he leaves the bay.

That was a nice little dinner Mink, Romeo, Miles and Alf had, that verandah where they were must be another new addition at the Diner. She did kind of apologise about the way she had been acting and liked Alf's line about how quiet it was going to be without her. That shot of her on the beach did seem rather random, was Romeo able to tell from that distant that she was crying, if so and he ignored her it was pretty cold.

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Found it very hard to like a lot of that episode.To start with, I hate that Xavier betrayed Mink's trust like that.I could just about excuse him spilling to Gina, that seemed to be a case of him letting his mouth run away with him and finding himself backed into a corner where he couldn't do anything else. (Except lie, of course, which he doesn't usually have a problem with.)But to then go out and tell Ruby? Especially when, as Mink said, she's keeping his secret from everyone including his mum and girlfriend? (Then again, she did steal from him.But she gave the money back when he asked for it.)His "Oh, I've really stuffed up" speech to Ruby on the beach felt like he's picked up her habit of wallowing in self-pity so someone pats you on the back and tells you what a good person you are.And then I hated the way that when Mink came to the house he acted as though she was in the wrong for being angry with him for betraying her, twice.I really wish they hadn't involved Gina in this storyline, as soon as she turned up my interest levels plummeted, presumably we were meant to be cheering when she gave Mink her patronising lecture but instead I just wanted Mink to tell her where to go.If they're trying to make her into a font of wisdom who solves all the teens problems when she's made such a mess of her own children, I'm sorry but they've got an uphill struggle with me.Ruby and Xavier kissing...I expected to hate it but actually I didn't have any feelings either way, it was just something that happened.The comparison between Mink and Trey was an interesting one:Thinking about it, they were both aggressive and manipulative on the outside and fragile on the inside, an unfortunate combination which meant they rubbed people up the wrong way and then couldn't handle it when they got it back.

I found it hard to like Rachel at times during that episode, she seemed a bit snobby in her attitude towards Tony going for a job as a manual labourer, even if she did claim it was only because she knew he wouldn't be happy.He'd probably be happier doing that than being unemployed and he could always quit if something better came along.As he said, it felt like he could do nothing right.(By the way, what's happened to Tony's share of the bar?He was said to be co-owner when Bridget was around, even though it had never been mentioned before, but everyone's talking as though he's got no income now he's sold the gym.)Gina mentioning the vacant Phys Ed job last week was pretty much a neon sign but their last conversation was interesting, sounds like they've worked together before(maybe during Gina's first, disastrous, stint as a principal?)and it didn't go well.

Only good things:Miles and Elijah.And, of course, Rabbit.I loved the way Elijah looked up and said "Excuse us" before leaving the church.Interesting that he and Rabbit basically gave Miles the same advice.I agree with EmyKate that hopefully they're not going to say that he's only being funny because he's going crazy and give him some medication that gets rid of the humour and Rabbit and makes him as pedestrian as he was last year sometimes.Again, there seemed to be evidence both ways in the "Can other people see Rabbit?" question:She talks about Mink as though she doesn't know her, even though we've seen them together and if she's real you'd expect them to have been introduced off-screen, but once again we see her when Miles clearly can't, after he's gone into the caravan.

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I have quite liked Xavier as of late but he annoyed me yesterday. Like Red Ranger I could tolerate him telling Gina (even though I didn’t like it) because I was expecting Gina to reveal a big dark secret about her past and Mink would then relate to her so things would improve for Mink because at least she would have someone who could see where she was coming from and thus wouldn’t be alone but why the hell did Xavier have to tell Ruby? Maybe because he wanted to get back with her (and it looks as though he’s succeeded). It kind of reminded me of the time where Ruby told Xavier and Geoff about Charlie torturing Grant. I really felt for Mink again especially when she was with Gina but I’m glad Gina consoled her and Mink didn’t fight her off. So hopefully something good will come of this.

I was annoyed with Rachel as well but to be honest I should hardly be surprised. She’s only doing what comes naturally. It’s almost automatic. Last week (or the week before I can't remember now) I didn’t blame her because Tony was extremely impulsive but this time it did feel they were in the situation a while back where Tony couldn’t do anything right. Surely the fact that he was prepared to take a job he hated meant he was doing it for his wife and kid. At times it seems to be Tony tries he best, Rachel acts or says something out of line and then later on she just apologises and effectively brushes it over.

I also agree with EmyKate but about the overhead shots. I really like them and it’s a refreshing change from some of the previous clips they had just directly outside some of the locations before going to the next scene.

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I have really changed my opinion of Miles recently. I used to think he was awful cos he had that strange relationship with Leah and hurt her, then he went with Kirsty, who also didn't do him any good. But now he seems to have found his niche as 'Bay clown', which is lovely. Now I'm waiting for the scene with him, Xavier and Romeo clowning around together! :lol:

Also loving the beautiful aerial shots of the Bay, that helicopter certainly earns its keep!

I think its good Tony went for a labouring job to earn money, but come on! A man has to be under 30 at least to cope with a hard labouring job. All the construction workers I know say that their bodies are done in by 30 and really you have to earn your money by then or its too late. And dear old Tone is what, 45?

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Xavier is a blabbermouth isn't he? Mink said when he overheard her and Romeo he would talk and sure enough that's what he did. Gina would make a good interragtor, she would just wear them down by keeping nagging and nagging. I was like you Slade waiting for Gina to reveal a deep dark secret, but no it was just about her having to change her life when she was left with three children. She did do well with Mink though understanding why Mink had to act tough while she was inside, but now she doesen't have to and should let people in. That emotion has been building for ages and she would have had to let it out sometime.

Agree Rachel was such a snob, what on earth is wrong with Tony being a labourer and I'm guessing Miranda he would have mentioned his age to the company, but that is all academic as he is now going to be working back at the school, that should make Rachel happy. Wonder what the previous trouble was between him and Gina, dare say all will be revealed, he'll probably tell Rachel.

Spooky that Red about Elijah and Rabbit both giving Miles the same advice, but then she does seem a very wise child for her age (whatever it may be). Didn't she call Alf a grumpy pants when he was going through his bad patch after the riot?

Also agree about the new aerial shots, you could only see those pelicans so many times in a week. :wink::D

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