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Agree Rachel was such a snob, what on earth is wrong with Tony being a labourer and I'm guessing Miranda he would have mentioned his age to the company, but that is all academic as he is now going to be working back at the school, that should make Rachel happy. Wonder what the previous trouble was between him and Gina, dare say all will be revealed, he'll probably tell Rachel.

In all fairness she didn't have a problem with him doing the job because of what it was, it was because she knew he wouldn't be happy doing it because he likes to be academically challenged in his work. It is a bit pointless for Tony to go from one job he hates straight into another. But I can see why he felt like he couldn't please Rachel - at least he was considering his family unlike last week. I am interested in this previous trouble with Gina - I never knew they'd worked before.

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I really don't know what to say about that episode.It felt like I should like it but didn't.It had some good elements in it but they were buried under a mountain of missed opportunities, pointless elements and things that could have worked but were handled really badly.

Let's start with Mink's storyline.It's been bubbling along really nicely, giving us some nice insights into who she is and why she acts the way she does.Then she has one conversation with Saint Gina and suddenly she's happy and smiling and all her problems are solved, near enough.And then she leaves. Maybe she'll keep her promise to come back, maybe not.But it pretty much felt like they'd got bored with the storyline so got rid of her.The whole thing was all over the place:She storms out of the Diner when she sees Romeo with Angelo then she's all right with it by the next scene so I don't know why they bothered, we see her say goodbye to Alf and Nicole but not Miles.And the little bit between her and Xavier just shows what a great couple they would have made and makes her leaving all the more disappointing.

Annie's return.This greatly saddened me because I used to like Annie but I'm really not happy to have her back.They did a good job of ruining her before she left and now...She didn't seem like Annie at all, the cuteness and the humour were gone, she just left like some bland, characterless teenage girl who's pining after a fairly bland, characterless teenage boy.Everyone from Irene down seemed to be talking up Romeo and Annie as the world's greatest love story rather than two people who've barely spoken, let alone been on a date.And I completely lost track of how long she's supposed to have been away and how long she may or may not be going away for as soon as it was mentioned:She's been gone five months in real time, we were told she was going to be gone for six, she tells Irene she's been invited to stay on an extra three months at which point Irene says that means she'll be gone nearly a whole half-year, then she tells Romeo he has six weeks to stop her going away for six months.I'm not even going to try and make sense of any of that.Irene saying Annie has her own life to lead when she's just dragged her back there set my teeth on edge a bit as well.But worst of all:Annie comes back in the same episode Mink leaves?!Does no-one pay any attention to the contracts round here or do they just not realise what potential they have?First Jai leaves the week before Kirsty, now they miss out on the opportunity for Mink to add some much-needed spark to this deathly dull "love story" and actually make me interested in it.

Aden and Nicole:Actually, I've no idea why they're in this episode, they just have three scenes of talking about nothing.Knowing the spoilers, it felt a bit like they were foreshadowing something but in isolation it didn't seem to be anywhere near as meaningful as it seemed to think it was.

Charlie and Angelo were probably the highlight along with Xavier and Mink but that's not really saying much.I liked Angelo's conversations with Romeo, at least until he started bleating about Annie, there was a nice humour to them and it's good to see some different character interaction since they've hardly spoken before.Angelo's "direct action" may even have gone better than I expected it to, Charlie seemed to quite like it.

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I've already posted about this episode on the Fiver thread, so I'll try not to repeat myself. How is Annie's return being handled ? Badly, from a number of aspects. The beach scene between Annie and Irene was nervous, badly scripted and acted. I'll give A & I the benefit of the doubt because it was probably overdubbed. It's difficult not to come to a few conclusions as to why it's not working, but they would contain big spoilers. Just that line from Irene "Whatever you decide to do, I'll back your decision" Irene not try to interfere ? We'll see...

My take on the timescales is this: -

Annie was originally on a max. 6 months trip. She has been away 3 months, is now on a 6 week break (which wasn't supposed to be back in the bay,) and was scheduled to return for the remaining 3 months. So that makes 7 1/2 months to me. :huh: In our time, she's been away 5 months so far. She has been offered a 3 month extension so that would make it 6 months away starting at the end of this 6 week break. In our time zone she will have been away for a full year if this happens. Not good.

Annie's new, mature look is a bit dull. Hair has been flattened, and the dress looks like one from Charlie's wardrobe. Just wish she'd come back with a lot more confidence (the kind she was beginning to show before she left) and less emphasis on the 'look'.

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I actually quite liked parts of that episode.

I really liked the stuff with Romeo and Angelo. I was actually thinking this is duplicating Ruby offering Charlie relationship advice right before Romeo mentioned it. I wasn’t sure what to make of Angelo kissing Charlie spontaneously like that. I still think he should just back off and leave it for a while.

I was laughing at the scenes with Mink and Gina because it felt like it was a mild case of schizophrenia as far as Mink was concerned. It was almost a personality transplant. Nevertheless I still quite enjoyed the dinner, the stuff with Xavier and was once again annoyed they got rid off her (with the only hope of saving Xavier from Ruby completely flushed down the toilet) – Just when I was starting to warm to Mink too. Although I’m not particularly happy Annie’s back I was quite annoyed she and Mink didn’t meet. I would have really liked to have seen some interaction between those two. I guess I add Mink to the list of characters that they’ve brought in with potential for some decent character development and just when things have gotten interesting they get rid of her.

Forgot to mention - Annie returns, but doesn't go to see Miles about Jai. Why not ? (Don't blame Annie - she's just reading the script.)

I’m guessing Jai keeps in regular contact with Miles via phone/email. Still part of me was expecting to hear how Jai was getting on (and hopefully he’s found himself another girlfriend) but I guess he’s one of those people that disappeared never to be heard from again - I hope I'm wrong.

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Irene saying Annie has her own life to lead when she's just dragged her back there set my teeth on edge a bit as well.

To be fair there Red, it wasn't Irene who dragged Annie back, it was Martha who contacted her and said Irene was missing her.

I was confused as to the time she has been away as well and how long she will be away if she extends her visit. It certainly seems longer than three months which if it is real time and they are in March three months ago would have been December. I'm pretty sure she and Jai have been gone longer than that. If she does go back for six months wouldn't that make it nine months? :unsure: Why the sudden fascination with the beach BTW, first there was Mink and Romeo, Irene and Annie, Aden and Nicole then Romeo and Annie. :rolleyes: It's a lot to load Romeo with, effectively putting her future in his hands, suppose he does persuade her to stay, then they break up, he will take all the stick not just from Annie but also Irene.

Surprised Annie didn't mention Jai more apart from the brief reverence when she was talking to Romeo or they not in contact? She certainly has shot up which I suppose is ususal for teenage girls her age.

I don't suppose all of Mink's problems have been solved just like that, but she has made peace with Romeo which is a big step in the right direction and plus she knows she can come back to the bay and be made welcome. Maybe said her goodbyes to Miles off screen. Not sure how she and Annie would have got on when she was in bad girl mode. Liked Alf's line about having known worse than her in his time - so true!

The Aden and Nicole scenes did seem out of place, whereas the others were connected in someway or another.

The wry look on Angelo's face when he said 'I'm asking advice from a teenager'. :D At least he did do something, and Charlie didn't scream 'get off' when he kissed her and the smile on her face said more than words.

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So Irene has a talk with Annie about teenage boy/s. At least she was up front about the reason for it.

Pity she didn't have the 'other' talk that Annie needed 3 months ago (5 months our T.Z.)

Irene - "I've been thinkin' about your trip to Japan."

Annie - "Isn't it a fantastic opportunity for me !"

Irene - "Well... don't you think that you're about 5 or 6 years too young to be living in another county and culture for 6 months, without your family? You shouldn't be disruptin' your education and home life at your age darl'. Especially since your not exactly what I'd describe as a women of the world..."

Annie - "???? That's not in the script, I..."

Irene - "Trust me darl', I've been on this show long enough to know the difference between a well plotted script and a crock of ...."

Hasn't Charlie noticed that Annie is wearing her dresses yet ? Ruby must have by now, nothing else like that escapes her attention.

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^^ :lol: Not sure what I make of Annie's new look either - a bit boring just like the whole return has been so far. Such high hopes for a new confident Annie, an enthusiastic (at the very least) reunion with Romeo and some tension with Mink - but no we've had none of that. Disappointing.

I didn't like the chat between Romeo and Angelo - they really are scraping the barrel for someone for Angelo to confide in. First Alf - I really don't believe Alf could give 2 hoots about Angelo or his love life and now Romeo, a schoolboy who he has never spoken to before. It's all very bizarre. Angelo really needs a friend.

Aden and Nicole - what a boring couple. Every scene they were in seemed to have no purpose other than to make us watch them kissing. Yuck.

On a less moany note - I did like the stuff with Gina and Mink (however rushed it was) and the Charlie and Angelo scenes.

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I liked Annie better in that episode, although I agree that her "new look" is extremely dull and despite sounding really enthusiastic in interviews Charlotte actually looks pretty uncomfortable in it, especially during her scene on the beach with Romeo yesterday when she seemed more concerned with making sure her pretty dress didn't get sandy than anything else.She actually looks a lot better in a school uniform.Not having to put up with her and Romeo together was a big help, I rather like her friendship with Ruby and she had some nice screentime with Irene.I wasn't at all sure what to make of Irene's expression when she overheard Annie and Ruby talking, she might not have dragged Annie back personally but she seemed pretty pleased someone else did, so I was glad when she, and indeed Ruby, rightly pointed out to Annie that basing a big decision about her future on some boy she hardly knows and might well break up with a few months down the line is bonkers.Annie thinks she's in love with Romeo?Based on one serious conversation and one kiss?As Annie herself seemed to realise, it feels like she's spent all her time away fantasising about the cute boy she met and built it up into a lot more than it was.Nice thoughts on the time scale, idris, but the main problem is that a month back Alf said Belle had been dead six months, like she has in real time, suggesting their months are the same as ours:It would only work if Annie left 3-4 months after Belle died even though only two passed for us. Again there seemed to be a lot of missed opportunities:I was also hoping for a few words from Annie on how Jai's going and how they've been getting on, not a perfunctory "Things were a bit weird with him before we left", and I was expecting some reaction from her about her best friend sleeping with her brother, not for Ruby to just drop it into conversation as though they've already chatted.

I'm liking Charlie and Angelo while they're happy and relaxed around each other, hopefully it'll last a bit.Angelo buying some woman we don't see clearly a drink was a bit of an odd subplot, it just seemed to be there to show that Charlie didn't mind about it.Not so sure about some of the advice Ruby gave her but it was nice to see them talking again.Charlie going for detective would be interesting, it'd take away some of the onus of Angelo being her boss by putting them on different ladders, so to speak.I liked Angelo's reaction to the idea as well.His mention of Ross was a nice touch although it would be even nicer to hear what's happened to him, whether he's still out on bail, in prison or given a non-custodial sentence.

So glad that Liam finally got tired of Martha's mixed messages, I think most people would have got tired a lot more quickly.Having said that, he seemed to send out a few of his own:Given the way she was behaving, I'd have preferred if he hadn't let her jump all over him in the car before pointing out just how unfun she's being.The little scene of him with Annie and Ruby was nice, I've heard and in some cases started speculation about him hooking up with one of them but it suddenly occurred to me that if he's working at the school, even as a non-teacher, that could get him in a lot of trouble...

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I owe you thanks for 2 things in that post Red Ranger.

I was going to add another, hot off the press, fashion comment to my previous post, but forgot, and now you've done it for me. I was going to say there must be something wrong with Annie's new look if I was glad to see her back in her school uniform. I can understand why there's no massive change in Annie's appearance, especially her hair (especially if Charlotte wanted to keep her hair the way it was,

and not hack it off for her 6 weeks return .

) Anyway, you're the new fashion editor now. So that's a third thing to thank you for.

The timescales are all mixed up. Sorry, I missed Alf's comment a month ago. I think the best bet is to start from here and now. Annie has been offered a 3 month extension on top of the 3 remaining months ( = 6 further months away) of her exchange (btw, what did the school get in exchange for Annie ?) That will start from the end of this 6 week break. Don't know where the 6 weeks of this break comes from though.

A general comment on the lack of character/ plot continuity can be summed up in one word: the word is perfunctory.

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