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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Rather sweet of him to go and get that copy of Vogue for her. :wub:

Especially as he said the bloke in the shop chatted him up! I'd love to see that scene.

I like the idea of Romeo as Juliet and Annie as Romeo. At first I thought it would just be a re hashing of Lucas/Matilda in the school play again, but this seems to be better. And we know Romeo can play a girl okay, as in when he was pretending to be Xavier's scorned girlfriend and John came in suddenly :lol:

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Well, Annie and Romeo did seem to rediscover some of their old chemistry in their scenes alone together and I think I'm finally starting to get used to Annie's new style, or maybe the dress she was wearing in that episode just suited her better than the new one.I still think they take this "confident" vibe a bit too far at times though, I wasn't happy with her game playing and the way she kissed him "for luck".Romeo's audition was laughably bad and you wonder if they just hired him for the comedy value.(I did have a brief shock moment when I thought that was Jai standing next to him at the start.Although when they cut to the close up I realised he looked nothing like him.)Seeing as how Ruby's playing a boy's part as well, it seems like they're doing a full gender reversal play although it would be nice to have it confirmed.Maybe they just had more girls than boys sign up.

Martha seemed to take things a bit too far with her advice to Liam, she didn't seem to want him to tell the truth about anything, including his name.(Nice to have someone recognise him by the way, it makes this whole "ex-pop star" thing more believable.)They seem to be managing the "just friends" thing for the moment and Liam's probably right to put a bit of distance between them.(Where's he going to move though?Back in to Aden's place, which incidentally we haven't seen in ages?)

Kind of on the fence with Tony and Gina's disagreement:At the moment, it seems like they're both expressing their opinion in a reasonable manner, she's making the decision she thinks is right but she's letting him take it higher if he wants to.Liked the little girls' talk chat between Rachel and Gina which I don't think we've seen before.(I still haven't quite worked out where everything is in the new Diner, it looks as though they were next to a door and next to the counter but I didn't think there was a door there anymore...)I'm quite enjoying John and Gina's relationship, they do seem to bring out the best in each other and be more relaxed and good-natured around each other.And nice to acknowledge that older people do have lives.The last scene felt a bit out of place actually, as though the episode was meant to end on the kiss and it got re-edited at the last moment:We haven't seen Xavier throughout the episode, even when people were talking about him, and suddenly he walks through the scene without saying anything in a way that didn't really generate enough tension for a decent cliffhanger.

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Gina, what an example to her school's pupils. First date: Home Run! Is she too old to have gotten the benefits of a sex education ? Silent (so far) contempt from Xavier is just about right.

Just realised what's going on between Annie and Romeo. It's a game of chess where they're both only allowed to use their pawns. And for the last 3 (5?) months it's been like postal chess, but there's been a post strike on.

Why boxing and not a martial art ? I know boxing is completely out of favour with most education professionals, but would Gina be as adverse to a martial art being taught ? They all teach self restraint, the only difference appears to be that there are more dislocated shoulders and bad backs with martial arts; boxing just causes brain damage. Which most children think is what school is all about anyway. :rolleyes:

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I think we have had this problem with boxing being taught or not at SBH before. As you say idris what's wrong with martial arts, if Gina is so opposed to boxing? First diasgreement between Gina and Tony since he started to work for her.

Did love Romeo's 'audition', I did say a long time ago most of his bravado was an front for someone who was a lot quiter. Perhaps this means we will see him in a dress, Nicole could make him one after all! :D

Martha did seem to have her head more screwed on than Liam did when buying a car, I'm guessing that in the old days he just went to a car showroom and picked up the first brand new car he liked the look of. BTW I might have missed something, but what happened to the car he had when he picked up Nicole after Belle's funeral? He did make the right decison to move out so as to keep their friendship just that, too much temptation (on Martha's part) to keep moving the goalposts.

Rather sweet the way that Gina was acting all coy about the 'date' she was having with John. She did look lovely in that black dress and John didn't scrub up too bad either. Loved the way he was wittering on and digging a deeper and deeper hole, never seen him like that before. Now he is a single man again there is no reason why they can't date. I'll gloss over the 'do you kiss on the first date' to them walking out of the bedroom and her doing his shirt up and Xavier walking in. He was probably like most teenagers, can't believe their parent(s) still might have a sex life and the fact it was with John must have made it a lot more shocking. BTW did I imagine it or did Gina pick the flowers up from the floor when previously they were in a vase on the table - what could have happened? :blush:

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It's an understandable reaction but it's a shame they've taken Xavier down this route.I can see where he's coming from but he still seems like an immature brat.No-one's asking him to like John but he can't dictate to Gina who she sees and who she doesn't.Loved the little chat between Tony and Gina, they do have a nice sibling relationship and his reaction was great("At least he didn't come home five minutes earlier").I found it very odd though that after offering to talk to Xavier, Tony then goes and delegates the task to Rachel.I think it would have been better coming from him, purely because he and Xavier are in the same place, not liking John but caring about Gina, and it would have helped Xavier to see that perspective.Xavier's brain really must have fallen out of his head if he thinks threatening John is going to do anything, best case scenario he ignores him, more likely he'll tell Gina and she'll know he lied.

Rachel gave Leah some good advice and it's a shame she wasn't in the mood to take it.Miles did an okay job of trying to apologise but he really should have realised a lot earlier that his clowning wasn't doing the trick.I'm glad she eventually came round and sorted everything out:When Miles then proceeded to let Elijah's secret slip, I was worried they were going to go back to square one but she actually seemed pleased at the news, I loved the banter between them.

Couldn't really muster any interest in Nicole's storyline.Britt's obviously a pretty self-centred character, apart from that there's not a lot to say.Hard to tell if her hiding the truth from Aden is going to lead to anything or not.

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Can't argue with that Red, Gina is bound to mention to John that Xavier said he was O.K with them, but will John tell her what Xavier said to him, if he is supposed to be the new and reformed John he may decide to keep quite. I can understand he doesn't want to see his mum hurt, but she is a grown up as she told John they can take it at their own pace. Nice to see Stewarts Point again, sadly underused.

Loved Miles and his flag waving, :cool: :lol: even though it didn't impress Leah at all. It was a genuine mistake on Miles part, he thought she had told Elijah about her feelings, how was he to know she had chickened out!! At least after her rant she calmed down and took her own peace offering to Miles. Will he have room for that moussaka if he has his feet in his mouth (again)! So how is Leah going to behave with Elijah now she knows his secret? :wink:

Otherwise quite a quiet episode (saving themselves for tonight?). Britt certainly is a bit of a diva, I feel sorry for her bloke. Nicole fibbing to Aden I can kind of understand, but she could have said they didn't get a chance to talk, then she won't need to add to it later, which she is going to have to.

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AFter all my complaining about Marilyn coming back, it was nice to see her! Very brave to take some random bloke to hospital, he could have been a maniac or murderer. I wouldn't have done that.

I was thinking.... Marilyn and Miles, when they meet? How old is she now?

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Yeah. Miles told Leah that Elijah kind of liked her too. I loved her initial excited reaction to that.

Hang on wait a minute - “You really have to get over this John Palmer thing it’s becoming an obsession”. Uhm excuse me Rubes weren’t you the one who obsessively started a smear campaign about how a certain John Palmer was a racist and indirectly caused a race riot. I have to say Xavier really annoyed me yesterday especially the way he lied to his mother and went and had a go at John about sleeping with her (or having a relationship rather). For a split second I almost thought he was ashamed today - Almost. See, that’s what happens when you pair him up with Ruby. He’s reverted backed to the character I didn’t particularly like.

I think anyone who had been watching Five this week knew Marilyn was returning because of all the adverts. The last time I remember seeing her was during the book launch in London during 2001. I think Marilyn’s older than Miles but I’m not sure how much older. Five years maybe? Firstly what I don’t get is how did she even know Alf’s mobile number? I got the impression he was the first person she called. How long has Alf had that mobile for? How many people who knew Alf who left the bay would have it. Speaking of mobiles notice how Marilyn was using hers and driving at the same time. You could get three points on your license for that over here, a fine, not to mention you could face prosecution. I still see she’s the same old Marilyn i.e. she can talk for England.

Liked the chat with Martha and Xavier especially her “that’s tough” line regarding Palmer and Gina. I’m not sure about him staying there. Especially if it means he’s going to invite Ruby over every time Martha’s out.

I remember reading a few comments about people wanting to see a storyline with Aden’s brother. Looks as though they’ve got their wish.

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