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I think Miles is about 30. Marilyn was surely about 20 when she came along and went out with 'Lancie.' So she must be nearing 40 now?

But hey, Miles was 10 years older than Kirsty, maybe he fancies being a toy boy now :lol:

Although I am jumping the gun a bit. :lol:

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the fifth week running.

Marilyn's back.I remember last time she came back I found her incredibly irritating to start with then gradually got used to her.Hopefully that'll happen again because I found her irritating still.No wonder Justin was dropping off with her droning on in his ear.The way she was reintroduced was a bit odd:All three characters who remember her find out she's coming back in the same scene, before she even returns to town.And I think talking on your mobile while driving is illegal in Australia as well.There's a bit of a mystery about her return(Who is this Mitzy?What are the "really bad things" that happened to her recently?)but I'm having a hard time generating any interest.Marilyn is at least 10 years older than Miles(there was only seven between him at Kirsty), possibly as many as 13.She might fancy a toy boy but in the past she seems to have gone for older men, both her husbands were a fair bit older than her. As for the "This is Aden's brother, Justin, you know, the one he mentioned two years ago and then forgot about" cliffhanger...My first instinct was to think "So what?"There's a bit of a mystery about how he ended up injured and probably concussed in the middle of nowhere and him being Aden's brother is obviously going to mean Aden's involved, other than him being Justin doesn't really change things.

Xavier did at least acknowledge that threatening John was a stupid decision but he doesn't seem to have learnt anything from it.Either him or Ruby is a bad influence on the other one and I'm not entirely sure which:She spoke a bit of sense but I didn't like the way she then chose to play truant with him.Not too happy about Martha effectively condoning it either, getting them to chop wood aside, and wonder if it's because she doesn't like John either.Hopefully she'll talk to Gina before giving Xavier a bolt hole. Ruby and Xavier's lies would, of course, be exposed the moment Charlie and Gina spoke to each other but then again I'm not sure they ever have done so maybe they'll get away with it.I actually really liked Ruby's scenes with Charlie, it's good that they seem to be rebuilding their relationship at last.

Two things I've been meaning to mention for a while:Colleen is getting Angelo's rank right even if she still hasn't got the hang of his name and Charlie is now sharing an office with him again despite moving to another room after he got his promotion.

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Speaking of mobiles notice how Marilyn was using hers and driving at the same time. You could get three points on your license for that over here, a fine, not to mention you could face prosecution. I still see she’s the same old Marilyn i.e. she can talk for England.

I was wondering about that as well, though she did have very good reflexes when she saw Justin in the middle of the road. BTW shouldn't that be talk for Australia! :wink: Was that mention of her being on TV in England deliberately put in by TPTB in reference to her time in Emmerdale - it did make me smile. :D I think she was burbling away to Justin because (a) she was nervous and (b) also to try and keep him awake. She cetainly knows how to make an entrance doesn't she, could only happen to Maz. There can't be that many people who remember Marilyn from the last time she was there (10 years ago). I think it would be Alf, Colleen and Irene, anyone else anybody? Good questions there Slade about Alf, his mobile and how she knew the number, perhaps they have been in contact and we didn't know about it. I've read the same Red re Justin and his injuries.

I can understand Charlie being reluctant to tell Angelo about her impending visit to the therapist, though of course it will cause all sorts of problems when she has to keep putting off meeting him or covering shifts. Ruby was being the wise one again as it always has been in their relationship by talking her out of cancelling her appointment. Did my ears play me tricks or did I hear her call Charlie mum?? :unsure:

I have read that Xavier moving out to the farm isn't going to be from his own choice!

The secret that Elijah has about Leah is revealed this week, but not sure if it is Thursday or Friday.

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Did my ears play me tricks or did I hear her call Charlie mum?? :unsure:

I heard that mentioned on another thread and having watched the episode...frankly, if I hadn't been listening out for it, I wouldn't even have given it a second thought, it sounded more like an incoherent noise than a word, so I'm not sure if she was supposed to be saying "Mum" or not.

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I thought I heard Ruby call Charlie Mum too, aw, bless....

Quite horrible about Justin and his injuries. Its obvious its someone else's blood, but why is it the same blood type as his? Does it belong to a relation?

It was a horrible moment the episode before when he was panicking that he could have left a wife or child out there, crying for help :( But it was glossed over. Hopefully he hasn't left someone dying somewhere :unsure:

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Strewth, Colleen certainly knows how to hold a grudge doesn't she? She still blames Marilyn for breaking Lancie's heart after all these years whereas I'm sure he has forgotten all about it. Those little jibe about her looking 'well perserved' was a bit catty.

So Marilyn was a mini Super Nanny whilst in the U.K, wonder what she had instead of a naughty step? Lovely chat between her and Alf or as she calls him Mr. Stewart. :wub:

So that is one of Aden's brothers accounted for in the form of Justin, could that blood be the other brother's Sean? The last I heard he was in prison (I think it was him). Could it be Sean was on the run, contacted Justin, the car crashed, he got Justin out then did a runner? :unsure:

As we know Aden is leaving do we forsee a new Army recruit?

Quite a bit of an upset between Gina and Xavier, has she done the right thing booting him out? I suppose in a way it is as he won't be stumbling into her and John anymore and the distance between them may be good. Notice John gave a brief mention of Trey in way of saying he got it wrong in the way he treated him so wasn't going to interfere, but did give her some advice.

Nice scenes between Liam and Martha as well (glad he's got rid of that beard BTW). I was thinking the other day she is lucky it is him staying there the way she has been blowing hot and cold. Supposing it had been another guy she slighty knew and was playing those games things could have turned very nasty.

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Couple of episodes to catch up on...I'm liking the relationship between Aden and Justin so far.I think it shows how much Aden's matured over the last few months, a year or even six months ago he would probably have let a lot of anger and bitterness spill out but although you get the odd moment where you can tell it's there he managed to keep it in check.There's a nice underststed tension between them but also a desire to put the past behind them and rebuild their relationship.Justin's memory loss did seem a bit odd at times, at one point it seemed like he couldn't even remember if he was married even though he could remember other personal details, I'm assuming he can now remember everything apart from the accident.Also not clear if Aden knew where Justin was, I'm assuming that he lost track of him at some point seeing as how he didn't know he was in the army.The references to Justin knowing about Aden's court case seem to finally confirm his abuse is common knowledge now. Only moment that really didn't ring true for me was when they were talking about their father:I could understand Aden asking Justin if he'd spoken to him but to then go on to defend him when, as he admitted, he's cut him out of his own life and always shown such contempt for him just felt out of character.It was like they needed to infodump their family history for anyone who wasn't watching back then but some of the comments felt contrived and could have been scripted better.Also found Aden referring to him and Nicole as brother and sister very strange in the circumstances, I don't recall either of them doing that before.

Xavier's being a bit of a brat still but I thought Gina handled the situation really badly.Tony and even John gave her pretty good advice(and I'm hoping John hasn't got an ulterior motive...)and Tony handled Xavier well, just underlining that he should have spoken to him himself last week.But dragging him to the surf club and then ordering him to apologise to John was never going to work:Doing it the other way round might have had more chance at success but just springing it on him was always going to end badly.And kicking him out?I'm not even sure why she's done that.The plan seems to be "If he lives away from me long enough, he'll see the error of his ways and stop causing trouble."Huh?For a start, Xavier lived with Martha for several months and didn't show much of a clammering to return to Gina's maternal bosom...Not letting him dictate things is one thing but I'd have liked for Gina to be willing to compromise, maybe suggesting that she would carry on seeing John but she wouldn't make Xavier spend any time with him.By the way, Xavier's apparently turned 17 recently, which I think just about fits in with the ages established previously.There still seems to be a lot of sexual tension between Martha and Liam and if he doesn't move out quickly I think they might do something they'd regret.Although having Xavier playing gooseberry might help.

Marilyn still made me wince a few times and Alf seems to be the latest person to invite a friend to stay at someone else's house but...I get the feeling that all that jollity is a little bit forced, there seem to be a few too many subjects she isn't willing to discuss, as if she's in denial about something or maybe even running away from something.I hope so because having her dress and act like she did twenty years ago isn't working for me.(No offence to Emily but she's obviously older than when she first played the role.)Everyone seems to be making a few too many allowances for her:Seriously, she throws away perfectly good food that other people have paid money for her and no-one tells her she's out of line?

Well, Nicole finally got a chance to do some proper work...but only because there's something in it for Britt.She's coming across as a washed-up prima donna leeching off the talent of younger people and I think things are going to come to a head at some point.By the way, nice to see Miles in the guardian role again during his little scene with Nicole, much as I've loved the humour they've given him recently I'm glad he's still capable of being sensible when the situation calls for it.

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Quite a bit of an upset between Gina and Xavier, has she done the right thing booting him out? I suppose in a way it is as he won't be stumbling into her and John anymore and the distance between them may be good. Notice John gave a brief mention of Trey in way of saying he got it wrong in the way he treated him so wasn't going to interfere, but did give her some advice.

She certainly has not done the right thing booting him out. What a mother! Hasn't she heard of the word compromise? She is the only excuse for the adult part of a nuclear family in the whole of the Bay and she doesn't set any example at all! Compare with Neighbours, which has similar teenage angsts, but they have elder Kennedys, Robinsons and Lou (none perfect parents), but they are always there to offer guidance. The worst example in H&A was when Charlie asked Aden for relationship advice recently while he was working. Beggars belief!!!!

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