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Gina was so out of order. Xavier has a problem with John Palmer and that was obvious but kicking him out! Why?!?!

That did seem a little over the top that you would kick your own son out for a man that you have known for like five minutes, and all because he voiced his dislike :unsure:

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Been a while since I posted ;-)

I think Gina was right. It's not like she's kicked him out onto the street he's only gone to stay on the farm with Martha until he calms down. He was behaving like a spoilt brat it's non of his buisiness who is mother goes out with, perhaps now he knows how she felt when he went out with Freya! However, I think he should to keep his bedroom door locked at the farm...or may be not lol.

What about the storyline with Nicole and the fashion studio isn't that identical to Donna of Neighbours recent storyline???!!

TBH I always found Marilyn a bit annoying, I think it's her voice that grates. I reckon Miles will make a play for her and give poor Leah a break from him hanging around her.

...and who an earth does 'Rabbit' belong to, talk about precocious, she just seems to wander around like some lost child and is never in a school uniform. Was it just me thinking that Miles should keep his distance being a teacher you think he'd be more sensible and stick to school guidelines.

Gina was so out of order. Xavier has a problem with John Palmer and that was obvious but kicking him out! Why?!?!

That did seem a little over the top that you would kick your own son out for a man that you have known for like five minutes, and all because he voiced his dislike :unsure:

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Gina was so out of order. Xavier has a problem with John Palmer and that was obvious but kicking him out! Why?!?!

That did seem a little over the top that you would kick your own son out for a man that you have known for like five minutes, and all because he voiced his dislike :unsure:

Exactly. Psychic Wombat. Gina was wrong. You dont kick your son out because he was acting like a spoilt brat. He has always not liked John and Gina knows. I think she is going to come to regret it!

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So what do you do when reasoning doesn't work and sending him to bed without his supper won't work just put up with the abuse? I think Gina just wanted a break from him, even his friends are telling him he's out of order I have no sympathy with his position I think the time away will make him consider his selfish attitude.

Gina was so out of order. Xavier has a problem with John Palmer and that was obvious but kicking him out! Why?!?!

That did seem a little over the top that you would kick your own son out for a man that you have known for like five minutes, and all because he voiced his dislike :unsure:

Exactly. Psychic Wombat. Gina was wrong. You dont kick your son out because he was acting like a spoilt brat. He has always not liked John and Gina knows. I think she is going to come to regret it!

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Ok so he doesnt agree with her choice of partner, he has made that clear repeatedly and yet she doesnt take into account how he feels. Its all I want him in my life sod the rest of it. Xavier was kicked out and its for me out of order. Maybe she should have suggested it instead of saying you cant stay here anymore! I can't sympathise with Gina! She was determined not let Xavier head the same way as 'Hugo' did but she is kicking him out. How is that going to help matters? Sorry if I come across as aggressive, Gina's action just annoys me!

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I can only imagine that Gina is thinking: 'okay, so what I did with Hugo didn't work, so I'll try the opposite with Xavier.' We don't know, but maybe she tried to keep Hugo at home and it backfired on her or something.

I don't think I'd ever throw my child out, but Gina has been looking after three boys for years on her own with little support, one of them severely disabled. She is probably tired and worn out, needing a break and her own life for once instead of thinking of them all the time, which is what she said to John.

I can't imagine bringing up a child on my own, its difficult enought when you have a partner to help. I know my mum [a widow] was worn out by the time I was an adult and more or less left me to fend for myself after I was 18.

Its been hard on Gina, perhaps Tony should have helped out more [although he had his own family problems], or perhaps if they had lived closer together they could have helped each other more.

Its just the way of parenthood, never a right answer, always people saying 'you're doing it wrong' :unsure:

Not really having a go at Zetti, just saying what I think.

Anyway..... did I see sparks between Justin and Nicole?

I had forgotten how funny Marilyn was! I didn't like the idea of her coming back, but she has caused such mayhem already. I'm amazed that I'm actually quite similar to her :o in my eating habits and relationship background :lol:

I am surprised Miles isn't more open to healthy eating. He seems very environmentally friendly and alternative, and I'm surprised he isn't a vegetarian.

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If Hugo had gone the wrong way got mixed up with the wrong people then Gina should be doing all she can to keep an eye on Xavier to prevent history repeating itself. She hasnt though. And I respect your opinion, I dont have any problems with you stating what you think.

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I'm in two minds about Gina. She looked after Brendan and Xavier by herself (after her husband then Hugo left) and I'm assuming not having a personal life. Now Hugo has 'died', Brendan is at the community house and Xavier is now more or less grown up she probably feels she can now have 'me' time. Shame she had to choose the most unpopular man in the bay but it is her choice, but she doesn't have to rub Xavier's face in it. If she wants to see him she could keep him away from the house, surely he has his own place if they want to get closer (if you know what I mean). Even John suggested they stop seeing each other. Seems they are both stubborn though and it doesn't look like either of them are going to back down any time soon, even though both of are unhappy about it.

Nice scenes between Justin and Aden where they were bringing each other up to date. Justin obviously hasn't forgiven his dad for what he did (or rather didn't do) about their grandfather. Wonder if he has had the same problems Aden used to have with relationships? Did it look like Aden may be indeed be thinking about what Justin said about the Army? Side thought - Marilyn took quite a chance picking Justin up, he could have turned nasty and attacked her.

Marilyn certainly took liberties by throwing away all the food, she'd only been in the place one night and without asking beforehand!! Notice Miles and Alf both made their excuses and left without trying the new healthy food and left Nicole to it. :D Liked Miles line about her moving his bed into Alf's room. :lol:

Britt is showing her true colours - voice over lady echoed my thoughts exactly. Several people have mentioned the same story line has been in Neighbours, but for those of us who don't watch it, it is new and are wondering where it will lead. How long before Nicole twigs what she has done and what she can do about it as her name wasn't on the designs?

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Xavier and Gina's bust-up seems to have attracted an unusually large amount of discussion.I find myself with very little else to say on the subject:Xavier was out of line but Gina's response was extreme and I'm not entirely clear what she's hoping to achieve by it.

Anyway...What have they done to Annie?!Oh god, it's painful watching a formerly great character become so mundane.Some of her dialogue felt like something Annie would say, except it seems either Charlotte's forgotten how to play her or she's been told to act like that.And the rest didn't feel like anything Annie would ever say.Only her nervousness during the almost kiss felt in character.(And has she forgotten they've already kissed?!)I'd rather have been watching Ruby accidentally beat up an extra.Romeo's acting seems to have come on a bit since his audition.Maybe he was just inspired.

Michael(Charlie's counsellor)seemed to be forgetting about client confidentiality a bit when he went up and spoke to her in the Diner.Otherwise, he didn't make much of an impact and the counselling was a bit mundane(then again, at least they're not using it as a magic cure-all so plus points for that).Angelo gets all paranoid and is in danger of blowing his chances with Charlie for good.Odd that he now thinks the commitment-phobia was an excuse when he was the one that suggested it.

Yes, as everyone who watches both shows seems to have noticed, Nicole seems to have been given one of Donna's old storylines from Neighbours.(Then again, Donna's just been given one of Nicole's old storylines so I guess it's fair...)Britt seems to be a softer character than her Neighbours counterpart for the moment but no less self-obsessed and Nicole seems to be feeling that dagger in the back.Guess Aden must have used up his episode count for the week, I was expecting him to accompany her to the party.

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Anyway...What have they done to Annie?!Oh god, it's painful watching a formerly great character become so mundane.

I wouldn't have ever described Annie as a great character, but this drawn out stuff with Annie, Romeo and the play is mind numbingly boring. I have watched Home and Away for many years, and have never come so close to muting scenes before.

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