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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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What I think is really sad about the Xavier/Gina situation is that the only reason Xavier is opposed to the relationship is because he knows what kind of person Palmer is and he's seriously worried about his Mum being hurt, based on what happened with her last marriage. It's not like he's acting in this way because he doesn't want his Mum to move on. The poor kids only trying to look out for his Mum and for that reason I think her kicking him out was a really extreme, unnecessary reaction. Tony also gave up his whole life to raise his two boys yet we never saw him once feeling sorry for himself that he'd missed out on so much and I think that's why I'm finding it difficult to sympathise with Gina. Which is a shame because I think she has great potential and I want to like her.

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What I think is really sad about the Xavier/Gina situation is that the only reason Xavier is opposed to the relationship is because he knows what kind of person Palmer is and he's seriously worried about his Mum being hurt, based on what happened with her last marriage. It's not like he's acting in this way because he doesn't want his Mum to move on. The poor kids only trying to look out for his Mum and for that reason I think her kicking him out was a really extreme, unnecessary reaction. Tony also gave up his whole life to raise his two boys yet we never saw him once feeling sorry for himself that he'd missed out on so much and I think that's why I'm finding it difficult to sympathise with Gina. Which is a shame because I think she has great potential and I want to like her.

That is exactly what I was trying to say!

I missed todays ep :( will have to catch up later on

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I agree it was a bit uncomfortable watching Romeo and Annie lol. I don't understand Romeo's interest in Annie, she seems so much younger than him and a bit wet. Pity Annie couldn't have attended some acting classes while away in Japan...to help her in the play of course.

Re the Xavier/Gina storyline let's not forget it was Xaviers idea in the first place to go and live at his sister in laws.

I was amazed at Marilyn throwing out perfectly good food, I expected Nicole to go ballistic, weird she didn't. I imagined Miles being vegetarian but judging by how many scenes we see him eating I don't think he's that particular. Good old Alf had some good lines today :-)

Anyway...What have they done to Annie?!Oh god, it's painful watching a formerly great character become so mundane.

I wouldn't have ever described Annie as a great character, but this drawn out stuff with Annie, Romeo and the play is mind numbingly boring. I have watched Home and Away for many years, and have never come so close to muting scenes before.

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Re the Xavier/Gina storyline let's not forget it was Xaviers idea in the first place to go and live at his sister in laws

To Martha's you mean? I can see where you're coming from but thinking about moving out because you're too uncomfortable to see your Mum with someone you think is going to hurt her and having your Mum telling you to pack your bags because she wants you to leave are two different things. In Xavier's eyes, it looks like his Mum has chosen her new boyfriend over her new son.

I think Gina will regret it though and she was taking Palmer's advice which was her first big mistake!

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I think you're being too harsh on Gina [a few of you, not picking out one in particular]. Its hard being a single mum, she must be running out of steam by now and needing a break. There's only so long you can put other people's needs before your own, she's only human. People think parents are superhuman but they are not.

It would be nice to know what happened with Hugo when he was young and what Gina felt she did wrong. Because in the end it was Hugo's decision to do things, she couldn't be with him every second.

Where was his father in all this? All the Austins had a father, why is the father getting no stick for running off and not giving them a strong father figure?

I can't believe Charlie has a male counsellor, with her background and lack of trust in men. So unlikely! She would be better off with a female one, surely and more able to open up.

I think Annie and Romeo are boring... :blink: Their scenes only livened up when they were speaking Shakespeare's lines. And what is happening with the play? Are all female parts to be played by boys and male by girls? Because I saw that a boy was playing Paris, a male part. Its a muddle.

Poor Nicole, that awful Britt woman. Not only is she stealing Nic's designs, she's breaking her heart cos she thought Britt was so brilliant and admirable. Now she realises she isn't :huh:

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Where was his father in all this? All the Austins had a father, why is the father getting no stick for running off and not giving them a strong father figure?

He's not here otherwise I'd be giving him all the stick :P Maybe I have been too harsh on Gina. I completely sympathise with her situation and have experienced it personally - I just thought kicking her son out of his home was going too far. Up until that point I've felt sorry for her and I do agree that she deserves to have a life of her own now that her children are grown up. I just wish she'd take Xavier's concerns into consideration, he is only being bratty because he's worried she's going to be hurt again.

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Well said Charmed60 :) It is just one of my soapbox issues when people condemn an otherwise good parent when there are so many bad parents in the world. I know its only Home and Away, but I do like to get on my soap box :wink:

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I was not trying to single Gina out. Xavier has issues with John which are valid, John is not perfect & Gina has seen that first hand and yet she still favours John over her son who she should be trying to help not go the same way Hugo 'did', thats is what I was trying to say. She is human and makes mistakes, we all do but I think she went too far this time.

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Re the Xavier/Gina storyline let's not forget it was Xaviers idea in the first place to go and live at his sister in laws.

Sorry to be picky Psyhic, but Martha is Xavier's cousin in law. If there is such a term. :unsure:

Bound to happen I suppose that Michael (Charlie's counsellor) would bump into her at sometime and of course it had to happen in front of Angelo. :rolleyes: Charlie would have known when she made the appointment that her counsellor would be a man so she could easily have asked to be referred to a woman. Now Angelo has followed Charlie to Michael's he can check him out and find out what he does, he is a policeman after all and it won't be the first time he (and others) have used the system to make their own private inquiries, would it.:wink:

Romeo obviously played the confidence card too well in the past because he is really scared of being on stage in front of an audience and can't really tell people, rather sweet actually. When he rushed off to be sick at home, did he nearly fall flat on his face? Did like him and Annie on stage getting closer and closer, really living the parts, until of course they got interupted. Shame it's not going to last

as he drops out!

Poor Nicole just when she thought things were looking up for her at last she discovered she has been used and conned. She was so excited when she thought her designs were going to be in a department store. Will she get mad or will she get even? Unfortunately her name wasn't on the designs so can't prove there were hers. Did Britt plan to steal them or did she just size the chance when she had it? She couldn't have known Nic was going to bring her designs along that night.

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