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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Did suddenly occur to me that Nicole showed her designs to Marilyn before she took them round to Britt, wonder if that's going to be relevant...

Writing of Annie seems a bit schizophrenic lately.Sometimes she seems like an older version of the character she used to me, sometimes she seems like a completely different character who just happens to be played by the same actress.Leaning towards the former in that episode although she's still not as fun and entertaining as she was when this Romeo storyline started and it's ironic that everyone keeps insisting she's mature:When she was wearing that suit of armour(!), she looked just like a little girl playing dressing up.Next to that, Romeo's fairy outfit didn't actually look that ridiculous. Annie becomes the latest character to lose the use of her legs when a character walks away from them (although she probably couldn't move very fast in that get-up).It's good that Irene's still not entirely happy on her basing her future on whether Romeo kisses her or not but if she's going to fulfill her parental duties she needs to do more than glare at her and then moan to Leah.(I noticed that too, Miranda, about Paris apparently being played by a boy.Given that he's Juliet's alternate love interest, that could be...interesting...)

Angelo seems to be taking Robertson's lead in taking his work home with him, as he virtually starts stalking Michael and trying to catch Charlie out.This is not going to end well.

Ah, Miles.He can't keep a secret yet everyone keeps telling him them anyway.Rabbit gets another moment of precognition:Surely she can't be a simple hallucination?(Plus Miles threatens to talk to her mother, has he ever met her?Does he even know where she's supposed to live?)The viewer is in the position of knowing more about Vinnie than the characters:Miles understandably hasn't been filled in on the witness protection story, less understandably doesn't seem to have been filled in on the reasons why he went to jail.The way he dismissed him as a "crim" annoyed me considerably.

And did anyone notice they used the closing credits from the previous episode?Checked...somewhere and they did in Australia as well.(By the way, it'd be nice if the episode writers and the credit writers actually spoke sometimes.Having previously done similar with Martha, Kirsty and Amanda, Marilyn is now being credited as Marilyn Fisher despite twice introducing herself as Marilyn Chambers.I bet they miss the days when they only had to list the main characters' first names.Or no name at all.)

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Did suddenly occur to me that Nicole showed her designs to Marilyn before she took them round to Britt, wonder if that's going to be relevant...
- RR

Only if they were all in leopard skin.

Annie...I decided to look at a few episodes, from about 18 months or so ago, on YT. Charlotte was looking more confident in the role, and Annie wasn't quite as self-conscious a character as she seems to be so often now. I can make educated guesses as to why things seem to have gone wonky over the last 6-7 months, but I've posted enough of that already.... so back to the episode.

Hope this isn't a spoiler, but if Annie performs in the sword fights as expertly as she rehearsed her swordplay, it's going to be a bloodbath. Well, a few cases of bad splinter wounds at least.

The play could have been an interesting metaphor for their relationship... if the writers had bothered to develop their relationship into a.... relationship. The scene in Ruby's room was written as if it was children's t.v. show. Annie as Hannah...?

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Ah, Miles.He can't keep a secret yet everyone keeps telling him them anyway.Rabbit gets another moment of precognition:Surely she can't be a simple hallucination?(Plus Miles threatens to talk to her mother, has he ever met her?Does he even know where she's supposed to live?)The viewer is in the position of knowing more about Vinnie than the characters:Miles understandably hasn't been filled in on the witness protection story, less understandably doesn't seem to have been filled in on the reasons why he went to jail.The way he dismissed him as a "crim" annoyed me considerably.

More proof if needed (I suppose) that Rabbit isn't real, judging by the way Elijah ignored her when he walked in at the end. No Red, I don't think Miles has ever met Rabbit's mum who supposedly is in one of the caravans. Didn't she say to Miles "I like to see that"? I was surprised that Miles just dismissed Vinnie as a 'crim', unlike him really. If Vinnie is dead what would the problem be with Elijah getting together with Leah? Of course he may think it would be a bit too soon to make a move on the widow before he has even told her about Vinnie. I'm guessing, in answer to your question Mrs. Baker, that Elijah met Vinnie in his official capacity.Hopefully we will find out tonight. Vinnie must have trusted Elijah a lot to reveal who he really was, but if he was dying I suppose he figured he didn't have to pretend anymore. Did Elijah ask to be sent to the bay after or was it just coincidence that he was then sent there by his bosses? Had a thought on Rabbit and who she may be - could she be Miles' late wife as a child? :unsure:

Poor Romeo as if he wasn't nervous enough, the dress was bad enough but wings!! :rolleyes: The pupil who has adapted the play is either a fruit cake or way ahead of their time.

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Poor Romeo as if he wasn't nervous enough, the dress was bad enough but wings!! :rolleyes: The pupil who has adapted the play is either a fruit cake or way ahead of their time.

Aww i know im not surprised he was nervous and sick yesterday :( i dont know why they couldnt just have made Romeo "Romeo" and Annie "Juliet" it would have been a lot sweeter to watch :rolleyes:

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the sixth week running.Colleen was only in one.

That episode left me feeling very annoyed but I'll come to that later.First off, Elijah's explanation about Vinnie's death.All I can think is:Yay!That doesn't contradict that fan fiction I wrote!(If you squint a lot.) Made a few speeches on the spoiler thread about this one, the whole "Vinnie's alive, oh, now he isn't" plotline does seem a bit redundant but then it always was.Glad that Miles seems to be keeping his habit of blurting out secrets under control for the moment and instead encouraged Leah to go ahead and ask Elijah out.Quite sweet that when she bottled it he went and did it himself, although I'm still finding these two a rather unconvincing couple.

So...Xavier.He's kept the box secret from Gina for weeks and five minutes after he moves in with Martha and Liam, he's doing everything he can to seem as suspicious as possible.First of all he makes a big show of grabbing it off Liam who probably wasn't going to look in it or do anything else that would reveal its contents, then he draws even more attention to it by carrying it around in his bag and finally he decides to count it in the front room.I'd say it made Gina look inattentive but Martha didn't seem to find his behaviour at all odd either.Liam's assumption that it's drugs, when he doesn't even know Xavier's history, seems a bit of a stretch as well.

And now the really annoying thing...Marilyn.Not just Marilyn, the whole plotline.When Miles first snapped at her, I was left thinking that if I'd been in his shoes I'd have said a lot more a lot sooner. Marilyn was out of line, she's practically taken over a household where she's supposed to be a guest and showed no respect for anyone else's views or privacy.Miles went a bit far by telling her to move out although I could understand why he did it.I'd have liked it if he followed Rabbit's advice and set some ground rules.But instead it felt like we were supposed to agree with Alf, who I really didn't like at the end of the episode, and see Miles as being unreasonable and Marilyn as an innocent target for his frustration.(Even Leah seemed more interested in talking about Elijah than listening to his problems.)Does Alf really think that his "This house has a history of taking in people" applies to a grown woman a decade older than Miles who he practically forced upon him?(Seemed to be an editing problem in there as well:Marilyn is at the bar chatting to Alf, who apparently phones Miles, then a few scenes later she's back at the house storming out on Miles.It felt like it was meant to be the other way round.)If Marilyn's going to be carrying on in the same way next week, I am not going to be happy.

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Heya Am New Here - And I LOVE HOME AND AWAY - I use to love it when sally was in they i just left it now im back in the bay zone!! (see what i did there lol)

its great seeing myaline back in the bay, she is so funny - should i cut your hair, i love home and away and with them views that they have randomly in the episodes of the bay, - very good!! - i no it dosen't have much to do wid it! sorry lool x

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