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While I like Marilyn and am pleased to see her back I am finding her really annoying and am not surprised that Miles finally snapped. And at the end Miles apologised as he was expected to do and didn't even mention that she had thrown out his food. And Alf, who always seems to be either fishing or firing up the barbie, doesn't seem to care that all the normal food has gone. It would have been much better if when Miles and Maralyn had their chat that Miles had set some ground rules, especially him being able to eat what he eats in his own house! I'm hoping that in the future they might get on better, because each of them knows what it is like to loose a child and can understand the unbearable pain that it must still cause even if they don't talk about it much.

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Must admit I think I would have snapped like Miles if a stranger entered my house and started throwing my tucker away! I was surprised at Alfs reaction it's not his house, ok the house has a history of taking waifs and strays which Miles has upheld although it wasn't a condition of being left the house. And if Alf and Marilyn are such good friends why does she still refer to him as Mr Stewart?

@H&Alover I thought Hugo, Brendan and Xavier were brothers? Jack and Hugo are cousins.

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Wow, haven't visited here in a while.

Well, I'm finally up to date for the first time in... about a month. I'm finding H&A less interesting now, and for the first time since Cassie and Henk in 2007/8, I'm actually skipping scenes. Martha and Liam. Hatehatehatehate, I skip all scenes with them together, unless there's someone else there. Aden and Nicole's relationship... I find it sickly sweet. I've always wanted them to get together, but the whole 'I think it's hot that you...' thing is getting on my nerves.

Don't support Leah and Elijah. Annoyed at how pointless Mink's role on the show seemed to be, I was hoping she'd actually stay for a while, and wanted her and Xavier to be together towards the end of it. But no, it's Xavier and Ruby again, which I don't like anymore. Gina and John... That's just meh. Romeo and Anni- OH. Annie. Ugh. H&A messed her character up. She was like the only teenager who was innocent, wasn't really into the relationship thing, shy and sweet. But no, now she's just changed to the normal H&A girl, except more annoying. Anyway, Romeo and Annie- Also meh. Charlie and Angelo- now annoying. Rachel and Tony are pretty much the only couple in Summer Bay I like.

Rabbit... I love Rabbit, she is just plain awesome. She's my new favourite character for the time being. I have my suspicions for who she is, and I think I've seen others saying the same here. If it's true though, I'm disappointed, as it means that she probably won't be on the show for much longer... Miles and Rabbit storyline, just awesome. Rabbit and Miles are my new favourite characters. Replacing Charlie.

I don't really have much else to comment on. Nicole is just annoying me now in general, as with Aden. Justin? No comments regarding him yet. MARILYN! Ugh, don't like. Haven't seen her before, but... ugh... I hated how Miles was shown in the wrong, as others have said, if your housemate invited some random lady who got rid of ALL your food and replaced it with stuff you don't like, even though YOU paid for all the food you had, how'd you feel? Oh, I'm sorry Marilyn, I'm sorry for getting angry cause I wasted a whole load of money buying all that stuff for you to get rid of it all and buy stupid healthy food that's not worth eating. I think I'll just leave you to do it again and again cause otherwise, Alf will have a go at me for doing the sane thing.


Don't really understand the whole Vinnie stuff, as I never saw him on the show. Uhhh... Xavier, yeah, way to make yourself obvious with the money. I'm sure Hugo will be so proud of your amazing hiding skills. There is a thing called a bedroom, you know? Usually... People who live in the same house as you tend to walk into the living room at times. Crazy world, I know... Poor Xavier, so clueless. >_>

I'm gonna stop being sarcastic now. But really... Miles and Rabbit- best characters/storyline for me right now.

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Anyway...What have they done to Annie?!Oh god, it's painful watching a formerly great character become so mundane.

I wouldn't have ever described Annie as a great character, but this drawn out stuff with Annie, Romeo and the play is mind numbingly boring. I have watched Home and Away for many years, and have never come so close to muting scenes before.

I agree I never thought Annie was a great character either. I'm not even sure I feel she's a good character, I think she's ok (not bad) but that's it.

Marilyn is seriously doing my head in. She is so annoying. Why did they have to bring her back? And to think they got rid of Mink (a character who started off completely unlikeable but in the end had potential) so they've effectively replaced her with Marilyn. She can talk for England and she seems so much like Colleen but she's even more in your face. At least Colleen doesn't live at the Bay House so she comes in relatively small doses. It really annoyed me that way she threw out perfectly good food and replaced it with what she thought was best without even having the common courtesy to ask anyone about it first. The stuff in the fridge didn't belong to her so she had no right to do that.

That whole thing really annoyed me on Friday the way she went on in Miles's house. I was glad Miles asked her to leave initially but it annoyed me even more the way Alf took her side. I don't care whether Miles was unfair the fact of the matter she is a guest in their house. She should put up or shut up.

I really liked Leah taking the initiative with Elijah and asking him out. Really not sure what to make of all this stuff with Vinnie. I could never understand why they even did the witness protection stuff in the first place if the actor was never coming back. Surely it would have been better if he had simply remained dead after the fire at the prison.

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@H&Alover I thought Hugo, Brendan and Xavier were brothers? Jack and Hugo are cousins.

I think H&Alover was meaning that it was Jack that Martha was married to.She was just living with Hugo.

Yes Psychic you said that Xavier was moving in with his sister-in-law, but Hugo and Martha weren't married. As for Marilyn calling Alf Mr. Stewart, Sally used to do the same thing, generation thing I think.

Anyway onto Friday. Wow what a revalation about poor Vinnie. No wonder Elijah feels so torn. At least he answered my question about why he came to the bay. Miles might not be the msot stable right now but he was right, Elijah should tell Leah before they get too involved. If he does that then of course brings up the very tricky matter whether or not Leah should tell VJ. Personally I think she should (we all know how secrets in soaps have a nasty way of coming out). He is old enough now to understand if she explains it properly.

The way I remember it Red is Alf and Miles were in the kitchen, Miles was having a rant because he couldn't find any proper food, Marilyn comes in, Miles shouts at her (quite understandibly IMO) and storms out. Later on Miles and Rabbit are talking and she tells him to set some ground rules, Marilyn reappears (ignoring Rabbit completely BTW, even when she was standing right next to her), Miles and Marilyn sit down, he tries to get his word in, but she then has a go at him. Next thing we see is Marilyn in the surf club telling Alf she is going to look for somewhere to live. Then as you say he phones Miles, next time he is talking to Miles outside and Miles says he will apologise to Marilyn. Sweet as Marilyn is, she can be very overpowering, I think even Alf isn't happy about the change of food and his face when she suggested Pilates, ! :D

Don't forget Red when Xavier had the money at his house (or rather Martha's) the money was hidden in his bedroom where Gina wouldn't find it so she wasn't really inattentive in that respect. It did make it look very suspicious the way he was so protective of The Box (perhaps he thought Liam would drop it and all the money would fall out) :unsure: and of course Liam being an ex druggie it would get his antenne twitching. So what is Xavier going to do now that he has overheard them talking?

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The way I remember it Red is Alf and Miles were in the kitchen, Miles was having a rant because he couldn't find any proper food, Marilyn comes in, Miles shouts at her (quite understandibly IMO) and storms out. Later on Miles and Rabbit are talking and she tells him to set some ground rules, Marilyn reappears (ignoring Rabbit completely BTW, even when she was standing right next to her), Miles and Marilyn sit down, he tries to get his word in, but she then has a go at him. Next thing we see is Marilyn in the surf club telling Alf she is going to look for somewhere to live. Then as you say he phones Miles, next time he is talking to Miles outside and Miles says he will apologise to Marilyn. Sweet as Marilyn is, she can be very overpowering, I think even Alf isn't happy about the change of food and his face when she suggested Pilates, ! :D

What I remember is...Alf and Miles in kitchen, Miles shouts at Marilyn, later Miles and Rabbit are talking, Marilyn comes in, Miles tries to talk to her but she ends up winding him up again so he tells her to leave.Later Marilyn is at the surf club telling Alf what happened and he goes to phone miles.Then, we see Miles talking to Rabbit at the house and she reminds him he was supposed to talk things over calmly.Marilyn comes through(from the interior door), Miles tries to say he doesn't want her to leave but she says she isn't going to stay where she isn't wanted.Then, as you say, we see Alf having a go at Miles and him apologising to Marilyn.It definitely looked as though that scene was meant to be before the surf club scene.(Incidentally, if it was that would make Marilyn seem even more unsympathetic, if she'd gone to Alf after Miles had tried to apologise...)

Nice to hear from you again, comfan, thought we'd lost you.To briefly recap the Vinnie saga:Vinnie was Leah's first husband, he was arrested just after VJ was born for a fraud committed by his father, he couldn't prove his innocence and was jailed for 18 months, a few months later Leah got a call saying he had died in a fire at the prison, about a year and a half after that the police told Leah that Vinnie was alive in witness protection and was only meant to be in there for a short while but now it was clear it was permanent and he wanted her and VJ to join him, she decided she couldn't give her old life up, then as Elijah said Vinnie turned up at VJ's birthday party disguised in a bear suit and left a farewell note for Leah(which was about five years ago).Clear?Oh.

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Ahh, I see. Thank you for that explanation Red Ranger 1. ^^ And no, you haven't lost me, just a bit difficult to take part in discussion here when real life prevents me from watching at normal time. :P I usually find myself with 5 episodes to watch every weekend. If I go on here, I'm tempted to read posts and have it spoiled for me, which kinda defies the point of watching.

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I personally don't understand why there was any need to kill off the character of Vinnie. He was already in witness protection they could of just left it like that with out killing him off. :(

I know the real actor is starring in True Blood at the moment however I feel it is a wasted opportunity. I just think it is a silly plot device to make the romance between Elijah and Leah interesting and difficult :angry:

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I'm really not sure what to make of Justin, his army recruitment spiels seem to be getting more and more aggressive and I'm a bit worried about his attitude towards Nicole, it almost feels like he sees her as getting between him and Aden.On the other hand, he did give her some pretty good advice at the end, assuming it wasn't just an act.Seemed a bit odd that he asked Marilyn about her, given that she hasn't known Nicole any longer than he has:Okay, they live together but only for about a week. Nicole opening up to Ruby was a good scene, whatever her other faults Ruby can be a good friend at times and although I think she overstepped the mark by giving Aden the "Nicole's got something to tell you" line, I do agree that Nicole should tell him, since it's causing tension between them and he doesn't know why.I was willing Nicole to say something to Britt when she went to see her at school but she ended up bottling it again, she really should have listened to Ruby and either confronted her or asked someone for legal advice.

Xavier's explanation for the box to Martha actually sounded a lot more convincing than the first one and if Liam hadn't already thrown the drugs idea out there she might have just accepted it.Kind of in two minds about Xavier hiding the box in the roof, it might have made it harder for Martha to find if she hadn't heard rats up there a few...seconds later but if she was curious about it she'd have gone looking anyway.Although I liked the interplay between him and Gina and indeed him and Xavier, Tony seemed to spend the whole episode giving everyone terrible and contradictory advice:He tells Gina not to talk to Xavier, then tells Xavier to talk to Gina, which couldn't have gone worse if he'd tried.Even though he acknowledges the fact, he still seems to think he can solve this when he'd probably be better off backing off.Ruby gives Xavier some decent advice, watching the episode you could actually think they were just friends which is probably how it should have stayed.(Xavier's now playing the nurse in the play, a fact that just gets dropped in.)Liam telling Gina his drugs theory against Martha's advice probably isn't going to help much either.

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