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Bloomin’ Heck ! The scene in the diner today was one of the first between Romeo and Annie, since she returned, that I have enjoyed. Mainly because Annie reacted as she should have reacted all along to Romeo’s preciousness. I did think for a time that his nerves had some deeper cause than stage fright.

They may still, but her humorous derision was the right reaction, and may be the beginning of getting some of her self respect back. It may also help him get over himself and his ego. I think I’ll describe her facial expression, about 10 seconds after saying “are you joking me,” as a spuffle. I think Romeo would have benefited from a lot more spuffling aimed his way. In fact, I think things would have worked out better all round if Martha had given him a bleeping-good spuffling over when he first appeared before her on the beach.

If it is just stage fright, what are the chances that he’ll admit, in a few weeks time, that he isn’t in love with Annie - he’s just been confusing man-flu symptoms with love-sickness ?

Whoever loves, if he do not propose the right true end of love, he's one that goes to sea for nothing but to make him sick.

Going back a bit to his conversation with Nicole over breakfast and his “I know what I’m doing” routine. If that’s true then he knows that he’s been toying with Annie‘s affections, and a good way to close their S.L. would be for Annie to realise this and dump him.

For someone who couldn’t read Shakespeare’s blank verse two weeks ago (“these weird lines“) Romeo has somehow, miraculously, got the gist of iambic pentameter from Sonnet 18. Only love, or Heineken, can do this. But, if it is love, is it love of Annie….. or Romeo ?

Not this episode I know, but all that lime green paint at Martha’s farm. Bought as an end of line job-lot ? Are there a lot of green lizards in Australia ? If there are, is it better to be able to see them, or not to see them, on the walls ? I think I can guess which Martha prefers. Is this the wrong thread to be asking this question ?

Finally Miles… is it me or is he becoming more and more….. fluttery ? I think the comic aspects of his problem might be being laid on a bit too thick if this becomes any more pronounced.

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I'm really not sure what to make of Justin, his army recruitment spiels seem to be getting more and more aggressive and I'm a bit worried about his attitude towards Nicole, it almost feels like he sees her as getting between him and Aden.On the other hand, he did give her some pretty good advice at the end, assuming it wasn't just an act.Seemed a bit odd that he asked Marilyn about her, given that she hasn't known Nicole any longer than he has:Okay, they live together but only for about a week.

Xavier's explanation for the box to Martha actually sounded a lot more convincing than the first one and if Liam hadn't already thrown the drugs idea out there she might have just accepted it.Kind of in two minds about Xavier hiding the box in the roof, it might have made it harder for Martha to find if she hadn't heard rats up there a few...seconds later but if she was curious about it she'd have gone looking anyway.

My thoughts exactly Red about Justin and his talk with Nicole, was there an ulterior motive behind it? It did leave her looking very pensive at the end though. Also about his asking Marilyn whether or not Aden and Nicole were serious, she hasn't been there long enough to know.

When you think about it Xavier was telling the truth about that what was in the box had been left to him by Hugo. He just didn't mention it was a load of money! Is Martha now going to think it is proceeds from Xavier selling and buying drugs? She is going to have to admit to him she found it and ask where it come from.

Did think Liam telling Gina about his drugs theory was out of order, he should have waited. Good that Tony is going to be a surrogate father figure to Xavier.

For someone who used to be so full on Nicole is being very insecure about her position with Britt, Ruby did actually give her some good advice, she does need to check out where she stands legally. Though as I mentioned on an earlier post her name wasn't on the designs Britt used and she also gave them a bit of a tweak so they weren't actually the originals.

On a bit of a lighter note, noticed that nobody seemed that keen on Marilyn's tofu dinner. :D Also on the subject of Marilyn she makes a shocking revalation later this week

regarding the graffitti and who is really responsible.


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The storyline with Justin was unbelievably stupid.The fact that his brothers had been abused as well was mentioned by Aden in the very first scene where his abuse came up, yet here we're supposed to believe that he didn't know and apparently be surprised ourselves.(I've heard it argued that Aden knew Sean had been abused but not Justin but even then:He knew his father had been abused.He knew his other brother had been abused.He knew he had been abused.Doesn't take a genius.)Even worse, they seem determined to paint Larry as a black-hearted villain who not only neglected his children and left them alone with a paedophile but actually stood back and did nothing after he knew history was repeating itself, which doesn't fit in with the way he's been portrayed in the past.I guess the fact Aden didn't try to kill Justin shows he's grown at a person...I was very disappointed that Nicole didn't go after him and make sure he was all right after she saw him and Justin fighting but then she didn't know what it was about and had other things on her mind.This storyline with Britt seems to be serving to keep Aden and Nicole apart and force them to deal with their problems on their own.I actually liked a Marilyn scene for just about the first time since she's been back, although she made a few daft comments she actually gave Nicole good advice.(Not an expert by any means but I think, legally, however much Britt adapted it and even if Nicole signed the copyright over to her, she is still entitled to credit and payment for the original idea and possibly a share of the profits.)

Odd that you say you liked that Diner scene, idris, because I actually preferred the scene between Annie and Romeo that followed it, when they were sitting in the grass and Annie's kind side seemed to be coming out more.I do wish they'd stop giving her "Why doesn't Romeo like me?" speeches though. The play director's little tantrum had me amused.

Martha seemed to make some even bigger quantum leaps of thinking than Liam did.I was expecting her to think the money was profit from drugs but instead she somehow jumps to the, admittedly correct, conclusion that it came from Hugo.Her little scene with Charlie was quite good and she seems to have ended up adopting a "see no evil" policy.Except that she has.Kind of.And while we're on the subject of continuity or the lack thereof...Does anyone remember Hugo giving her that ring?She found it in his belongings but he broke up with her without proposing and as far as I'm aware he took it with him when he moved out.Did Gina give it to her when she was sorting through his things or something?

It was nice to see some interaction between Miles and Angelo, Miles was the first person to give Angelo the time of day when he came back but I can't actually remember them speaking since.He ended up giving Angelo some good advice which he proceeded to ignore and wander into a romantic comedy instead.When Miles rang him when he was up the tree and asked if he'd followed Charlie, I was expecting him to look down and see Miles standing below him on his mobile.

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By Red Ranger 1

Odd that you say you liked that Diner scene, idris, because I actually preferred the scene between Annie and Romeo that followed it, when they were sitting in the grass and Annie's kind side seemed to be coming out more.I do wish they'd stop giving her "Why doesn't Romeo like me?" speeches though. The play director's little tantrum had me amused.

Normally I'd agree with you and I'd prefer to see Annie's kind nature. But I think Romeo really has strung her along, so, I'm making an exception in this case. Anyway, I don't think it's out of line, or character, for Annie to chastise Romeo under the circumstances. And her kindness did start in the Diner scene, when she asked him to come and get some fresh air, which led to the scene on the grass. So it wasn't all Nasty-Annie.

Why hasn't Romeo show a lot more kindness towards her ? I think she's gently teased him on a few occasions, mostly, I think, for reasons of emotional self defense. He's had countless opportunities to be honest with her, but hasn't been. I think she's been much more willing to open up than he has.

The last two weeks seems to have been all about his butterflies. I think, from the brief spoilers I've seen, that I know where this is going, so all I'll say is that the last 4 weeks seem to have been filler material, as were the weeks leading up to Annie's departure to Japan.

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Annie and Romeo are too boring for me to comment on, what a shame :( And as for putting Romeo in that angel outfit, that is too silly for words.

I felt sorry for Aden re: the abuse, but really, what about poor old Justin? Aden has had a meltdown, got counselling and loads of help- but has Justin? Unless he got it in the army of course. I felt sorry for old Justin, trying to make amends.

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We do know that Aden knew his brother(s) were both abused, but depending on how old Aden was when Justin left how could he have known it would carry on. Larry told him he would make sure it stopped, but of course he didn't. I think Larry was more weak than evil, which doesn't excuse the fact all three (or both of) his sons were being treated the same way he was. Strange how neither Justin or Aden mentioned Sean, almost as if he never existed? :confused: Obviously Aden equates the Army with abuse which is why he can't understand why Justin feels comfortable being in it, totally illogical we know. I think Nicole was going to tell Aden what was happening with her and Britt, but thought it wasn't the right time when she saw him arguing with Justin.

Although Marilyn couldn't help a lot, I think it helped Nicole a bit by getting a second opinion. Was that a hint of blackmail by Brit when Nic hinted she wanted to drop out? Stick with me and I'll help, drop out and you are on your own?

Quite a reversal of roles between Annie and Romeo, him actually having butterflies and not knowing what they were when not long ago it would have been Annie, especially considering how she was when she first came to the bay, wouldn't have said boo ot a goose, let alone act in the school play. I couldn't blame her when shw couldn't stifle the giggles.

Not sure if Martha was wise about just putting the money back, but perhaps she is hoping Xavier will tell her about it in time. Glad she rang Gina and ressured her he wasn't into drugs.

When Miles rang him when he was up the tree and asked if he'd followed Charlie, I was expecting him to look down and see Miles standing below him on his mobile.

I was thinking more or less the same thing. When Angleo was speaking to Miles and said he hadn't followed her, I was expecting Miles to say "Why are you up up that tree then?" then wave at him from his car parked in the street. :D Can't wait to see what Charlie's reaction is going to be tonight.

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I really enjoyed that episode.In fact, it actually made me like the two relationships I'm not sure about some of the time:Whilst I wasn't too keen on Annie and Romeo's solo scenes in that episode, their scenes together in the second half of the episode actually saw Annie regain some of her old spark and although I haven't been keen on this role reversal at least they seemed to embrace it.Whilst I wouldn't go so far as describing him as "hot"(and it would have been interesting to know if Xavier would...), Romeo actually looked okay in that girl's uniform, it seemed to suit him.Although you do wonder if any school would really let him go around dressed like that all day.And, even though it seemed to be either split or not done up properly at the back, would they really do girls' uniforms in Romeo's size?(Ruby seemed to be enjoying waving that sword around way too much, by the way...)The other relationship I haven't been convinced by was Leah and Elijah but again they seemed to feel more at home simply by bringing humour to the relationship instead of a bunch of supposedly "charged" moments.I loved the scene where he turns up at the house halfway through the beauty treatment, it actually earnt the kiss at the end which could have been terrible.I'm going to make the most of it though because I'm not anticipating the relationships being written this well in future...

I could see the humour in Angelo's situation and I'm glad that everyone apart from him and Charlie(and Michael)did too.("I'm glad you're not hurt so you can feel the effect of the butt-kicking that's coming.")I could understand Charlie's point though, he did overstep several boundaries by following her around.For the first time, I'm thinking maybe they're not going to get back together after all, his apology seemed to set them up to be friends and nothing else.And Miles has got some male friends! After spending the last half of last year surrounded by ladies, this episode he only interacts with Alf, Romeo, Angelo and Elijah and the latter two look set to provide some interesting new friendships.

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Just watched todays episode and again Irene doesn't interact with Marilyn! She just stayed in the kitchen. Frustrates me!!!

I really don't know if I like Ellijah, it's just nice to see Leah happy!

Oh, Marilyn knows about Miles!!!

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