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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Two minds but with one thought Red as regards Romeo and his dress. I'm guessing it didn't quite fit at the back because of him being broader than the average girl. The thought passed throught my mind too as to how the teachers would have reacted, shame we didn't get to see any scenes with any of them, especially Miles!! :lol: Romeo clicked as to what the problem had been Annie doing the chasing instead of him, although she denied it, then admitted he was a little bit right, which we already knew.

I did have to smile when Charlie asked Angelo why he didn't do a background check on Michael and his reply was "That would have been over stepping the line". :D:rolleyes: Excuse me when did that ever stop him or Jack and even Charlie herself doing just that in the past! Glad he took on the advice that Alf and Miles both gave him and apologised to Charlie properly. At least now she doesn't have to lie to him when she has an appointment with Michael.

When Leah was getting all excited about her date and she said about I hope it lasts, I'm sure I can't have been alone thinking Oh Dear, if only we didn't know what we know. :o Miles' advice to Elijah was right, the longer he leaves telling her the worse it is going to be for them both. The scene when he caught her in her face mask was funny, as if he would know what a waxing scream was, at least he has seen her at her worst. Lovely romantic ending with the kiss in the rain. :wub:

P.S. 'Miles' was working in the diner again yesterday.

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Okay...so...Marilyn can see Rabbit but only when she's asleep(and she didn't seem to recognise her, even though we've seen them together)...Rabbit may be Miles' dead daughter Amber...Miles is probably doing the graffiti himself but thinks Rabbit is doing it(unless that was what she asked him to help her with?or it was just that extra that looks like him?)...Miles may be going mad but then again might not and still seems perfectly fine most of the time...Rabbit might be a ghost...Marilyn has a dream catcher which may explain how Rabbit can contact her...I can't stand the confusion in my mind. Is that everything?

Back in reality, did Marilyn actually give an accurate definition of "in remission"?I thought it meant the cancer wasn't spreading, not that "they got it all".And what exactly was she drinking in the Diner?Do they serve green tea?Colleen seemed to think it was something stronger.Back to not really feeling Leah and Elijah but I loved the scene of him and Miles gossiping away, it's not often we see two men having that sort of relationship.Good to see VJ again too.

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Okay...so...Marilyn can see Rabbit but only when she's asleep(and she didn't seem to recognise her, even though we've seen them together)...Rabbit may be Miles' dead daughter Amber...Miles is probably doing the graffiti himself but thinks Rabbit is doing it(unless that was what she asked him to help her with?or it was just that extra that looks like him?)...Miles may be going mad but then again might not and still seems perfectly fine most of the time...Rabbit might be a ghost...Marilyn has a dream catcher which may explain how Rabbit can contact her...I can't stand the confusion in my mind. Is that everything?

Back in reality, did Marilyn actually give an accurate definition of "in remission"?I thought it meant the cancer wasn't spreading, not that "they got it all".And what exactly was she drinking in the Diner?Do they serve green tea?Colleen seemed to think it was something stronger.Back to not really feeling Leah and Elijah but I loved the scene of him and Miles gossiping away, it's not often we see two men having that sort of relationship.Good to see VJ again too.

Marilyn hasn't 'seen' Rabbit, she didn't know who she was when she followed her (in her dream). Just who are 'they' whose fault it is that Rabbit/Amber mentioned? It certainly does look like Rabbit is indeed Amber, she did tell Marilyn her name in the Diner (though perhaps not looking like Miles might have imagined her to look). It did bring tears to my eyes when Bryon appeared and Marilyn had no problem recognising him. Quite a few people (on other threads) have suggested Miles was doing the graffitti himself which makes more sense (?) than a little girl going up ladders in the middle of the night. Why though was he suddenly doing the graffitti in daylight when he could have been spotted by anyone? When Marilyn was dreaming she was walking along the beach and Rabbit/Amber called her to follow her and they caught Miles they went up from the beach down a slope to the caravan park, then when Marilyn woke up she followed the same route which didn't seem to make sense to me if she was at the house. :unsure: Is the caraven park bigger than I thought it was? I did wonder why Rabbit/Amber has chosen Marilyn to appear to (if only in her dreams) the only thing I could think of was because both her and Miles have lost children and she would be able to understand what he is going through.

I did notice Marilyn mentioned 'technically' she was in remission which could mean anything. As a rule I think remission means someone is free of their cancer for the moment, but it could come back. Does that also mean Marilyn was/is a victim of the cluster due to the contamination?

Liked the little light relief moment between Elijah and Colleen when she was asking him about what her 'friend' Collette could do about the floosy Sherilyn. :D Elijah obviously wasn't fooled at all and he said her 'friend' should forgive Sherilyn.

Can understand VJ's reluctance to be friends with Elijah after what has happened to Dan and Roman, he did thaw towards him later though.

Who was that phone call from that Miles took when he was talking to Romeo?

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I did notice Marilyn mentioned 'technically' she was in remission which could mean anything. As a rule I think remission means someone is free of their cancer for the moment, but it could come back. Does that also mean Marilyn was/is a victim of the cluster due to the contamination?

Yep that's right. Basically after someone has it confirmed that their cancer is completely, the next five years are called remission, it just means that anytime during those five years it's most possible that it will come back, if it's going to.

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Who was that phone call from that Miles took when he was talking to Romeo?

I think it was meant to be from Angelo, who he was with at the Diner when we next saw him?Thanks to everyone who cleared up what "remission" means.

Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the seventh week running.I think that beats that long run he had middle of last year.

Hard episode to discuss again because all of the storylines kind of intermingled with each other.Liked the little gossipy scene between Tony, Rachel and Leah down by the Diner, nice to see some fun interaction between Rachel and Leah again.Had a big smile on my face during Tony and John's verbal sparring, it's beginning to feel a bit like the sort of not-quite-friends-not-quite-enemies relationship that Aden and Geoff had last year and I'm rather enjoying it.The mental image of those two boxing is rather amusing...As ever, John's response to Gina thinking Xavier was into drugs was nicely ambiguous, he didn't seem to think it was true but I'm sure his detractors will think it was more him wanting a quiet life than him trusting Xavier and Martha.

Again, nice that Tony accepted he'd messed up with his advice to Gina but again, not sure his way of handling it is actually going to make things better and I wasn't too happy with the way he snapped at Rachel.Given that they've got a spare wing where Lucas used to sleep, I couldn't help wondering why Tony wasn't hanging the boxing bag and holding sparring sessions in there where they couldn't be seen by any passing big sister...Did actually enjoy some of Xavier and Ruby's scenes.See how she likes having someone else's illegal activities dumped on her.

Interesting development of Martha and Liam's relationship.I was glad that she eventually took him into her trust and told him what was really going on after spending most of the episode snapping at him. Glad too that he didn't respond to her throwing herself at him again.Couple of odd bits of continuity though:Gina says Martha phoned her "yesterday" but the conversation we saw was three episodes ago and several days have passed since then.Did she phone her again?Also, Liam describes Xavier as Martha's nephew.He isn't.At all.He's her late husband's cousin and her not-quite-as-late boyfriend's brother.Did he think she was married to Tony?!

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I've loved the latest episodes. There seems to be a more light heated tone to H&A lately, more about people's relationships rather than them running around solving murders, horrible past events emerging etc.

I also love the relationship between Martha and Liam, it is such a mess! Realistic: neither of them know what's going on :D I remember so much of this happening in my social circle when I was their age.

I agree with you H&ALover, I had tears in my eyes when we saw Byron in Marilyn's dream, but it was nice in a way to see him happy.

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