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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Some stuff in that episode that I really liked and some stuff that I really hated.Positives first:Miles and Rabbit.If you think very closely about what they said, then it seems that Rabbit isn't the ghost of Amber, she just wants everyone to think she is.

But if Rabbit isn't the ghost of Amber then who is she? If noone else can see her she must be a ghost (mustn't she)? I know it's said before surely Miles would recognise her if she was Amber, perhaps on some level he does, but on another hasn't wanted to for whatever reason. I had a thought about what Rabbit/Amber(?) said to Marilyn about it being 'their fault' Miles was in a strait jacket. Maybe it's because 'they' forced him to 'give up' Rabbit before he was ready. He did say to all of them it's having Rabbit around that is keeping him sane. When I could see Rabbit when she and Miles were talking it was O.K. but as soon as I saw him talking to an empty space it suddenly became quite unnerving. Was her causing him to fall down stairs a ruse to finally admit to the others what was going on and if so why? I must have been incredibly dense but it wasn't until Miles said he first saw Rabbit when he woke up on the beach two days after the Christmas party which would have made it very near the anniversary of the tsunami! The people in the bay are very lucky to have Rachel around, not only does she appear to be on call for all and sundry as a medical doctor, but she is also on hand to dispense psychiatric advice when ever it is needed! :rolleyes: I'm going to miss Rabbit/Amber whenever she has to go.

I'll skip over the Annie and Romeo scenes because as you say Red they were quite dull and quite superfleruous IMO. You were right though about the lack of security, O.K. so there were no lights on to alert anyone but even so! With all that was going on at Miles' they probably wouldn't have missed him, but you would have thought Irene would have been wonering where Annie was!

Rachel had a busy night, trying to sort Miles out, then round to Aden's to tell them the news about the blood! I'm guessing she told them first before telling the police which isn't a good idea! Did the fact that Justin was the one to sign him out mean Larry and Justin had been in contact? If Justin hated him so much why did he agree? Plus if the parole office knew where Larry was going to be staying (Justin would have had to give the prison an address) why hadn't they been in touch with Aden before now? Yes, Red, I believe the police did say they searched the crash area, but obviously not very well!!

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For pretty much the first time this year, certainly the first time since the first week of this year, I really found myself hating Aden.He seems to have regressed back to his old "Dad was a bad man, he deserves anything that happens to him, there's nothing wrong with killing him" attitude.Larry wasn't a bad man, certainly no more than Aden and Justin were and perhaps even are, he just never got the help they did.Aden really has retreated into denial and self-deception if he thinks they've got a hope of pulling this off, Justin's view seems a lot more realistic.Their lies are going to fall apart as soon as anyone checks it out, given that Aden told Rachel he spoke to Larry in prison when firstly he wasn't in prison at the time and secondly he's just told the police he hasn't had any contact with him.Charlie and Angelo obviously didn't believe a word of their story.It really does seem as though Rachel told Aden and Justin the DNA results but not the police, unless Charlie wasn't being careful with her language and meant that they'll get the rechecked results within 24 hours.I know they were both in shock but their assumptions about events don't seem to make much sense:They seem to be under the impression that Justin crashed the car, Larry helped him out of the wreckage and then for some reason Justin killed him.It would make much more sense if Larry was injured in the crash, found the strength to help Justin out but then collapsed from his injuries, Justin went to get help but succumbed to his head injury and Larry died.(Especially since the police found blood on the passenger seat, suggesting he was injured in the car.)

Seems odd that after spending the previous episode worrying about Miles, Alf is back at the bar only a few hours later, even if he did eventually mention him.Liked the little chat between Elijah and Angelo, with Angelo's wry "It went great, for one of us" when asked how the confession went. Wonder what he would have said if he'd known exactly what Elijah's secret was.Elijah's revelation to Leah felt like set-up for the more difficult conversation with VJ, who you just knew was going to hear something when he came up behind them.Leah's response that Vinnie was supposed to come back and get to know VJ seemed very odd given that she seemed to have pretty much accepted she'd never see him again and moved on with her life(you know, the bigamy?)but then I guess she had had a bit of a shock.

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What a grim episode.

Surely scenes of two brothers discussing the killing of their father and then burying him, are too gruesome for a soap shown at tea time. Don't young children watch Home and Away?

Aden seems to have transformed back into evil Aden, with all sorts of horrible schemes in his mind. I agree with Ranger that Larry wasn't a bad man, just an inadequate abused victim of his father, and obviously didn't get the help that Aden did with his emotional problems. More a sad man in need of pity, although I can see why his sons wouldn't see that.

And then we were shown Leah and VJ being told their husband/ father died horribly without seeing them again. Poor little VJ, he so wanted to see Vinnie.

This episode left me with a metaphorical bad taste in my mouth :unsure:

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What a grim episode.

Surely scenes of two brothers discussing the killing of their father and then burying him, are too gruesome for a soap shown at tea time. Don't young children watch Home and Away?

Aden seems to have transformed back into evil Aden, with all sorts of horrible schemes in his mind. I agree with Ranger that Larry wasn't a bad man, just an inadequate abused victim of his father, and obviously didn't get the help that Aden did with his emotional problems. More a sad man in need of pity, although I can see why his sons wouldn't see that.And then we were shown Leah and VJ being told their husband/ father died horribly without seeing them again. Poor little VJ, he so wanted to see Vinnie.

This episode left me with a metaphorical bad taste in my mouth :unsure:

Evil aden as you said, was actually never portrayed as evil. He was potrayed as a young boy with a breakdown last time he want "to kill his father", he was hysterical and out of his mind. He started with some help, to move on and to understand why things had happened the way they had... And even if he didn't want any contact with Larry he actually still cared about him. In ep 4732 he visited his father at the hospital, and ran out crying because he wasn't able to say that he loved his father even if he wanted to, it had happened to much, he barely could look his father in the eye.. and it was to soon after the breakdown. And in the clinic he realized "that a man can not save someone if he can't swim...".

So whats happening now is not connecting with the original storyline, and thats a shame. I've only read comments here and the summaries but are watching the abuse storyline, whats happened two years ago in UK and Aus, on Norwegian tv.... and it feels weird reading about whats going on now with this storyline, well its not finished yet... but.. :unsure:

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Hey, just a minute folks, we don't know for sure that Justin killed his dad. Maybe they swerved to miss a lizard in the road (happens a lot in QLD) and his dad wandered off injured to find help. Re lying to the police Aiden is just thinking of keeping his brother out of jail because he's family and a victim of their father, I don't think maturity has anything to do with it. Hmmm, pity they couldn't have burnt the body without causing a bush fire.

@Red Ranger 1. I agree, it looks like Romeo has had his brain sucked out and replaced with lime jelly. When he arrived he was a self assured surfer dude interested in girls, and now we're supposed to believe it was just a front? When Annie asked him about ex's he implied there hadn't been anyone...which stretches the imagination somewhat. I never realised Australian males were so much in contact with their feelings lol. There's only Alf and Aiden that display male characteristics.

@Idris. I wonder if the filmic lighting is intentional? Aus soaps appear to be lazily lit at times, I recall episodes of Neighbours where they appeared not to switch the studio lights on and the actors had a green grainy cast!

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Not quite sure what you mean Jodlebirger. I meant that Aden appeared evil for a long time before we found out about his background, he seems to have become scheming again, instead of the nice man he was becoming.

Psychic wombat: I know we don't know if Justin killed his father or not, but I meant it was a horrible gruesome topic for them to be discussing on a tea time programme, whether the father was murdered or not. It looked like a horror film with the dark, spooky forest and cold light.

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Psychic Wombat -

@Idris. I wonder if the filmic lighting is intentional? Aus soaps appear to be lazily lit at times, I recall episodes of Neighbours where they appeared not to switch the studio lights on and the actors had a green grainy cast!

Let's give 'em the benefit of the doubt. I did think the low lighting in the Diner was a Health and Safety thing - they had been forced to run with the emergency lights on for a few weeks after re-opening. Just in case...something similar... happened again. Not that it would in soap.

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Not quite sure what you mean Jodlebirger.I meant that Aden appeared evil for a long time before we found out about his background, he seems to have become scheming again, instead of the nice man he was becoming..

No he wasn't!! he was just portrayed like a average teenage boy with a chip on his shoulder... liked to party, a little bit full of himself, so secure on the outside but not on the inside. When he locked Geoff in the boot of Tony's car, a prank which could have gone totally wrong, and it was alcohol in the picture there. Of course it wasn't right, but how many young boys are like that? most of them, I suppose. And yes he bullied him at the football field, but you can find a lot of teenage bullies who aren't evil. And no we didn't know about the abuse at first, but all this was just used as background information later, and at that time it was good that a storyline was explored over long time. Kane for instance was more evil what he did were not pranks, he helped his brother kidnap Shauna, raped Danni and so on, aden were not like that he was more like Rick in his bully days but Ric became a stewart and then suddenly his past was forgotten and his violent behaviour was excused... And this storyline about Justin/aden and their fathers murder case is so coldhearted written and played, Adens other storylines were not like that, and therefore not true to the storyline they were telling.

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